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What is Bigfoot ....?

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posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: fishy6

When I hear someone say that it looked human I can't help but wonder if its possibly the other way around. What if we look like them?

An educated look at ourselves and it's easy to see how we don't fit into the grand scheme of things on this planet. Maybe we are the product of a relic hominid being genetically manipulated..that relic being a Sasquatch. Although, on that note, we are pretty much the opposite due to us being weak, hairless, and night blind so who really knows?

I had never heard the Atlantis/Bigfoot connection and found it intriguing. I never thought about how efficient they would be as tunnel or cave dweller. Yet another reason we might not see them often because they spend a lot of time underground or in cave systems.

I'm not sure about them being Nephilim. Sure they fit the descriptions with their size but its the intelligence they seem to lack that doesn't match being part "fallen" part human. I would think if you're genetically part of a civilization that can get to earth then you are capable of being smarter than what a Sasquatch seems to be.

Over all I'm leaning at it being a terrestrial flesh and blood relic hominid that is intelligent enough not to approach us in groups. Most sightings seem to be from a childhood experience to a single human encounter. That tells me they fear us and know just how dangerous we can be as adults or together. I believe they are highly dangerous when encountered and if it's not on their terms you are in immediate danger. They don't seem to like surprises or anyone being in their territories. They are a wild animal and should be treated as one, so to run is to invite a chase.

edit on 21-9-2015 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 06:56 PM

originally posted by: TheLieWeLive
a reply to: fishy6

When I hear someone say that it looked human I can't help but wonder if its possibly the other way around. What if we look like them?

An educated look at ourselves and it's easy to see how we don't fit into the grand scheme of things on this planet. Maybe we are the product of a relic hominid being genetically manipulated..that relic being a Sasquatch. Although, on that note, we are pretty much the opposite due to us being weak, hairless, and night blind so who really knows?

I had never heard the Atlantis/Bigfoot connection and found it intriguing. I never thought about how efficient they would be as tunnel or cave dweller. Yet another reason we might not see them often because they spend a lot of time underground or in cave systems.

I'm not sure about them being Nephilim. Sure they fit the descriptions with their size but its the intelligence they seem to lack that doesn't match being part "fallen" part human. I would think if you're genetically part of a civilization that can get to earth then you are capable of being smarter than what a Sasquatch seems to be.

Over all I'm leaning at it being a terrestrial flesh and blood relic hominid that is intelligent enough not to approach us in groups. Most sightings seem to be from a childhood experience to a single human encounter. That tells me they fear us and know just how dangerous we can be as adults or together. I believe they are highly dangerous when encountered and if it's not on their terms you are in immediate danger. They don't seem to like surprises or anyone being in their territories. They are a wild animal and should be treated as one, so to run is to invite a chase.

I always preferred the aquatic ape theory as to where modern humans come from and that would explain the lack of body hair. Either that or we havent needed thick body hair for a lot longer than anyone will admit.

As far as big foot we dont know how intelligent they really are. Obviously they are doing their own thing.

Anceient modern humans brain was just as large as ours and he had just as much intelligence, just not all the stuff we have.
They packed a different kind of knowledge based on where and how they lived.

Neanderthal even had a larger brain case so...

With the size of bigfoot, I would imagine their brain case is larger so could be smarter in reality.

I have read they are believed to have a language.

Fact is we dont know anything about them or their culture.

If a college professor decided to go caveman and live in the forrest in isolation for 30 years would he be any less intelligent ? No.

He would apply it to new survival skills that by our judgement would make him look rather crude.

