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Sea level rise is no longer a threat, Antarctica and Greenland GAINING ice.

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posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: Butterfinger
Earth is ancient and has its own cycles.

Theres stone age tools and weapons just now falling out of melting glaciers.

The big melt has happened before and it will freeze up again with our without SJWs on youtube and online petitions.

SJW? You mean Social Justice Warrior? Still confused on that term. I would think everyone would want to be a warrior for social Justice. Hmmm I'd be proud to be called a Social Justice Warrior. I must not understand something.

Anyways...Yes earth has it's own cycles. We get that. However, Humans are impacting Climate outside of any of those/these natural cycles. That's what Scientists are telling me.

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Ok so lets just keep burning fossil fuels and not expect any cause and effect. No CO2 isn't a pollutant but pumping unnatural amounts into our atmosphere will of course cause changes that are not kind to humans. We are lucky we live on a planet that is so balanced and forgiving that we can even have life here.

Also, what makes you so informed? Because you deny the impact humans have on our planet? How about you take a drive through Virginia and take a look at some mountains completely dismantled by mountain top removal, all for fossil fuels and because its easier just the blast the whole mountain and saves money.

Or the countless oil spills, wars, and other dirty things humans will do just to live our modern lifestyle

Humans don't have an impact? really? Maybe you should become more informed of the opposing argument and stop being so emotional about the subject.
edit on 2-11-2015 by JDmOKI because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: grumpy64

Methane is a product of the breaking down of cellulose. It doesn't matter if it breaks down in an animal's gut or it breaks down by rotting in an open field it still produces methane. Even cutting your lawn will produce methane. At least if a cow eats it some of the carbon will get tied up in the animal's body as well as in the roots of the grass as it dies back.

Yes, I realize this but not all methane is release by breeding an animal such as cattle. We have 90 million cattle in the USA and cattle average weight is 2400lbs. average human weight is 137lbs

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: amazing

You got it right.

I dont use "SJW" as an insult, just that there are people out there who claim the moniker that are just troublesome rabble rousers to make names for themselves.

Not all!

Kind of like Hippes, some good some not so good.

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: JDmOKI
a reply to: grumpy64

Methane is a product of the breaking down of cellulose. It doesn't matter if it breaks down in an animal's gut or it breaks down by rotting in an open field it still produces methane. Even cutting your lawn will produce methane. At least if a cow eats it some of the carbon will get tied up in the animal's body as well as in the roots of the grass as it dies back.

Yes, I realize this but not all methane is release by breeding an animal such as cattle. We have 90 million cattle in the USA and cattle average weight is 2400lbs. average human weight is 137lbs

I think your average weight is way off...

Likely not even half that.

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 03:47 PM

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse

The Earth has been going through changes, including warming since the 1600s, which is over 300 years before the height of the industrial revolution. What this means is that before anthropogenic CO2 "started to supposedly be a problem" the Earth was already warming for 300 years...

You know, the Earth can change climate for reasons other than man-made greenhouse gases, such as predominantly changes in ocean circulation and ice effects.

And before then, the climate from about 6000 BC to present was slowly cooling, as one expects from the Milankovitch cycles, with some fluctuations.

Now, the size and rapidity of the heating is clearly novel and out of pattern.

edit on 2-11-2015 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: mbkennel
What do you believe could disrupt the ocean currents a major amount?

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 04:47 PM

originally posted by: FriedBabelBroccoli
The study is specifically about the Antarctic, not other glaciers. The sea level rise attributed to the NET melt from the Antarctic account for around 10% of the median from IPCC models. This actually presents a serious threat to the validity of current models due to the propagation of errors due to linearizing so many equations.

So we should hope that the satellite being launched that will provide more accurate measurements on this phenomena does not fail (like several others) so that its data can confirm or refute the current findings.


Climate change is an influx-science, suffice it to say. But, films like which I linked to, help delineate what's happening to those who see graphs, charts and esoteric explanations, gobbledegook.

Ignorance is the arch enemy of science.

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 05:17 PM
Let's assume for one moment that Global Warming is 100% man-made ..

I don't think it will have any consequences on current and future life. Everything within Global Warming are assumptions including changed weather patterns. None have hard evidence - only assumed links.

