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Our governor could have avoided this whole mess. Like the president he has a pen and the power to write executive orders. A simple remedy would be his executive order to remove the name of the issuing clerk from the marriage license.
Almost immediately, Kentucky Governor Steven L.
Beshear (“Gov. Beshear”) issued his SSM Mandate commanding all county clerks that “[e]ffective
today, Kentucky will recognize as valid all same sex marriages performed in other states and in
Kentucky,” and effectively commandeered full control of Kentucky marriage law and policy post-
Gov. Beshear further ordered that Kentucky clerks “must license and recognize the
marriages of same-sex couples,” and further instructed that “[n]ow that same-sex couples are
entitled to the issuance of a marriage license, the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives
will be sending a gender-neutral form to you today, along with instructions for its use.” VC, ¶ 25,
and Ex. C, Beshear Letter. Kentucky’s democratically-approved marriage licensing scheme
(enacted long before Obergefell) provides that “[e]ach county clerk shall use the form proscribed
by the [KDLA] when issuing a marriage license,” and states that the marriage form “shall be
uniform throughout this state.” KY. REV. STAT. §§ 402.100, 402.110. In response to Gov.
Beshear’s directive, the KDLA subsequently provided a new marriage form to county clerks,
including Davis. VC, ¶ 26. The form retained all of the references to “marriage,” as well as the
same name, signature and authorization requirements of the county clerk developed before
Obergefell. VC, ¶ 26, and Exs. A, D.
originally posted by: mOjOm
a reply to: Boadicea
What more accommodations does she need??? She has other clerks which can issue the licenses if she wants. But she's ordering them not to issue them either.
Which brings to question, what about their rights to do what their conscious is telling them.
This dumb backwards country hick and her religious intolerance and contempt for the law is being applauded when it needs to be shamed out of existence. The fact that #abee is championing her cause as a presidential candidate is even worse. The idea that all these supporters are in favor of is the idea that our elected officials should be allowed to break the law and choose at will whether or not they'll do their job they were elected to do.
Congrats to all you supporters of Kim Davis and her BS Religious Freedom.
You're all cheering and encouraging more Gov. officials doing whatever they want regardless of what you elected them to do and to do it all in your name and with your blessing.
You deserve every boot that makes contact with your throat.
originally posted by: DBCowboy
(I'm trying to get my post count up)
But what's the worst thing that could happen if gays are allowed to be married?
originally posted by: ugmold
a reply to: Boadicea
Ever hear of the separation of Church and State?
originally posted by: Boadicea
No formal training whatsoever
As another man without a high school diploma, I discovered many years ago that the "educated" class is generally not educated at all, it is mis-educated. The whole purpose of American (perhaps all "western") "higher education" is obviously to bring minds into lock step with "The Agenda." As a general rule, the less official American education a person has been exposed to, the greater his/her ration of common sense.
"Education" is Spiritual Suicide
originally posted by: mOjOm
a reply to: Boadicea
No you're wrong, I actually liked your post.
But I still think you're off course a bit.
You seem to be supporting "Rights" and that they are equal for us all but are you really???
First off, there aren't "Religious Rights or Gay Rights". There are Equal Rights and we all have them.
But her job which she is choosing to stay at is a Gov. job which means that on the job she is representing the will of everyone, not just herself.
She can't elevate her Rights above everyone else. That is what she's doing.
Supporting her Right to pick and choose what law she is going to follow is not protecting Equal Rights. You're elevating Religious Authority above the Law.
That puts you way ahead of the pack...
... Government documents are supposed to bear the signature of the person who heads the issuing office. Is she proposing changing signatory laws now?
The simple remedy was for him to do as she asked and provide a marriage license that didn't require her signature and didn't include her name.
... Government documents are supposed to bear the signature of the person who heads the issuing office. Is she proposing changing signatory laws now?
originally posted by: MystikMushroom
Well, the fact remains that all of the other industrialized democracies of the world recognize marriage through their governments.
If the government did not recognize marriage in the USA, and my spouse and I got injured in a foreign country -- I would not be legally recognized as the husband of my wife. I may not be able to make decisions about her care. I may have problems with travel arrangements and security check points.
By removing the government from marriage you're essentially telling people to stay home and never travel outside of America.
The whole "removing the government from marriage" is simply an argument that was born when the government decided to sanction marriages that religious people didn't like. Sorry, it doesn't work that way -- no religion can claim to own marriage.
It's not unlike taking your football home when you don't like the rules of the game. So instead of playing by the new rules, you'd rather no one play.
originally posted by: RainyState
2)As far as the state/fed definition of "marriage" is concerned, it should be as simple as