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Best Description Of The Reptilians You've Ever Seen

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posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 06:14 AM
They are running the planet folks, they created the illuminati(hybrids same as us cept with more replitian DNA) Wish the truth wasnt so surreal.

they're preparing us for when they rule out in the open, david icke is probably part of the PSYOP.

[edit on 1-1-2005 by M0bXSiNN]

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 06:52 AM
They are running the planet? And here I thought the greedy, thoughtless and narrowminded hairless monkies where doing such a fine job at destroying it themselves. Its a sad day when we need slimy aliens reptoids to help us...

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 07:01 AM
"They are running the planet? And here I thought the greedy, thoughtless and narrowminded hairless monkies where doing such a fine job at destroying it themselves. Its a sad day when we need slimy aliens reptoids to help us..."

the bluebloods are running the planet, they have a higher percentage of reptilian DNA then we do, the slimy alien reptoids are under the ground and on a ship behind the moon, preparing to complete their invasion they began hundreds of thousands of years ago.

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 07:05 AM
Nice star trek masks

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 07:10 AM
"Nice star trek masks"

Thanks. Star Trek is heavy illuminati mind control. Fritz Springmeier dedicates whole chapters of his books to Star Trek mind control. Everything on tv is to program your mind, dumb you down, and make you passive.

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 07:14 AM
Those pictures look like characters from a Power Rangers episode, lmao!!!


posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 07:15 AM
Everything on tv is to program your mind, dumb you down, and make you passive.

I agree, at the moment there are more and more shows about aliens and UFOs and I believe they are readeing (spelling!?) us for eventual contact or invasion.


posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by Zanzibar

I agree, at the moment there are more and more shows about aliens and UFOs and I believe they are readeing (spelling!?) us for eventual contact or invasion.

I have been reading this impression for years. I wish they would hurry up, this is taking ages, Space 1999 was on years ago. Battlestar Galactica has even had time to be reincarnated. Personally I don't by it. I mean the preparation obviously - not the dumbing down through TV.


posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 07:24 AM
"I agree, at the moment there are more and more shows about aliens and UFOs and I believe they are readeing (spelling!?) us for eventual contact or invasion. "

correct, but there is a 'staged' alien invasion coming, with real alien actors, the reptilians will play the heros and save the day, and become the chosen rulers....

After so many thousands of years, the Reptilian plans for total control are almost accomplished. In essence it is done. The one major factor that remains is for the Earth�s population to openly know it. This is currently set in motion with the past two illegal election of Bush to the presidency(exposed by Michael Moore in his Rothschild inspired Film F911). The blood families are no longer hiding their true identities. Queen Elizardbirth was photographed wringing the neck of a pheasant in ceremony style...

Her grandson, Willy, was photographed giving the �devils salute� in reuters.

They introduced the world to their rituals with the release of the video footage from inside Bohemian Grove.

From Stewart Swerdlow's 'Blue Blood True Blood' notice 'natural disasters' and compare to current events

The illumianti Plans for the United States Of America 2001-2010

-Elimination of fuel reserves
-Creation of sever weather patterns designed to consume the remaining fuel.
-Utilities will be unable to cope with the demand
-Regional natural disasters so large that local and civil authorities are unable to handle them
-Rioting and chaos in major US cities
-Polarization of minorities creating a call from the minorities for a need for segregation.
-Martial Law declared to restore ord
-Economic/stock market collapse as a result of the disasters, lack of utilities, and planned chaos
-President will enact Executive Orders that in effect, will rescind the Constitution and civil rights
-The United Nations will be called in to restore order. This comes with waves of Chinese, Russian, and German troops
-Dissidents will be shipped for re-education to huge concentration camps already in place in the United States and Canada
-The United Nations declares that the US is too large to be administered as is, and will order it to be split into two districts; Easter and Western
-The Eastern district capital will be Atlanta. The Western district campital will be Denver. This is why government offices and international super-airports were built in these two cities.
-Washington D.C. will becomes an illuminati cultural site and possibly even a religious center for them
-New York City will be declared the United Nations Capital city for the Earth and given special status. This is why New York State is called the �Empire State�
-Undesirables will be eliminated via chemtrails "mosquito spraying," flu shots and other inoculations
-Radicals will be eliminated(if all goes according to their plans)
-Programming Centers will become standard sites for children to visit - Montauk Point, Santa Fe, Yelm, and Huntsville Space Center.
-All airforce bases will be staging areas
-National parks will be declared International Sites and come under United Nations jurisdiction
-All people will be issued identity cards that will contain their DNA

