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The Decline of Ufology: Decades of Fraud, Frustration and Failure?

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posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 02:00 AM
a reply to: Annee

Thanks for the reply. Interesting to note that my mother claims she saw flying saucers in Italy when she was younger(late 60's era). Her name is also Anne lol. I haven't seen saucers myself but a lot of people claim they have.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 02:07 AM
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

Some are ours some are not.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 02:49 AM

originally posted by: Arpad
After I started seeing the triangles, I stopped caring about ufology.

That could become quotable!
I could imagine Fox Mulder saying that in a deadpan voice to Dana Scully down a telephone line... vintage 1990's style.
You should make that your signature or something.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 03:35 AM
I don't buy that simply because it takes time to disclose and admit such technologies are possible within our own knolledge of how to understand the universe itself.

The wide acceptance of extraterrestrial life can only be achieved by the younger generations ,because they learn to live by the possibility that were not the only ones harnessing and developing such technology.

Only when the old thinking vanishes then we can start a new way of thinking and accept that extraterrestrial life does exist and always existed.

It's not a failure it just starts to get interesting. Look at the LHC and Kepler. That to me are indications that they try to find a way to explain there are other civilizations out there so they can cover up every UFO case there is into a soft blanket of lies.
And yes ufology will be dead after they tell us that they found a star that holds an advanced alien civilization.

We then have to rethink on how we call ufology after we know that these visitors are from another star..
edit on 0b46America/ChicagoMon, 26 Oct 2015 04:06:46 -0500vAmerica/ChicagoMon, 26 Oct 2015 04:06:46 -05001 by 0bserver1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 03:45 AM
a reply to: mirageman

When the real leaders of this world decide: there are no UFO’s … well so be it.
Than we have thousands of indications … we will never be able to proof it.
Great astronauts spoke about strange lights, great scholars spoke about those lights, even in the middle ages. All over the world people speak about strange lights that seem to have an own intelligence. They make turns and disappear to be seen suddenly again, but not in the same place.
UFO’s are not made of dust and ashes but are the top of evolution. Consciousness that unite and travel through wormholes.
Humans are made by inhabitants of a planet near Scholz’s star. Those inhabitants now are more than 12.000 years further in their evolution if we compare with the time they created us.
At this moment our geniuses are very busy to make artificial intelligence and in the not so far future they will be able to capture our brainwaves in a cloud. Those clouds will be able to unite consciousness and travel through wormholes .
Our creators now at some 20 light years from here are maybe visiting us. It would be very acceptable to visit what you have created.
Read (red dots)

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 05:07 AM
Like you say the field overall has died down because of the hucksters, book pedallers, and pranksters. I'd say it's somewhere over 95% BS, and many have grown tired. The remaining 4.99% is stuff like classified government craft, and with better technology and information research we're catching on to that too. (Much of the formerly "unearthly" is now pushed into "man-made" category.) But as long as that 0.01% seemingly plausible non-earthly UFO stuff is out there, you'll still have a few serious die-hards keeping an eye on the field.

Of course you still have plenty others who are more casual and enjoy "ufology" for the camp, and stuff like role-playing - but I doubt they're considered serious. Alien themed stuff still sells to a certain audience.

I'm not "die-hard" but on occasion I still keep an eye out, as I've seen things on three different occasions so far that are either government drones (not the hobbyist stuff) or not ours. But most stuff like videos is either crap (can tell it's a reflection) or too few pixels of distant light at night and in the "insufficient data" category.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 05:58 AM
a reply to: mirageman

UFOlogy is a tricky subject, and has been since it first came up. The simple fact has always been, that between hoaxers, propagadists, and total loonies, not to mention disinformation peddlers, the waters have always been muddy as all hell, and show no signs of becoming clearer.

But the thing that has always held that field of research back, in my estimation, is that there are people out there who have cornered a niche market of deluded individuals, from whom an enterprising person could make a few bucks without actually having to DO very much, other than concoct a lie which can be broken down into two hour segments, and sold as a part work, on a suscription basis. Science however, has always been a secondary concern to the INDUSTRY which has popped up to take advantage of the blind faith and ignorance involved with certain sectors of the believer camp.

Those things, more than anything else, have pushed out all genuine scientific research, stifled the very idea of anyone remotely qualified in either forensics, physics, and so on, from ever getting seriously involved in efforts to discern the truth about UFO, outside of the oppressive and utterly untrustworthy government regimes involved with cover ups, misinformation, and secrecy.