I said it before and will repeat myself. The Earth has seen much warmer conditions over longer periods without significant damage on life including human.

Even if Global Warming is real .. what's the problem?

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 05:31 PM

originally posted by: JDmOKI
a reply to: ElectricUniverse
How about you take a drive through Virginia and take a look at some mountains completely dismantled by mountain top removal, all for fossil fuels and because its easier just the blast the whole mountain and saves money.

Or the countless oil spills, wars, and other dirty things humans will do just to live our modern lifestyle

Humans don't have an impact? really? Maybe you should become more informed of the opposing argument and stop being so emotional about the subject.


I agree with this part of what you say, of course. Stop unnecessary, avoidable pollution. It's always a tragedy.

People who don't accept that the climate will increase and take sea levels with it, like myself, aren't at all in support of pollution though.

We all know that dressing up pollution and fears over ever worsening pollution as global warming and sea level increases isn't particularly clever. Nor is it likely to help. It's likely to worsen the situation over pollution by distracting attention and have people glass over and become more removed than they would have if pollution were dealt as pollution.

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: Butterfinger
a reply to: amazing

You got it right.

I dont use "SJW" as an insult, just that there are people out there who claim the moniker that are just troublesome rabble rousers to make names for themselves.

Not all!

Kind of like Hippes, some good some not so good.

No, you did use it as an insult. Nobody "claims the moniker" SJW. It's a derogatory term that, if the world wasn't getting dumber by the minute, would not exist for reasons outlined by amazing.

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 05:55 PM
What's wrong with a warming environment? Interruption of food production. Look at what the 2011-12 Russian heatwave did to the wheat crop - how those losses resulted in skyrocketing grain prices, just in time for the Arab Spring. You have any serious interruption to food supplies, people do crazy crap. We will kill ourselves off well before the environment gets a real chance to.

We are already seeing mass migrations of people larger then anything since the world wars - Syria's countryside has been in a heatwave/drought for a few years now - many of the rural sustenance farmers fled to the cities. With overcrowded cities, increased poverty due to an uneducated rural population, the cities of Syria became an even larger powder-keg. With the influx of poor, uneducated, religious Sunni Syrian population moving into more secular urban areas ruled by the secular Baathists, conflict was all but guaranteed. With the outbreak of war, and an abandoned Syrian countryside, ISIS was able to step right in with very little resistance.

Hot, dry conditions can wreak havoc on a biological environment. You know that whole circle of life/food chain thing we learned in elementary school?

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 08:12 PM

originally posted by: JDmOKI
Or the countless oil spills, wars, and other dirty things humans will do just to live our modern lifestyle

Humans don't have an impact? really? Maybe you should become more informed of the opposing argument and stop being so emotional about the subject.

There will "always" be people trying to take advantage of resources. BTW, other animals do the same. So what do you want? To "cull the human population" and make humans obey your own thoughts and opinions?

Humankind is learning to be better at everything we do, and yes we do need to take care of the environment. But blaming a gas that it is not doing harm, and in fact blaming a gas that is needed for life to exist in this planet is not going to solve anything at all.

There are a lot of things that I would love would change for the better. But i don't want to impose my views on everyone else, nor force people into being and doing what i want them to do...

More often the mantra of "we must force people to our will to save [fill in the blanks]" has been used to simply impose the will of a few over the many. Even when claims about "saving humanity" and "for the good of all" were made they always ended up the same way. With the worst dictatorships the world has ever seen.

if you think those dictatorships "were good stewards of the planet" you are wrong, and haven't seen what such dictatorships are capable of. Including destruction of the environment even when they claim that they will work to save it. For example Venezuela, or even China. If you knew about the "environmental safety procedures" those countries have and what they actually do are two different things altogether.

You need to understand the difference. Yes, mankind has caused environmental problems. But that is not the same as blaming CO2 for something it is not causing.

You are confusing oranges with onions. Just because mankind has caused some environmental problems doesn't mean CO2 is to blame for the ongoing Climate Change.

You, and the rest of the AGWers simply want to use a false argument to impose your will on the rest of humanity.

