Hi. This is my first post. All anti gunners are not going after the appropriate people on this issue.
Antigunners love to bring up stats regarding gun deaths, using them as a call to disarm law abiding americans. There is one very important thing to
remember which is always left out-- government has been statistically proven by scientists to be responsible for the most human deaths in the 20th
century-- most of which were done with guns.
You see my misguided friends, if you want to approach the disarmament of people responsible for violence and want to use real stats, we can accomodate
you. The truth is, government should be disarmed first and foremost, effective immediately if your goal is to prevent bloodshed, not the american
citizenry. Failure to focus on govt by you antigunners simply means you are frauds.
To all antigunners-- I would like to educate you about democide, AKA, "death by government." Source-- university of hawaii study on democide.
Humanity's past is littered with governments and political machines which turned on their own people with a ferocity few can fathom. Perhaps you
think it can't happen here. Please understand that the founders of this country thought otherwise and created our constitution with precisely this
scenario in mind. Not only did they think it was possible, but to them, with history as a yardstick, it was INEVITABLE.
Adolph Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin-- all were leaders of governments that took great pleasure in the genocide and torture of their
own people by the millions. There is a term for this-- it is called Democide.
Scholars estimate that in the last one hundred years alone, governments across the world, through their direct and INTENTIONAL actions, have
slaughtered 250-300 million people. This makes government statistically the greatest unnatural killer of people for the twentieth century. Again,
this is Democide--INTENTIONAL MURDER of, AKA DEATH BY GOVERNMENT. Also consider that this statistic does NOT include deaths in battles or wars.
Research democide and review these startling truths for yourself. The 21st century has barely started, but already governments have claimed the
lives of many.
Now to all anti gunners, you have a choice: stop using stats regarding gun deaths or use them but go after the appropriate target-- government, and
not the american people. Again, failure to do so means either you are not capable of basic analytical thought proceses or that you are frauds.
Democide stats show how important it is for the citizenry to be able to defend themselves with guns while at the same time showing that it is govt
that should be disarmed immediately.
Stats from university of hawaii, a leading authority on democide. Rhetorical points are my own.
What you antigunners are doing is asking law abiding americans (they are the only ones who follow laws) to make govt/police the only ones able to be
armed... GOVT ARE THE ONES RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MOST UNNATURAL BLOODSHED ON PLANET EARTH... and are totally corrupt. They are rotten to the core.
Leaving guns only in their hands is a proposition only an insane individual could get behind, especially when using history as a yardstick.
edit on 7-10-2015 by KonkyDong because: (no reason given)
edit on 7-10-2015 by KonkyDong because: (no reason
edit on 7-10-2015 by KonkyDong because: (no reason given)
edit on 7-10-2015 by KonkyDong because: (no reason
edit on 7-10-2015 by KonkyDong because: (no reason given)
edit on 7-10-2015 by KonkyDong because: (no reason