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Official spokesperson from Secret Space program about "big picture", Aug 31/15 (Randy Cramer)?

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posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: WeRpeons
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Op, I have to commend you on your video outline. I wish we would all do this when posting videos. Some of us don't have the time to view a long video. Sometimes we start watching a video and when we're half way into it realize most of the information we've already read or heard about before hand. s&f

I'm going to watch the video later, sounds very interesting. I do have one question though, what exactly is psionics?

Thanks. I agree and think it is somewhat presumptuous that people would watch a long video just on one persons say-so. Sure if its under 15 mins no big deal, but much longer than that and especially over an hour is a fairly significant time investment for most people.

I have gotten far into some of these long videos and thought the same - just the same ole rehashed or just not that really interesting or no big revelations. However, some like this one, kind of innocuous in appearance and/or title, I have thought, wow, I'm glad I caught this!

What is "psionics" - good question. Just a catch-all term the military uses for what we think of as supernatural ability; mind reading, remote viewing, etc. Standard physics/science to more advanced races and often involving the pineal gland and its hidden/suppressed/repressed abilities, but still a mystery to us, or at least those of us unwashed masses "not in the know".
edit on 5-9-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: additon

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE

Well, for one, given all the UFO sightings, crop circles, animal mutilations, and human abductions, reported from all around
the world, from thousands to hundreds of thousands of cases, reported for decades and even far back in antiquity

For example, Randy says the majority of ET's are here for trade. Is that so far-fetched?

So umm the proof of ET trade are abductions and mutilations ? ... Would You please elaborate how that works ?

I am a very open minded person, more a believer than a skeptic, but I like to use logic to help me find the truth..
edit on 5/9/15 by Thill because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

I posted the video at 1:47pm and you posted at 2:16pm, amazing that you watched a 90 minute video in 27 mins!

Did you post this video to youtube, because if not how do you know I haven't seen it before?

Guess you didn't think of that did you?

Well, for one, given all the UFO sightings, crop circles, animal mutilations, and human abductions, reported from all around the world, from thousands to hundreds of thousands of cases, reported for decades and even far back in antiquity, it doesn't take a genius to realize there is some kind of ET interaction with Earth. So we have that. This video just helps to answer the who, what, how and why.

No it doesn't, and again what makes you think what is said in this video, or even whether Randy Cramer is what he says he is?

And it doesn't take a genius to see through this mans story about what he did in the Marines.

For example, Randy says the majority of ET's are here for trade. Is that so far-fetched?

What his story or the fact you believe it...because both are the same in my book, just stories.

How about the trillions missing from the Pentagon? That is factual. This would go a long way in explaining where it went.

So that's the reason you believe this man's story...good for you, but it doesn't make what he says the truth now does it?

Let me ask you a question. I understand you may need more evidence before accepting ET's are interacting with Earth. Okay. But can you admit it is a possibility? If you can, then what is so far-fetched about this?

Can you admit the story from the so called super marine is only in his mind is a very big possibility?

If you can't admit the possibility, then you are closed minded and there is no point in having a conversation about it.

Of course because I don't believe this fable of the man's mind I am close minded and all you want is those who believe the same tripe you yourself a favor and see if you can find this man's boss Brigadier General Julian Smyth.

Here is a hint for you try and find his boss Brigadier General Julian Smythe, because the only one that even comes close to this name died in the 70's before this man was even known to whatever branch of the service he was in.

Maybe you should actually research this man before believing anything he actually says as truth.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Just a lot of talk.

The video was a group of gullible people in conference with a storyteller.

Also, some of what he says is provably false, which could indicate that he is mistaken, but more likely that it is BS.

I don't know. Are the gullible the ones who are open to such revelations? Or are the gullible the ones the believe everything the MSM, government and corporate science tell them, and believe that if these "institutions" haven't mentioned something that it cannot be true?

Provably false - okay - feel free to prove anything you feel is such.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

For someone who thinks its "fantasy" you sure have researched it quite a bit.

Do you always spend so much time..............on things you consider a waste of time? (confused)

How do you know the name of his boss?

edit on 5-9-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: addition

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 02:50 PM
This guy is a LIAR. Period. Making up stories for attention.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Just a lot of talk.

The video was a group of gullible people in conference with a storyteller.

Also, some of what he says is provably false, which could indicate that he is mistaken, but more likely that it is BS.

I don't know. Are the gullible the ones who are open to such revelations? Or are the gullible the ones the believe everything the MSM, government and corporate science tell them, and believe that if these "institutions" haven't mentioned something that it cannot be true?

Provably false - okay - feel free to prove anything you feel is such.

