originally posted by: sirric
Gallstones. Have them check for it.
What causes Gallstones Hope this helps you out
There are two things that I am familiar with that can cause these symptoms; Adhesion's Disease and Gall Stones.
Adhesion's Disease can be caused by a previous abdominal surgery, but it can occur without having had surgery. It also may not show up on diagnostics,
but will be observable with an exploratory laparoscopy. Bad news first. If you opt to have surgery to remove the adhesions, there is a real good
chance they will reoccur. Good news - It is not likely to kill you.
Gall Stones. While they will usually show up with diagnostic studies. There is that rare individual that will come back with all studies looking
great, as if nothing is wrong; when there is indeed something wrong. This one I can attest to because my mother was in agony, and all the diagnostics.
including CT scan and MRI came back clean.
She probably would have died if her Primary Doctor hadn't insisted the GI doc do the surgery. He was furious. He told my mother her doctor was trying
to force him to do a surgery that she didn't need. My mother who won't take medications of any kind, and does not believe in surgery at all, unless
absolutely necessary, shocked me when she said, "Well if he is fighting you that hard to do the surgery, then I think we should listen to him."
I will never forget the look on that doctors face when he came into the room to talk to me after the surgery. He was twisting his hat in his hand and
he could barely look at me. He said he didn't understand it. All the test and the scans said everything was fine. He said if he hadn't done my
mother's gall bladder surgery as her doctor had insisted, she would have likely suffered many awful complications. My mother recovered quickly and
will be celebrating her 84th birthday in a couple of weeks.
Just for a laugh, she is doing well, and is as fit as a fiddle. She helped me put in a 8 foot fence and a 5 1/2 foot gate yesterday. I wish someone
had been there with a camera. Two old fart women, with a post hole digger, fencing, gate, gate hardware, wood screws, concrete and a drill. It took us
longer to determine what we needed, get it home, into the back yard, measured out, post placed, and boards cut to fit, using a hand saw, than it did
to screw the boards into place. We started at 11:00 am. We had to make two trips back to the store because of we listened to the guy in Home Depot,
instead of following our first minds, and doubting our mother wit. We finished just a little before 7 pm. We didn't even let a brief rain stop us. In
fact it was a darn good refreshing relief.
I should have taken pictures before and after. I have to admit that we both were shocked at how professional the job looks. Even my neighbor
commented that our work looked better than the job he paid some handyman to do.
So don't let the lack of diagnostic support stop you from getting help. If your doctor won't listen to you. Do yourself a favor, fire him and find
yourself another doctor. One that will listen. Don't forget that you pay him and he works for you, unless he is working for free.
edit on 8-10-2015 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: Clean up.