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Ben Carson is a Creationist

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posted on Oct, 29 2015 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: windword

And as I said, "so what" if he "believes" this? I know, I know. ...a big explosion "made".. "designed" all this. I think you've negated your own arguement. If you can't/don't understand this "proof".... I can't and won't even try to help or explain this to you. How about "proof" from your side? Yes, I know, Darwin came up with a "theory"? (An educated geuss) ... Like an, uneducated geuss at the poker table? You don't say? It's been beat every, which way, but sideways, and still ain't "proven". Don't pull your nonsense on me. If you can't teach me. Stick with being a mere equil.

posted on Oct, 29 2015 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: windword

What does "Darwin's theory" have to do with Carson, saying fossils are the "devil's work"? .. Other than Carson saying Darwin wasn't as smart as he thought, I see no evidence of Darwin, or Carson being right or wrong.... What's your point?
edit on 29-10-2015 by murphy22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2015 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Under socialism, would an American individual see more or less individual freedom? As this IS your ideology.

posted on Oct, 29 2015 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

The same freedom.
There's no loss of freedom with Bernie's platform.

There's just more security and confidence that Americans don't have right now.

anyway - truly, I have to log off now - it's getting late, and I'm tired.
Talk to you all tomorrow. Meanwhile, please do take a look at all the sources readily available about him and his suggestions - both here on ATS, and out there on the internet.

posted on Oct, 29 2015 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Why wouldn't you want to embrace an ideology that offered more individual freedoms?

(post by windword removed for a manners violation)

posted on Oct, 29 2015 @ 10:17 PM
a reply to: murphy22

Yes, I know, Darwin came up with a "theory"? (An educated geuss) ...

Darwin's observations were more than "educated guesses". Fossil records prove that. Young earth creationists continue to deny the evidence, blaming Satan, as Ben Carson does, for whatever evolutionary deception Satan has used to try to eliminate god from the equation, according to Carson himself.

I see no evidence of Darwin, or Carson being right or wrong

The evidence for evolution isn't in question. It really isn't. To ignore it is willful ignorance. However, any evidence for young earth creation theory is non-existent.

edit on 29-10-2015 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2015 @ 11:54 PM

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
So what if Ben Carson is a creationist?

It is certainly true that Carson denies that life developed through random, unguided genetic mutations over millions of centuries. It is also true that he believes in literal six-day creationism (though he’s agnostic on the question of the planet’s age) and that

he attributes the rise of Darwinian thinking to the influence of “the Adversary” — i.e., Satan. Those are not mainstream views, but Carson has plainly thought about the subject and hasn’t been shy about explaining his conclusions, in both religious and scientific terms.

To be sure, he is seeking the presidency, not a science-related position. But would Carson’s views on evolution and creation be such a red flag to Democrats if his views generally were more in line with left-wing priorities?

The PROBLEM here, is that "creationism" is an ignorant mindset. We can NOT have a president who thinks it is true! We just can't!! That takes us to the level of ISIS - does no one else realize that?

Lots of you talk about how "religion" doesn't matter when it comes to electing leaders (while others of you say it definitely does) .

This guy, nice and skilled at surgery as he might be, does not acknowledge science as having proven that there was no "six days" creation thiing. There is no proof that "God" exists, or that "Jesus" was in any way special.

Yet, this guy, with his 'meek' tone, is saying that he believes in that ancient, outdated, ridiculous belief.

Really, ATS?


It's beyond absurd. It's a caricature; his persona is not much different than Trump's.

The GOP, if it keeps this up (Rand Paul stooped so low as to declare that Bernie Sanders' policies would result in 'mass genocide'), is indeed toast. Dead. Ruined. DOA. Dead on arrival. They are (as I have been stating since the midterms) DEFINITELY imploding.

Pandering to the "Christian Fundies" seems to be the secret recipe for their 'campaign.
Too bad that educated, intelligent people can't see that.

But, you know, perhaps I'm mistaken.

To be sure, he is seeking the presidency, not a science-related position. But would Carson’s views on evolution and creation be such a red flag to Democrats if his views generally were more in line with left-wing priorities?

I don't know the answer to that question.
But, I know FOR SURE that I would be beyond disappointed if someone was elected president who denies evolution and science.

Being "religious" is fine. Being IGNORANT is something else altogether.

I'm so sorry, ATS, but anyone who believes in the "six-days Ken Hamm style creationism" bs is - well, unfit to be our President.

Maybe I'll be banned for posting this, but I'm still doing it.

PLEASE, ATS, tell me how a "six-days creationist" who has NO political experience but believes in "Satan" is the best choice for running this country!!!!

The Founders of the Country pretty much agreed with Carson and most all U.S. Presidents, if not all, except for the muzlim we are stuck with right now...

So Bernie's an atheist??? Stands to reason...I, contrary to you would refuse to vote for an atheist...

Even if there is no God which is a ridiculous statement, we are far, far better off believing there is...The fear of going to hell is a powerful thing...

When I went to school, kids brought their guns to school...And ammunition...And no one killed anybody...How do you explain that???