And that is a shame, because I think that there are a great many scientists who would be very happy to make a study of lights in the sky, objects of strange appearance and origin, without appearing to offer backing to a group of individuals and organisations which resemble cults and religious organisations, far more than they resemble any genuine investigative organisation. It is ENTIRELY the fault of fools, mad people, and unscrupulous elements, that better investigation, independent of government oversight, is not routinely done into various related matters.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 05:58 AM
a reply to: karl 12

I think it's been unequivocably proven that UFOs do exist - it's just WTF they are that's the question.

In a nutshell that's it. UFOs (by definition) exist. Of course once we identify what they are they cease to be UFOs!

But there are still many unidentified cases to resolve. There are almost certainly a number of different answers as well.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 06:12 AM
Probably because the CIA and other agencies done their job properly in operation debunk the phenomenon...

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: Moresby

All your fancy graphics, and hyperbolic prose, doesn't hide the fact that like all debunkers you're afraid. Afraid the world isn't the ordered little box you want it to be. Afraid somewhere someone (anyone!) challenges your narrow worldview. There are plenty of other frightened people out there who will lap up what you're offering. But you'll never get at your true target. Those who know what they know. And don't need to defend it. And don't need you or anyone else to believe.

I think you've rather misinterpreted the whole OP.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 06:34 AM

There are very few significant UFO events from the 21st century worth serious investigation. Youtube videos of a light in the sky or CGI UFOs are aplenty. But they are actually tuning people out from bothering to even take a look.

I disagree with this, some of the best footage has appeared on youtube, and the amount and quality is increasing due to the saturation of smartphones with good cameras.
New phenomena have emerged on youtube, just look up flying humanoids for example.
Yes there is a lot of CGI stuff, but there is genuine sightings there as well, you need to know what to look for, and first hand experience certainly helps.
I think UFOlogy is just getting interesting.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: Dr X

Flying humanoids?

You mean like this

I'd be interested to know what you mean by

.....but there is genuine sightings there as well, you need to know what to look for, and first hand experience certainly helps.

What is a 'genuine' sighting?

What is it we should we all know so we know what we are looking for?

How does one gain first hand experience to help us?

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: skyblueworld
Probably because the CIA and other agencies done their job properly in operation debunk the phenomenon...

To be fair, most of what's out there self-debunks, creating a vacuum which sucks in some of the more credible cases.

The same CIA who can't manage to train but 5 Syrian fighters with a half a billion dollar budget is going to effectively debunk the thousands of UFO claims?

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 08:43 AM
Thanks for the morning laugh.

You think that UFO's and Aliens are fake? I have seen things that simply cannot be explained by way of modern science. I've seen a glowing orb fall from the sky, into a moonlit field, and then spread out instantly in the same way that a sonic boom from a nuclear bomb would. Can you explain that?

How about the one hour of moving lights high up in the night sky above my house, that my roommate and I both observed while walking home after going grocery shopping, 2 years ago?

How about the reoccurring dreams I had of a Grey standing over my bed, motionlessly staring into my very soul, with a green light shining through the window behind my head? I had this dream when I was only 5, lived on a farm in the middle of nowhere with only my mother, and had no access to cable. Can you explain that too?

Disinformation is a funny thing. You can say that science has dispelled a lot of rumors, lies, and impostors. But that science is based only around a reality that we know of on earth and in the immediate star system. Pertinent to that level of information, we see only government funded agencies seeping the information to the public. That means, our field of vision is only as far as we're allowed to see.

As another example, imagine you are a pet rat and live in a cage. Your owner takes care of you, feeding you and giving you hydration. From time to time, he lets you out of the cage and into his room to walk around and play with him. Your field of perception is only what he permits. You would see your cage in the same way that we see our house. And you would see your owners room in the same way you view the outside world. In the infinitude of space, that lies beyond our planets walls, there is an equally as infinite number of possibilities. There are an infinite number of landscapes that permit varied elements, environments, and atmospheres to thrive in success for many numerous times the age of our planet alone.

And you'd sit there, and tell me, that Humans, a species so ignorant and underdeveloped that the majority of which would rather spend our time sitting behind 5 inch screens while throwing back liters of biologically poisonous alcoholic stimulant and listening to what is essentially modern day tribal music, would be able to authoritatively put our foot down and say that we have reached the pinnacle of human/interstellar/scientific development?

