posted on Oct, 27 2015 @ 05:46 PM
Okay, I avoided this OP's video because I was too busy for another arcane meditation by someone with too much time on their hands about connections
between utterly unconnected media...
and then I, too, had too much time on my hands, hit "play" and was mesmerized... an artfully done piece and anyone that can connect Kubrick to
Zemeckis deserves some respect for their tinfoil haberdashery.
Film (good film, anyway) does have a secretive language, of sorts, and messages hidden in plain sight... and some of the imagery and tenuous
connections between BttF and the Wire are curious... but I'd assume it falls into the "coincidence" category, or, if one rejects assumptions of
coincidence, then it could be explained by the holographic connections everything in this universe has with everything else....
Or Zemeckis has high Illuminati connections and is trying to get his very important messages across in as obscure a way as is possible...
or it's an inside joke...
but either way, good fun.