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Shock Video: Cop Executes Man as He is Lying Face Down and Complying

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posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 09:19 AM
i don't know how any of those jurors can sleep at night knowing they just let this woman off the hook for cold blooded murder.

i couldn't stop cringing hearing the constant clicking sound of that taser. she just wouldn't let up off the trigger. and the mans on his stomach, face in the ground, hands in front of his head.

i feel like him being electrocuted like that is the reason he kept moving his hands away from above his head. i feel like he literally couldn't help involuntarily trying to move his hands to defend himself in someway. i mean he's basically being slowly tortured and then shot in the back twice. and all it started with was an expired inspection? how the f*ck can you justify the outcome of this situation? and the cop has NO repercussions at all? shes not punished AT ALL? no probation no unpaid leave, i mean jesus christ this is disgusting.

so she just gets to go back to being on duty after this?

i don't understand why she didnt just put her knee in his back or on his neck and proceed to cuff him while his hands were obviously empty and above his head?

i feel like she had ample time to approach him and restrain him but she just kept standing there pumping him full of juice with the taser. and there was no direct action on his part that would warrant the switch being flipped to, "i need to shoot this man to save myself". i mean she could have shot him anywhere from that close, but she executes him with two shots to the center mass. blood thirsty display of power. god help us all.
edit on 6-11-2015 by CallmeRaskolnikov because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 09:24 AM
Well, if he got out of his car and RAN as the report says when he was pulled over, then why does this surprise anyone? If he had complied from the VERY BEGINNING, I am quite sure none of this would have happened. So the old man brought this on to himself.

Was that cop suppose to just let him get away or something? She was doing her job. He looked suspicious because he ran. When someone runs from the cops, its usually because they are up to no good. This put the cop into high alert I am sure and anything this guy did from that point on (hands in pockets etc) sent threatening vibes. If I were a cop in this situation and someone ran from me and then turned around at some point during the chase and put their hands into their pockets, I'd most likely shoot them too.

This old man had his chance in the very beginning but didn't comply. When he took off and ran, all bets were off at that point.

edit on 6-11-2015 by Bloodydagger because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 09:26 AM
Just disturbing... Disturbing how these police departments allow such unqualified people to patrol our streets with firearms and the okay to use excessive force when needed... This lady is so wrong is this video, I'm struggling to wrap my mind around it... Ummm, no sh*t the guy will be flailing when you're tazing him over and over again... So damn clueless, and now a man lost his life because some female cop didn't know how to control a situation of a traffic stop and allowed it to get so far out of hand..

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: RazielBlaze
I am honestly just so depressed. We keep seeing this stuff all the time and it just keeps getting worse and less is being said about it.

Everyone is getting so desensitized to it and if you bring it up you are considered a loon and shunned.

I am so tired of seeing this nonsense while feeling like I have to not talk about it.

I am so afraid of this country that I am raising my kids in and truly fear how bad it will get for them later.I am so afraid of this country that I am raising my kids in and truly fear how bad it will get for them later.

That is exactly what they want. They want us beaten into submission and paralyzed with fear.

As an old fart, I view it one of two ways. If my life is on the line, I can lay down or I can run like hell. In the end, dead is dead, but I am not going to just lay down and make it easy for them.

There is no way my body would allow me to lay face down with my face and hands in snow and ice, being tazed, without moving. I would be fighting my body's demand to get away from the wet, ice and snow, and my mind's demands to remain still. I think his conflict was observeable.

At no time did she appear in eminent danger for her life. As some have already noted. Back-up was on its way. All she had to do was wait a few minutes. But if she did that, she would have lost the opportunity to put another notch in her belt, and the round of high fives by her fellow cult members.

I also agree that all these videos should go viral. Then people will stop the bull crap about who's life matters more. We are all victims and we are all targets. We can't afford ourselves the luxury of playing the Stars Upon Thars game.

We can't stop this from happening by being afraid or by being divided.

edit on 6-11-2015 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: Mobile is not posting friendly.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 09:37 AM
Cops who cannot control their emotions ... should not be cops.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: frostie
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Of course they're good cops, but

I hope you're not ignoring the epidemic of police brutality in this Country.


posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: Bloodydagger

So fear and possible guilt justifies the death penalty?

We can save ourselves a lot of money and do away with laws, courts, and of course lawyers.

All we need is to make sure the Robo Cops have plenty of ammunition.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: alienjuggalo

Who let that lil boy have a gun?

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 10:00 AM
I'm a cop defender to all extents but I will not back up ones that I deem as unnecessary like this one was. Some of you already stated that she panicked and that is exactly what happened. The man was getting tasered constantly and we wonder why he couldn't comply? For # sakes that is the job of the taser, to incapacitate ones abilities. Murder is maybe going a bit to far but for sure this was voluntary manslaughter in my opinion.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: alienjuggalo

Im dying to meet one of those irrational cops screaming and shouting. it will be one of our last mistakes... and i have still yet to go sky diving.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 10:01 AM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: Bloodydagger

So fear and possible guilt justifies the death penalty?

I'm sorry, but anyone who runs from the Police are guilty of something. When you RUN, you're automatically guilty anyway. Anyone who is innocent and has nothing to hide will comply with the Law at the very start and things will go well and you'll both go home (maybe with a ticket or something) but at least you're not going home in a body bag because you douched out and ran like an idiot making a bad situation even worse.

Make it easy on the cops, they'll make it easy on you. Simple as that. I have had many run in's with the Law and not once was the situation threatening. Its always been cordial. Yeah, I have gotten speeding tickets before and other violations, but not once was a gun pulled nor was I ever told to get on the ground or anything.

