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The Decline of Ufology: Decades of Fraud, Frustration and Failure?

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posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: mirageman

The mother of all conspiracies managed and funded by the US government with its accomplices, big Science and every scientist that draws a government paycheck, wants funding or a university chair have basically won their battle over our plaintive cries of a need to know the truth. This massive and long-lived effort is aided and abetted by a field of so-called "ufologist" shills and professional skeptics.

Look beyond the shades of the official conspiracy that is in place for your of "safety," folks. The logic is simple. The black triangles are a game changer. Appearing on the scene in the mid-1980s, etc., they represent a new element into the UFO enigma.

You have three choices to rate them:
1.)Triangles are never genuine craft but always something else.
2.)Triangles are alien craft.
3,)Triangles are our secret craft.

Take your pick. but I suggest that you put your money down on the greatest secret weapon that an earth nation has ever developed. As I've said many times, they are the greatest development in transportation since the invention of the wheel.

The other dark secret of the grand conspiracy is that triangles and similar craft of our own are re-engineered alien technology. Over and above the world domination that the triangles enable (if necessary) is the horrible truth for the entire population of the earth is that we are a Third World world. We are submissive to the dictates of other, better, beings. Easy to put into plain and simple words, but oh, so difficult to present to the world audience, so it isn't done. There is no good reason for that effort at this time. Perhaps once the NWO gets more officially under way?

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 07:45 PM
Modern mythology. Very interesting discussion you opened here, I've always felt that the ufo thing was a bit far fetched but never discounted the possibility of their existence either. Lots of things out there that are not easy to explain away but that also doesn't mean its aliens either. Excellent topic!

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 08:06 PM
After I started seeing the triangles, I stopped caring about ufology.

+5 more 
posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Plenty of frauds on either side of the gullible believer/pathological debunker fence mate but I would agree serious study of unidentified flying objects is in serious decline - plenty of reasons to take the actual subject extremely seriously though and I'd suggest to everybody that reading this book (which is based soley on the government's own internal documents) is a good place to start.

The story, which is unmasked by the governments' own documents, explains much that is new, or at least not commonly known, about the seriousness with which the military and intelligence communities approached the UFO problem internally.


Whether it's credible government documentary evidence (link), credible radar confirmation evidence (link), credible electromagnetic interference evidence (link), credible ground trace evidence (link), credible multiple witness reports (link), extremely similar flight characteristics (link) or just the completely absurd official USAF explanations for specific incidents (even then left with a 20% unexplained rate) I think it's been unequivocably proven that UFOs do exist - it's just WTF they are that's the question.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 08:34 PM
UFO,s today are too mainstream.The youth today see them in movies as part of the Horror sect,explainable but terrifying.There is no mystery to them anymore but a part of life..

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 09:14 PM
Perhaps, when they show up, we will collectively say,"Oh crap, that is how they did that stuff!"
Some of us will be right.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 09:48 PM
I think we have evolved in technology to the point "off planet beings" can not openly observe us anymore.

I think they're still there, just using different methods.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Since the turn of the century only a handful of cases have been given serious attention and they tend to be of the ‘mystery lights in the sky’ variety.

I tend to have the opposite take on this situation. I've actually been meaning to write a thread on this topic but this thread will suffice. I've seen enough testimony and circumstantial evidence to be open minded about ET's visiting Earth, it's not something I think can be easily dismissed and fully debunked. I think since we started discovering advanced nuclear and electronic technology we suddenly gained the attention of who ever is on the crafts, and they came and analysed our progress for a little while, from about the 40's up until the late 90's would be my guess. After the 2000's digital cameras and other types of advanced technology started to become very wide spread and my guess is they didn't feel it was safe to stick around because too many people would capture evidence of their existence. Since that time we've seen the number of serious cases drop dramatically and there's almost nothing happening any more.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: mirageman

All I know is that I've seen UFOs with my own eyes. I trawled through ufology years ago and got no answers so I have just accepted that no one knows what they are or where they come from. When it is our time to know then we will get answers.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 10:30 PM
I dont necessarily believe in the Christian story about things but, the aliens are demons things flies with me. Not that they are aliens or Christian demons but the idea of interdimensional beings that have the ability to bend and shape reality in strange (and absurd ways, thank you dr Jacque Vallee) there are forces in the universe we don't understand, their are alot of things about our observed reality in our own minds we do not understand, yet. What if the ufo is the modern equivalent of elves or dragons etc.?

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 10:33 PM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes
a reply to: mirageman

All I know is that I've seen UFOs with my own eyes. I trawled through ufology years ago and got no answers so I have just accepted that no one knows what they are or where they come from. When it is our time to know then we will get answers.

So have I. Back around 1964.

