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Black Lives Matter.......Oh Really?!?!

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posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 02:45 PM
This is a very controversial video stating that Black Lives Matter ONLY when another race, including cops, commits violence against a Black person!!

I find this very interesting yet absolutely right and to the point! The following is only a link to the 4 and a half minute video on youtube
from a guy that calls himself St. Patrick from the church of F YOU!!

I am not posting the video because of the language used repeatedly but he is doing so to drive the point home .....And if you click on link you will see exactly what I mean!
WARNING!!! Strong language!!!

Your thoughts on this ATS?

Thanks for your time,

edit on Fri Sep 25 2015 by DontTreadOnMe because: added warning for language and edited title with source title

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 02:52 PM
He makes good points 93% and no one bats an eyelid the other 7% media hype gets real crazy on that..

St.Patrick I salute u!! Lol born on paddy's day also

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: robbeh

EXACTLY!! He is right on!! Personally, i was saying "Hell Yes!! You GO"!! Well then you def. agree with ST Paddy!

Early Happy B. Day to ya!


posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 03:07 PM
Of course they do, and no doubt each life taken within the community, by someone in the community is mourned just as bad as those killed by police.

But when you are 4 times likely to die in custody or whilst being arrested, simply because the colour of your skin, then I can understand why this campaign has been given so much airtime.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 03:09 PM
Cheers matey

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

People don't care about the principles of it.
Just want to see black people talk out against it.

When they bring up the 93% number I know it is just a talking point rant.
Not saying it isn't true, just that when you look at all races, they primarily kill each other.
So not sure what it has to do with a movement that is against the institution.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 03:12 PM
Where I can join?

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

Where are you pulling your statistics from really? That's like me saying well you're 10 times more likely to commit a crime if you're not white.... Lets not play that game...

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

YES! Black Lives Matter!! ALL LIVES MATTER! Not Only if you are Black!! That is the problem on one hand you have idiots cheering on black people beating the crap out of black people and posting it on social media.....Then on the other, you have black people outraged by violence against black people!!

The point is violence against anyone is WRONG!! Regardless of their race, sex, beliefs, etc......But when a person destroys and burns down a city, loots and participates in violence because they are hurt and enraged, their point and credibility goes out the window!! You become a hypocrite!

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 03:27 PM
What is somewhat of an irritant to this "common passerby" is the pumping/idol worship in rap music that glorifies killing/drug sales and getting what You can from "The Hood"..

Please allow Me to explain or not, either way.

I worked as a cop in a Ca. city that has had quite a few "rap stars" and I've been retired for 11 so this goes back to the infancy of the whole thing. Back then they glorified drug sales; "working" for theirs; etc. etc. Well, in this City there was a "North vs. South" war going on when more than a few bodies got sacrificed. The 'victims' were black and the suspects were black, fighting their own Self.
If I revealed the city then You'd know right off hand but I kinda like the anonymity of the intraweb so I'll keep it a mystery..


posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 03:28 PM

originally posted by: jheated5
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

Where are you pulling your statistics from really? That's like me saying well you're 10 times more likely to commit a crime if you're not white.... Lets not play that game...

Okay sorry should have added a link to back up that.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 03:28 PM
I think BLM is a racist organization created by politicos to push political agendas.

FACT: Cops kill people every day of different ethnicities, and mostly those who are clearly deserving of the Darwin Award.

The only 'preference' cops might have is saving their own lives.

All lives do matter even cops.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: paxnatus

That dude has a BS detector which MUST be military grade.

Great video! And like the man said, it doesn't take away from the very real problem of out of control police, but it certainly puts the whole racial element in some perspective.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: Cobaltic1978

originally posted by: jheated5
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

Where are you pulling your statistics from really? That's like me saying well you're 10 times more likely to commit a crime if you're not white.... Lets not play that game...

Okay sorry should have added a link to back up that.

Mother Jones!!?? Well then it must be correct and unbiased information. Just give me a minute to check those stats with The Daily Stormer and I'll get right back.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

Please present your evidence to back up your claim that it is due to skin color?
edit on 24-9-2015 by TorqueyThePig because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: paxnatus

He's got a point to some degree on the hypocrisy. However, there is a difference from police attacking someone without reason and two dudes fighting each other. The two guys fighting are on equal terms and who knows, they may have a good reason for fighting. But an officer is in a position of authority and usually what is shown with them is an abuse of power and overstepping their authority or just plain murder and acting above the law.

I see police brutality to be the same as something like gang violence against an innocent person. BLM should be against gang violence and anything involving someone who is innocent for sure. But black on black violence by just a couple dudes in the street may not apply. They might have both willingly decided to fight each other for good reasons which is their business.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: paxnatus

He's clearly explaining the basic reality of violence in the black community. It's happening in my city which is less than 100,000 in population. In the past 3 months we've had 6 black teens killed by the hands of black young men. It's all coming from the same 10 block area in our city.

There's a real problem in the black community that leaders need to address. In fact, the black leaders in my city have already organized public forums to discuss what's causing all the violence in their community. They're contributing it to hopelessness, but I just don't buy it. The poor have way much more financial help to attend college than the middle class today. In fact most financial aid is non-existent for most middle or upper-class families.

Blacks also can take advantage of the same high school public education as the rest of college bound students.
Yet most of them don't care to take advantage of their education to help them climb out of poverty or their perceived "hopelessness." People control their own destiny.

Poor parental role models, a lack of discipline by their parents, and bad influences from peer groups play a big factor in the violence.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 06:52 PM
I find it hilarious that NO one cared when there was violence in black communities, but now that they are standing up, its an issue. The most people learned from black communities and violence was Cops/Rap Videos, and some idiots showing people fighting in their own neighborhood.