Its all about how you handle these situations. If you're a Cop hater and do nothing but talk crap to the Cop or run, yeah, its going to be a bad day for you. Remember, Cops are human too and they want to go home to their family just like you. They don't want to chase you down. All they want to do is give you a warning or a ticket and send you on their way and vice versa.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 10:04 AM
Here comes the accusations of bias toward me, I'm sure, but read my whole comment first.

Yes, the guy was on the ground, and yes, he had been tased for quite some time, but the reality of the situation is that he kept moving one or both hands toward the inside of the his jacket near his chest. He did it at these marks that I can see: left 0:38, left 1:09-1:18 (both shots fired during this time), right 1:23, both 1:53, both 2:01.

Now for the part that you really need to pay attention to before you lambast me...

I'm an absolute advocate of LEOs using deadly force as a last resort, and their training should hone reaction times when they already have their weapon drawn so that they don't fire until they believe that they see a weapon, not just the possible body movement that may indicate that they're reaching for one.'re being tased, and being told to keep your hand where the officer can see them--multiple times on both accounts. If you are dumb enough to keep moving one or both hands toward the underneath of your body or inside of a jacket, you have to understand that you could be shot--there are enough instances in both reality and television/movies to have this reality burned into your subconscious. So to keep ignoring officer's commands to keep your hands where they can see them is a pure definition of ignorance and stupidity.

Couple those movements with the fact that there is obviously someone angrily screaming at you who is in support of the suspect, escalating the tension and concern and potential danger of the situation for the officer, I can see how it could be presented to the jury as deadly force used because the officer determined that there was a threat.


It would have taken more than what I see here to indicate to me as a juror that this was murder. However, it would not have taken much more to indicate to me that the officer is guilty of a lesser offense, such as manslaughter. What I can't seem to find anywhere is whether the prosecutors took lesser offenses off of the table and only went with murder. If that's the case, as I see it, the jury's hands were tied in this one and they made the legally appropriate call. But, if they could have gone with a lesser offense, then I think that they missed the mark.


Kassick should not have fled the traffic stop, nor the secondary attempt to stop him at his sister's house. Kassick should have been complying with the Mearkle's commands to keep his hands visible to her. His refusals to do so is what created the officer's concern for her safety and her interpretation that he was a threat--a perfectly reasonable interpretation by anyone trained to handle these situations. BUT, I think she was perfectly capable of using her bodyweight to keep him on the ground while she cuffed him and detained him in lieu of firing her weapon. I think it was reckless since there was no visible confirmation of a weapon, let alone one directed at her. I think she was in the wrong for firing her weapon, but I think that she was in the right in determining that his actions showed a high possibility that he could be a threat to her physical safety.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: jhn7537
Cops who cannot control their emotions ... should not be cops.

There is a big problem with that however. The motion of anger is not the one I'll refer to but mainly the emotion of fear. When one is in fear they tend to do things they wouldn't do under normal circumstances. Too many cop killers over the years have put police forces on edge all across our country. The simple traffic stop, like this one, is how a lot of them start. The individual decided to run so right there is going to be your first big red flag. In a cops mind they have to think what has this guy done to run and if he's willing to run then he may have a gun (lol no rhyme intended there).

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: Bloodydagger
Do know that what you are saying gives the cops the right to kill on their whim and by their discretion?

Do you also know that for a cop to kill, even the guilty, just because they ran away, now makes that cop a criminal, so who gets to kill the guilty cop?

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

I see, you're a cop hater. All Cops are criminals and murderers etc to you. Logic on this whole subject escapes you.

Carry on.
edit on 6-11-2015 by Bloodydagger because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: Bloodydagger

# that! we got cops executing people in the #en streets, and all you and another poster want to say, "he got what was coming to him" # that bull#. Hell, we got cops executing themselves in the streets blaming it on civilians, and then ATS taking a mother #en moment of silence for these asswipes. I'm done, if you can't tell this is WRONG there is no hope, you might as well live under a fascist regime(we will soon don't you worry) our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves, America died with it's hands up, being tazed, and shot in the back in the cold snow. This is WRONG, no if's, and's, or but's, about it everyone if there is a reason, ONE single reason to resist, to revolt that reason is spelled out by our founding fathers, that reason is ABUSE of POWER aka tyranny. I do not know how much more of this WE as Americans can take. This is just another brick in the wall.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: Bloodydagger

All cops are not criminals! But some are and they are executing people in the street, don't make a straw man there is no need for that! It shifts focus, let's run through this again a man was executed lying face down, and the cop got away with murder! This story is becoming par the course in the national mind, how sad is that? All cops are not evil, but the ones murdering and getting away with it is quite frankly scary as #! And should be a reflection of the disease that is rife in our government and our culture, we should take moments of silence for our murdered and our falsely imprisoned, is this the kind of government and society our forefathers wanted? Answer that question honestly and get back to me.
edit on 6-11-2015 by TechniXcality because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 10:30 AM

originally posted by: Bloodydagger
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

I see, you're a cop hater. All Cops are criminals and murderers etc to you. Logic on this whole subject escapes you.
Carry on.

Then your vision is distorted. I have nothing but admiration and even gratitude, towards law enforcement. I work side by side with them, and I see the amazing work they do. However, I do also see the less than admirable side of many of the LEO's.

A very minuscule part of you statement is true. I do hate rogue cops and I hate cops that abuse their authority.

Unlike you, I do not give them a free pass. I hold them to a higher standard, and have greater expectations from them then I do from a criminal.

Again dealing with the minuscule truth in you statement; yes, your logic on this whole subject does escape me.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: SlapMonkey

I asked the same thing. What about lesser included offenses? Does PA allow them? If yes, were they pursued? If not, why not? What kind of job did the DA do?

I don't see this rising to the level of murder but it certainly could've been something else.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 10:32 AM
It's really sad that she got off totally free and is returning to the police department.... sigh

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