posted on Oct, 18 2015 @ 01:20 AM
a reply to:
Non-believers are very obtuse, narrow minded, unobservant, ignorant, and many other words if they have come to a reason not to believe, or never came
to believe in the first place, and they compare religion to Santa Claus in a literal way.
It's like they don't know a thing about psychology, anthropology, culture, tradition, and can't grasp the concept of faith, or lack the education to
conceive such an idea as to why the extreme majority do believe in something greater.
Not to mention it's just condescending, rude, and ignorant the way some non believers phrase and compare things, then apply some belittling statement
to said person. I don't believe in Magick or psy or remote viewing or telekinesis, but if another person does? Good for them! It doesn't make me
perceive them as one iq point lower than I previously perceived them. I fully admit I don't know every mystery in this world, and fully admit that my
belief in Christian principles is a choice, and may be false. But I won't tell you why I choose to believe something I intellectually know could be
I've met plenty of intelligent people of all beliefs, though, atheists, agnostics and the like included, and don't get the feeling they are actually
as straight up dumb as you're for some reason depicting them to be.