There were a lot of sightings between late 50s through early 60s ------ then they became much less frequent.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 10:37 PM

originally posted by: Brotherman
I dont necessarily believe in the Christian story about things but, the aliens are demons things flies with me. Not that they are aliens or Christian demons but the idea of interdimensional beings that have the ability to bend and shape reality in strange (and absurd ways, thank you dr Jacque Vallee) there are forces in the universe we don't understand, their are alot of things about our observed reality in our own minds we do not understand, yet. What if the ufo is the modern equivalent of elves or dragons etc.?

I my opinion ---- One does not fit all

I think there are many varieties of "off planet beings" ---- including energy beings who can manifest themselves in physical form.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 10:43 PM
In the spirit of the OP's post, yes, I agree that Ufology is infested, and the bad things that have happened have dragged down the whole 'science'. However, if you put everything in there through a filter and tossed out anything that possibly could have been faked , altered of otherwise corrupted... you still have a pile on the floor that shows us that something is there, something is going on and we are definitely going to get to the bottom of it eventually.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 10:53 PM
I think more people accept the idea that there is other life in the Universe, so the belief in aliens and ufos has increased. It's just wether or not we've had a legitimate encounter or not. So Ufology which is basically books and tv shows has increased.

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 10:57 PM
The frauds are the official ones, and some of the official ones are behind any ufology reports deigned to be frauds, to muddy waters.

But this is 100% a huge thing, and they never cease to amaze me at the lengths they go to muddy the waters or poo all over truth.

Basically floored at the unbelievable world we're in when we should have had clean energy and beamships prior to the 50's.

And furious!

In the face of absolute psychopathy, you keep thinking they're going to save their souls form being shoved down and start to get it, but they sink lower and lower and lower in their lies and attempts to shove humans in even tinier boxes.

I want them all in jail.

edit on 25-10-2015 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2015 @ 11:55 PM
a reply to: Unity_99

I think many of the 'official' incidents you eluded to, perhaps had so much overwhelming information that they were the prime disinfo targets. The kernel of what they had as original content, has been fragmented like a grenade.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 12:16 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Im past what they are, but not far.

Even after becoming convinced of the alien option, Im really in no better shape than a doubter. We can of course speculate what they might be doing here, but thats really all it is, speculation.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 12:35 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Great thread,well put together.

I have been blessed to witness a UFO in the flesh in broad daylight.
Investigation of the cases bores me to tears as i already know its real.

I guess Ufology evidence will always be in the heart of witness as there is never anything tangible to be taken from many of the sightings that will produce a smoking gun.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 12:56 AM
Well you have to hand it to Ridpath, the bloke has front or maybe, just the sign of a very desperate man. One might have thought that, having had his backside handed to him in a basket big time over Rendlesham, he'd have scuttled off and hoped people's memories faded quickly. I find it beyond parody that a bloke who is so fast and loose with the details of sightings, has the brass neck to pen something such as this bemoaning a "lack of scientific method". Clean your own house out of the stench of lies, misdirection and blatant propaganda before you star levelling your lightweight intellect at others Ridpath.

Let's be clear here and put it out in the open . There are some serious scientific minds who have expressed an interest in studying the subject and been told in no uncertain terms, "You want to continue working in your chosen field and being funded, then leave UFOs alone".

If you want to know just how much Ridpath is biased then look no further than the "Boston Stump incident". Ridpath contends that it was Venus, that the crew of the ship didn't recognise the star Altair and that it was a temperature inversion that caused the Radar contact. Only, a local news team had asked a Professional Astronomer and a Professional Meteorologist in the immediate aftermath of the reports coming in and they said the following. In the case of the Professional Astronomer that, "There is no way that the bright object low in the sky around 2am was Venus as it was simply not visible at this time of the year and at the time of the morning". The professional meteorologist was asked directly about the possibility of there being a temperature inversion and they said the following. "The problem with that is that, it was almost exactly the the wrong conditions for the formation of a temperature inversion". The weather that night was "dynamic", with squally showers and gusty winds pretty much, across the whole country. The video of those professionals opinions from the local network news programme was on YouTube and if anyone knows where it is, then please feel free to post it.

In short, Ridpath is not some unbiased observer casting a objective view over a subject, he is a person with a definite agenda whose opinions, have proven to be wholly unreliable.

posted on Oct, 26 2015 @ 01:43 AM

originally posted by: mirageman

originally posted by: Moresby
Defense of the status quo tarted up as a "critique" of Ufology.

Big yawn.

There's way too much of this on ATS in recent years.

I could say that your comments are flippant and add nothing to the thread and there is far too much of this on ATS too.

But perhaps you'd care to respond in more detail?

All your fancy graphics, and hyperbolic prose, doesn't hide the fact that like all debunkers you're afraid. Afraid the world isn't the ordered little box you want it to be. Afraid somewhere someone (anyone!) challenges your narrow worldview.

There are plenty of other frightened people out there who will lap up what you're offering. But you'll never get at your true target. Those who know what they know. And don't need to defend it. And don't need you or anyone else to believe.

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