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WEAPONS CACHE Found Hidden at Swedish Migrant Center

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posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: schadenfreude

Well now, History repeats itself...

originally posted by: schadenfreude
It's insane, the whole thing is crazy. Either these govts are allowing themselves to become over-run in the name of PC, (which I don't believe b/c powerful ppl don't take orders from anyone unless they're more powerful themselves) OR there really is a cabal, and some clock/event/ritual w/e happened & now we have a new arab spring in Europe.

Young men, with weapons, who are refugees?! These aren't cowards. (I sure don't have the guts to blow myself up) And yet, if they have access to firearms, why aren't they fighting back against those making them run?


Of course it doesn't, those of us already awake predicted the possibility. People have been warning about these things for years. But many folks were too lazy to even research the data. Now, watch as events unfold. Much more to come, you can bet on it. This is the calm before the storm.

edit on th2015000000Fridayth000000Fri, 06 Nov 2015 12:07:52 -0600fAmerica/ChicagoFri, 06 Nov 2015 12:07:52 -0600 by SoulSurfer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: Hecate666

however the latter ones should worry YOU!

Yeah... no. We've had more problems with Right-Wing-Terror. Did we see one Muslim committing arson on German housings in the first half of this year? No? Well... 150 Asylum Seeker shelters were burned to the ground during that time thanks to some retarded Neo-Nazis, this is plain terror.

YOU should think about that for a brief moment. People get hurt and traumatized, some even die. And for what? Stupid fearmongery and xenophobic BS, thanks a lot! Frankly? I don't need your advise, you need mine.
edit on 6-11-2015 by PublicOpinion because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
a reply to: schadenfreude

Some here do not care if we are being invaded, they hope that we are, they feel the west Is finally getting what we "deserve". Personally this story sounds like potential hogwash we will see where this goes, however in my eyes Islam is on the move and it is completely incompatible with the west and our beliefs and standards.

now the story may have reasonable ends and outs, or it may be utter bs,but a picture can tell you a story, what story does this tell you?
From the source:

The religion of peace, and people wonder why we have legitment concerns of compatibility...

The picture tells me that the owner of the iPhone should charge the phone soon.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: notmyrealname

should charge the phone soon.

Nah, it's an iPhone. I think the world would be better off without and thegatewaypundit sounds like a good start.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 03:42 PM

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 05:30 AM
I find it odd that people find it so shocking that its getting toward the Muslim Land grab era, the Radicals have never made it a secret that they plan to out breed and take over Europe and the US, they scream it on every Arab TV station and daily in these radical countries. The have been saying convert or die for ages and they have brainwashed so many men that they will do whatever is asked of them, all they needed was the freedom to move in to place, and now they have been granted that.

Between that and the home grown radicalisation of the young through out our countries we are now on the cusp of them taking the plan a next step. And of course thanks to idiots like Merkel and the Liberal fools in Sweden etc we have given these radicals more power than the average man or woman, allowed them to infiltrate important jobs even though they are well known for their radical ideals. We call some 'moderates' when no such type of Muslim exists, there are ordinary muslims and radicals, these moderates are simply Radicals being allowed to pretend they are moderate in order to gain loyalties and power, as soon as they have them the mask is dropped and their real nature is shown. Only today there was a Middle East story about some 'Moderates' who celebrated a battle by beheading the Syrian soldiers, sound like any one, hardly a 'moderate' stance.

Soon the attacks will start, the abuse of women will spike even higher and demands for ultra Mosques will start, villages and towns will be targeted and turned Muslim and so on goes the sad story..

The question simply is, when it kicks off, will we fold or fight?
edit on 7-11-2015 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 06:20 AM

originally posted by: Mclaneinc
I find it odd that people find it so shocking that its getting toward the Muslim Land grab era, the Radicals have never made it a secret that they plan to out breed and take over Europe and the US, they scream it on every Arab TV station and daily in these radical countries. The have been saying convert or die for ages and they have brainwashed so many men that they will do whatever is asked of them, all they needed was the freedom to move in to place, and now they have been granted that.

Between that and the home grown radicalisation of the young through out our countries we are now on the cusp of them taking the plan a next step. And of course thanks to idiots like Merkel and the Liberal fools in Sweden etc we have given these radicals more power than the average man or woman, allowed them to infiltrate important jobs even though they are well known for their radical ideals. We call some 'moderates' when no such type of Muslim exists, there are ordinary muslims and radicals, these moderates are simply Radicals being allowed to pretend they are moderate in order to gain loyalties and power, as soon as they have them the mask is dropped and their real nature is shown. Only today there was a Middle East story about some 'Moderates' who celebrated a battle by beheading the Syrian soldiers, sound like any one, hardly a 'moderate' stance.

Soon the attacks will start, the abuse of women will spike even higher and demands for ultra Mosques will start, villages and towns will be targeted and turned Muslim and so on goes the sad story..

The question simply is, when it kicks off, will we fold or fight?

Seems like every time refugees are created in the middle east sooner or later terrorist groups pop up from them. Though I am starting to have doubts these are refugees fleeing syria and think many of them are simply economic migrants. When I see ratios like 72 percent of them are men 13 percent are women and 15 percent children you have to wonder why so few women and children are leaving?? This means only a small percentage are families fleeing the country.

Seems to me the numbers would be different with most being women and children and very few males but maybe this is just how the west operates protect Women and children first. Maybe do to culture in the middle east they deem both less important?

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: sHuRuLuNi

originally posted by: eisegesis

Ignorance can be taken advantage, especially when it comes to religion. Take a look around.

I know that. What irks me the most is when my RELIGION is accused of something based on the ACTIONS of INDIVIDUALS.

The motto of this Forum is "Deny ignorance", so we should be doing this, thus I do not really care what Atta said or did not say ... I care however when people here try to tell ME what my holy book says, and they read maybe ONE translation at that, without even the slightest comparison or study of the original language.

What IS your religion based upon.

I do not think any of you actually have a clue as to what it is all about, and for sure do not dare to try and find out.

I for one await the moments when all religious and scientificly scammed people realize for at least a few seconds, that they have completely and UTTERLY been had.

That energy will be incredibly powerful and precise, but we will make sure to NOT ALLOW the hidden masters to use it, and it will all be lost to them.

No matter what, your religion and all the rest's days are numbered, the countdown is worth watching now!

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: Texasmikec
The older I get, the crazier it seems our world is getting. Why would any rational nation want a group of people to live in their land when that group has ZERO plans to assimilate but real plans to CHANGE the nation? I don't understand it. The Middle East's Muslims want a caliphate, not just a place to hang their hat.

Man, the people are actually being told in Europe that if they are nice to the immigrants everyone will see the error of religion, and change over to match the atheistic " secular " world, and it will happen within one generation, nicely.

The people who DO want a better nicer world are being used here, this plan is not going to go well for anyone, for the organizers are NOT for the people, ANY PEOPLE.

Hey, I can also imagine a world, all finally closer together and wars eliminated, many want this, and are now trying hard to make this happen, but they do not realize just how easy it will be, TO WRECK THE PEACE, all it takes is one definitive movement ANYWHERE, and everything will be on FIRE.

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: schadenfreude

Well, we know it can't be that hard to get weapons smuggled into Europe.

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