posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 08:52 PM
Across the world, there seems to be people that believe they are better than others, due to ethnicity, religion, culture, monetary reasons, etc - and
these are being fought all the time, as I personally believe they should be. No religion should make a person feel "holier than thou" no skin color
should make a person feel they are naturally just superior to others. These are things we seem to agree with, here on ats.
But the other side of the same coin... People that don't identify with any religion seem to have major superiority complexes that they don't question,
and smack down anyone that does question it. It doesn't become about debating, and truth finding, and accepting, it becomes very personal, for some
I recently made a topic on ats arguing that creationism should be taught in schools, as no theory of how the universe came about is actually accepted
as a permanent and dominant within the science community, and creationism is widely believed - something like eighty percent of people. Good arguments
were made and some of the good people of ats argued in a reasonable enough way that I agreed that it should not be - not in a science class,
alongside other theories that at least have scientific reasoning behind them.
Others started berating those that follow a religion/believe in God , questioning their intelligence, name calling, making fun of and just plain being
indecent for no good reason at all.
For the record, I don't condone superiority complexes from anywhere. Religious people are certainly not better than others, but certainly not worse.
Keep it civil, ladies and gents. Have a good weekend.
edit on 10/18/2015 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: Removed content that violated T&C so the OP can remain.