posted on Mar, 22 2016 @ 12:13 PM
Just more dumb decisions.
1. Why on Earth would you allow the only doc to go on a run? (they were going to take ALL the drugs they found anyhow)
2. Assuming you're dumb enough to do number 1, why do you continually let her go off on her own?
3. Why do you send the Engineer with ONE soldier?
4. Besides, couldn't Eugene have just drawn a MAP for a scout team?
5. When you KNOW there are hostile humans in the area, why would you stick to roads and rail tracks for a path? (if you drove, wouldn't you then hide
the car off the road when proceeding on foot?)
6. The SEASONED runners would constantly be ALL looking forward, with NOBODY checking their six. Seriously? Want a walker to sneak up behind you
7. The doc still had one good eye....hey, Carl needs another eye.....
Please, oh please, after Eugene dies, have zombie Eugene bite another in the crotch to infect them.....
I think Carols cheese isn't fully secured on her cracker
Yep, and seems she realizes it, and doesn't want to affect others. Still though...don't see why you'd walk away from a good thing. She HAS killed for
them before, so not really getting it.
I'm still a bit ticked Dwight got away, but glad Darryl got his bow back...
edit on 22-3-2016 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)