Apologies, I have edited my post as you were answering. please re-read it.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: Thill

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE

Well, for one, given all the UFO sightings, crop circles, animal mutilations, and human abductions, reported from all around
the world, from thousands to hundreds of thousands of cases, reported for decades and even far back in antiquity

For example, Randy says the majority of ET's are here for trade. Is that so far-fetched?

So umm the proof of ET trade are abductions and mutilations ? ... Would You please elaborate how that works ?

I am a very open minded person, more a believer than a skeptic, but I like to use logic to help me find the truth..

No, I said crop circles, UFO's, abductions, animal mutilations are proof of an ongoing ET interaction with Earth.

That most ET's are just here for trade I said is just an extremely reasonable explanation for the presence of the majority of them, is it not?

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

For someone who thinks its "fantasy" you sure have researched it quite a bit.

How do you know the name of his boss?

Do you think this is something new?

Here you go from June of this year...

Another from June...

So don't think this is the first time anyone has heard of this man. Sorry but this isn't new...or maybe it is to you.

And I know the name of his boss because I actually did a bit of research...something that you probably should have done first.
edit on 5-9-2015 by tsurfer2000h because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Just a lot of talk.

The video was a group of gullible people in conference with a storyteller.

Also, some of what he says is provably false, which could indicate that he is mistaken, but more likely that it is BS.

He's supposed to be genetically engineered to 'handle' seeing an alien without fear. Well, we have mapped the human genome now. Which gene does that? And he seems to think that human genetic engineering was doable well before the technology and the genome map existed.

Why would a genetically engineered super-soldier require corrective lenses?

I would imagine that someone who defended our human territory in space (where are the boundaries and legal limits defined?) would have to know about, at least, propulsion, communications and life support systems in depth. Yet everything he has said was extremely light on technical detail.

Where were the insignia's and dress uniform, the indicators of authority and rank?

Okay, good points, these are the kinds of things we should be discussing instead of childish "name-calling", and I don't mean you who wrote this post.

As for genetic engineering, weren't the Nazis already quite advanced in this during WWII? Isn't it plausible US scientists advanced that research by the 1960's? I don't think we can assume that just because certain scientific or technical or spiritual etc info has not filtered down to the public that it does not exist or isn't true.

As for seeing an alien and not experiencing fear or little fear, it is easy to pinpoint which areas of the brain produce certain emotions and reactions, such as anxiety, find the gene/genes responsible for the growth of that area of the brain and modulate or change the genes expression. That kind of gene modulation has been done with plants and animals.

As for requiring corrective lenses - well, I don't think they said they made the perfect human, just enhanced certain abilities useful in a soldier such as repressing fear, physical and stamina enhancements, maybe coordination - but that doesn't mean one will be perfect in every way.

About knowing about propulsion, communication, life-support - most of us have flown in planes, and unless we are experts in the field, amateurs or hobbyists, how many of us know about a planes communication system, life support system, even the workings of a jet engine? Unless specialists most of us are the same, have a general idea but that is it.
And he wasn't any kind of tech expert, he calls himself "the muscle", a grunt.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

Well, if his superior is Brigadier General Julian Smythe, and he is part of some super secret black program, his identity would be pretty much erased, wouldn't it? Maybe that is not even the Brigadier's real name.

Do people ever use fake names in top secret programs? Do people's identities and records get tampered with or even erased in black programs?

I clearly mentioned in the OP I was aware of the other threads on Randy Cramer, but they covered different info.

Are you worried people will learn about this information?

edit on 5-9-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: addition

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Well, if his superior is Brigadier General Julian Smythe, and he is part of some super secret black program, his identity would be pretty much erased, wouldn't it? Maybe that is not even the Brigadier's real name.

Well why would he lie about the name if he was given full disclosure rights to tell his story?

So if this wasn't his name and he is lying...what does that say about the rest of his story?

Do people ever use fake names in top secret programs? Do people's identities and records get tampered with or even erased in black programs?

And how many of those have a so called spokesperson for them?

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 03:30 PM
Something such as this thread could only come from America.

Gave me a good laugh anyway.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 03:30 PM
Hair is shorter, he's a little older but I think it might be the same guy. or maybe his son?

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

Brigadier Smythe may have been using a pseudonym (again does this ever happen in super black projects?) and that was the name that Randy Cramer knew him by.

He in this video he is one of the most articulate, intelligent and funny at times person I have seen in a while, but that of course is just my opinion, I don't get the sense he is lying. His answers to questions that both as far as we know are impromptu seem genuine and are quite detailed in some cases. Not the way I would expect a liar to answer questions.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 04:05 PM

originally posted by: alldaylong
Something such as this thread could only come from America.

