posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 08:13 PM
What the hell are you people talking about...???
For Christs sake, these inbred morons film themselves destroying and subsequently cheering the erasing of our ancient past...
I get that the liberal ATS crowd is compelled to defend these dirt farming, illiterate inbreds but Jesus, people get a grip...
Islamists worship a sociopathic pedophile who believed God wanted him to bang 7 year old children....
The fact that people are blaming Israel and black ops is so far beyond stupid I am flummoxed as to how to address it...
Again, these illiterate savages are filming themselves destroying humanity's shared history....and y'all are blaming the Jews and nebulous shadow
This site is becoming overrun with stupidity and hypocrisy that it blows my mind...
And I'm sure if catholics were bulldozing Stonehenge y'all would give them the same latitude you afford Muslims...actually y'all would may blame the
NRA first, then Christianity...then the Jews of course (cause it's always their fault---I'm pretty sure they even shoot rocket propelled grenades at
themselves according to ATS)...