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Why do aliens not come down to visit us?

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posted on Sep, 17 2015 @ 10:56 PM

originally posted by: lSkrewloosel
because we are idiots. If aliens did come they would not give damn about earth's infestation (humans) they would be more interested in the earth and preserve it. If we have to die to save the planet then that will be the case.

earth has been around billions of years, humans around a few thousand years. we are just a blip on the radar in comparison.

They are the custodians of this planet; they watch with great interest. There is no "IF".

posted on Sep, 17 2015 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

I don't like talking to people, we are mean selfish and prone to violence.... I would be saddened if a space faring race thought we were worth talking to.

Perhaps its time we force nudist laws and stop trying to control the mosquito population.

edit on 09930America/ChicagoThu, 17 Sep 2015 23:09:55 -0500000000p3042 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2015 @ 11:11 PM
The 'aliens' do visit from time to time., atleast individual contacts have escalated. A lot of the experiences are so dream-like that most people cannot integrate it in their waking lives. But as annoying as it sounds, they cannot just start landing here until we have made certain choices, for ourselves as a collective, because they cannot interfere at this stage to possibly affect the fate of human race. We have to have a basic framework or context which makes room for or allows their presence. When our first instinct, thanks to hollywood is to shoot them down or fight them with advanced weapons, then we certainly arent ready for global disclosure. Its however building up to it. People and attitudes are changing, older methods are being replaced or rendered obsolete. Every generation inherits an added advantage which allows them to open to newer possibilties, and currently we live in a 'small world' which is shrinking everyday.
While we may never be capable of global peace and harmony or atleast not anytime in the near future, we will be gradually more open for disclosure. But individual contactees are all giving similar info all over the world. If Bashar's assessment is to be believed, we will be 'primed' and ready by 2022-2035 for full disclosure and contact. By 2017, most people will be aware of ET presence due to some undeniable event. I dont know the veracity of this info/prediction but I do hope its sooner rather than later.

posted on Sep, 17 2015 @ 11:55 PM
Why don't aliens come down and talk to us?

Ask Ahmed Mohamed.

Honestly, I think most people who ask this question have never been "the other" themselves because we humans have a LOT of growing up to do to accept OUR OWN differences much less creatures from another planet who we will have even less in common with.

Until we can accept and respect each other as humans all deserving of the same treatment regardless of our relatively small differences we are probably not ready for a face to face encounter with "the other" from another star.
edit on 18-9-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 12:15 AM

originally posted by: makemap

#6 No such thing as aliens. Maybe we are truly alone..

Very unlikely, but it is possible. Could be another or many planets out there that are virtually identical to earth. They could be on the internet right now, not our internet, but their internet. Probably look human too, probably one that looks just like me and typing on a keyboard right now.

"Why do aliens not come down to visit us?"

Probably because they cannot get here. distances are just too far. Who knows though given the crop circles.That said, if you think about it, suppose you find a crashed "alien" space ship and it contains little greys. Why assume that the little greys are the actual primary inhabitants of the planet they came from? They could, perhaps even more likely, be a creation of the inhabitants of the planet.

The theory here is to design beings that are much smaller thus requiring less resources and space to get them to travel great distances, no danger to the actual beings themselves, who are probably human anyway. So all they do is create the beings to send here and the beings send back data while all along we think that is actually them. Once we can do the same we would travel to other planets, but then not us but the beings we would create and we would send them in drones.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 12:24 AM

originally posted by: rigel4
a reply to: makemap

There are no aliens visiting us...
they cant travel the distances

According to humans.

Unless of course you claim to know all of the secrets of the universe, which I assume you do not so I can't figure out why you would come to that conclusion and make that comment. Just because humans say it can't be done, it literally means nothing. Humans know practically nothing about the universe, all things considered. An advanced race, say millions of years advanced, might be able to navigate the universe as easily as we navigate the earth. It's really not that hard to understand and I am always baffled when people reference our technology when compared to a possible advanced ET technology.

I know there are plenty of humans like you who share your view. An ill advised assumption with no grounds whatsoever.

edit on 18-9-2015 by roncoallstar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 12:25 AM

originally posted by: lSkrewloosel
a reply to: Blue Shift

we might be small but compared to any other planets WE can see, Earth has all the right characteristics. Water, atmosphere, land, able to grow food etc etc.

We have only been able to look for a minute period of our species time. Even still the only great detail we have about other planets are mostly the ones in our own solar system.

Earth is probably not that special among the planets in our Milky Way galaxy. In fact there may be planets even more lush than Earth and not far away either.
edit on 18-9-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 12:33 AM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: JadeStar

No see I get all that. I'm well aware of the habitable zone and how we go about finding earth like planets orbiting other suns. My question is more about how would an alien civilization know to focus on OUR sun in particular. Currently, we humans, are just throwing darts in the dark looking for planets. "Hey that star looks good, let's check its planets. Oh cool, it has a planet that may be habitable."