The illuminati Plans For The World 2001-2010

-A Middle Eastern war, coupled with a world financial collapse, will center attention to the United Nations as a control factor.
-China and Israel will attack and destroy the Moslem Fundamentalists in Central and Western Asia
-The Earth shall be divided into three major political/economic units - North And South America, including Central America, Caribbean; Europe, Africa, and the Middle East; and, the Pan-Asia/Austrailian region.
-A staged alien invasion will occur, forcing all nations, religions, and cultures to give up separate identities and unite under the United Nations/illuminati/Global Government. The US dollars already says NOVUS ORDO SECLOREM ie NEW WORLD ORDER. The United States new army slogan was recently changed after decades to "An Army Of One"
-Certain alien groups will be introduced as heroes who saved the Earth. The will likely be the group from Sirius A.
-"Peace" will be made with the Reptilians, and the hybrid-illuminati genetic mixture, blending the two groups together.
-A New World Religion will be introduced and enforced upon all people. This religion will have the male/female, God/Godess, as Princess Diana and Emmanuel, hence the Second Coming Of Christ.
-A cloned Christ will be sent to Earth from Mars, proclaiming the New World Order and his New Holy Empire.
-All money and assets will belong to the New Earth Empire. A global credit system will be imposed.
-All Earth citizens will have mandatory identification cards with their DNA imprinted upon them. These will be monitored via satellite.
-Total mind control will be the rule of the day, with transmissions coming from satellites, amplified by ground towers, cell phones, radio, and television. Children are already programmed by shows like Pokeman, Barney, Teletubbies, Harry Potter, Ninja Turtles, and most other shows on TV.
-The Dome of the Rock Mosque will be destroyed and the Temple of Solomon will be rebuilt there. The Ark of the Covenant will be relocated there.
-Blacks will be eliminated from the Earth except for those that have a mixture of genetics with other races, like the Ethiopians, Sudanese, and some USA and Caribbean Blacks.
-Atlantean technology will be revealed and exploited.
-Interplanetary and interdimensional travel will openly be availiable to select people.
-Jupiter will become a second sun, making this a Binary Star System. This is a result of the String of Pearls Comet(technology) that struck the gas giant in 1994.
-Frozen moons of Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune will become Earth like after the new sun shines, and a resdistribution of Earth�s huge population will begin. At least three billion people will be recolonized on at least six new �Earths�.
-Earth will become the center of a tyrannical Empire that will fan out amongst the stars and universes, continuing the conquer and assimilate agenda.
-All people will have a chip places in their skulls connecting them to a central to computer control system.
-The so called �indigo children� a code name for the illuminati to �indicate� children with abilities will be confiscated from their parents and trained by the empire.

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 07:36 AM
So they has their plan taken thousands of years? Pretty pathetic if you ask me, also poorly timed. Why wait until humans have developed at least moderately sophisticated weapons, if they'd come down on us in the dark ages they'd of conquered us without a whimper.

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 07:41 AM
Thank you Mr. Icke and pals....

While there is evidence of an Illuminati of sorts, this idea of the reptillians has no such basis in research, and are the paranoid delusions of warped authors...

Sheer statistics rule against it, as surely at least ONE of these reptiods would have "come out" to the humans to seek some fame and fortune saying "look at me!". In all of history, this has never happened, yet supposedly they've lived alongside us all this time? Please...

