originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
Stop being such a nihilist and just appreciate what you have.
People around the world would kill to be in your position...
Billions of them.
How's that for the meaning of life.
People like you invalidate others despite them having real and actual pains throughout life. People who state the things you do make people in OP's
shoes much worse
How's that for the meaning of life?
It's such BS when people pull the whole "starving children" thing. Their is no such things as the suffering Olympics. Just because he's having
troubles with some very serious and existential issues doesn't mean he has no appreciation for places like Sub-Saharan Africa. It doesn't mean he
doesn't recognize that children in Ghana have it much worse but why are you so intent on making his experience with life as meaningless as possible?
Does it occur to you that even a super wealthy 1%'er can also have extreme difficulty with the concepts of death, suffering and non-being?
Myugly...Hi :-)
Pleasure to meet you....well sort of since we are online. The things you describe are very common and I don't say these things in order to minimize
your suffering. I mostly perform therapy with an existential theory. Obviously I am not offering you solutions or offering therapy online...but the
point is what you feel right now is common among many people.
I understand quite well. As I a 36 years old, due to a few falls from horse riding and a reconstructive shoulder surgery, I am pretty much in daily
pain. Sometimes that daily pain becomes rather unbearable. I won't of course pretend to know your mind, but I get the gist of it. The concept of
suffering is very temporary but it can amplify people's visions of non-being.
I have a tiny little hypothetical I will tell some of my chronic pain patients that I'd like to share.
If you aren't in a good space, feel free to
read it another time
Other wise here it is
Imagine if you could being born as a full adult of approximately 18 years of wisdom, maturity and in body. However, you are at zero hour. An all
knowing force approaches you and tells you that you have 80 years to live from this exact moment and no mater what happens, you are unable to change
this fact. So you go through life ever aware of the fact that while you are having a generally good time, you know that the closer you get to your
mark, the closer you are to the end. This is self-awareness and is very scary to many people. Granted we don't actually know when we will die; just
that we will. That concept in and of itself can cause emotional struggle for people who initially wanted to just get the most they could out of their
80 years.
Now imagine the same scenario with the same explanation. However this time, the all-knowing force tells you that for the remainder of these 80 years,
you will carry a pebble in your pocket. Each year the pebble is swapped out with one twice it's weight. so by the time 50 years rolls around you went
from carrying a little half-ounce stone to carrying a mountain. This very well explains two concepts of existential thought of non-being that makes
non-being that much worse
Remember when you were 6 years old and waiting for your next birthday felt like a century? Part of that consideration is that fact that at 6 years
old, 1 year represents a whole sixth of your life; hence it feels longer. Now however, at age 30, a year represents a sliver of your time; hence it
feels like nothing at all. That is the pebble growing.
The other side of this explanation involves the pebble as well; pain. So in scenario 1, you know you ave 80 years and you plan on living it to the
best. But as the pebbles grows, you slow down because now you are carrying a mountain. The whole concept of pain versus time and non-being is very
real. Pain, true pain be it physical or emotional, makes it very hard to enjoy things. So really it is exactly like the pebble in that pain grows as
you grow and for a great many people, pain makes it harder to enjoy our tiny slice of existence.
Now all of this may seem like the greatest downer in the world...and to a point it truly is. However their is an upside to all this and it is the
basis of existential therapy as a whole. Recognizing the bad with the good and integrating your struggles into a wholesome self is a victory that few
attain but all can work towards. Truly accepting death and non-being is a wonderful process so long as it does not destroy you.
It sounds weird to say, and believe me when I repeat that I am not wanting to die early, but their is a bit of grace to death when you look at it from
a new perspective. That grace is the ability to know you have accomplished life and that you will soon be comfortable because whether god, goddess or
no afterlife is real; you will no longer be in pain.
I am not at all sure this will help but again while I cannot and would not offer legitimate therapy online, I always welcome you to have a U2U or
thread based chat if you are interested.
I do not have all the answers...not even close....but I do enjoy the journey of finding them
Good day to you
edit on 30-8-2015 by KyoZero because: (no reason given)