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UFO nearly misses plane, incident recorded from plane 09/07/15 Netherlands

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posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: wmd_2008
a reply to: AK907ICECOLD

Well since its travelling the opposite direction to the plane of course it looks fast and due to motion blur it will look larger than it actually is.

Once again. We are not talking g about when they pass in the opposite direction. The object passed the plane twice.

One of those times it was the same direction and travelling much faster than the plane.

Can we please stop with the bird stuff, I feel like people are just trying to be funny at this point calling it a bird.

The second video the other guy posted states there were 2 witnesses.. one on each sir of the plane.. (one in the front left.. one in the rear right that took the video).

Since we can't tell the distance the object is away from the plane.. we can't tell how large it is. 4 ft is the smallest estimate (that's if the object is within like.. 10 ft of the wing.. it looks farther away than that to me. I wonder if there is a way to get the true distance.. that way we can get a better idea of the size

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

There is more than 1 bird on our lovely planet. It might have been 2 or 3 birds.

Yeah, one of which was faster than the plane, and one that was extremely large.

So since you guys are so sure it's a bird you should be able to tell me what kind of bird it might have been.

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: RogueWave

Yeah, one of which was faster than the plane, and one that was extremely large.

It might have looked faster and the other large, however what one observes might not actually be what they think it is.

Yes that can go both ways, however logic points to it being 2 birds, one flying under the wing going in the opposite direction the plane is flying and the first that looks like its flying faster is simply not going in the direction you think it is.

So since you guys are so sure it's a bird you should be able to tell me what kind of bird it might have been.

please quote where anyone said they were sure other than yourself saying you know its not, I will quote that further down in this post.

Look back through the thread and the only comments that made assurances were the ones saying its not a bird, others are sharing a logical opinion, showing where that opinion comes from.

Please reread my 3 posts on the other page, I made no such claims that I am sure its a bird, but asked if its maybe not the same object/bird whatever it might be.

The segment from 0:12 to 0:24 shows it flying in the same general direction of the plane, then after that it shows it going in the opposite direction nearly hitting the wing.

Are you saying its the same object, if so how have you concluded its the same object?

All I know is that it isn't a bird.

And you say 'you guys are sure its a bird'

Like I said the only ones saying they are sure about anything are poster like you saying it isn't.

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: [post=19792414]Lucidparadox

Can we please stop with the bird stuff, I feel like people are just trying to be funny at this point calling it a bird.

The second video the other guy posted states there were 2 witnesses.. one on each sir of the plane.. (one in the front left.. one in the rear right that took the video).

Why can't people say what they believe it is? And why do you have the authority to determine what it isn't?

That second video, I watched it, man this guy. This lion reporter. He's a complete joke. He trying to start somekind of crusade to bring Ryanair to its knees. I'm sorry, how are we supposed to take this guy seriously?

Here's a little quote from his 'Opening of the case' video @2min51

'The red line is the path of the UFO. And what happend after the second witness is a prediction. What goes away also needs to come back. Although, in this case. According to a stewardess this is a very unsual situation. This is against all safety regulations'

This is the only time he mentions the second witness, I tried to make sense of it, but I had to give up.

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

Yes that can go both ways, however logic points to it being 2 birds, one flying under the wing going in the opposite direction the plane is flying and the first that looks like its flying faster is simply not going in the direction you think it is.

It doesn't matter if it was one object or two, one was faster than the plane, and one was very big. Since a bird can't go faster than a plane, the first one could not have been a bird.

It doesn't matter what exact direction it was going, if it had not been faster, it could not have come into view from under the wing like that, seems pretty obvious.

If the second one was a bird, then what kind of bird was it?

please quote where anyone said they were sure other than yourself saying you know its not, I will quote that further down in this post.

It was more or less a statement in general and it is just a figure of speech..... I don't care if you literally said you were sure or not.

Are you saying its the same object, if so how have you concluded its the same object?

I think it is. If it is not then there's two objects that can't be explained away with a bird.

And you say 'you guys are sure its a bird'

Obsessing over a non issue, much?

Did I say that being sure is not allowed?

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 12:22 PM
For those that missed the second video detailing the flight path of the object.. here's a screen cap..

The second witness sat in the front left of the plane... the recording came from the rear right.

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 12:23 PM
And just to be clear. For all I know this is a hoax. The sound at least seems faked, however the object doesn't seem to be CGI to me.

All I am very sure of is that it is not a bird.

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 12:26 PM
It's interesting to read the obsessive posts insisting its a post and/or a camera illusion, and if you don't agree, you must think its a spaceship from Tharg. I saw something I couldn't explain once, and I met this kind of arrogant and ignorant response from some individuals who really weren't very bright. *shrug* That's people for you.

