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Why do aliens not come down to visit us?

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posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 09:57 AM
i think they will land and say we come in peace when we stop the world no longer makes threads about why alien wont reveal themselves.. or when they feel like it.

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: makemap

Can we have a #11 for why they haven't come down?

11: They aren't visiting us (as Rigel14 says in the reply to your OP).

I would love to be proven wrong but nothing I've seen will convince me otherwise.

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: makemap

I'm confused why you think aliens would OBVIOUSLY be able to see our lights? Which planets in the universe do you actually think our broadcasts and electrical technology has reached?

I wonder if you have ever heard of the inverse-square law and how it applies to radio transmissions.

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 10:42 AM
Why do aliens not come down to visit us?
What?? don't watch Ancient Aliens???..and Youtube vids, off course they visited us, I know this is so because I saw it on one of my rectangular screens.

But for real though if they are sufficiently advanced they wouldn't even need to leave their home star to study us, look at it this way we built the Hubble telescope and can see this far barely a hundred yrs of heavier than air flight and about 50yrs of space flight I imagine a civilization way more advanced than us primitives can see right into our bedrooms.

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 10:42 AM
It is fun to speculate:

If I were an alien visitor to someone else's planet, I would scientifically collect dna from the smart, strong, and beautiful subjects. The UFOs fly over the wealthy people's houses and assume they are at the top of the genetic ladder of humans. Those people would appear to have skills. The others could be a food source, such as the homeless, or the campers, or the cows and horses. No one would know if someone was missing, it would not raise planetary alarm.

We are dna samples, food, natural resources, entertainment, or they are checking up to make sure we don't leave here and infect the universe with violence and trash. Do you realize everywhere we go we leave trash? Trash in space around our planet, on Mars, and the Moon. Our roads, high ways, and beaches are just loaded with trash. It makes me feel really angry. I pick up other people's trash all the time, every where I go. I wish more people did. Recycle. Don't ever throw something out your car window people. Wait until you get home, or to a gas station, or go shopping. This is what your parents should have instructed and taught. Put a shopping bag in your car to be your trash bag.

I would say Germs keep us safe from some types of the alien beings. Their germs would not be good for us, and ours would be bad for them. Depending on their technology and intellectual abilities.

If they fly over the Earth you would see natural beauty, architecture, war zones, destruction, poverty, strip mining, deforestation, pollution, and road side trash. Who does that to their own planet? We are a queer zoo. We are not the intellectual environmentally socially conscious beings of the universe. I believe we are monitored and visited. The human mind of some can not accept this and thus it is controversial and not discussed. It is scary and we can not do anything about it.

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: JadeStar
You don't see a unified planet rather than squabbling tribes as progress? That's depressing.

Our species has been headed in the direction of seeing ourselves eventually as Earthlings or Terrans for a long time.

Would you prefer returning to warring families?

Jade, why do you have to be so nice?

I'm kidding of course, just not use to seeing respectful replies on ATS...

Isn't that sad though, and it directly relates to what you said as well.

Speaking of that...

The NWO shills SAY they want a unified planet and they SAY they want to end wars.

All one has to do is look at their actions and it becomes clear that what they really want has nothing to do with what they say.

I will never EVER trust another word they say.

Everything they are feeding us is lies.

That includes history, education, the media, science, and on and on.

Sure they say a lot that sounds nice, but who would believe them if they came out and said what they REALLY want?

I think sometimes the only way to make sense is to step back and look at the big picture instead of focusing on the details.

Like I said earlier, Kaku is a propaganda agent for the dark side and his sugar coated scientific "discoveries" are blatant MSM brainwashing...

Kaku’s job, like that of so many others, is to soften us up and prepare us to accept this technological takeover of mankind. Already they’re busy “mastering” nature with genetic tampering, geoengineering, and messing with electromagnetic weaponry. These programs are already in full swing, however cloaked. Kaku is being used as the scientific white coat to help people swallow these pills and even happily enslave themselves to this Orwellian takeover.

These NWO pushers are everywhere. And they love the cloak of their bastardized “science” to supposedly validate their programs. After all, isn’t eugenics a science? Didn’t supposed scientists and dentists and University PhDs in white lab coats recommend we fluoridate the water supply, and host of other insanities?

These people HAVE to use deception because it's the only way their plan will work.

Think about it, if they really wanted to end wars, why are they hell bent on using 'Agenda 21' to exterminate us all?

You asked if I prefer wars...

What I prefer is truth, you'll never get that by listening to what the 'authorities' are telling us.

All wars are deliberately staged and orchestrated for nefarious reasons.

TPTB are behind ALL of them.

Incessant wars have no purpose other than to increase the wealth and power of the Illuminati, reduce the population, and create a global police state.

"All war is based on deception." -- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

"Wars are all based on lies, could not be fought without lies" — Charles M. Young.

“All war in history has been hatched by governments, independent of the people’s interests, to whom war is always pernicious even when successful” ~ Leo Tolstoy

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: makemap
Aliens obviously knows we are here by now seeing how they can see our city lights.