Thanks, but I'll pass. Nice try.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 09:07 AM

originally posted by: expresswayrunner
Thanks for the morning laugh.

You think that UFO's and Aliens are fake? I have seen things that simply cannot be explained by way of modern science. I've seen a glowing orb fall from the sky, into a moonlit field, and then spread out instantly in the same way that a sonic boom from a nuclear bomb would. Can you explain that?

How about the one hour of moving lights high up in the night sky above my house, that my roommate and I both observed while walking home after going grocery shopping, 2 years ago?

How about the reoccurring dreams I had of a Grey standing over my bed, motionlessly staring into my very soul, with a green light shining through the window behind my head? I had this dream when I was only 5, lived on a farm in the middle of nowhere with only my mother, and had no access to cable. Can you explain that too?

Disinformation is a funny thing. You can say that science has dispelled a lot of rumors, lies, and impostors. But that science is based only around a reality that we know of on earth and in the immediate star system. Pertinent to that level of information, we see only government funded agencies seeping the information to the public. That means, our field of vision is only as far as we're allowed to see.

As another example, imagine you are a pet rat and live in a cage. Your owner takes care of you, feeding you and giving you hydration. From time to time, he lets you out of the cage and into his room to walk around and play with him. Your field of perception is only what he permits. You would see your cage in the same way that we see our house. And you would see your owners room in the same way you view the outside world. In the infinitude of space, that lies beyond our planets walls, there is an equally as infinite number of possibilities. There are an infinite number of landscapes that permit varied elements, environments, and atmospheres to thrive in success for many numerous times the age of our planet alone.

And you'd sit there, and tell me, that Humans, a species so ignorant and underdeveloped that the majority of which would rather spend our time sitting behind 5 inch screens while throwing back liters of biologically poisonous alcoholic stimulant and listening to what is essentially modern day tribal music, would be able to authoritatively put our foot down and say that we have reached the pinnacle of human/interstellar/scientific development?

Thanks, but I'll pass. Nice try.

Your post is what the OP is talking about. Ufology is no longer about objectivity. Science left the building years ago.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 09:18 AM
I understand about the loss of some objectivity in the subject of ufo's. Some of that I think would have to do with the plethora of ufo reporting in now so many ways shapes and form. On any given day one can go to many ufo reporting sights and see the latest. And on many of these websites you can see the same names reporting info time after time day after day and on and on. Throw in a somewhat polarizing condition today that is related to seeing/reporting ufo's, add misinformation, denials, stories that change and what you probably get is loss of objectivity. But the bottom linehere is one I agree with. And so does he. There today are so many websites devoted to seeing/reporting ufo's, and many of the reportees names one can see over and over and over. Then add a healthy dose of the somewhat polarizing aspect of seeing and sightings of ufo's in todays world, and I think this all adds up to a loss of objectivity.
edit on 26am31am5091 by data5091 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: MarsIsRed

and apparently he used the word 'saucer' to describe how they 'skipped' across the sky, not their actual shape (a boomerang-y crescent). but saucers they became known as.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

very good points, very well put

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: expresswayrunner

You think that UFO's and Aliens are fake?

I have never said UFOs are fake nor aliens. However there are people out there that have chosen to fake UFOs and aliens which has polluted the filed of ufology.

I have seen things that simply cannot be explained by way of modern science. I've seen a glowing orb fall from the sky, into a moonlit field, and then spread out instantly in the same way that a sonic boom from a nuclear bomb would. Can you explain that?

Can you?

How about the one hour of moving lights high up in the night sky above my house, that my roommate and I both observed while walking home after going grocery shopping, 2 years ago?

You saw moving lights. Again do you know what they were other than moving lights?

How about the reoccurring dreams I had of a Grey standing over my bed, motionlessly staring into my very soul, with a green light shining through the window behind my head? I had this dream when I was only 5, lived on a farm in the middle of nowhere with only my mother, and had no access to cable. Can you explain that too?

You had a recurring dream but what point are you trying to make?

And you'd sit there, and tell me, that Humans, a species so ignorant and underdeveloped that the majority of which would rather spend our time sitting behind 5 inch screens while throwing back liters of biologically poisonous alcoholic stimulant and listening to what is essentially modern day tribal music, would be able to authoritatively put our foot down and say that we have reached the pinnacle of human/interstellar/scientific development?

Where did I say that humans have reached the pinnacle of human/interstellar/scientific/development?

Perhaps you missed the point of the whole post whilst laughing uncontrollably.