Anyway, it's clearly not a bird. It appears to reverse and then it overtakes the aircraft. One poster even tried to make out that the overtake was the same footage in reverse. Even though the ground in relation to the craft does not reverse. Stunning self-delusion.

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 12:35 PM

originally posted by: Lucidparadox
For those that missed the second video detailing the flight path of the object.. here's a screen cap..

The second witness sat in the front left of the plane... the recording came from the rear right.

Thanks for the screen shot. Not to step on your post but for accuracy sake the video details LIONS GROUND NEWS (LGN) THEORY OF THE OBJECTS FLIGHT PATH. How objective that is is yet to be seen. I stated earlier I looked them up (YouTube and their we'd site) and asked contacted them for a request for information. No word yet, don't hold your breath.

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: RogueWave

It doesn't matter what exact direction it was going, if it had not been faster, it could not have come into view from under the wing like that, seems pretty obvious.

You don't see that the plane is banking/turning?

It sure does matter what direction it was going as it can trick an observer into thinking it was going parallel with the plane and faster when it doesn't need to be especially when the plane is banking.

I think it is. If it is not then there's two objects that can't be explained away with a bird.

well it can and has been however you don't except the explanations given so there is no point in even attempting to answer this

If the second one was a bird, then what kind of bird was it?

You cant understand that the blur will make the object/bird look larger than it is so whats the point,

You are sure its not a bird so why even ask, if you really want find out what type of bird even though you are sure its not well look for examples, see what birds are common and what birds migrate where the film was taken.

It was more or less a statement in general and it is just a figure of speech..... I don't care if you literally said you were sure or not.

So basically you exaggerate to make your points.

Obsessing over a non issue, much?

Did I say that being sure is not allowed?

No, you sure are sure. others are opinionated on what it looks like to them.

The only one obsessing and being sure what it is or isn't is you.

It doesn't matter if its one or 2 objects?

Well it sure does when you want to identify 2 unidentified things, not sure if you have your thinking cap on backwards or not , you can think you know what it isn't all you like,

It looks like blirds (blurred birds) to me,

Without the original video for a more in depth analysis and only going of the edited one its looks like what it looks like, be it birds as some suggest or not and left as mysterious faster than a plane object to keep up the mystery that so many feed of to get their conspiracy fix for the day.

These types of videos just don't do it for me, I need something stronger to get my fix.

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

You don't see that the plane is banking/turning? It sure does matter what direction it was going as it can trick an observer into thinking it was going parallel with the plane and faster when it doesn't need to be especially when the plane is banking.

At that specific time it is hardly turning at all. This does not explain it. Maybe if a plane could, and was, turning on a dime.

But it wasn't. If that is your interpretation, then fine.

It doesn't matter if its one or 2 objects?

Taken out of context. I explained why it doesn't change the discussion.

Concerning the rest of your post, what can I heart bleeds for you.

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 02:54 PM
How do we k ow this video hasn't been altered in any way? Until the video has been verified by a professional I refuse to accept this as evidence.

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: SGTkilt
How do we k ow this video hasn't been altered in any way? Until the video has been verified by a professional I refuse to accept this as evidence.

YEAH, we, professionals..
Jesus, wake up, this is just a BIRD, ok?
edit on 9-9-2015 by xoenneox because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: Lucidparadox

Whatever it was it looks way too small in comparison with the plane, I wonder what happened to the football field size UFOs

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 04:55 PM
Either fake or a UFO, in my opinion. I'm pretty sure that everybody knows it's not a bird by now, right?

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 06:41 PM
Interesting, I don't know of any birds that can fly fast enough to overtake a plane in mid-flight, though I'm not an Ornithologist.

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 06:53 PM
They saw it coming before it entered the video (that sound is them banking sharply to avoid it). It looks like the plane was moving to slow to get out its path though and the object actually maneuvers just as its about to hit the wing. Definitely not a bird.

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 12:51 AM
a reply to: Lucidparadox

Don't let the birdbrains get to you, you have an excellent thread and posts.

Calling it a bird is the best they can do, so that should tell you just how weak their position truly is.

Spoiler Alert! :
Intelligently controlled vehicles of advanced technology that defy our understanding of propulsion and aeronautics have been buzzing airplanes for more than half a century. Ronald Reagan's plane, for example.

I have seen flying saucers with my own two eyes, up close, a lot closer than you want to get. This video could be one, but there isn't enough to say certainly, or even probably. But it certainly could be.

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 02:45 AM
It's a bird but some of you think it can't be a bird because "a bird can't travel faster than a plane" - well the clue to what it was is on this very page in the top right and left corners.

It was a tweet - they travel at the speed of light and are much faster than a plane.

So you see it was a bird after all.

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 02:51 AM
a reply to: Moors

They saw it coming before it entered the video (that sound is them banking sharply to avoid it).

SO why did they bank toward it if they were trying to avoid it ?

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