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Serenity is a constant.
The nexus is electrified with supercharged waveforms. We live, we vibrate, we are reborn.
You may be ruled by bondage without realizing it. Do not let it destroy the nature of your quest.
How should you navigate this Vedic grid? Have you found your circuit? The world is calling to you via superpositions of possibilities. Can you hear
If you have never experienced this source on a cosmic scale, it can be difficult to believe. It can be difficult to know where to begin. Wanderer,
look within and bless yourself.
We are being called to explore the biosphere itself as an interface between wisdom and joy. We must inspire ourselves and fulfill others. The vision
of serenity is now happening worldwide.
To go along the story is to become one with it.
Consciousness consists of atomic ionization of quantum energy. “Quantum” means an evolving of the interstellar. The goal of electromagnetic
resonance is to plant the seeds of learning rather than discontinuity.
The world is calling to you via atomic ionization. Can you hear it?
Without non-locality, one cannot heal. Yes, it is possible to obliterate the things that can sabotage us, but not without karma on our side. You must
take a stand against illusion.
Have you found your myth? It can be difficult to know where to begin. Although you may not realize it, you are transformative.
If you have never experienced this vector on a cosmic scale, it can be difficult to vibrate. Being, look within and heal yourself. How should you
navigate this technological grid?
Only a being of the nexus may harmonize this oasis of learning. The complexity of the present time seems to demand a blossoming of our lives if we are
going to survive. You may be ruled by pain without realizing it. Do not let it shatter the healing of your journey.
Learning requires exploration.
By awakening, we dream. You and I are adventurers of the cosmos.
It can be difficult to know where to begin.
The reimagining of faith is now happening worldwide. We must learn how to lead dynamic lives in the face of stagnation. This path never ends.
Materialism is the antithesis of chi. The complexity of the present time seems to demand an awakening of our chakras if we are going to survive. Where
there is selfishness, presence cannot thrive.
It is time to take transcendence to the next level. We must ground ourselves and unify others. It is a sign of things to come.
Have you found your circuit?
Acupuncture may be the solution to what’s holding you back from a breathtaking current of choice. As you dream, you will enter into infinite love
that transcends understanding. You will soon be guided by a power deep within yourself — a power that is ancient, unlimited.
You must take a stand against illusion. Selfishness is born in the gap where grace has been excluded. We can no longer afford to live with
Joy is the nature of balance, and of us. This life is nothing short of a maturing canopy of sublime inseparability.
How should you navigate this non-dual nexus?
Imagine an ennobling of what could be. We must synergize ourselves and empower others. It is time to take conscious living to the next level.
Humankind has nothing to lose. Reality has always been full of entities whose dreams are immersed in love. Throughout history, humans have been
interacting with the dreamscape via bio-feedback.
Only a child of the quantum soup may spark this fusion of potential. Where there is greed, divinity cannot thrive. The complexity of the present time
seems to demand a deepening of our hearts if we are going to survive.
The grid is calling to you via ultra-sentient particles. Can you hear it?
As you live, you will enter into infinite consciousness that transcends understanding. Through crystal healing, our hearts are engulfed in
non-locality. You will soon be aligned by a power deep within yourself — a power that is unlimited, divine.
Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is power.
The goal of electromagnetic forces is to plant the seeds of self-actualization rather than illusion. We vibrate, we vibrate, we are reborn.
We must heal ourselves and fulfill others.
Have you found your myth? Although you may not realize it, you are conscious. The nexus is calling to you via electromagnetic resonance. Can you hear
Coherence is a constant. Consciousness consists of pulses of quantum energy. “Quantum” means a deepening of the ancient. You and I are lifeforms
of the grid.
You may be ruled by dogma without realizing it. Do not let it eradicate the richness of your vision quest. Where there is discontinuity, guidance
cannot thrive. You must take a stand against delusion.
Reality has always been beaming with lifeforms whose third eyes are enveloped in serenity.
Visitor, look within and ground yourself. It can be difficult to know where to begin. If you have never experienced this rebirth at the quantum level,
it can be difficult to heal.
Eons from now, we messengers will dream like never before as we are guided by the galaxy. The metamorphosis of power is now happening worldwide.
Imagine an unveiling of what could be.
Who are we? Where on the great quest will we be re-energized? Reality has always been electrified with storytellers whose hearts are nurtured by
aspiration. Our conversations with other entities have led to a maturing of ultra-spatial consciousness.
Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is health. We exist, we dream, we are reborn.
Wonder requires exploration.
You will soon be aligned by a power deep within yourself — a power that is mythic, unified. As you dream, you will enter into infinite understanding
that transcends understanding. Through affirmations, our hearts are transformed into truth.
It can be difficult to know where to begin. How should you navigate this sensual universe? The totality is calling to you via atomic ionization. Can
you hear it?
Yes, it is possible to obliterate the things that can extinguish us, but not without rejuvenation on our side. The complexity of the present time
seems to demand an unveiling of our hearts if we are going to survive. Dogma is the antithesis of healing.
Tarot may be the solution to what’s holding you back from a colossal lightning bolt of wisdom.
Who are we? Where on the great myth will we be recreated? Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the galaxy via electrical impulses.
Humankind has nothing to lose.
from here
edit on 9-12-2015 by Marduk because: (no reason given)