As an example, let's look at the BP Deepwater Horizon spill. The company barely came out with a slap on the wrist, and now it can't be sued and it can't be held responsible anymore for any damage that will continue to occur not only for the oil spill but for the use of corexit which is more toxic to life than the oil itself is/was.

BP is now free of guilt, as per the governments of the world. How is blaming CO2 going to stop these companies when all they will do is shift the costs of their malfeasance unto people?

CO2 is not even what has been causing the warming in the first place. But it is the perfect scapegoat to implement a World Government that will control every aspect of human life to the smallest detail.

Blaming CO2 is simply an excuse for a few global elites to impose their will on the entire planet.

edit on 2-11-2015 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment.

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: Phage

Well dammit, I wish they would start rising so all the doomers can be right for once.

No noticeable rise in the 15 years ive been waiting, I bet I gotta wait 15 more right ?

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 10:54 PM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
a reply to: infolurker

I made a thread on it and a mod threw it

Another reason we need to boot the UN out of the US.

Their entire purpose is to fleece money from the 1st world countries and enrich themselves.

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: Syyth007

These are inconveniences to human life but not something that affects the planet or the general life on this planet.

So you won't get your strawberries all year around and you have to leave the cities you built in the middle of a desert. I don't see an issue with that.

And you proved my point, Global Warming is a general scapegoat. Now Global Warming is responsible for the rise of ISIS (as you said).. btw the migrations happened because of war not because of Global Warming. That would be too funny.

But I agree with you, we will kill ourselves way before the environment will become violent - but we are doing this with and without "Global Warming".

Here is the deal: Global Warming as it is presented is a pure Scam.

Reducing our quality of life is very real and I am all for minimizing general pollution but I don't have to listen to the constant idiocracy that we will kill the planet if we don't change and see how Governments raise gas prices to "protect" the environment, etc... that has only one effect - to enrich those who sit on the other side.

posted on Nov, 3 2015 @ 07:48 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: flyandi

There are not many who are claiming that the current warming trend will result in our extinction. That's not really an issue. It's more about increasing misery.

If increasing misery was a real issue for those in power, they first, would have a thousand more direct and important things to change in society and in both political and economical system (including diplomatic relations, interests, justice, freedom, legal issues.etc)
before even thinking about taxing us for global warming and demonize and ridiculing everyone who dares to be a skeptic of the consequences of Human's influence on this natural climate circle.

The real rulers (corporations) of this world who are sponsoring the various governments have proved again and again that human misery is not their main priority.

I am sick and tired of every ignorant fool thinking C02 is toxic pollution, worrying more about C02 in the air,
but have no problem breathing Sulfur and Nitrogen oxides, Carbon monoxide, Chlorofluorocarbons ,Peroxyacetyl nitrate, Lead, Mercury etc

3.3 million deaths each year from the exhausts of vehicles and industries,
yet none of those toxic carcinogenic gasses are taxed and regulated by law like the totally harmless, non toxic, C02

7 million suffering lung diseases and breathing issues leading to premature deaths due to air pollution
yet none cares...all we care and tax about is C02, the new antichrist.

posted on Nov, 3 2015 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: Robotswilltakeover>>>> Coast to Coast AM had some yutz on who was talking about global warming and how in 100 years we'd be facing the rise of sea levels, more deserts, etc. He seemed stymied by the growing ice at the poles and thought it was because it would be the last place to warm and it being cold now is still a sign that everyplace else is warming and the cooling is only temporary. I know George Noori personally questions global warming but he was polite and let the guy ramble on.

posted on Nov, 3 2015 @ 12:08 PM

originally posted by: [post=19984942]reldra[/post
Sea levels rise, weather becomes more extreme causing billions in damages and death. That should sell it fine.

Right, but pollution is caused by humans (generally speaking)...what you cite is not.

posted on Nov, 3 2015 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: ParasuvO
a reply to: Phage

Well dammit, I wish they would start rising so all the doomers can be right for once.

No noticeable rise in the 15 years ive been waiting, I bet I gotta wait 15 more right ?

Isn't it interesting that their models and predictions are always wrong, yet they lose no credibility. It's like a state sanctioned cult.

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