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Barbershop Won't Cut Women's Hair Because 'Guys Come to Be Around Other Guys'

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posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 02:15 AM
a reply to: Sremmos80

I personally am not effected by this discrimination bull# because I don't care if you are black, white ,man ,woman homosexual , straight whatever. However I truly believe businesses have a right to serve who they wish to serve because they are catering to a certain audience and that is their bread and butter.

Forinistince and I know people may get in a upheaval about what I am going to say but whatever I don't care. If Charles and jack want to eat at big earls that has sign saying they don't want to service homosexuals then they can goto little johns down the street instead of creating an uproar at big earls, big earls is probably serving a bunch of old boy,country fellah's and Christian men who don't want their kids or themselves exposed to that at dinner.

That is the right of a buisness, personally I am atheist and I don't have hatred for people because of those things, but I understand a businesses right to target an audience and to service who they want to, the problem occurs when people step into a social setting that is outside of their own and force themselves on others and expect them to accept them, expecially in a place of buisness. Jeez come on

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: TechniXcality

And that allows a majority to rule over a minority of people.

I know you are aware of why we have the civil rights that we have to day.
What you describe is the thought process of Jim Crow and that era.
It doesn't bother me was a big line of thought back then too.

This place claims to what a guys only environment... then has a female worker.
This chick wanted a fade, seems like a barber shop is a great place to get it.

I used to get fades at a primarily black barber shop.
Wonder what the reaction would be if white guy got refused at one of those in today's climate.

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 02:24 AM
a reply to: Sremmos80

I believe in civil rights I do not believe in institutionalized racism, I however believe businesses have a right to service whoever they wish. Telling me I'm supporting Jim Crow is wrong I am not.

Let me ask you, would you really want service from a business that did not wish to service you? For whatever reason?

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: Spider879

This is really a gray area.

Businesses don't have to serve pork or alcohol or anything that they don't have or serve in the first place.

I know this will stir the pot but what if a transgender man walks in and wants a haircut and they know would they deny him?

I just don't understand the whole mess - Kim Davis is what made it worse.

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 02:26 AM
A guy wouldn't walk into a ladies salon and get his hair cut so not sure why a woman expects to at a gents barbers?
I agree with most of the cases recently where the discrimination was obvious - the B&B and the Bakery spring to mind, but this just seems stupid.
What next - we'll have fully grown adults suing kindergartens when they won't look after them for the day.
There are genuine cases of serious discrimination out there that deserve to be challenged and overturned and I'm usually behind those discriminated against, but this one just seems dumb.
I guess it's a legal gray area though so let's see what happens.
edit on 10-9-2015 by stargatetravels because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 02:27 AM
It's a hairdressers not a hospital.

She needs to get over it and go to another hairdressers.

Distraction alert.

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 02:30 AM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: TechniXcality

And that allows a majority to rule over a minority of people.


And correct me if I am wrong, but the way you want it is a minority of people to rule the majority?

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 02:31 AM
a reply to: TechniXcality

Just said that was the thought process of it, didn't say that you support it.
You are going on about how business should be able to refuse who they want when they want, telling you that we used to have that and why we have the laws we have today.

If I made an appointment somewhere and was willing to pay I would expect to receive service.

Which is what happened here, the site doesn't say men only.
Would be a great place to get a fade as well.
And I hope you mean that you don't think there is institutionalized racism today, but it isn't a matter of debate for the past.

And correct me if I am wrong, but the way you want it is a minority of people to rule the majority?

Not really, more that you just have to offer your services to everyone.
Especially when tax dollars are involved like business in cities.

edit on thThu, 10 Sep 2015 02:32:37 -0500America/Chicago920153780 by Sremmos80 because: (no reason given)

edit on thThu, 10 Sep 2015 02:34:32 -0500America/Chicago920153280 by Sremmos80 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 02:38 AM
a reply to: Sremmos80

I mean institutionalize racism Is wrong,and when I say institutionalized I am speaking about the government. I don't participate in racism or discrimination, however others have a right to. I'm not going to get hurt being refused at a woman's club, or a African American only fraternity. I'm not going to get hurt or cause a upheaval, the guy who didn't want to make cakes for homosexual wedding has every freaking right not to make those cakes. However the woman not handing marriage licenses to homosexuals has no right, as she is a government official and performing the duties of an elected official.

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 02:41 AM
What about retirement communities?

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 02:47 AM
a reply to: TechniXcality

I think they should have told her what the specialize in and say they wouldn't be comfortable doing it but paying customers deserve service. Find it kinda ironic that it was a female employee too. You have the right to think companies can refuse service to who ever but the law doesn't agree.

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 02:47 AM
a reply to: Domo1

What about them? Would they compare here somehow?

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 02:50 AM
a reply to: Sremmos80

They exclude based on age, but everyone's fine with it. These folks want to exclude based on gender, and suddenly it's some horrible thing. Should ladies night be illegal?

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 02:53 AM
a reply to: Sremmos80

Company's do refuse service, if I walk into a gas station with no shirt or shoes I get turned away. The list goes on and on, many companies have a sign that say we reserve the right to refuse service, so yes the law does agree. Why can't you just say, people shouldn't throw themselves on a service provider expecting to be serviced if they don't fit the audience they are servicing.

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 02:54 AM

originally posted by: Domo1
a reply to: Sremmos80

They exclude based on age, but everyone's fine with it. These folks want to exclude based on gender, and suddenly it's some horrible thing. Should ladies night be illegal?
Quote for truth, come on sremmos don't take away ladies night too

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 02:57 AM
a reply to: Domo1

If they refused to allow guys in sure.
I guess you are right about the communities. Maybe there is some sort of clause or exception.

Look I'm not trying to say this place needs to change its practices just that there is a principle behind it all.

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: TechniXcality

I won't, not taking away anything really. Just playing devils advocate.

This place excludes by gender but has female employees...

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 03:00 AM
a reply to: TechniXcality

Those refusals are not discrimantory though.

Again context is key.

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 03:08 AM

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe
I would have taken her in and given her an old fashioned flat top. It's equality you want? You've got it! Take a selfie of that and celebrate the ego.

If it were my barbershop, I think I would have done this as well. She could try to sue me for doing a poor job or not what she wanted but I bet I could prevail in that court because the law would have to recognize that I performed to the best of my abilities, which would be cutting men's hair. I can just see a judge throwing a lawsuit, if you go to a men's hair service you shouldn't expect them to be proficient with a woman's cut and styling.

Sounds like this woman did it to stir up some trouble and kudos to him for not taking the bait.

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 03:08 AM
a reply to: Sremmos80

Oh sremmos, a good hearted fellah but you miss the mark. I gotta love ya because you keep it alive, here's the deal businesses say the reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, usually that's born out of the idea that if someone is causing a problem or making other customers unhappy then they can ask you to leave. This is a discriminatory process it is protecting the group from the minority, that is the point. They have a right to refuse service to anyone, anyway I see your not going to agree with me, and that's fine. It's irks me a bit when people wish to shove their thoughts and desires on others, and that's why I got in this debate. Not suggesting you were, just that this lady is and many other folks do daily that we read about. Anyway have a good night, seems your a night owl too

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