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Death Is An Illusion Created By Our Consciousness, Says Quantum Physics

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posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 12:21 AM
I'm so
that people
their delusions and get the
that they need to drop the
Reexamine the true nature of death. Even the smartest Native American could not see the Santa Maria because ships did not exist.

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: Informer1958

Sounds nice and all, but really creepy stuff also exist in the afterlife. Malevolent entities, etc... Wouldn't want to get there unprepared.

OP's linked article confirms my hunch that money is there to blind us to catch us by total surprised in the afterlife.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 04:53 AM
It's not just death that is an illusion, everything else is as well. Take a seat and watch.

Check this out, I believe that I have found a "rough" scientific method (Philo) that literally tears down the 3 dimensions of time, space and material. And if this hypothesis is correct than it would suggest both God and Heaven are A LOT closer than anyone's ever thought. Here's how it goes.

1. More recently accredited university scientists have tested and successfully proven that Telepathy is real. Telepathy has been proven scientifically. Enter source Smithsonian -

2. If indeed telepathy has been proven then this would suggest that the "space" or distance between us, is an illusion.

3. If space is an illusion, and we know through science that when we look across vast distances of space, we see that time begins to bend. This scientific logic suggests that if Space is an illusion, then time must also be an illusion due to its behavior across vast distances of space. Source - Basic Logic

4. With two of the dimensions smashed we now look to smash the 3rd and final dimension, material. At its smallest form there are only two base materials, particles, and waves. And when we perform the double wave experiment in science we find at the end of this experiment that, "matter, behaves differently when observed". What this means is that if nothing behind you is being observed, that there could be anything from a black hole to your craziest imagination happening behind you. That is, until you turn to "observe" it. For as you turn to observe, it all collapses back into order (Your reality). Source - Double Wave Experiment.

As you can see, placing all 3 of these together and finding a fully collapsed state damn near nullifies our existence., Or perhaps I should say, nullifies our "physical" existence. Deeper logic would even suggest that something had to of went awfully wrong in our past. Its what locked us all into this 3d pain plain.

So now I must ask you, that if indeed what I have suggested here is true, then how far away are you from the loved ones who passed before you? I'd have to say that they aren't very far away from us, not very far at all. In fact, they are all here with us at this very moment, its just that we have yet to fully develop our next evolution of senses and abilities with the unseen energies. This too shall come. Call it Spiritual Evolution. God meet Darwin. Darwin, God.


a reply to: Informer1958

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 10:56 PM
Hello all. Been a member for a bit but my first post. So.. Here it goes..

A few years ago I was an avid consumer of the synthetic cannabis. I loved the high because it made me feel like my mind was, (for lack of better words) a bit more powerful. On one occasion I blacked out or possibly died. It was the oddest experience. I'd smoked and the next thing I knew I was in this... place. I'd not yet realized what was happening but I remember still being "in my mind" or conscious. I could only see. I saw squares made up of smaller blocks of four colored squares. Blue, gray, purple, and black. It started with the one square of the four colors then unfolded like a book opening into two squares. Then unfolded north and south into two more. And kept going and going. The oddest and most uncomfortable part was the feeling that there was no time. Hard to explain. As I became aware of what was happening, I could hear my television which was less than a foot or two away, as if it was off in the distance. Slowly it occurred to me that I was not in my body. I could feel my body vomiting at this point and then remembered my children were supposed to be coming and thought I've got to get back and kept repeating the thought. Eventually came to laying on the floor in a pool of vomit and my watch face was cracked.

I assume this was an experience of death. I felt like I was gone for hours. However it was maybe ten minutes.

Well that's my contribution.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: johndeere2020

I agree, there are Malevolent entities out there, and it is very easy to open a portal that can let them in.

Once this happens it is very hard to close these portals.

I am convinced some are demonic, and some are alien. I believe these entities are in their own dimension and are always looking for ways to come in our dimension to reek havoc.

Who and what they are, will always be a mystery. Whenever there is good, there has to be bad, in order to keep balance.

You cannot have one without the other.

Remember, love is the enemy of evil.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 12:26 AM
a reply to: Informer1958

Who and what they are, will always be a mystery. Whenever there is good, there has to be bad, in order to keep balance.

well yeah, there are a lot of mysteries, and slowly we are finding out some of them by science.
But there are other ways, more direct to get to the truth or at least some aspect of it. It is called spirituality or by some others the occult or by other mysticism. This is just a label for something unknown and definitions vary from person to person. It is best to not get caught in them, they are just words...

There are many users on ats, who are exploring this stuff and have created or shared a lot but this is rarely taken as something more as ramblings or fantasy stories, because it sound so out of the box for a materialist, for instance OBEs. We have huge thread with a lot of stories. But many are not even bothering to share any more because they are treated with ridicule and laughter. Even though they had to put a lot of work into right action to get some result.

It is so wired to me, that we can be so divided on such basic thing. Like are we only body and mind, or is there deeper aspect of us. Maybe this is supposed to be like this? I dunno.
But to any curious person, the answers are just a step away. But it will require work and serious practice or study to get anywhere in these fields. And normal social life is so full of events and distractions that we lose ourself in them and this must be dropped if one wants to find out. Culture is not your friend in this context.