There are hundreds of millions of stars in our galaxy. Finding another planet with civilization on it is like finding a needle in a haystack, even if you DO know characteristics that make the planets habitable.

We're not throwing darts in the dark though. We know that certain stars are more likely to have planets like our own based on the content of iron and silicon in their composition.

Aliens would presumable know that as well.

Sunlike stars are like only between 4-8% of the stars in our galaxy (depending on how strict your criteria is) so there is your answer.

Also if intelligence is fairly ubiquitous among life in the galaxy then the aliens might simply discover us in a survey of nearby stars as we are planning to survey all nearby stars within 200 light years for planets.

This process could be automated. We currently have robotic telescopes doing this ourselves with our early 21st century technology.

edit on 18-9-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 12:52 AM

originally posted by: roncoallstar

originally posted by: rigel4
a reply to: makemap

There are no aliens visiting us...
they cant travel the distances

According to humans.

Unless of course you claim to know all of the secrets of the universe, which I assume you do not so I can't figure out why you would come to that conclusion and make that comment. Just because humans say it can't be done, it literally means nothing. Humans know practically nothing about the universe, all things considered. An advanced race, say millions of years advanced, might be able to navigate the universe as easily as we navigate the earth. It's really not that hard to understand and I am always baffled when people reference our technology when compared to a possible advanced ET technology.

I know there are plenty of humans like you who share your view. An ill advised assumption with no grounds whatsoever.

I dont hink it is ill advised. Their technological advancements would or may mimic our own advancements. Could very well be very similar and follow a similar timeline. My question is why would they have such an interest in us? After some curiosity what would be the point to waste resources and time to come here to visit or watch us? A bit narcissistic on our part. Seems more natural for them to look for uninhabited and liveable planets so to me i dont hink this planet would hold much interest.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 01:10 AM
a reply to: Harvin

'Distances are too far', while we havent figured out 'quantum teleportation', or perhaps 'wormhole physics', it does not mean that no civilisation in the entire universe, let alone galaxy, could neevr figure out. We are hardly at the pinnacle of science, there is just so much we dont understand yet. Michio Kaku explains how teleportation is definitely possible. When you say 'distance is too far' you assume linear travel, why does it need to be that way. We know the space-time continuum is not 'uniform, and infact curves and bends. So why would we persist in a 1950s understanding of physics?
Here is a link

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 01:25 AM

originally posted by: krines
a reply to: Harvin

'Distances are too far', while we havent figured out 'quantum teleportation', or perhaps 'wormhole physics', it does not mean that no civilisation in the entire universe, let alone galaxy, could neevr figure out. We are hardly at the pinnacle of science, there is just so much we dont understand yet. Michio Kaku explains how teleportation is definitely possible. When you say 'distance is too far' you assume linear travel, why does it need to be that way. We know the space-time continuum is not 'uniform, and infact curves and bends. So why would we persist in a 1950s understanding of physics?
Here is a link

So then no need to limit ones self to reality?

Why dont you explain to us how to teleport. How to teleport to another part of space. Do you know where these worm holes are? Can you show us?

Really, explain how teleportation is definitely possible and dont say "google it" you should explain it here.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 01:41 AM

originally posted by: krines
a reply to: Harvin

'Distances are too far', while we havent figured out 'quantum teleportation', or perhaps 'wormhole physics', it does not mean that no civilisation in the entire universe, let alone galaxy, could neevr figure out. We are hardly at the pinnacle of science, there is just so much we dont understand yet. Michio Kaku explains how teleportation is definitely possible. When you say 'distance is too far' you assume linear travel, why does it need to be that way. We know the space-time continuum is not 'uniform, and infact curves and bends. So why would we persist in a 1950s understanding of physics?
Here is a link

The quantum world is very different from the macro world we inhabit.
edit on 18-9-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: Harvin

Assuming they still use our age-old combustion methods to get here. What if they are not limited by space-time as we are? What if they have found ways to transcend the limitations that currently bind us? Your assumptions are more like expecting them to be 'exactly' like us. Our anthropocentric projections cannot adequately evaluate what 'time' means to them. Time is relative. And exploration is as good a reason as any. Provided the means, barring the limitations, all of us would make very different choices with the options made available to us. We are no longer limited by the issues our grandparents had. So too it gets easier for each generation. My point being, if we had the means we wouldnt be thinking from this limited perspective, we too might explore , which we are already doing through projects like NASA probes. We spend millions of dollars for the data.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 01:51 AM
a reply to: Harvin

I think you could read my comment again where I have mentioned 'while we havent figured out 'quantum teleportation', or perhaps 'wormhole physics', it does not mean that no civilisation in the entire universe, let alone galaxy, could never figure out.' This hardly translates to 'I know how we can travel using teleportation'. I think if you read it again , you might comprehend that I am simply pointing to 'possibilities' and just because we havent yet managed to 'nail' them down to a viable means for our purposes doesnt mean it 'cannot be done'. My reference to the article is simply to point to our current endeavours to understanding those possibilities, I did not ask you to 'google' i gave you a link. I think you need to work on your comprehension skills.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 01:57 AM
a reply to: JadeStar

The difference is in the scale of measurement of effects. Physics of macro world is the average product of the quantum effects seen at the sub-atomic scale. Again I am not implying that it necessarily means that we will achieve interstellar travel through quantum teleportation, but the possibilities we are currently considering opens up a new scope. And while we are projecting this scenario onto some Extra terrestrial civilisation advanced enough to have achieved interstellar travel, we can only speculate they have overcome the barriers through some understanding that we currently dont possess.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: krines

I agree with you regarding combustion methods. This is a very different from a short cut to get from point A to point B as you mentioned to in your previous post.