Gave me a good laugh anyway.

I'm actually not from the US, but don't let that get in the way of your judgement and ego enhancement.

I think some of the most intelligent and enlightened people on the planet are American. Unfortunately most large governmental, military and corporate institutions in the US are of a lower vibration.

I have had many American friends - for the most part great people and many try to make a difference around the world.

Unfortunately there is an ignorant class which is growing mainly due to the policies of a hidden controlling elite that are certainly not enlightened. If you think that hidden elite is not controlling your country as well you are kidding yourself.
edit on 5-9-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: addition

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 04:11 PM
OP...ASTR0 MADE MORE SENSE than this guy who is claiming to be genetically engineered super baby.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: yuppa
OP...ASTR0 MADE MORE SENSE than this guy who is claiming to be genetically engineered super baby.

Not familiar with Astro, was there a thread on here about "him"?

What specifically do you think about Randy is saying does not make sense?

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 04:33 PM

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Just a lot of talk.

The video was a group of gullible people in conference with a storyteller.

Also, some of what he says is provably false, which could indicate that he is mistaken, but more likely that it is BS.

He's supposed to be genetically engineered to 'handle' seeing an alien without fear. Well, we have mapped the human genome now. Which gene does that? And he seems to think that human genetic engineering was doable well before the technology and the genome map existed.

Why would a genetically engineered super-soldier require corrective lenses?

I would imagine that someone who defended our human territory in space (where are the boundaries and legal limits defined?) would have to know about, at least, propulsion, communications and life support systems in depth. Yet everything he has said was extremely light on technical detail.

Where were the insignia's and dress uniform, the indicators of authority and rank?

Okay, good points, these are the kinds of things we should be discussing instead of childish "name-calling", and I don't mean you who wrote this post.

As for genetic engineering, weren't the Nazis already quite advanced in this during WWII? Isn't it plausible US scientists advanced that research by the 1960's? I don't think we can assume that just because certain scientific or technical or spiritual etc info has not filtered down to the public that it does not exist or isn't true.

As for seeing an alien and not experiencing fear or little fear, it is easy to pinpoint which areas of the brain produce certain emotions and reactions, such as anxiety, find the gene/genes responsible for the growth of that area of the brain and modulate or change the genes expression. That kind of gene modulation has been done with plants and animals.

As for requiring corrective lenses - well, I don't think they said they made the perfect human, just enhanced certain abilities useful in a soldier such as repressing fear, physical and stamina enhancements, maybe coordination - but that doesn't mean one will be perfect in every way.

About knowing about propulsion, communication, life-support - most of us have flown in planes, and unless we are experts in the field, amateurs or hobbyists, how many of us know about a planes communication system, life support system, even the workings of a jet engine? Unless specialists most of us are the same, have a general idea but that is it.
And he wasn't any kind of tech expert, he calls himself "the muscle", a grunt.

The Nazi's only knew of selective breeding - Mendelian Genetics - not genetic engineering as we know it. The "science" of eugenics, which they championed simply did not work. They were unable to engineer their "Lebensborn Übermenschen". This was largely because they were wrong and their 'science' was rhetoric, not true science.

The definition and structure of the DNA molecule was discovered by Francis Crick, James D. Watson, Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin, in 1953. The 3-base-pair coding that was required to produce the 22 known amino acids was suggested by the Physicist George Gamow in the same year.

The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), vital to laboratory replication of DNA and therefore a requirement genetic engineering, was not discovered until 1971.

Most genetic Engineering techniques (there are about 7 of them) arose after 1980.

Genetic engineering to remove the parts of the human brain that deal with emotion would create, at the least, psychopaths. In a worst case scenario, their brains simply would not function. This is assuming that such functions are hard wired to a particular area of the brain and are not a distributed function of the whole neural network. I would posit that such functions are distributed and are 'software' rather than 'hardware', but in the case of a self organizing neural net such as the brain, the distinctions become blurred.

If they were genetically engineering things of such finesse as was suggested, then simple things like removing genes giving a propensity for impaired vision would be trivial. I would think 20/20 vision would be a requirement of a super soldier.

Muscles are useless unless they have something to push against. In low or no gravity situations, especially in space, someone who is "the muscle" is essentially ballast. Dead weight to have to move around. The requirement in that environment is for highly technically competent people. Physical strength can be achieved, beyond human parameters, by technology.

Why would any space defense program carry around 180 kilograms of useless meat?

Honestly, this is just a gee-whiz story. It does not stand up well to analysis.

edit on 5/9/2015 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 05:02 PM
Thanks. Too bad I can't subscribe on the Mobil app. I guess it was too difficult to do with the new upgrade. Oh well

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