So the only question, you should ask is:
What do I really want to know and how much are you prepared to sacrifice for it?

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 12:43 AM
a reply to: UniFinity

So the only question, you should ask is:
What do I really want to know and how much are you prepared to sacrifice for it?

I agree.

You asked a very good question.

What I really want to know is, what really is the after life? Is it an illusion with consciousness and awareness? Or is it a dimension that is physical?

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: Informer1958
I would suggest you to try to consciously astral project, if you didn't already... This would give you a lot of insight into your queries. AP is not difficult to achieve. Maybe the most important part is the conviction to do it. If you already can remember almost all dreams, than AP is just a step away. Just don't stop trying and you will succeed sooner or later. And meditation helps a lot because of better mind control.

For many, first there are lucid dreams, than AP comes soon after that. This is very amazing experience and I would love if everybody could do it. Then there should be no doubt about life after death and people would be nicer

The key to astral projection is that you don't fall asleep. That's it! Wake up an hour before you were planing, do your business in WC and wash your face, than go back to bed. Than the only thing you must do is be concious only of your breathing and have closed eyes all the time. Never open your eyes! And try to breath as relaxed as possible. If you are successful you will wake up near your bed while the body is sleeping.

This is how it was for me at least and still is.

I think that in death, there is a similar experience. You are in your astral body the moment physical dies. But what happens after that transition is probably different for every person or animal. Take into account that in astral world every thought can get manifested as soon as you think it. So desires and mental state at the time of death play a large part about what happens to you.

This is a brief explanation from the ancient people who explored these things. Like yogies and other spiritual masters. If you like reading spiritual (not religious!) stuff, I cannot recommend enough this book:

or another great book is the Tibetan book of the death. Main purpose of this book is describing exactly what is happening after our body dies and even give instructions to get the most out of death. For them, this is MOST important moment, because they believe there is a great change to get direct to enlightenment, for everyone - not just monks!

All your answers are in there. If they have it right or no, that is for each reader to decide for himself. I believe that there is truth in it! But if I would not have experience with prana or AP already, than probably I would be doubtful, but I am not...

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: Informer1958

I think words like "life" and "death" refer to biological processes and that in that sense, they are true. I'm not sure that if the heart stops beating, it's just an illusion and that in fact the heart is still beating. Honestly, I'm not sure what to believe here, but if death is not real, but rather the freeing of consciousness from an earthly trapped body, then the idea of a collective consciousness would be true. If there is nothing after death, then materialists are correct.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: IAM13

evolution and creationism are incomparable. they address entirely different questions, employ entirely different methods, and hold themselves to entirely different standards.

"that would be nice if it were true" is not a sound basis for buddying up the two.

posted on Nov, 24 2015 @ 06:39 PM
Wow, I'm amazed to finally find some people who share my beliefs. It's vindicating in a way.
I know that we are multidimensional beings. I'm not going to really repeat my beliefs, because they are pretty much in line with everything you wrote.
I think that the body and our consciousness or soul, are definitely two different things.
Thank you

posted on Nov, 24 2015 @ 09:18 PM
I think death is real. I think we're deeply afraid of it subconsciously. Instincts evolved over large lengths of time have given us some protection against the death anxiety. The "afterlife" is an instinct.

BUT I'm open the possibility there might be one. I just have to default and say there's no empirical evidence to support it.

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 01:35 AM

originally posted by: Informer1958


"The study of consciousness has gained a huge amount of attention over the past decade as we begin to not only realize more about the true nature of our world, but as the growing desire to truly discover ourselves becomes something we can’t ignore any longer.

Quantum physics may have just proven that there is an afterlife. Scientist Robert Lanza claims that the theory of biocentrism teaches that death as we know it is an illusion created by our consciousness.
Professor Robert Lanza claims that life creates the universe, and not the other way around. Lanza is no newbie to controversy. He has been working with cloning and stem cell research for over a decade and with his new book Biocentrism, he is attracting even more controversy. While his ideas are ahead of their time, it doesn’t help that the current scientific community is very opposed to new ideas and change.

This means space and time doesn’t exist in the linear fashion we think it does and he uses the famous double-split experiment to illustrate his point. According to Lanzas study, if space and time aren’t linear, then death can’t exist in any real sense either. When it comes to these ideas, they are usually known on an intuitive level and later move towards being proven at a scientific level.

I personally feel that we give so much weight to our rational, objective left brained mind that we lose sight of a world that exists right alongside it. There is a whole other side to us and this world that we close ourselves off to in order to stay as scientific as possible. This is one of the greatest hindrances we can put ourselves through as one of the most powerful tools we have, our intuition/heart brain, is then cast aside. The same thinking that allows us to realize amazing scientific discoveries can also get us stuck in scientific delusions should we not stay open to change.