Thought of Yoda when I read that

Why do aliens not come down to visit us?

Because they aren't up.
edit on 15/9/15 by mirageman because:

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: makemap

I'm confused why you think aliens would OBVIOUSLY be able to see our lights?

I hope you don't mind me answering this.

With a large enough ground based telescope 74 meters or so they could tell that our planet was warmer than it should be naturally.

See: How to find ET with infrared light - Astronomy Magazine

And the video below:

With a large enough space telescope (10 meters or larger) it would be possible to detect the signature of artificial lights on our Earths night side.

See: Alien City Lights Could Signal ET Planets -

I wonder if you have ever heard of the inverse-square law and how it applies to radio transmissions.

The inverse square law while important when considering the distance of a detectable signal, does not mask our most powerful signals at interstellar distances.

It just means you (or they) need a bigger antenna and better receiver sensitivity the further you get from theirs our transmitters.

Who knows how big an alien radio telescope array in space could be?

Even with our Square Kilometer Array which is under construction down here on Earth, we could detect the equivalent of an airport radar if it were operating on a planet 60 light years away (an area which contains over 3,000 stars and an estimated 690 habitable zone planets). SETI will use the SKA as it will be the world's largest radio telescope array.

See: SKA Amazing Facts - Square Kilometer Array

Which planets in the universe do you actually think our broadcasts and electrical technology has reached?

I made this video to answer that question:

edit on 15-9-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-9-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: Spider879
Why do aliens not come down to visit us?

But for real though if they are sufficiently advanced they wouldn't even need to leave their home star to study us, look at it this way we built the Hubble telescope and can see this far barely a hundred yrs of heavier than air flight and about 50yrs of space flight I imagine a civilization way more advanced than us primitives can see right into our bedrooms.

Give this man a star.

Anyone who still thinks aliens would have to visit the Earth to learn all about us needs to read this article:

Forget Space Travel: Build This Telescope


I think it's fair to say that, given your 'druthers, you'd want an instrument that could map exoplanets in the kind of detail you get with Google Earth, with enough resolution to actually see the Great Wall of the Klingons, in case they've built one.

Could we construct such a telescope ... ever?

Here's what it takes: Let's assume that all the alien worlds you wish to view up close and personal are no more than 100 light-years away. That might sound pretty cramped to astronomy nerds, but there are probably several hundred thousand planets within that distance - enough to gratify even the most spirited voyeur.

At 100 light-years, something the size of a Honda Accord -- which I propose as a standard imaging test object -- subtends an angle of a half-trillionth of a second of arc. In case that number doesn't speak to you, it's roughly the apparent size of a cell nucleus on Pluto, as viewed from Earth.

You will not be stunned to hear that resolving something that minuscule requires a telescope with a honking size. At ordinary optical wavelengths, "honking" works out to a mirror 100 million miles across. You could nicely fit a reflector that large between the orbits of Mercury and Mars. Big, yes, but it would permit you to examine exoplanets in incredible detail.

The down side is obvious: Who could ever construct such a thing? Well, fortunately, no one has to. Instead, you could field a phalanx of small mirrors in space, spread out over 100 million miles. They wouldn't even have to maintain a fixed pattern, as long as you could accurately keep track of their relative positions.

No huge mirror: just a manageable number of small ones. The ability to see detail would be the same. And, of course, it's a heck of a lot easier to turn an array of small instruments to different places on the sky than to pivot a 100 million-mile monstrosity.

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: Murgatroid

originally posted by: JadeStar
You don't see a unified planet rather than squabbling tribes as progress? That's depressing.

Our species has been headed in the direction of seeing ourselves eventually as Earthlings or Terrans for a long time.

Would you prefer returning to warring families?

Jade, why do you have to be so nice?

I'm kidding of course, just not use to seeing respectful replies on ATS…

Thank you. I think ATS should be a place where respectful replies are expected not the exception. If we are to Deny Ignorance shouldn't we be willing to consider opposing viewpoints and agree to disagree respectfully?

On that note, I'd reply to what you posted but I see you've gone down the Alex Jones rabbit hole so much that much of what I say would be lost on you. NWO conspiracies are like religion. There's no use using science or reason to debate with a staunch adherant.

I certainly hope in 2095 when I turn 100 the Earth is unified.

edit on 15-9-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: JadeStar

So how would an alien civilization know to look at our planet to even detect this?

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
I wonder if you have ever heard of the inverse-square law and how it applies to radio transmissions.

I can barely get my wi-fi to work in my bedroom which is only about 30 feet away from my wireless router.

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: JadeStar
The inverse square law while important when considering the distance of a detectable signal, does not mask our most powerful signals at interstellar distances.

No, noise and red shift takes care of that.

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: JadeStar

So how would an alien civilization know to look at our planet to even detect this?

By careful observation of our Sun they would know that it has planets.

