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originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE
So many here preach acceptance of others, acceptance of other beliefs and personal expression. But when you suggest teaching about every belief and leaving the student to make up their own mind...NO WAY! You can't teach something other than what I can't offer a different perspective than MINE!
originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE
So many here preach acceptance of others, acceptance of other beliefs and personal expression. But when you suggest teaching about every belief and leaving the student to make up their own mind...NO WAY! You can't teach something other than what I can't offer a different perspective than MINE!
But when it comes to sexual orientation, race, illegals, etc...the same people scream for equality and tolerance. The one thing I have learned about many on ATS is that those who demand acceptance, tolerance and equality are the first to tell others, on topics they chose...that they are STUPID, IGNORANT, WRONG...and that only their belief is acceptable.
Hypocrites. I could name them and give you a list of each and every one and they do it without fail. Easy to bait...immediate and reliable in their intolerance.
originally posted by: deadlyhope
Evolution, and creationism should be taught in the same classroom as these are both the most widely accepted theories on how the world came about.
We believe the Flying Spaghetti Monster created the world much as it exists today, but for reasons unknown made it appear that the universe is billions of years old (instead of thousands) and that life evolved into its current state (rather than created in its current form). Every time a researcher carries out an experiment that appears to confirm one of these “scientific theories” supporting an old earth and evolution we can be sure that the FSM is there, modifying the data with his Noodly Appendage. We don’t know why He does this but we believe He does, that is our Faith. these are both the most widely accepted theories...
originally posted by: deadlyhope
Creationism SHOULD be taught in school. ( alongside science theories! )
originally posted by: Kryties
originally posted by: deadlyhope
While I realize I'll get some flack from the other side - please keep it civilized, and attempt to explain why the most common theory - THEORY - about how the world was made, should not be taught to children.
Because teaching kids "Magic" as opposed to "Science" is like going back to the Dark Ages.
originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: deadlyhope
If creationism should be taught in our schools then so should mysticism.
originally posted by: cuckooold
This articulates my point of view far better than I can: