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'Refugee shows us his true intentions'

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posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 04:25 AM
We have a lot of Muslims in moving into my neighborhood. We have mosques popping up all over the place. I never gave it much thought because we have so many immigrants in America. The other day as I was driving down the street I had my car window open. A 5 year old kid yelled infidel at me as I was passing by. I was kind of in shock over it. The next day as I'm driving down the street the kid comes running down the drive way full steam and tossed a rock at my car. He missed his mark.

Most of the Muslims I meet seem to be polite and nice to your face but it makes me wonder what is there true motive? What are they teaching their kids? I'm kind of on guard over this and don't know what to think. We welcomed you into our country and this is what we receive?

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 04:37 AM
Aren't you guys tired of this hatred? Judging a person by a three second video. How do we know he is an actual refugee? Maybe he is a local, maybe he is a gypsy, maybe he is a refugee - we don't know that. Do you guys know how a local from Hungary looks like? Have you ever been to Hungary? Do you know anything at all Hungary?

I'm living in Vienna where 10000 refugees arrived the past couple of days. Everything is fine, the world didn't end. Locals aren't as concerned as you guys even you are the ones typing from thousands of miles away. And before calling me naive, don't be naive..

Stop your fear mongering.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 04:38 AM
a reply to: chewi

Is the west allowing it to happen.

Is the west just supposed to go in and say , naughty , stop your fighting .

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: hutch622
They did in other countries.
Is that not what NATO is considering?
Intervention and air strikes.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 04:43 AM
It´s not all refugees. However I have first hand accounts to tell. I live near a town with 25k people, and there are around 4000 refugees already. Most are men in their 20s. I can provide local (german) newspaper articles if someone does not believe the following:

Everyday there is some fight between Syrian and Iranian people, throwing stones from their buildings to another, chairs. Police and Security get hurt. The hit the firealarm for fun almost every night so that the line to the firedepartment was setup that someone local has to check the alarm first. They stealing at the near shops, so they (the small shop owners) have to hire security (something uncommon here)..
At 2a.m you hear foreign speech under your window, youngsters doing #, ripping away colums of the fence and garage doors get opened at night. They stand in front of houses with their smartphones and check out things, pointing towards your house and noting something on papers then move to the next one (I have a camera at my front door)

There is a growing drug problem. People get mugged in front of their houses and near the street.
Trains, that the locals need to get to their jobs are not stopping there anymore because of vandalism towards the train and the poor guy who operates it.

They steal not only at shops, but they mug people on the street, drug crimes are ramping up.
Last month a child was raped IN THE REFUGEE BUILDING!

But the social romantic idiots downplay everything. In the next two months there will be 5000+ refugees in a town that holds 25k. They get shuttle busses to downtown and then you have hundreds of people sitting on doorsteps, eating out of bags, leaving food to rot at those places, trash everywhere. chilling, and the best thing: free WLAN. Most of them have smartphones.

A son of my coworker got his bike stolen and when he wanted to retrieve it silently at the refugee station, he got beaten up by KIDS with sticks and fist sized stones. He came back with blood all over his face, broken ellbow, broken thumb and index finger (they hit them with the stone on the hand repeatly) and without his bike.

Every refugee gets 135€ per month "pocket money" + living costs + clothes and two hot meals per day. The money they get is not needed to eat or drink. Another friend of mine is working at that local store and you know what most of them buy? Alcohol.

We need to help those people seeking safety, no discussion about that. But the way we handle it in Germany, it´s giving them the impression it´s the land where milk and honey flows. It´s not the majority that causes problems! It´s when you put 4000+ people into buildings, in a town that holds 25k people and expect that live goes on as normal.

It´s just because of our past in Germany, people are holding back. But I tell you, when this breakes loose because people start to fight against those who rob, mug and vandalize....It´s gonna be ugly. I´m praying that politics finally find a solution to spread them more even so that the problems dissolve. It´s a sad situation, both for the upright refugee and the upright citizen.

Let´s see how it all plays out when winter arrives in January/February and they have to stay inside.

edit on 7-9-2015 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: verschickter

You folks have unwittingly let ISIS sleepers into your borders. It won't be long before an incident occurs and then what?

The Germans will be dusting off those old ovens and gas chambers I'd reckon.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 05:37 AM

originally posted by: ypperst

I stumbled upon this video of a refugee, making a 'Cut your neck' sign?!!
Sorry, no youtube video but its here on LiveLeak.

For those of you who cant watch it; Its a news crew reporting from a place where a lot of refugees is gathered, and when the camera is turning around you see a young refugee making 'I'll cut your throat' sign to the news crew?!

What is up with that?? Why send such a message??
I'm all up for helping these poor souls, but do I want this dude to come here, no way.
Maybe its me who is misunderstanding this, maybe its a sign of peace from where he is from, right, RIGHT?!
I dont really know whats up anymore, all I know is that I don't want that in my country!

And btw its not my title, used the original.
Normally I wont jump to conclusions, but this time I'm scratching my head.

Please someone enlighten me why anyone would do this?

Here is a better quality video

I thik its pretty pathetic to be looking for anything to complain about lpike you are doing. One guy makes a gesture and thats enough tolump them all togethr

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 05:49 AM
a reply to: supremecommander
Duh. Seriously?
Then what? Then people like you come out of the bush to tell us we are racist and with keywords like hitler and gas chambers. It will be ugly because of people like you, desperatly searching for a connection to WW2, while what we do is just defending ourselfes and the peacefull refugees against those who have no concerns about stealing, mugging, raping.

The next time someone rattles my door after midnight he will meet Mr. Baseball Bat. Regardless if he´s German, American, Syrian or Iran. Throw out the criminals and those who do such acts, keep the peaceful people until they can go back or start a peaceful life here. Anybody who wants to work and earn their living is warmly welcomed.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: verschickter

History repeats often friend. The true nature of men will always rise to the surface

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 06:27 AM
Sure, it is true: We don't know the characters of all these people and I bet with so many there surely will be some bad guys.
But this is the part I don't know.

What I know is that the xenophobic mob already IS burning asylums and most of them ARE bad guys. And those criminals are tyring to tell us the refugees are the threat.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 07:02 AM
a reply to: Siddharta

Those deserve long life jail for premeditated murder, no arguing about that.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 07:14 AM

originally posted by: odzeandennz
after watching a cleverly edited clip, time to generalize and make assumptions

There's no place for objectivity on this site.

Next you'll be telling us there's a reason the media is pushing immigration headlines over anything else. [/sarcasm]

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 08:06 AM
My two cents.

In every population, there will be violent, extremist, and/or criminally insane individuals and subgroups. For every population of decent people seeking a better life, there will be some dangerous individuals. Just as even in our domestic populations, there will be the Timothy McVeighs and James Holmeses.

It is inevitable, and unless a rigorous system of background checks, psychological profiling, interviews, and security measures are enacted - which would delay transit and possibly result in long lasting ghettos and refugee cities with deteriorating conditions for those within - there is no way to discern between them in any meaningful way IMHO.

So the question becomes: Do we help as many as we can, taking the risk of the bad apples getting in as well? Or do we harm, delay, or reject the innocent, in order to protect ourselves from the bad elements?

Personally, I choose the "help as many possible" route. But I respect the views of those who disagree. What everyone thinks about this is their own prerogative and not to be dictated by me or anyone else.


posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 08:25 AM

originally posted by: AceWombat04
My two cents.

In every population, there will be violent, extremist, and/or criminally insane individuals and subgroups. For every population of decent people seeking a better life, there will be some dangerous individuals. Just as even in our domestic populations, there will be the Timothy McVeighs and James Holmeses.

It is inevitable, and unless a rigorous system of background checks, psychological profiling, interviews, and security measures are enacted - which would delay transit and possibly result in long lasting ghettos and refugee cities with deteriorating conditions for those within - there is no way to discern between them in any meaningful way IMHO.

So the question becomes: Do we help as many as we can, taking the risk of the bad apples getting in as well? Or do we harm, delay, or reject the innocent, in order to protect ourselves from the bad elements?

Personally, I choose the "help as many possible" route. But I respect the views of those who disagree. What everyone thinks about this is their own prerogative and not to be dictated by me or anyone else.


Quoted for total agreement. Id rather take a few risks and help people in need than do nothing. Its sick how people can choose that option.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 08:36 AM
. On viewing the footage and seeing his body language in response to being filmed, to me, he was sickened at the crew filming the conditions they were in and indeed suggested they cut the filming.

How anyone can jump to such a conclusion that he was suggesting intended violence, imo have a heavy bias and prejudice against refugees.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: chewi
a reply to: hutch622
have I been watching something else.
We are responsible in lots of ways.
A failure to intervene.
A failure to evacuate or set up safe zones closer to the source.
Foreign policy failure
Capitalism !
These are just a few.
We can send a full floatilla of aid to a place in accessible when their is a natural disaster. The way the media portrays a crisis is so important because we always fall for it.
What difference is there between this and a tsunami disaster. Is one of them deserving and the other not.

The whole of the west failed nothing. The government's seem to be the place to look if you want to assign blame. Being honest it seems one of many groups where action or lack of action by western governments screwed a group of people. Been doing it to the citizens of their own countries for decades. They are just being fair in this approach on a global level though so it's all good.

But the west as a whole had nothing to do with any of it. So I may help out, but just because I am in the west I am not at fault, I do not owe, I do not feel shame , I do not feel guilt.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: Danowski

did you just seriously suggest a middle eastern looking male is a local Hungarian? I am absolutely baffled.

I am Hungarian, I don't know on what parallel universe you could ever think this man is Hungarian, he is 100% a middle eastern Economic Migrant *cough* oh I'm sorry I meant "refugee".


not surprising at all my friend, we will be seeing more behavior like this in the coming weeks as a few more 100 thousands decide they want "Germany good life".

if anyone missed it, this is the gratitude they left for receiving all that food/water/supplies

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: wantsome

You should've stopped the car and thrown the rock back at the kid, aiming for his head.

When one respects only authority and power... this is what one gets!

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 09:03 AM
I see the pope says that churches should open their doors to refugees, is that Catholic churches? or Anglican?
I have yet to see or read of Mosques being to told to open their doors, Syrians are muslims.
Hippocrasey, (spell checker on the frizts) your cup runneth over.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: odzeandennz
after watching a cleverly edited clip, time to generalize and make assumptions

If there was a process or ability to control the situation then people would feel easier about this however even if the clip was ''cleverly edited'' (??) slow-mo...... then for an indiviual to make such a crude and aggressive gesture to anyone indicates that maybe their intentions are not all that welcoming...

edit on 7-9-2015 by PurpleDog UK because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-9-2015 by PurpleDog UK because: (no reason given)

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