Welcome to my way of thinking, as coined by a popular ATS member of
whom I respect and honor thru coinage. I'm writing this thread so members
can hash over my thoughts and perhaps enlighten Randyvious ( that's a me o ).
It's all about the non believers. Or one might say it's all about the believers.
Its' a bit complicated because they are both the same people. I'll try to explain.
Most people ( yes right here on ATS ) know of God. I know Jesus existed. I
don't need the kind of evidence emphatically insisted on by non believers.
I see enough evidence every single day, from the moment I open my eyes to
the moment I close them and often in between. But my position is scoffed
at mostly.
No evidence.
And yet these same scoffers are bit funny to say the least. One might even
call them WACKY. These same scoffers can hear or see something, I have to
presume anything. The same way they hear and see ( read ) anything about
God and they will buy it hook line and sinker anytime and everytime. With
no evidence what so ever at all, that it's even true. I have to assume that as
long as it isn't about something they don't want to believe. The media can
tell them anything ai all and they will believe it. At the same time I can sight
an abundance of reasons beyond no evidence not believe a damn thing the
same media presents us with. I can barely trust Wanda the weather bunny.
I think that's WACKY. The way they cherry pick perfectly their decadence.
Are you wacky?
edit on Rpm100315v32201500000040 by randyvs because: (no reason given)
I believe in God, but God has no need for religion.
Religion is a 'Mind Prison"
I think there have been people sent by God to show us this, such as Yeshuah, Buddah, Krishna, Melchisadech, Horus.
Maybe they were the same entity?
The scriptures are unreliable becuse they have been msnipulated and mis interpreted to serve evil agendas.
God will show himself and his reality without the need for religion.
edit on 3-10-2015 by Antidisestablishment because: (no reason
What never ceases to amaze me is the crowds of atheist trolls
who seem to be angry with a God they don't beleive in .
Then on their death beds they relent,repent and suddenly beleive.
Then there's the religious leaders that turn a blind eye,then say "sorry"
as if everything's ok now .
And the leaders of psuedo-religious death-cults that are definately
So , in a nutshell ,
THE WORLD IS WACKY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No your moral compass points true north and splits the black whole
center of our galaxy esse. I sometimes feel I know that better than
you class. I had a premo you would answer and that's just weird.
So glad to hear from you.
To answer your question ..... Not enough. But thanks for the reminder.
edit on Rpm100315v24201500000047 by randyvs because: (no reason
Kinda assumptive about those you think are wacky huh?
That they just believe things no matter what.
I have no issue with the idea of Jesus being a person who walked this earth, now if he turned water into wine, walked on water or pulled a just
kidding after being killed is another thing.
Kinda assumptive about those you think are wacky huh?
That they just believe things no matter what.
I have no issue with the idea of Jesus being a person who walked this earth, now if he turned water into wine, walked on water or pulled a just
kidding after being killed is another thing.
I think that's a fair response. Care to address the other side of the coin?
The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.
No one can know a person's thoughts except that person's own spirit, and no one can know God's thoughts except God's own Spirit. What we have received
is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us.
When we tell you these things, we do not use words that come from human wisdom. Instead, we speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit's
words to explain spiritual truths.
But people who aren't spiritual can't receive these truths from God's Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can't understand it, for only
those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means. Those who are spiritual can understand all things, but they themselves cannot be
understood by others.
1st Corinthians.
edit on 3-10-2015 by infolurker because: (no reason given)
Well, then I don't know what you're seeing. I don't see Jesus anywhere. He allegedly lived 2000 years ago. I'm not that old. I haven't seen anyone
fitting his description walking around town either.
As for evidence all I'm aware of is The Bible and Religious folk saying his name. Neither of those are solid evidence for him existing either.
Was there a guy named Jesus way back then that was a Spiritual Leader of some kind. Maybe.
Was he Divine. I don't think so and have no reason to believe he or anyone else was either. Then or now.
I would say the answer to your conundrum is that we live in a world based around what we see, the physical, distraction, and entertainment... People
have little issue believing what they see... its right in front of them, be it TV or the net or what have you.
The idea that everything is being watched over, or guided by a higher power is very hard to believe in this age because we see everything...
everything is recorded... we get news from across the world the moment it happens, and its rarely... almost never good news. We see how messed up
the world is every day, and its drilled into our heads as normal every day occurrences... The very idea that some all loving benevolent creator is
behind this mess of a world is complete nonsense to some.
Though again, this is a different world from even 100 years ago...
There is no peace here...
There is no quiet here...
its easy to see with your eyes... and the hearts of men have been desensitised
Our misery has turned into our entertainment... And its not just gladiators as it was in the past...
its the world, and what it has become.... and the path its headed down
Why is your belief in things NOT evidenced ANY less "whacky" than other people's lack of belief in things not evidenced?
You have your beliefs and your faith, and that's fine. But why rant on people who don't share it?
Belief is an emotional attachment to an idea. Knowledge is an awareness of the evidence of an idea.
Belief requires no evidence and knowledge requires no belief.
There are things I believe in, even have faith in, but there is NO WAY I'm going to try to disparage people JUST BECAUSE they don't share my beliefs.
I will get right down on someone for their ACTIONS, but what they believe is none of my business.
Hey, what about those "whacky" people who believe in Buddha, huh? LOL! Yeah! They're crazy, all right! Let's put them down and show how righteous we
are, whaddya say?