This is about how Ufology has been trying to explain what UFOs are for nearly 70 years but has failed to find the proof to back up the ET Hypothesis because of the fraudsters poisoning the water and the frustration of finding nothing solid in the field that can be proven beyond reasonable doubt.

Meanwhile mainstream science has actually got very close to proving life exists beyond earth.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: anton74

originally posted by: expresswayrunner
Thanks for the morning laugh.

You think that UFO's and Aliens are fake? I have seen things that simply cannot be explained by way of modern science. I've seen a glowing orb fall from the sky, into a moonlit field, and then spread out instantly in the same way that a sonic boom from a nuclear bomb would. Can you explain that?

How about the one hour of moving lights high up in the night sky above my house, that my roommate and I both observed while walking home after going grocery shopping, 2 years ago?

How about the reoccurring dreams I had of a Grey standing over my bed, motionlessly staring into my very soul, with a green light shining through the window behind my head? I had this dream when I was only 5, lived on a farm in the middle of nowhere with only my mother, and had no access to cable. Can you explain that too?

Disinformation is a funny thing. You can say that science has dispelled a lot of rumors, lies, and impostors. But that science is based only around a reality that we know of on earth and in the immediate star system. Pertinent to that level of information, we see only government funded agencies seeping the information to the public. That means, our field of vision is only as far as we're allowed to see.

As another example, imagine you are a pet rat and live in a cage. Your owner takes care of you, feeding you and giving you hydration. From time to time, he lets you out of the cage and into his room to walk around and play with him. Your field of perception is only what he permits. You would see your cage in the same way that we see our house. And you would see your owners room in the same way you view the outside world. In the infinitude of space, that lies beyond our planets walls, there is an equally as infinite number of possibilities. There are an infinite number of landscapes that permit varied elements, environments, and atmospheres to thrive in success for many numerous times the age of our planet alone.

And you'd sit there, and tell me, that Humans, a species so ignorant and underdeveloped that the majority of which would rather spend our time sitting behind 5 inch screens while throwing back liters of biologically poisonous alcoholic stimulant and listening to what is essentially modern day tribal music, would be able to authoritatively put our foot down and say that we have reached the pinnacle of human/interstellar/scientific development?

Thanks, but I'll pass. Nice try.

Your post is what the OP is talking about. Ufology is no longer about objectivity. Science left the building years ago.

I respectfully disagree. Take a look at this:

"Because it is not the disclosure these groups have claimed is the real truth. The problem is that this vision of the truth may not actually exist. "

"In the meantime mainstream science continues to make new and interesting discoveries out in the cosmos. Science is on the cusp of confirming that ET exists (perhaps as microbes or maybe something more significant) . Ufology is little closer to the truth than it was back in 1952 and has instead embraced being a part of the entertainment business rather than becoming a serious scientific pursuit.

If science proudly announces “We are not alone” then will it signal an end to the polarisation of views within the UFO topic and a renaissance of sorts?

Or will it finally be the death of Ufology? "

This is what I am talking about.

The OP is trying to very casually suggest that because there were some fraudsters that provided disinformation in the past, that as such is has made people such as Lazar (who has had many scientific theories and proposals that he related as being 'clandestine' in nature be standardized since he made his reports), Betty and Barney Hill, or many others come across as questionable and perhaps also equally as much of a fraud. He further suggests that people such as this did it for fun as well, and perhaps because we were a bit "loony". I don't agree with his hypothesis at all. I think disinformation will continue, as will a mass coverup. I believe what I believe, because I've seen things that simply cannot be explained by modern science. At all. Not. At. All.

And believe me when I say I've done the research to verify that bold claim.

As for OP, who responded to my post with the myriad of "where's the proof" questions, you have to wake up to the very serious truth that just because a tree fell in the forest and you didn't see it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

On a final point, before I leave this thread for good, OP claims that Mainstream science is on the cusp of ET confirmation. That's an absolute crock of #, because as you, myself, and anyone who is capable of critical thinking could acclaim to, mainstream science is NOT the level of science the elite are privy to, and instead what we, the the 99th percentile are privy to.

And you know what? I'm fine with that. We're all idiots.

But I think it's naive to call someone out as a crock for proclaiming that he's had contact with extraterrestrials or something, when we as individuals do things equally as infantile, attention-seeking, and 'insane'. The truth is far greater than we could ever comprehend even as a whole.

edit on 26-10-2015 by expresswayrunner because: Left out information, made spelling errors.

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