Of course there is no telling what Bigfoot thinks about us modern humans except I would guess they realize we are destroying their home.

edit on 21-9-2015 by fishy6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 07:34 PM
From everything I've read and heard, bigfoot provides security for the alien greys craft and also partakes in abductions. The alien greys of Roswell and the bigfoots are from the same planetary system. They evolved together and both secrete their bodily waste through their pores. Thus the smell and no feces or bodies are ever found.

posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: fishy6

There is no proof of any real intelligence other than it hides really well for being the size they are reported to grow. A lot of this can be attributed to their speed and strength to leap distances or possibly even scale trees.
Many accounts report they can operate doors and use their "Samurai Chatter" to communicate. That puts them somewhere between us and apes but I don't see anything to rank them higher as of yet. There is no known tool use that I have heard of other than tree knocking for coordinated hunting or locating food withing the tree (grubs, rodents, etc.)
I just don't get the idea that they are really intelligent or we would have been in real trouble as a species. Sure they are Ninjas of the forest but other than that they sound like an over sized chimpanzee that likes to throw rocks when they want you to move along.

Do you listen to Sasquatch Chronicles podcasts? If not I do recommend it. Good stuff.

posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: seagull

I've always taken issue with the claim, sometimes even made so called "experts", that there is no way a large primate species could exist in North America because there is no area left untouched by man.
If you believe that, I consider your credibility as lacking, to put it mildly..
There is literally hundreds of thousands of square miles of land that no human has ever walked on in the US alone, and in Canada?
Christ, drive in any direction for an hour or so from any major population center and you are in the wilderness.
Anyone who says such nonsense clearly has never left the city.
People get lost all of the time, hundreds of well equipped trained searchers looking for them, they want to be found...but are never seen again...and you're trying to tell me an intelligent being that has survived in that environment for what would likely be 10's of millenia couldn't successfully avoid us?

Bullsquat, Ricky.

posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: fishy6

American Indians stated basically they were another tribe of Indians not to be trifled with.

They are known as the Seeahtik tribe by the Clallam indians.

edit on Rpm92115v31201500000022 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 08:23 PM
Lol squatch is everywhere! Ask Matt Moneymaker, he would do a knock on a tree with a baseball bat and do a few whoops and ole bigfoot responds everytime he's on tv!!! Its amazing (sarcasm end)

I can believe people see things they don't understand, I can believe things on earth are not yet all known. I just have a hard time believing in bigfoot much less thinking its plausible in the sense of big hairy ape like man beast running around. Shape shifting interdimentional demons are far more plausible they dont require bones, homes, diets, or physical evidence, they just go back to their dimension. On a more serious note, lots less where understood about the world before legends were made, translation through history in context can get confused, perhaps our ancestors were dealing with a sneaky enemy in disguise when the legends came to be, who knows. Either way op entertaining read.

posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 08:33 PM
Modern Society has history so screwed up its not funny.

Anything before year 0 is 50% or more total BS

Books like the old testament and the Torah have good data.

For instance Giants. They are talked about in the old testament, but hidden from modern history.

Go talk to anyone in modern society about Giants and they will look at you like you have two heads.

posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: Brotherman

Why do you have a hard time with it?
By your own admission, you believe there are unknowns in the world.
What is your criteria for deciding on what is plausible and what is not?
I'm not attacking, just interested in your reasoning on it.
I hear people say stuff like that, and question it, only do get an answer of "Well, I don't know, but I know that this (insert phenomena here) is nonsense"...
It's a curious thing that used to infuriate me, but now I find it almost more interesting than what ever we were discussing.

edit on 21-9-2015 by VictorBloodworth because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-9-2015 by VictorBloodworth because: wanted to ad something; changed mind to stay on topic.

posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: Brotherman

Moneymaker is a sad, sad joke. Not everyone who believes in Sasquatch thinks like he does.

Yes, he sees, or hears, Sasquatch everywhere he goes. That simply isn't the case, nor are there a lot of 'em.

IMHO, and that's all it is, Sasquatch is a dying species. For whatever reason, be it habitat reduction, or some other reason, it's dying out.

