posted on Apr, 3 2016 @ 03:42 PM
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Yes - in a way I'm almost hoping it's Glenn too.
As much as I really enjoy his character - just seems an extremely fitting farewell despite the huge uproar it may create...
If it's not Abraham then perhaps we'll see the Big Red go on a biblical-level rampage of revenge.
Though in saying that...I also dooooo hope, pray, perform black-magic so it happens, whatever...wish to see Eugene just go completely postal. Eugene
has had some radical character role changes in recent episodes...hoping it's just the tip of that highly suppressed iceberg. The amount of raw
emotional energy that guy must just have stuffed down and stuffed down and tried to keep a lid on...oooooh I reckon it could be mushroom clouds if he
Much like the emergence of the 'Carol-inator' from meak/mild oppressed housewife to killing machine...Eugene just *feels* like someone whom if he
totally wigged out would make Negan himself be all 'pee pee pants city'....
Anyhoo...waiting waiting waiting...
edit on 3-4-2016 by alien because: (no reason given)