I just dont think that is realistic. We have to also live and operate within our own physical limitations. I agree unmanned is the way to go for now and better to use small probes.

After that, ideally some form of organic life to take the place of actual humans. If there was an advanced civ. out there then very possible they are not traveling through space themselves. Why take the risk when you can create the beings and they can be better suited for space travel anyway? They can be smaller than humans, at say around 3 feet maximum so much more compact and light weight, would not have emotional weaknesses and similar liabilities. They would have hands to grab things and be able to walk around. These are just the explorers though. Could be possible some were here already and could be the greys we hear and read about, just that what i am saying is they are not the actual inhabitants of the other planet. I tend to believe there are other human civilizations out there. We already know the course that life took here. We are much closer to creating organic life forms that can function than teleporting and wormholes. So then an advanced civ. would be further along. Teleporting and wormholes are probably not part of reality. Aside from may not be part of reality, humans would have to survive a wormhole or teleportation and who will test? Reality is that there may never be another way, a better way to get from point A to point B.

Edit: it is late and i am tired, so not correcting spelling or grammar too much.

edit on 18-9-2015 by Harvin because: adding

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 03:58 AM
a reply to: makemap


They're all around you..

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

i believe they exist, unless you can prove 100%..its always an "If"

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 06:45 AM

originally posted by: JadeStar

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: JadeStar

No see I get all that. I'm well aware of the habitable zone and how we go about finding earth like planets orbiting other suns. My question is more about how would an alien civilization know to focus on OUR sun in particular. Currently, we humans, are just throwing darts in the dark looking for planets. "Hey that star looks good, let's check its planets. Oh cool, it has a planet that may be habitable."

There are hundreds of millions of stars in our galaxy. Finding another planet with civilization on it is like finding a needle in a haystack, even if you DO know characteristics that make the planets habitable.

We're not throwing darts in the dark though. We know that certain stars are more likely to have planets like our own based on the content of iron and silicon in their composition.

Aliens would presumable know that as well.

That presumes that the aliens are lifeforms like us.

Sunlike stars are like only between 4-8% of the stars in our galaxy (depending on how strict your criteria is) so there is your answer.

But they've found habitable exo-planets around dwarf stars. It's not just stars like our sun.

Also if intelligence is fairly ubiquitous among life in the galaxy then the aliens might simply discover us in a survey of nearby stars as we are planning to survey all nearby stars within 200 light years for planets.

What if it isn't? Look how long it took for it to appear on Earth. The planet had to go through 5 major extinction events and many more smaller ones before we arrived on the scene. Then we almost got wiped out a long time ago as well. Heck, there's a good chance we could do it to ourselves in the near future.

Looking at how life develops, life is violent. Life evolves by being the best at what it does. I think it would be a safe assumption to make that any other planet with life on it would follow similar rules for evolution as well. So we can probably make the assumption that intelligent life on another planet would have to arise through a series of chances then would be considerably violent among themselves and could possibly destroy themselves in the process of creating its technology. OR that intelligent life may not even INVENT technology. Life may be abundant throughout the universe, but that doesn't necessarily mean that intelligent life is.

Keep in mind, if the Cosmological Principle holds true then that means that laws and rules that affect us here on earth (like Evolution) likely apply elsewhere as well. So one should take these things into account when considering how intelligent life could behave or act. One mustn't think along Hollywood's idea of an alien. It is likely that we wouldn't be able to even communicate with another intelligent life form.

This process could be automated. We currently have robotic telescopes doing this ourselves with our early 21st century technology.

This is a fair point.
edit on 18-9-2015 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: JadeStar

Earth is very special to what we know of, even if there are better planets which i do totally agree with. Earth is a beautiful place. Our moon is perfectly situated to make earth what it is, the rotation of the earth and sun bring good effective days and nights. Not only do you look at the planet the other factors are just as important.

plus it would be dependent on race, if they are made from mostly water and carbon like ourselves, earth is a perfect place. he need to do more to preserve it but we just kill it.

I heard a scientist discuss that our DNA is 1% different to apes. Look at that 1% difference does, we build machines, we can talk, we can go to the moon, we can make weapons to hunt etc etc.

IF aliens was 1% different to humans then we would look like apes to them, unable to communicate, unable to understand their laws of physics and technologies. Maybe that's why they don't come here

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