We are seeing this in a huge way as we look at the divides that are being created in the medical and scientific fields. Some are holding onto old ways, while others see what has been right in front of us the whole time, simply by thinking with more than just the mind (with the heart.) It’s important to note that although these ideas seem and are profound, they have been known for a long while but simply have not been accepted by current culture ( via )." copied. READ MORE:

Do you believe that death is an illusion created by our consciousness?

This makes sense to me, as I have always believe there is an after life. I had many experiences in my life and had contact from deceased love ones, and still do.

I believe the deep subconscious lies outside our bodies.

So ATSer's what your take that death is an illusion?

My guru Nisargadatta Maharaj dispelled the CONcept of an Afterlife. God will die. Consciousness will die but not You. Who are You ? What are ?

Awareness imagines consciousness. Consciousness needs awareness but awareness does not need consciousness and stands outside of time space.

consciousness only last 100 billion trillion years. Its all an illusion. You are the only reality. You think you are the monkey form? You mistaken. You are the formless immortal. All is born in You. You are the God of God. You are the limitless being.
edit on 25-11-2015 by Thiaoouba Prophecy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 05:09 AM
This is really quite amazing informer 1958 because member sleeper (Lou Baldin) said this already in Jan, 19 2006.

“Some people have to die to learn how to live-----those who have died are more alive than those who are on this planet---and think that they are alive.

Life and death are both illusion

People on this planet are here because they are not perfect

The trip to perfection is a long and treacherous journey----and not achieve easily in one life-----most people require many lifetimes to get there.”

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 10:06 AM
Interesting claims, unlikly to be true though as no one understands quantum mech.

Also the source claims: '"While his ideas are ahead of their time, it doesn’t help that the current scientific community is very opposed to new ideas and change." This is deliberate disinfo - the scientific community welcomes any new ideas and change - it's the lack of any proof or evidence on this topic which is making them rightly skeptical as it's not scientific.

posted on Nov, 27 2015 @ 04:29 AM
a reply to: bastion

You did not read the thread, there are scientists , Doctors and people that have experienced all linked in this thread.

I suggest you watch this documentary

edit on 27-11-2015 by blaenau2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2016 @ 07:03 PM
My mother died recently. She was hospitalized in ICU. Doctors said she was getting better. I was at home sleeping, it was 6:30 AM, I was getting some rest from all the rush I had been through. Suddenly i woke up with a shock. Nothing was happening around me I could blame. I just got out of bed and went to the bathroom. While there the phone rang. It was the hospital calling to tell me they have been trying to reanimate my mother after a cardiac/respiratory collapse for 20 minutes with no success. They just gave up some minutes before. How does quantum physics theorize about that? Oh!....right!!.....for them it is all about randomness!

I simply don't buy it!!

posted on Jan, 8 2016 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: Informer1958

That doesn't really explain the corpse.

posted on Jan, 8 2016 @ 07:44 PM

originally posted by: Informer1958


"The study of consciousness has gained a huge amount of attention over the past decade as we begin to not only realize more about the true nature of our world, but as the growing desire to truly discover ourselves becomes something we can’t ignore any longer.

Quantum physics may have just proven that there is an afterlife. Scientist Robert Lanza claims that the theory of biocentrism teaches that death as we know it is an illusion created by our consciousness.
Professor Robert Lanza claims that life creates the universe, and not the other way around. Lanza is no newbie to controversy. He has been working with cloning and stem cell research for over a decade and with his new book Biocentrism, he is attracting even more controversy. While his ideas are ahead of their time, it doesn’t help that the current scientific community is very opposed to new ideas and change.

This means space and time doesn’t exist in the linear fashion we think it does and he uses the famous double-split experiment to illustrate his point. According to Lanzas study, if space and time aren’t linear, then death can’t exist in any real sense either. When it comes to these ideas, they are usually known on an intuitive level and later move towards being proven at a scientific level.

I personally feel that we give so much weight to our rational, objective left brained mind that we lose sight of a world that exists right alongside it. There is a whole other side to us and this world that we close ourselves off to in order to stay as scientific as possible. This is one of the greatest hindrances we can put ourselves through as one of the most powerful tools we have, our intuition/heart brain, is then cast aside. The same thinking that allows us to realize amazing scientific discoveries can also get us stuck in scientific delusions should we not stay open to change.

We are seeing this in a huge way as we look at the divides that are being created in the medical and scientific fields. Some are holding onto old ways, while others see what has been right in front of us the whole time, simply by thinking with more than just the mind (with the heart.) It’s important to note that although these ideas seem and are profound, they have been known for a long while but simply have not been accepted by current culture ( via )." copied. READ MORE:

Do you believe that death is an illusion created by our consciousness?

This makes sense to me, as I have always believe there is an after life. I had many experiences in my life and had contact from deceased love ones, and still do.

I believe the deep subconscious lies outside our bodies.

So ATSer's what your take that death is an illusion?

Yes absolutely I think this guy has a great insight. I would hate to have to go through all the rigmarole my self, but if we are honest after a great deal of thought we all seem to come to the same conclusion. Oh my G$#% I could be dead and in denial!

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