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The Fall of the EU?

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posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 01:11 PM
I think it's quite possible that the EU has served its purpose and can now be effectively discarded by the evil masters of social engineering that created it. Much of the recent and imminent problems simply wouldn't have been possible to create without its existence.

It's not just the EU either - the whole world seems ready for the big one.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: Robert Reynolds

What do you feel was the purpose?

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 01:14 PM
I think the UK is going to leave.

Im voting out.

all my friends are voting out

My family are voting out.

A whole village near me that are normally dumb enough to vote labor voted Conservative and UKIP this year because Millipede was to cowardly to offer a referendum and that village want to vote out.

The only thing I can see stopping the UK leaving the EU are the scotts.....
edit on 30-9-2015 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

I will be voting out too as will most everyone I know, but I'm not convinced they will give us the vote on it

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport
To create suffering.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: yeahsurexxx

Will they let you take your family's firearms?

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: Robert Reynolds

Erm ok but what possible purpose could that serve?

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

Guess they 're STILL at then...OLIGARCHS are doing ALL of his,now like the ME they are having an EU autum instead of spring to break up Europe its the SAME pattern people...over and over again..can we shoot them now?
Although I NEVER voted you have these things happen to you,money control is in private hands...

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 01:38 PM
Americans in particular are wondering WTH was Merkel thinking that made this possible. It all goes back to the end of WW2 when Frankfurt school ideologues fanned out through Germany to revise the academic, judicial and historical view Germans took of themselves. Along with military disarmament there was a mental component; one that vilified Nationalism in every form. The Allies thought it better to neuter the population of the Will to Wage War in the first place.
In their efforts to renounce themselves of all things Germanic the new Germany would become a model of multiculturalism, welcoming people from all over to replace the old ideals of racial purity.

Today's human tide of immigration is a direct result of the Allies mental makeover of Europe and particularly Germany. The war in Syria has little to do with it as that has been ongoing for several years now. Some very powerful interests decided it was time to swamp the EU with a human tidal wave, as to why we can only guess. Mine is that either A): they know an economic depression is about to happen and need someone else for the people to blame or B): they intend to bring in as many radicalized Muslims as possible in order to create a violent backlash from the Right wing and Nationalists in order to institute a martial-law type control grid to monitor and control everyone. I lean more towards reason B.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

You kind of echo my thoughts on the reasons for the situation occurring in the first place. Although, I'm thinking more along the lines of maybe cheap labour to bring down wages or keep wages stagnant, or as you say its all about control. We have had many years now of brainwashing against discrimination of all kinds, fair enough this was a good the beginning. Now it has gone to ridiculous extremes to the point where most people are walking on eggshells not daring to speak out for fear of being branded a racist which is todays new buzz word. Its all getting quite Orwellian...and these are only the bits we can see for ourselves so imagine what is going on in the background with the higher ups and those that consider themselves the elite

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport
Why do bullies bully? Why do serial killers kill?

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: Robert Reynolds

And talking of bullying it seems that back in June the German President of the European Parliament had made veiled threats towards David Cameron stating that the UK were blackmailing the EU and if UK exited the EU, then cross border travel worked both ways and we could find sanctions and travel & work limitations against Brits living in EU countries. Hmm talking of blackmail?

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 03:08 PM
Wouldn't it just be easier to kick Germany out? then all of the EU nations left can escort ever illegal immigrant right to Germany's boarders and say 'alvederzane'

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport

I fear somebody somewhere is laughing at our inadequate coping and rubbing their hands in glee at a plan coming to fruition!

There can be no doubt as all of this is been set into motion by that very someone rubbing their hands in glee.

The Fall of the EU will just be an intermediate step to globalization. The completely un-transparent global government is going to come out of hiding looking like a necessary 'accident.'

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 03:15 PM
John Oliver had an interesting take on the refugee situation on LWT this week. Honestly, I don't see the problem with just letting the immigrants in, I always thought Europe as a whole was far less xenophobic than they're acting right now especially when you consider the declining birth rates the entire continent faces. I wish the US would pledge to take in more than the 185,000 we've agreed to.

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: Robert Reynolds

And talking of bullying it seems that back in June the German President of the European Parliament had made veiled threats towards David Cameron stating that the UK were blackmailing the EU and if UK exited the EU, then cross border travel worked both ways and we could find sanctions and travel & work limitations against Brits living in EU countries. Hmm talking of blackmail?

That's not blackmail, that's equal treatment. If you abandon the EU you have to be prepared for them to abandon you.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: Aazadan

Hardly fair to be targetting people that are already living in Europe though is it? That's just threatening tactics

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 03:52 PM
Seems Germany isn't in a good place at the moment. They pushed hard for the euro as it benefited their economy by making their goods more affordable to Europe. But the parity of the Euro was always going to destroy countries that relied on cheap tourism, so Germany had to bail them out, resulting in real debt to gdp, to the tune of 300%.

So if EU collapses, Germany will be left with enormous debt on a weakening export market. Not happy.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: glend

Yup quite and as a result of the bailouts Germany has not just Greece by the short & curlies but other countries too. Germany have made themselves the Sovereigns of the Eu and this is something that other nations are wanting to see changed.

