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The Walk Back to the Future

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posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 01:49 AM
"What's the meaning of this?" -Dr. Brown
"You'll find out in 30 years" -Marty McFly

Well, it has now been thirty years since the movie Back to the Future came out, and a new movie from Robert Zemeckis is out called, "The Walk," which I look forward to seeing. In the movie a man who happens to look a lot like Marty McFly sets up a wire across the Twin Towers and walks across them. There are many people who have commented on how the Back to the Future movies seem to have a message from the past, in which Marty McFly has to warn us about the future. Many people believe that the imagery in the film points to the real life event of the World Trade Towers falling from a terrorist attack on 9/11, making it a real warning being given to us in that movie. One of the images that seem to suggest this possiblity is the Twin Towers on a screen that the McFly family was watching in 2015. And now, at the same time Robert Zemeckis gives us a the Twin Towers to watch on the screen...30 years later. So, are there secrets to be found in this movie? Will secretly reveal the answers to all of our questions and expose the truth? I look forward to the super slueths here sharing their finds after sifting through the details.

This is the video I watched that explains the possible connection between the Back to the Future movies and the movie "The Walk." And how it may have the answers that McFly was trying to give Doc about the future:

This is the fun that I had after watching the trailer, Can you find anything in the movie?

And I know those probably aren't pine trees, as in the Twin Pines represented in Back to the Future, but I was just having a bit of fun, since from a distance it doesn't really matter.

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 06:08 AM
a reply to: The_Phantom


I don't know about this

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: The_Phantom

It`s a video ive watched quite awhile ago and the predictions in it are mind boggling.

I`m looking forward to the break down of "The Walk", not sure if the new movie is just cashing in on what was found within Back to the future as I'm not sure who put those subtle 911 references in it.

directed by Robert Zemeckis, written by Zemeckis and Bob Gale, produced by Gale and Neil Canton,

Someone knew.

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 07:14 AM
I watched the video and some of the coincidences are stunning. The upside down timepieces reading 9:11, the upside down person viewing the buildings falling, Muslim terrorists attacking, a tower and wire reference, and the release of "The Wire" in thr same month as Mcfly goes into the future, and the physical resemblance of McFly and the Wire character. But, I just can't wrap my head around how Zemeckis could have possibly had any insight into 9/1/01, in 1985.

I am just not sure. I didn't really grasp the last couple minutes of the video about consciousness, and the monolith, etc... So color me skeptical but not ruling this out.

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 08:17 AM

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: Jchristopher5

You're looking at it to close. Since we know symbolism is real, this is just the puppet masters putting it right in front of our face and laughing bc most are to stupid to catch it

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 09:11 AM
The guy who created this vid needs to be on meds.

Even if Back to the Future was laced with clues, what does it prove?
Muslims took down the twin towers.
Kind of goes against the conspiracy.

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: Jchristopher5
But, I just can't wrap my head around how Zemeckis could have possibly had any insight into 9/1/01, in 1985.

I think stuff like this is nonsense and making something out of random coincidences. But, I admit I find it very enjoyable and entertaining.... So I will play along.

I think (and OP, please correct me if I'm wrong), the video isn't trying to say that Zemeckis consciously added all these things into Back to the Future as warnings. I think they are trying to say that he was a catalyst, and since consciousness is not limited by time, the collective global consciousness from 9/11 reached back through his movie.

Not sure if you ever read the Sci Fi book by Arthur Clarke called "Childhood's End." It was a long time ago for me but essentially it was about the evolution of man kind and as it happens, an alien race visits earth and although they are in no way evil, they physically look like what we would refer to as the devil. There is a point in the book that puts forward the idea that from the beginning we had an idea, on a subconscious level, what we would see at our end.

Maybe someone can explain that better than I can on this rush job.

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: Hyperia

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: samkent
The guy who created this vid needs to be on meds.

Even if Back to the Future was laced with clues, what does it prove?
Muslims took down the twin towers.
Kind of goes against the conspiracy.

Many of us on here do not, for a second, believe that Muslims took the towers down (unless you are referring to Saudi funding, which knowing you, you are not!). Many of us are very certain that the OS doesn't hold up to close, scientific scrutiny.

Also, if this consciousness theory is true, it doesn't necessarily go against the 9/11 Truther/conspiracy. Clearly Muslims were involved at some level with 9/11, but planes, just as clearly, did not take the three buildings down.

Please quit spreading your BS "official conspiracy theory" as fact, when it is obviously laced with lies, mistruths, and omissions. If you could acknowledge any of these lies and omissions then you would have credibility on here.

As it is, I see your posts and know exactly what they say. I will leave it at that.
edit on 19-10-2015 by Jchristopher5 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-10-2015 by Jchristopher5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 03:32 PM
I wrote a thread a few months ago called 9/11 as predicted by hollywood. The thread is essentially a critique of all these claims that 9/11 was predicted in pop-culture but i finished it with the updated version of the video the OP is discussing.

This video i believe is satire, the reason i used it in my thread was because i was trying to demonstrate just how much these kind of videos verge on satire. I don't know for certainty that this is satire, I did read a few comments on-line that claimed it was but there were others that claimed it was legitimate. Personally I believe that there is some sad 15 year old getting a laugh right now over all the "crazy truthers" who didn't get the joke.

Honestly its crap like this that brings down 9/11 truth, its rubbish like this that closes off the masses to the idea that 9/11 may have a hidden truth behind it and it pisses me off.