You point to the Bush re-election. If one is to believe the Illuminati/Skull and Bones connection, then EITHER candidate would have sufficed, and there would be no need to rig the election, now would there? (as both were Bonesmen)

Chemtrails? I won't even go there... When you factor in how many parts per million of ANY chemical, and then the amount of atmosphere involved, you'll easily see the idea is ludicrous....

Atlantean technology? Man, how many conspiracies can we fit in one shoebox? There is NO reference or evidence historically for Atlantis being ANY more advanced than ancient Greece. If one would actually READ the Dialogue of Critias (Plato's account of Atlantis) they'd see this for themselves.

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by M0bXSiNN

the bluebloods are running the planet, they have a higher percentage of reptilian DNA then we do, the slimy alien reptoids are under the ground and on a ship behind the moon, preparing to complete their invasion they began hundreds of thousands of years ago.

I admit I don't know much about the reptilians. My question is why wait "hundreds of thousands of years" to complete their invasion when it would have been much easier at many points through history. Really, these reptilians with ships hidden behind the moon were too threatened to invade the Earth by say.....neolithic era man,... dark ages man,....hell even 19th century man? They must be real pussies.

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 07:43 AM
"So they has their plan taken thousands of years? Pretty pathetic if you ask me, also poorly timed. Why wait until humans have developed at least moderately sophisticated weapons, if they'd come down on us in the dark ages they'd of conquered us without a whimper."

the reptilian mind works very slowly and methodically, the 'hu mans' running this planet are reptilian pawns.....

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 07:46 AM
"While there is evidence of an Illuminati of sorts, this idea of the reptillians has no such basis in research, and are the paranoid delusions of warped authors... "

very insulting, arrogant, ignorant attitude, as far as i know, that's not welcome on this forum. I will disregard the rest of your post.

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 07:49 AM
sums it up quite well by one of the kick arsse moderators on this forum....

"If you feel the need to scoff at, make fun of, or ridicule a member because he made a post or started a thread that you don't agree with, or that you think is stupid, crazy, too out there or ridiculous. Do not post anything. Ufology and paranormal studies have suffered for decades because anything in that area is constantly ridiculed and made fun of by the media and by the average joe, because of it conflicting with their beliefs of what reality is. Not one belief on reality is true, and no one has the "copyright" on what's 100%, no 101% true or not. Not me, not you, not society, not science... NO ONE. Thinking it's otherwise is just being ignorant. "

[edit on 1-1-2005 by M0bXSiNN]

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 07:51 AM
quote from the biggest secret

"I have personally been staggered by
how many people today are open to these possibilities and, indeed, are coming to the same conclusions through their own research. These include many who would have laughed at the very idea not so long ago. Dr Arthur David Horn, a former professor of biological anthropology at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, once believed emphatically in the Darwinist version of human evolution, the slow development of the human species via the principle of the survival of the fittest. Purely on the weight of evidence and his own experience, he is now convinced that humanity was seeded by extraterrestrials and that a reptilian race has controlled the planet for thousands of years and continues to do so today. This is my own view, although I have taken a very different life path to reach those same conclusions. Dr Horn�s research is detailed in his excellent book, Humanity�s Extraterrestrial Origins1 in which he suggests that the ones the Sumerian Tablets call the Anunnaki are this reptile race, another point with which we agree. The famed British astrophysicist, Fred Hoyle, told a London press conference as long ago as 1971 that the world was controlled by a force which could manifest in many forms. �They are everywhere,� he told astonished journalists, �in the sky, in the sea and on the Earth...� He said that �they� controlled humanity through the mind. I know this sounds utterly bizarre, but you need to read the whole of The Biggest Secret to see the wealth of evidence to support this. If you pull out now or after a couple of chapters because your belief system is in overload, that�s your choice, but you will miss the opportunity to see that the almost hysterically unbelievable is actually true. The more I weave together incredible amounts of information, the more it seems to me that we are talking of two distinct situations running side by side. There were other extraterrestrial races at large on the Earth, and still are, as well as the extraterrestrial race which the Sumerians called the Anunnaki and other ancient texts called the Serpent
Race. It could well have been that some of the others went to war with this reptilian
Anunnaki. Ancient texts record these �wars of the gods� all over the world and these
could include conflicts between different extraterrestrial races as well as those
described in the Sumerian Tablets that appeared to involve Anunnaki factions fighting
with each other. Today there are many modern accounts from people who claim to have seen humanoid-type people whose skin and faces look like lizards and frogs with large protruding eyes. Jason Bishop III (a pseudonym), an investigator of the extraterrestrial phenomenon, says that the reptilians are mostly much taller than humans and are cold blooded like Earth reptiles.2 They appear to be far less emotionally sensitive than humans and most have great difficulty expressing love, though they are extremely intelligent and have very advanced technology. I must say that is an excellent description of the attitudes and behaviour of the Brotherhood who control the world today. The modern accounts of reptilians match the descriptions of many �gods� of the ancient world in the surviving texts and legends."