We had the Ten Commandments on the wall...We said a prayer before class started...

You guys have taken the Ten Commandments out of the schools...You have taken God out of the schools and kids and others are killing people left and right...You can't even bring a gun within a thousand yards of a school...You can't even point your finger like a gun...

What are you afraid of??? If you don't believe in God why does it bother you that others do???

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 02:07 AM

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
So what if Ben Carson is a creationist?

It is certainly true that Carson denies that life developed through random, unguided genetic mutations over millions of centuries. It is also true that he believes in literal six-day creationism (though he’s agnostic on the question of the planet’s age) and that

he attributes the rise of Darwinian thinking to the influence of “the Adversary” — i.e., Satan. Those are not mainstream views, but Carson has plainly thought about the subject and hasn’t been shy about explaining his conclusions, in both religious and scientific terms.

To be sure, he is seeking the presidency, not a science-related position. But would Carson’s views on evolution and creation be such a red flag to Democrats if his views generally were more in line with left-wing priorities?

The PROBLEM here, is that "creationism" is an ignorant mindset. We can NOT have a president who thinks it is true! We just can't!! That takes us to the level of ISIS - does no one else realize that?

Believing in Creationism = ISIS

Got it, learn something new every day.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 05:27 AM
a reply to: NihilistSanta

Better yet how can they justify morality or ethics (which are absolutes) while they deny the existence of absolutes and view those issues as relative and subjective?

Morality and ethics are NOT absolutes. There is no such thing as "absolute" morality.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: Iscool

What are you afraid of??? If you don't believe in God why does it bother you that others do???


The Founders of the Country pretty much agreed with Carson and most all U.S. Presidents, if not all, except for the muzlim we are stuck with right now...

Even if there is no God which is a ridiculous statement, we are far, far better off believing there is...The fear of going to hell is a powerful thing...

You can't even bring a gun within a thousand yards of a school...

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 09:25 AM
Just one more thing about which the good doctor is mistaken. Unless the GOP cheats somehow, (again...), no one from the party will be elected President in 2016. They're all too out of touch with society. No matter how loud their supporters cheer, the country is never going back to 1955.

a reply to: BuzzyWigs

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

You spout off at the mouth with a lot of historically ignorant commentary about religious beliefs being disqualifiers for leadership. That is easy to do. Ignorance is easy.

What is your solution? Who would you want to be a leader and why?

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

If you think there is no loss of freedom with Bernie's platform then you are woefully ignorant of history. How can you redistribute wealth without taking others property by force?

Taxation is theft, redistribution of wealth is even more blatant. How else do you get all the free stuff Bernie says he can get people?

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 09:40 AM
he should be thrown in a loony bin!

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs

PLEASE, ATS, tell me how a "six-days creationist" who has NO political experience but believes in "Satan" is the best choice for running this country!!!!

PLEASE ATS and BuzzyWigs, tell me how any person of any type with any political experience, or lack thereof, matters when it comes to running this country.

When was the last major initiative, that had a broad lasting positive impact on society across multiple presidencies, that came from the executive branch?

Think hard.

All the presidential election does is change the nameplate on the oval office door.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: Iscool

What are you afraid of??? If you don't believe in God why does it bother you that others do???

I don't "not believe in God", first of all.
I'm an agnostic.

It only bothers me if others do believe if they are indoctrinating their small children rather than offering those children a chance to think critically about the matter. If they are telling their children they will "go to hell" -- that is abuse.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

When the fundies are trying to take over the government and get elected into the 'majority' we are in trouble.
Thanks for your response.

I retain hope that with incremental progress, one decade at a time, we can lose the nonsense and waste.

I understand that the nominees and PsOTUS are very possibly "puppets", and that no matter what their own principles are they will likely be shot down (metaphorically OR in actuality) or threatened by whoever is really behind the curtain ONCE THEY GET INTO OFFICE.

Still - when the people (we the people) speak up, there is a chance for forward movement. No matter how slowly it creeps, even if it's as slowly as a canyon being formed, eventually things will BE DIFFERENT. And Lord knows, they need to be different than they are now.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
I retain hope that with incremental progress, one decade at a time, we can lose the nonsense and waste.

It's been nearly six full decades since any major initiative, that had a broad lasting positive impact on society across multiple presidencies, came from the executive branch.

There has been incremental regression, not progress.

The president doesn't matter. (With the exception of Hillary... that would be beyond bad.)

Regarding Carson -- I'm convinced he's "playing a creationist on TV" for the purpose of winning the religious conservative vote. One cannot attain the level of science education he's attained, while denying science.

edit on 30-10-2015 by SkepticOverlord because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

I'm a libertarian, and I think SkepticOverlord is right - nothing will change regardless of whether we get a red-flavored corporatist or a blue-flavored corporatist as president. This polarized, two party system and the main stream media news cycle is a classic example of panem et circenses.

You keep saying the "fundies" are trying to get elected, and I agree the GOP has a large base that are Christian conservatives. However, I put people like you and Sanders supporters in the same category. A statist fundamentalist is just as dangerous, if not more dangerous than a theocratic fundamentalist. History is proof of that.

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