The EU cannot continue in its present form. The summit on Greece seriously damaged the reputation and principles on which the EU was founded. Everyone knows the deal made with Greece cannot work even Tsipiras knows it cannot work but was more or less forced into acceptance, leaving Greece at the mercy of Germany, the richer bigger brother who it should also be mentioned, only caved in to bail out Greece after pressure from France & Italy. In childish retaliation, it is said that because Germany felt some of the Northern Nations had pushed them into agreeing further bailouts for Greece, Germany decided that it would make life as unpleasant and misereable as possible for Greek citizens with a whole host of austerity measures tacked onto the bail out agreement

Clearly, this is not what the EU was set up for and this kind of behaviour has damaged Germanys reputation, so throwing the doors open to refugees and becoming the guiding light of humanitarianism for the rest of Europe has in fact taken the spotlight away from the fiasco of Greece. Germany has also been desperate to regain its overseas reputation since the rise of the neo nazis during the 1990's and the amendment of the right to asylum whereby refugees would be refused entry if they arrived from the country which Germany deemed safe, which led them to refuse refugees fleeing the war in Yugoslavia

The EU is NOT Germany but one could be mistaken for believing so

The one thing David Cameron has got right in my eyes is when he says the EU needs a serious overhaul together with the Dublin Regulation

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
Americans in particular are wondering WTH was Merkel thinking that made this possible. It all goes back to the end of WW2 when Frankfurt school ideologues fanned out through Germany to revise the academic, judicial and historical view Germans took of themselves. Along with military disarmament there was a mental component; one that vilified Nationalism in every form. The Allies thought it better to neuter the population of the Will to Wage War in the first place.
In their efforts to renounce themselves of all things Germanic the new Germany would become a model of multiculturalism, welcoming people from all over to replace the old ideals of racial purity.

Today's human tide of immigration is a direct result of the Allies mental makeover of Europe and particularly Germany. The war in Syria has little to do with it as that has been ongoing for several years now. Some very powerful interests decided it was time to swamp the EU with a human tidal wave, as to why we can only guess. Mine is that either A): they know an economic depression is about to happen and need someone else for the people to blame or B): they intend to bring in as many radicalized Muslims as possible in order to create a violent backlash from the Right wing and Nationalists in order to institute a martial-law type control grid to monitor and control everyone. I lean more towards reason B.

My thoughts on this topic mirror yours although I am sad to admit I'd not heard of the "Frankfurt" school and the spread of its ideologies. I was living in Africa after the break up of the English empire and the grants of independence to its former colonies and watched with some degree of horror as the UK began policies that basically opened its borders to residents of those colonies. Years later I was introduced to the mind bending ideology of multiculturalism as applied in the UK and then as imported to the US.

Like others I'm surprised at Merkel's misstep, but I think that what it reveals is that Merkel is so far removed from the realities of what her Government's agencies capabilities are that she had no idea the extent to which the importation of this many refugees this fast would so quickly overwhelm their abilities to cope. For example, I'd read recently that while Merkel wants to put forth a posture of military competence vis-a-vis the Russians, something like only 25% of the total inventory of the German Army's main battle tank, the Leopard 2 are battle ready; worse, they've decided to upgrade by selling off a vast stock of their tanks and at the moment only have some 250 in inventory.

While its apparent Merkel is out of touch with her nations Governmental capabilities, my guess is that she, like US leaders, is the pawn of powerful business interests driving her to import mass quantities of cheap labor for their factories and sweat shop operations. I'd lay that as the main reason she has done this. That and the fact she's faced with the declining birth rate in Germany which has been below replacement levels for decades. She and other German leaders know that they face the Japanese demographic disaster of far more pensioners than workers to pay for benefits.

Whether the EU survives this onslaught or not, I can not say. The breakup of the EU could have disastrous effects on the world economy and that being the case, I rather suspect it will somehow stumble past this, yet another crisis, if only because the Banks can't fade a breakup of the EU at this time.

To put that thought into perspective, we have to recall that massive sums of debt are presently priced into the Euro and as a result, with the exception of the UK, I'd expect that other member states would find themselves near bankrupt if they had to translate that debt into the respective national currencies. I wish I could present a better feature of what I'm trying to say there, but I can't think of a way to do it. I'll try: if Italy's debt is 3 Trillion Euro and tries to leave the Euro Zone/Economic Union, it suddenly "owes" that debt to, mostly....Germany, but as the holder of that debt, the European Central Bank. So.....Italy would have to re-up the "Lira" and value that currency in the face of a 3 Trillion EuroDollar debt. That would, overnight, make the newly minted Lira.....worthless. We'd be facing the Weimar Republic situation in Italy with people needing wheel barrows to carry enough "Lira" to the market to buy a loaf of bread!

God, help us. Just having written that I realized that this "Migrant" crisis could result in the possibility of the collapse of the Euro Zone/Economic Union which could very well spell and economic dislocation of Biblical proportions.

Time for a beer! I can't quite wrap my mind around that scenario!

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 05:27 PM
There is 0% probability that the EU will collapse or fail. It may lose members but the most influential and powerful will remain intact. The European Union is the prime example of the New World Order and the illuminati. You know what is next. The North American Union and the Amero. They will never obliterate their powerful unions, they won't allow the banks and monetary systems to enable a dissolution of their powerful unions.
edit on 30-9-2015 by LooseLipsSinkShips because: (no reason given)

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