As everyone knows for weeks now there have been comments about the migration crisis in the EU, especially with regard to the fear of how many young,
fit, muslim men are walking freely through Europe without anyone knowing where they have come from or what their intentions are. A lot of British
people, like myself, are angry, resentful and distrusting. I didn't used to be like this. I have always accepted people for who they are regardless
of ethnicity, culture, colour and on the whole I still do. I have black friends, Chinese friends, Indian friends and the list goes on. I have worked
away from the UK for many years and so have mixed with lots of people but yesterday when another new articles was on Reuters showing the migrants
stuck in Macedonia it bought a tear to my eye when I saw the children crying and people in wheelchairs stuck in the mud and that is really the true
me, compassionate, empathic but then my heart hardened again when I saw all the fit, young men in the background and I sat and questioned myself why,
when I have never been like this, when my upbringing was to tolerate all people, have I suddenly hardened so much.
When I sat and looked at it hasn't been a sudden change, the same with a lot of my friends, they have gradually started to feel like me, along with
lots of other usually tolerant British people. I realised the change began in my after September 11.
That day I was working in Malta. Everywhere I went people were stood in front of televisions with their mouths wide open. At this point there
hadn't been the war in Iraq for WMD. The only time we had been involved with Iraq was the Kuwait invasion. That day was one of those days when
everyone remembers where they were. It was so frightening to see two huge planes flying into the towers. At that time I had never really thought of
Islam or muslim people. I had never heard of Bin Laden etc. However, because of this we went into Iraq and I started to pay more attention.
Two or three years down the line I moved back to UK after working away for 8 years. I went back to work in Manchester and couldn't believe the
amount of people I saw walking around with Burquas on. I felt like I had left Britian and come back to a foreign country. Again, though I was just
took by surprise at the sudden change and it stood out to me because I had been away.
More and more stuff started coming on to the TV about people like Abu Hamza the hate preacher spewing his guts to all who would listen in London.
Then when we tried to deport him our British justice system let us down. We were told it was freedom of speech why this was allowed. Then there was
Anjem Choudhary as shown in Stacey Dooley's video here:-
He has been free to spew his hatred for years with no apparent comeback for his actions until this year when he was arrested.
In between we had our own 9/11 in London when the tube was bombed. Again we were told this was by Muslim fanatics. In between we had the Boston
Bombers and then finally Lee Rigby. A young soldier on a British street knocked over and beheaded by a lunatic with a machete. Perhaps this was the
tipping point for me. However when I look back it was even before that. I think it started when I had my child in 2007. I was in and out of
hospital and was witness to muslim women screaming, yelling at nurses. Nurses arguing with husbands who wouldn't let their wives be examined by a
male doctor. Interpreters being bought in at the price of £600 an hour to calm the women and explain everything. This lady just had morning
sickness however, there were really ill British women who couldn't get the care they needed because the nurses were so involved with dealing with the
muslim patients. It was like this every time I went in. It was virtually impossible to get any attention. There was a lot of resentment from white
and black British patients at the unfairness. Then there was the meal time standing in queues behind muslim women who were asking for Halal meals but
then proceeded to fill their trays with sandwiches, yoghurts anything they could get their hands on for family members. The lady behind the food
counter shrugged and said to us all it happens all the time but we are not allowed to say anything because it could be seen as racist. This is the
crux of the matter it has gone on like this for years not allowed to say anything in case we upset muslims and that's how a lot of British people see
However, that doesn't seem to work both ways. We have hatred spewed on our streets day in day out, in the UK there are no go areas in muslim
communities. We are not allowed to fly our English flag because it is seen as racist but then a man can walk down a London street with an ISIS flag
wrapped round his holder shoulders
and nothing was done. Freedom of speech apparently.
The final tipping point for me was when Alan Henning was beheaded. This was a good man, a man who had gone there to help muslim people. When I
turned on the TV that night and saw that poor man I cried and somewhere around then my heart thought I have had enough of this. For a cohesive
society there has to be fairness and people treated equally. All we hear these days is about xenophobia, racism, bigotry if we so much as question
this unbalance, this need to keep protecting people of the muslim faith above all others.
Finally, why have I wrote this today because today I started to read a newspaper article about Germany building a fence on its borders. I went to
look in the comments section on saw this:-
We've got our flag ready for 10 Downing Street. When we prevail, you white chicken-sh*ts - who are so brave on a faceless website - will find out how
sharp my sword is. Your children and grandchildren will be muslims tick tock.
This is what British people have had enough of. This is why I fear who we are letting in our midst. I fear for my child. A bigot no. There is no
unreasonable fear here, so go on do-gooders tell us about how it is our fault because of the wars, I don't care any more I want to preserve the
British way of life and above all I want to keep my child safe. Don't tell me this is just a random person, unless you live here in the UK and live
this crap day in, day out.