To see one now is a fluke of chance.

posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: TamtammyMacx

I think it's a mistake to link the two phenomena together.
Credible sightings of either have never involved each other, and I would put any such instance firmly in the "yeah, right moonbeam..." category.
And by credible, I mean eyewitnesses that don't mention being served pancakes by aliens, or staying with Mr. & Mrs. bigdoot and their 1.5 little foots for a week in the cave as a guest.
That is just nuts.

posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: seagull

I agree that they are small population, likely nomadic for the purposes of food gathering and breeding...dying out is debatable, but certainly endangered, say like gorillas...or perhaps like us during our bottleneck 200000 or so years ago.
edit on 21-9-2015 by VictorBloodworth because: unfinished thought

posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: seagull

I agree that Moneymaker is a charlatan. They aren't finding anything knocking and yelling in the woods and that's the intention. They will always be "Finding Bigfoot" because it's just as lucrative financially to not find one.

The mystery and intrigue is where the money is.

posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

Anything done for TV has one purpose..entertainment.
OK, two..entertainment and money.
When was the last time you actually gained any insight from one of these dumbass shows?
It's like ghosthunters...if you are going to do a serious investigation, you don't take 3 lousy cameras, 2 cheap handheld recorders, and spend an evening at the location...especially with the resources available to you with a TV show.
Same goes for these bigfoot shows.
You'd be there for a month or more, a dozen infrared cameras, drones, high end mics and recording equipment, and you sit quietly and wait.
Banging sticks on trees.
Bloody lucky a moose or an elk didn't come out of the woods and rearrange his moneymaker for him.

edit on 21-9-2015 by VictorBloodworth because: pictured something funny to add

posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: VictorBloodworth


posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 09:57 PM
As for what bigfoot is (to stay on topic), it is one of two likely things.
A primate offshoot, possibly a surviving giganto species that deviated as we did and gained some form of intelligence, possibly higher than modern apes, but obviously not the same as us or we would see more evidence of constructed habitation, tools, etc.
OR two, a completely imaginary fiction.
I give some credence to native folklore, but they also believe in numerous other paranormal beings, (windigo, etc.), that have no basis in reality, just as our own caucasion cultures do (vampires, werewolves, and even god/s for instance).
So, yeah.

posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 10:02 PM
Not to say I'm not open to itor any of the other things I mentioned for that matter, but I want proof, quantifiable and unequivicable.
I'm not sure I would even take the governments word for it that it exists, but I'm biased in that I don't believe anything the government says, lol.

posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 10:25 PM
In fact, I think it would make for an excellent ask me anything thread.
Get these jokers on here to explain why they don't do a proper investigation.
Why use cheap tech any clown shoes can go to the store and buy when you have the resources to get real high grade gear?
That goes for those ghost hunter tools as don't have a show for as many seasons as that and not have the budget to get A-one kit.
I bet we all know the answer to that.

posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 10:30 PM
How many toes do they have? They are unrelated to the biblical giants of the old testament if they dont have 6. Indians have reported they they have some type of mystical power. That they can put you to sleep or lull you. They stink like death , yet no one can produce remains. Someone would if they could, because it would be worth bank. I have also wondered about the extra dimentional possibility. We used to tell stories about them back in the 60s while backpacking. After a few stories around the campfire, many hours from civilisation, we would all be scared. I wouldnt sleep a wink
edit on 21-9-2015 by visitedbythem because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: VictorBloodworth
Its a hard question to answer, big foot is seen everywhere apparently with very little to no evidence of bigfoot to be found. I'm not a proponent for bigfoot, aliens visiting earth, nessie, and the nwo. I'm more inclined to believe in wrongly understood sightings of animals, hoaxers, and the very few who saw something strange. I dont deny things happen we do not understand I just don't think its bigfoot, lol like I said before interdimensional beings make more sense using the official script, lack of bodies, tracks, idea of breeding populations, and the fact anyone state with woods has bigfoot etc is a joke, at less things that pop in and out of reality at will don't need foot prints, bodies, populations etc. Bigfoot is not real.

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