Might I remind some of you that this happens in white neighborhoods as well, except instead of a fight, they bring machine guns and ravage a school and innocent victims. Why do we so love to forget that the top "terrorist" are white, mass murders are also done by whites.

Lets also NOT forget that only a little over 50 years ago (some members here know first hand, due to age, how it used to be) that its not far off enough for us to keep calling it "history". All of the so called issues that plague the black community and is the SOLE reason that they are "out of control" people is happening in the exact same way, its just not televised as much.

Go talk to a poor person, who comes from the ghetto, that grew up in sh!tty schools, with no grocery stores, only liquor stores, and drug dealing, who knows nothing else, but that there is no beginning and there is no end.

OH wait, YOU are, and thats me. I dont write about this because I saw a documentary, I write about it, because I lived it, and to be dismissive of someone who can say it because they KNOW IT, well its because most are taught that it too is irrelevant, and my point means nothing.

So, just keep spreading the "ALL LIVES MATTERS" movement, cause we all know the truth, and the game that is forced upon us to be angry at each other, we need to have a "COPS NEED RETRAINING MATTERS", but Im sure no one cares about that.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 07:19 PM
I want throw this in there before this thread goes any further. I m a parent of mixed race children and they too have had to deal with racism, not once have I told them hate "whitey" but tried to help them to understand that people are stuck in a time that they fear is slipping past them, and though this was with even first graders, I had to raise them to ignore it, dont lash out.

BLM is standing up, and even if you dont agree with the color of the people that they are standing for, crimes/murders that are happening within the system, is everyones problem. How many can actually say that they knew how many people were killed per month by LEO's? These protests have opened the eyes of many who didnt know, even though the inner city knew.

There are people that I thought of to be divided on race, and I have even heard some of the comments that I read here, and I have been re-approached and told they had no clue. That the lawlessness that is happening is not only scary, but that if we do not STOP this, even if you have to jump on the BLM bandwagon, the LEO's have to be stopped before the colorblindness within the system starts to show that the distraction was worthy, and now all of our lives and childrens lives are in great danger.

You want to say that they are criminals though, drugs has no color, murder has no color, bad people have no color, its a persons attitude, we create monsters, then we want to give them colors, and add them up like a crayon box. It just doesnt work that way. There are no shows about the drug king pins, only the guy selling weed on the corner, making about $100 a day, not the guy making billions contributing to the millions that are addicted to drugs including big pharma.

We get angry that blacks kill blacks, but not the unnecessary wars killing millions, and the color of those who are inciting that. We get angry with those who dont have text books and commit crimes, but not people who go to ivy league schools and commit the same crimes. We praise someone who can eat organic, and how they comprehend with a well balanced diet, but hate the person who only eats tasty cakes, and 50 cent juices as breakfast.

LEO's are everywhere and are told to protect YOU, when will it become an issue? Will it have to be that we wait till there are firing squads just pulling up their tanks and not caring WHO gets killed?

Peace, NRE.

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: NoRegretsEver

So I am a little confused....are you saying ALL LIVES MAATTER or is your post to say other races dont have the same problem when it comes to violence.....

You missed his point and i am trying to understand yours......His point and mine are it is fine to protest when some crazy cops kill innocent people....BUt you CANNOT expect people to respect and empathize and hear what you are saying if you are so enraged that you burn down your OWN neighborhood, loot businesses, shoot at the police, beat up innocent people of all races and kill one another!!!

Every single person has the ability to function calmly at some point in their lives....WE are the only ones that can control our own behavior! No one can make us act a fool, that is our choice!

ANY PROTEST NEEDS TO BE PEACEFUL!! Once people of all races understand that behaving in a civilized manner will yield, so much more respect, credibility and help for your situation.....we will slowly begin to see a change....

As far as LEO's go, take what happened in Baltimore!! When you have a crooked State's Attorney , MAyor and other city officials prosecuting police officers for arresting a known drug dealer that was fleeing, and you file charges of MURDER. ASSault etc...and you lie about and withhold evidence in an Investigation, violence goes up DRAMATICALLY!!

Look At Baltimore!

A former Baltimore prosecutor says state's attorney Marilyn Mosby is to blame for a dramatic spike in violent crime in the city.

In an op-ed for The Baltimore Sun, Roya Hanna wrote that Mosby’s actions during her short time in office have contributed to the more than 200 murders that the city has seen so far this year.
"City arrests dropped and violence increased because officers cannot trust that she won't again decide to place their futures in jeopardy,"

fox news insider

It is only August, and Baltimore is staring at 200 dead men, women and children. Having been a prosecutor in this city for 12 years, four in the Homicide Division, I can no longer stand idly by and watch State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby avoid taking responsibility for her role in the increase in violence.

The most recent example of her questionable leadership is her decision to restrict the Homicide Review Commission to closed cases that occurred before she became state's attorney. She claims the program is a waste of money, places witnesses in jeopardy and is pointless because she knows the reason for the increase in violence is drugs.

When I was involved in the commission in its early stages, organizers asked us to send one prosecutor, for one afternoon, once a month. It did not cost the state's attorney's office anything except time. Coming off the deadliest month in decades –— deadliest in our history per capita — is now really the time to be turning down free help?

the baltimore sun

His point is Blk on blk violence is celebrated in the blk community, too often by making videos and placing them on line!!

And then getting outraged when ANOTHER RACE HARMS or commits violence against a Black......That is his point Not the police violence against blacks! Even though i touched on that above......If he was talking about another race it would be the same......White on white , asian on Asian etc......



edit on 9/25/2015 by paxnatus because: to fix quote text

edit on 9/25/2015 by paxnatus because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/25/2015 by paxnatus because: (no reason given)

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