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 08:54 PM

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin
I wrote a thread a few months ago called 9/11 as predicted by hollywood. The thread is essentially a critique of all these claims that 9/11 was predicted in pop-culture but i finished it with the updated version of the video the OP is discussing.

This video i believe is satire, the reason i used it in my thread was because i was trying to demonstrate just how much these kind of videos verge on satire. I don't know for certainty that this is satire, I did read a few comments on-line that claimed it was but there were others that claimed it was legitimate. Personally I believe that there is some sad 15 year old getting a laugh right now over all the "crazy truthers" who didn't get the joke.

Honestly its crap like this that brings down 9/11 truth, its rubbish like this that closes off the masses to the idea that 9/11 may have a hidden truth behind it and it pisses me off.

I don't think the video is satire, I think that the creator, for better or worse, believes a large part, or perhaps all, if what's in the video.

I am still skeptical but the coincidences are notable.

posted on Oct, 22 2015 @ 09:30 AM
Twin Pines changes to Lone Pine after Marty destroys one of the pines when he shows up in 1955.

posted on Oct, 22 2015 @ 10:23 AM

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 04:54 AM
That's really great that someone noticed a 9/11 formed by the neon sign and the burning tracks..

Somebody has too much time on their hands.


Holy sh#t! ..and the same clothes! cannot be coincidence there..

I think this (very well made..) documentary is also part of the trans-dimensional plot!

What is this documentary? A teaser for the movie?


Maybe all of this crazy sh#t.. the destruction sequence of the twin towers encoded onto the various denomination American bills, this stuff, the biblical prophecies.. is the exemplification of the power and ability of a supernatural being that spans time, vast time, beyond that of a human (and at least into biblical times), and can influence (or control) human and Earthly events with fair precision.

Also I was about to flag this post and I see this ...

Another 911 formed by the flag and logo

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 05:06 AM
a reply to: NihilistSanta

Ok, it was really amazing before I found out there were magnets in the ground..

posted on Oct, 27 2015 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: The_Phantom

I don't think it was a warning, I see it (the apparent pre-cognition) more as a symbol of intent from the shadowy masters of American/Western society, a sign to those versed in the ways of this world - that when you see this unfolding in the world around you, "We're making our play". I think that there must be an unwritten charter of media in which certain sequences, images or lines of dialogue in film are always intended to have a particular interpretation, to refer to particular actions or themes.

It would be wonderful to have an informal network of pre-cogs, visionaries of various forms, all creating & enacting what turn out to have been deeply symbolically relevant films (etc), interpreted after the event as a 'warning'. However, the warning is too obscure for anyone to come out and make statements earlier, say in 1995, such as: "Great Scott! The twin towers will be struck by terrorists on 9-11 2001..!" Clearly that can't typically occur, and so it feels more likely that there's a deep & terrible conspiracy - that symbols & signs of future conspiratorial actions, negatively affecting mankind on a horrendous scale, are routinely incorporated into media to be consumed by us.

It could be interpreted that we are subconsciously conditioned by the images & emotion of film, so that when we see the event to which those 'symbol inserts' refer, we accept it as 'real' immediately - parts of our psyche are affected strangely, making us believe more emotively (or AUTOMATICALLY) in the real event which was alluded to by the movie symbols. We are 'suspending our belief', as is said about when we want it to be real, so we immerse our mind in its apparent reality. Perhaps the elitist oligarchs knew that the ploys would be insufficient for a deliberately sought course of action (example: CREATING ENDLESS WAR) if they didn't symbolically enrich/ mould our perceptions & emotions by the use of reaffirming symbols.

No, I think that the idea of heroic pre-cog warnings deliberatly obscured in media, under the patronage of wealthy do-gooders, is a little too apple pie to be actual reality. The idea reminds me of the plot to Heroes for some reason - amazing & well-placed individuals, wrestling with their own allegiances & powers, seeking to do great things to aid humanity. Sadly, I feel that such folk, while surely they do exist, are not behind at least most of the strange pre-cog media events. The only guy I can point to who consistently puts out material which might be considered heroic, is JJ Abrams. Of course I might be wrong about him, but there's been some really positive & insightful stuff interlaced within & throughout Abrams' shows, and his movies.

I have to say that sadly, I believe that most of this stuff is put out by satanic illuminati-type groups, comprising the dark supra-entity, the pervasive beast of the shadows which intrudes on, constructs & tears down all manner of different aspects of our reality. To what aim? I imagine there is a definite desire to focus our attention & fear, for the purposes of overt & covert control, for spiritual power, for access to the destructive forces which encroach upon the ordered & beautiful world we inhabit.

posted on Oct, 27 2015 @ 03:10 PM
I should add - there's a chance that the shadowy, satanic oligarchs were, in 9-11, seeking a solid pretext to enable them to take on an enemy diametrically opposed to conditions that favour the existence of shadowy, satanic groups of oligarchs, hence putting it through in media, to scare people into submission (those that could read the symbols).

edit on OctoberTuesday15110CDT03America/Chicago-050011 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2015 @ 03:15 PM
Gotta love pareidolia. It certainly keeps the conspiracy world afloat.

posted on Oct, 27 2015 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

Personally I believe that there is some sad 15 year old getting a laugh right now over all the "crazy truthers" who didn't get the joke.

[almost quote] Honestly its crap like this that brings down ---the OS ---, its (sic) rubbish like this that closes off the masses to the idea that 9/11 may have a hidden truth behind it and it pisses me off. [/almost quote]

Just borrowed some words from you there, hope you don't mind, saves me the keyboard time.

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