The same way we know to look more closely at these:

We have detected thousands of planets around other stars and know that some of them are the right size and in the right orbit around their star to be interesting places worthy of further examination with future ground and space telescopes.

So with just our own technology they would be able to tell our Sun has planets through a variety of planet hunting techniques here are three of the top ones we've used:

Finding planets through the transit method which NASA's Kepler spacecraft uses requires a planet to actually transit the star between the star and us. This has like a 5% chance of happening. Therefore if we only relied on this technique to examine nearby stars we'd miss potentially 95% of the planets.

The radial velocity technique requires years of studying a star both to ensure that what is being detected is actually a planet and not the stars behavior which can often mimic one and because it requires the planet to make several full orbits (For our Earth/Sun our alien astronomer would have to study it for 730 earth days) and its only recently the planets of a small size became detectable with it.

Direct imaging allows us to see the planet, its orbit and measuring its reflected light allows us to determine a lot about its composition. But direct imaging an Earth sized planet around a Sunlike star it like trying to spot a firefly next to a searchlight. You have to block out the star and techniques and instrumentation to do this for this purpose are cutting edge.

Once they knew our solar system existed they'd do what we're planning to do with near future telescopes like the James Webb Space Telescope, WFIRST/AFTA, New Worlds/High Definition Space Telescope and others:

These will be closely examined in the near future:

These will be some of the tools on the ground:

This is what we hope to achieve:

Resulting in this:

For more on all this see my two threads in the Space Exploration Forum:
An Alien View of Earth - How Alien Astronomers Would Know the Earth is Habitable - pt. 1 - ATS - July 2014
An Alien View of Earth - How Alien Astronomers Would Know the Earth is Habitable - pt. 2 (Nitrogen) - ATS - Septembet 2015

Here's an excerpt:

Image: This image is a simulation of what our alien astronomer would see while taking a 40 hour exposure of our inner solar system with the space telescope described above from a planet around 45 light years away. Venus, Earth and Jupiter would be clearly visible. Mars would be too small as would Mercury (which would also be too close to the Sun and thus blocked out due to what is known as the inner working angle.)

Or to put it another way, the image above shows the expected data that our own High Definition Space Telescope (HDST), a 2030s era successor to Hubble, would produce in a 40-hour exposure of a star system 45 light years away in three filters (blue, green, and red).

edit on 15-9-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 03:57 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift

originally posted by: JadeStar
The inverse square law while important when considering the distance of a detectable signal, does not mask our most powerful signals at interstellar distances.

No, noise and red shift takes care of that.

Actually it doesn't.

Red shift just means the signal is detectable at a lower frequency than it was transmitted on.

And interstellar scintillation (the radio equivalent of stars twinkling or as you put it noise) due to signals passing through interstellar gas clouds, is minimal out to 1,000 light years.
edit on 15-9-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
I wonder if you have ever heard of the inverse-square law and how it applies to radio transmissions.

I can barely get my wi-fi to work in my bedroom which is only about 30 feet away from my wireless router.

Comparing consumer electronics and your ability to operate them to hypersensitive radio telescopes operated by skilled engineers is probably a bad idea. Just sayin'

edit on 15-9-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 04:36 PM




images: My model of the discovery of a civilization detected on a planet surrounding the nearby Sunlike star 40 Eridani A (aka Keid) in my SF short story: The Neighborhood 1. Initial Detection & Imaging, 2. First detailed Image 3. Super High Resolution Space Telescope Image, 4. Interstellar Probe arrival.

BTW: I am writing a sci-fi short story based called "The Neighborhood" which starts with the detection of city lights of a super-civilzation on a neighboring exoplanet in a near future scenario. I actually posted the first part of it as a thread in this forum a couple of years ago and raised the question: "What would you do if science confirmed an extraterrestrial civilization?"

You can find that post here:

Astronomers Detect First 'Clear Signs of Civilization' Beyond Earth - How will you react? - ATS - Aliens & UFOs - November 2013

I'll post the next part in the ATS Writing forum when its finished.
edit on 15-9-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2015 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: JadeStar

No see I get all that. I'm well aware of the habitable zone and how we go about finding earth like planets orbiting other suns. My question is more about how would an alien civilization know to focus on OUR sun in particular. Currently, we humans, are just throwing darts in the dark looking for planets. "Hey that star looks good, let's check its planets. Oh cool, it has a planet that may be habitable."

There are hundreds of millions of stars in our galaxy. Finding another planet with civilization on it is like finding a needle in a haystack, even if you DO know characteristics that make the planets habitable.

posted on Sep, 16 2015 @ 06:47 AM
because we are idiots. If aliens did come they would not give damn about earth's infestation (humans) they would be more interested in the earth and preserve it. If we have to die to save the planet then that will be the case.

earth has been around billions of years, humans around a few thousand years. we are just a blip on the radar in comparison.

posted on Sep, 16 2015 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: Blue Shift

we might be small but compared to any other planets WE can see, Earth has all the right characteristics. Water, atmosphere, land, able to grow food etc etc.

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