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by M0bXSiNN
sums it up quite well by one of the kick arsse moderators on this forum....

"If you feel the need to scoff at, make fun of, or ridicule a member because he made a post or started a thread that you don't agree with, or that you think is stupid, crazy, too out there or ridiculous. Do not post anything. Ufology and paranormal studies have suffered for decades because anything in that area is constantly ridiculed and made fun of by the media and by the average joe, because of it conflicting with their beliefs of what reality is. Not one belief on reality is true, and no one has the "copyright" on what's 100%, no 101% true or not. Not me, not you, not society, not science... NO ONE. Thinking it's otherwise is just being ignorant. "

[edit on 1-1-2005 by M0bXSiNN]

Very brave comment for someone who does not want to get banned from the site, I have seen others and have nearly myself been banned from this site for stating my beliefs which may have differed from the moderators. Remember this, if you want to express your opinions without discrimintation that is fine, so long as your opinion does not conflict with the hierarchcy. Just like the Bush administration.. hehee


posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 08:31 AM
does anyone watch stargate? Remember the episodes Thor's Hammer, The first ones, Demons, Enemy Mine and Beast of burden where Daniel finds an Unus native to P3X-888. I think this is depicting the primitive reptillian race.

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 09:17 AM
oh cmon, i am a beliver and even i cant swallow a bunch of s... this big.
A couple of photos from STE is supposed to be evidence?. Next someone will claim They Live is a documentary

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 09:18 AM

very insulting, arrogant, ignorant attitude, as far as i know, that's not welcome on this forum. I will disregard the rest of your post.

Oh, and in your infinite experience of being on this site for what? One day? You are the authority of what is welcome on this forum?

Look, I am a member first, and a mod second. Being a mod makes my opinion no more or less valid than anyone else�s. However, I am perfectly permitted to say it. If you disagree with me, back it up with some logic. I brought up several points, and why I felt that way. You continually responded with calling me insulting, arrogant, and ignorant, and citing quotes from the delusional authors I mentioned, instead of any original commentary of your own.

Feel free to disregard whatever you wish, as can I. Wow, I�ve got to hand it to you though. I�ve only ever thought about using the Ignore button once during the years I�ve been here�this is the second time I�ve ever considered it� Amazing�and congrats!

My apologies for the digression of the topic�please, by all means continue down the rabbit hole�.

Very brave comment for someone who does not want to get banned from the site, I have seen others and have nearly myself been banned from this site for stating my beliefs which may have differed from the moderators. Remember this, if you want to express your opinions without discrimintation that is fine, so long as your opinion does not conflict with the hierarchcy. Just like the Bush administration.. hehee

Do you really think we all agree on things? Please� We�ve got staunch Dem mods, staunch Republican mods (TC comes to mind). I believe Atlantis once existed, Byrd doesn�t, I believe parts of Lazar�s story, SO doesn�t. We disagree on topics just as much as the members do. By the way, you do see that the thread is still open don�t you? Nor are there any little red flags up�

EDIT: Just read the original poster's Intro. Seems you're a returning the inability to accept others not agreeing is especially perplexing...

[edit on 1-1-2005 by Gazrok]

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