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POPE: Interfaith Service, Bring All Religions Together, JESUS Failed At The Cross

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posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 01:02 AM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

My Lord and my King died in the same obscurity as every other one
of the nameless, hundreds of thousands that died on the cross, not
only at the hands of the romans. So obscure people 2000 yrs later cast
doubt on his very existence with it. But out of that total obscurity only
his death marks time. Out of that obscurity only one name is remembered.
The only name that has ever been claimed to be " The lamb of God
who takes away the sins of the world". I see our sins as what is wrong
with us and how they effect this world. No I am not the light of the
world and neither are you. But my sins are forgiven thanks to my Kings
victory on the cross.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 01:03 AM

originally posted by: randyvs
a reply to: Milah

He most likely needs socked in the head. That whole vicar of Christ and
crooked cross and graven image thing just never set well with me any way.
The Catholic people God bless them seem to be led by a wolf in sheeps clothing.

This pope is a political tool

that is all.

time to send in the Baptists.
edit on 26-9-2015 by GeisterFahrer because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 01:10 AM
a reply to: GeisterFahrer

Baptisim by fire.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 01:16 AM
a reply to: randyvs

You aren't forgiven until you forgive others.

Matthew 6
15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Jesus' death on the cross doesn't mean anything unless you forgive others yourself.

And yes, you are the light of the world.

Matthew 5
14 You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.

Jesus was talking to his apostles, those who believed in him. If you believe in him then he was talkng to you as well, calling you the light of the world.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 01:22 AM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

If there is any light in me it only passes thru from the source.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 01:23 AM
My dear Catholic brethren - the pope has sold you down the river.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 01:38 AM
a reply to: Milah

His life signs failed at the cross.

He asked God why he had forsaken him, at the cross, even though those of the faith understand that he was not forsaken, in so far as things worked out.

For all intents and purposes at the time, the saviour of the world died that day, ergo he failed. To every onlooker, the journey was over for him, right then and there, and all there was to be found in it was sorrow, not hope, pain, not relief.

Here's a chap with some perspective and context which may be useful here.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 01:54 AM
a reply to: randyvs

Even Jesus said his Father was greater than he.

God is the source, you are the medium that the source passes through just as Jesus was. "I do not speak on my own authority but the authority of the one who sent me" meaning the Father used Jesus as the mediator for his light.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 01:57 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Here's a chap with some perspective and context which may be useful here.

The perspective of one who worships gold and graven images.

Not my King.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 02:00 AM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Even Jesus said his Father was greater than he.

God is the source, you are the medium that the source passes through just as Jesus was. "I do not speak on my own authority but the authority of the one who sent me" meaning the Father used Jesus as the mediator for his light.

I understand perfectly what I said. But thanks for claifying it for others.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 02:10 AM
Well TOld yall there was something wrong with this *spit * Person in popes clothing. This pope should be stripped of his posistion immediatly and all his sainted apointees revoked. its obvious with that statement he is not worthy of the title o r posistion. The previous pope is prolly raising cain from on high at that statement.

HAs pat robertson caught wind of this yet? This should be fun to watch.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 02:13 AM
a reply to: randyvs

I was pointing out that you and Jesus are the same. I'm not sure you caught on to that.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 02:25 AM

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: randyvs

So, you did not watch the video, otherwise you would not have said such a thing.

Try again.

Believe me when I say, I have no respect for Catholicism as a method of worship of Christ, because so much of it revolves around veneration of mortal men, involves placing mortal men betweens oneself and Christ which is never the right way to deal with things, and as you say, craven images and gold are far too prevalent in the Catholic Church.

However, it is important to understand what a person MEANS when they speak, to know what a person is intending by their words, and what they are not.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 03:01 AM

originally posted by: infolurker

This news troubles me greatly. Not completely unexpected but kind of like finding your tests for cancer are positive. You knew it was possible but it really doesn't sink in until the confirmation.

Let's see what comes next.

I don't need convincing as many prophencies have foretold the destruction of the church of Rome. Pope Leo XIII warned that satan was empowered by God to destroy the church. His reign perhaps started with the founding of Vatican city in 1929. His reign ends between 75-100 years - 2014-2029. Time is running short, he will accelerate control.

The uncertainty that vexes me however, is the identify of God that empowered Satan, was he the most high, or a lower and jealous God as explained in the Secret Book of John.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 04:47 AM
Either what the Pope said was poorly worded or came across, no pun intended, terribly in translation.

Jesus was not a failure as He fulfilled His purpose and what was prophesied.

Death is the result of sin which is a failure. Perhaps that's what the Pope meant by "failure" in regards to Jesus because Jesus died on the cross even though He was sinless. That "failure, humanly speaking" was overcome with His resurrection.

Now whether or not you believe that is your choice, but that's what is being refered to.

With that being said keep a watchful eye because a lot of strange things have been occurring lately.
edit on 26-9-2015 by majesticgent because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 05:23 AM
a reply to: infolurker

I sincerely believe that we are seeing history unfold. I am not catholic and have never been one, but I would have not thought that I would have ever heard such coming from the pope. Just one of many reasons to keep alert.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 05:27 AM
I dont trust this pope as far as I can throw him... well I could throw him a few meters so "I dont trus this pope as far as I could throw him after a full day of cutting wood". But to be fair he did say "humanly speaking, ended in failure".

When Jesus died on the cross, it looked like he had failed, even the apostles thought so:

Luk 24:13 On the same day, two of Jesus' followers were walking to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem.
Luk 24:14 They were talking with each other about all these things that had taken place.
Luk 24:17 He asked them, "What are you discussing with each other as you're walking along?" They stood still and looked gloomy.
"The events involving Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet, mighty in what he said and did before God and all the people,
Luk 24:20 and how our high priests and leaders handed him over to be condemned to death and had him crucified.
Luk 24:21 But we kept hoping that he would be the one to redeem Israel.
Luk 24:25 Then Jesus told them, "O, how foolish you are! How slow you are to believe everything the prophets said!
Luk 24:26 The Messiah had to suffer these things and then enter his glory, didn't he?"
Luk 24:27 Then, beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them all the passages of Scripture about himself.

Had Satan understood the meaning of the cross he would never have killed Jesus on it. What seemed like failure to human and unenlightened eyes actually was victory over sin and death.

1Co 1:23 but we preach the Messiah crucified. He is a stumbling block to Jews and nonsense to gentiles,
1Co 1:27 But God chose what is nonsense in the world to make the wise feel ashamed. God chose what is weak in the world to make the strong feel ashamed.

That is what Francis meant by that statement, but knowing the occult penchant for double meanings, I wouldnt be surprised if he meant it was a failure.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: Milah
I can see what he was getting at.
According to the simultaneous translator, he added the words "humanly speaking" to "a failure on the cross".
That brings it into line with Paul's explanation (1 Corinthians ch1 vv18-25) that the cross is "foolishness" to the wisdom of men, and only understandable by the wisdom of God.
The cross is a failure apparently, "humanly speaking", but not in the reality recognisable through the Spirit of God.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 09:06 AM
The pope.
What a joke
Who took home
A new rule
To end division
to end lies
Faithful trues
Against one
faithful fool.

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