posted on Oct, 8 2015 @ 04:58 PM
Thank you for all the replies, first off I should mention my gallbladder was removed when I was 19 so that is unlikely the case.
The pain is a stabbing pain as best as I can describe it. It is prompted by randomness as far as I can tell no combination of food makes it better or
worse. As of yet no medicine has really helped, I have been proscribed Bentle twice and it has done nothing. Pain relievers no matter the strength
only slightly numb the pain
I am currently on day 4 of no gluten in my diet with as of now no change in how I feel.
Like I said I will be going to the best area hospital soon to have them poke and prod me and look at all of my blood work and test results. Fingers
crossed that they can find something.
As for checking symptoms on Web MD or other places I have looked and they mostly refer to things that have already been ruled out though I feel like
that is what my doctor is doing at times.
And a special call out for Proob4 I understand that this is not a medical website and that any diagnosis from this website will most likely be made
from people not educated in the medical field. This post mostly is a way for me to talk about this without adding to the stress already upon my wife
and myself.
With that being said no sign of a hernia in the CT scan, ultrasound or xray so unless it is microscopic I would say that is not the issue.
edit on 8-10-2015 by crimsongod21 because: add text