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A British man who was vaccinated against polio has been producing the virus for nearly 30 years.

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posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: Kapusta

and based on the experience of flight sergeant Nicholas Alkemade

people jumping out of planes dont really need parachutes

its just a plot by parachute manufactures to sell more chutes

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: Agartha

Who started the measles outbreak in Corpus Christi? And why would a fully vaccinated child come down with the measles?

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: Witness2008
a reply to: Agartha

Where is the science behind this herd immunity?

We conclude that outbreaks of measles can occur in secondary schools, even when more than 99 percent of the students have been vaccinated and more than 95 percent are immune.

Seems to me if a person is vaccinated, they should be protected.

The fact that none of the 1732 seropositive students contracted measles out of a total of 1806 students pretty much proves the science.

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 08:13 AM

originally posted by: Witness2008
a reply to: Agartha

Who started the measles outbreak in Corpus Christi? And why would a fully vaccinated child come down with the measles?

It doesn't say how the measles started but guess what, the vaccine, like everything else in life, isn't 100% effective.
Fully vaccinated doesn't always mean fully immune. There is a small percentage in which the vaccine doesn't "take".
And as it says in the article 4.1% of the students weren't.
And guess who contracted the measles, yep, the ones who weren't immune.
The ones who were immune via vaccinations didn't get it.

(post by SgtHamsandwich removed for a manners violation)

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 12:27 PM


posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: Witness2008
a reply to: Agartha

Who started the measles outbreak in Corpus Christi? And why would a fully vaccinated child come down with the measles?

Just what Pardon? said. Also, a child with one single dose is not fully vaccinated, hence some of them caught measles. Those fully vaccinated did not catch it. As many were not fully vaccinated, the school had no herd immunity, hence those not seropositive got ill.

The Corpus Christi outbreak is evidence of the importance of herd immunity.

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 02:09 PM


posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 08:23 PM


posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: Agartha

Personally I don't trust Vaccines and I don't trust Vaccine manufacturers. They are in it for the money not our health. My daughter's school contacted me about her getting the Flu Vaccine. They said it was a recommendation that she receive it since it is coming up to Flu season. I recommended that they basically shove it as there is now way I would let them damage my child. Anyway, I saw this article today:

The Polio VACCINE is Causing the New Polio.

Yes, the vaccines are causing the problem. The authorities know it. It is admitted. This is not conspiracy theory, but sad fact.

The system is willing to break a few eggs and ruin lives in order to achieve their global vaccination agenda – all while they insist that vaccines are both safe and effective. To say otherwise – even in the face of admitted facts – is pure heresy.

A few years ago, I stumbled upon a big dirty secret that is harming tens of thousands of children. It was being reported overseas, but ignored by the mainstream media.

Doctors in India tracking problems inside the nation’s health system found a huge spike in young children who were crippled after receiving the oral polio vaccine. I wrote at the time:

While polio has statistically disappeared from India, there has been a huge spike in cases of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP)– the very types of crippling problems it was hoped would disappear with polio but which have instead flourished from a new cause.

There were 47,500 cases of non-polio paralysis reported in 2011, the same year India was declared “polio-free,” according to Dr. Vashisht and Dr. Puliyel. Further, the available data shows that the incidents tracked back to areas were doses of the polio vaccine were frequently administered… Related studies in India have already demonstrated that polio vaccines are the leading cause of polio paralysis.

That's just a small snippet from that article. Do I agree with that? YES. Most vaccination programs come start when the disease has dissipated then claims are made that says it was the vaccination that caused the disease to dissipate. As per usual these Vaccine reports are based on utter lies.

Look at the people behind the Vaccine Companies. Look at their past Especially with the Polio vaccine. How many people have they maimed and killed to make a few bucks.

The Polio Vaccine Is Causing The New Polio

Here's some dates and facts for you regarding the creation of the Polio Vaccine:

1931 Roosevelt endorses polio "immune serum", precursor to vaccines in 1950's.
1948 Dr.Sander, Vet Admin, discovers sugar intake related to polio development.
1948 In North Carolina, Dr. Benjamin P. Sandler reveals that sugar and starches lower the blood sugar level, producing hypoglycemia. Also that soda pop (recently introduced) contains phosphoric acid that absorbs phosphorus and sulfates in food before natural metabolism can get it to the nervous system,causing the nerve trunks to fail to function properly . Sandler says that dairy products and sugared soft drinks are aggravating the incidence of polio.
1948 Polio cases in North Carolina number 2,498.
1949 Noticing that polio strikes most in the summer, when children increase their intake of sugar, Dr. Sandler warns residents to cut down on sugar and dairy products in North Carolina. Polio cases dramatically decrease to 249.
1950 The 1948 findings of Dr. Sandler in North Carolina are denegrated in the public media, who claims that Sandlers findings are a "myth."
1950 Rockefeller Milk Trust and Coca Cola force return to previous levels of sugar and dairy product consumption. Polio levels rise to pre-1949 level.

Sugar causes Polio?

1950 Professor Pierre LePine, noted scientist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, is reported in the March 30, 1950 edition of the New York Times, as saying "no more than one injection in 2,000 really prevents polio."
1952 Formulation of the polio vaccine begins. Tens of millions of doses of polio vaccines produced from virus grown in monkey cells infected with SV-40 (Simian Virus #40).
1954 Salk vaccine begins to be given to school children in Philadelphia.
1954 Parke-Davis pharmaceutical company combines the DPT shot with Polio vaccine. The new combination of four vaccines is called Quadrigen.
1954 Mass introduction of sugared soft drinks in the United States.
1954 General vaccination programs against Polio begin in the United States.
1954 Reward of $30,000 offered to anyone who proves polio vaccine not a fraud.Not one person was able to claim the reward.
1954 Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, allows a press photo to be taken during a ceremony declaring Salk vaccine safe.
1954 Polio rate caused by the vaccine accelerates ten-fold in Massachusetts.
1954 Eli Lilly company begins renovation of a five-story building in Indianapolis in July 1954 for the production of Salk vaccine. It is in full production by October of 1954. Wyeth, Parke-Davis and others follow suit.
1955 Georgia State public health officers meet in Atlanta (May 1955) to discuss what was going wrong with the Salk vaccine program . A U.S. Public Health scientist at the meeting told the group that "he was not permitted to disclose what had happened because it would jeopardize the investment of the pharmaceutical firms in the vaccine program."
1955 Despite the skyrocketing cases of vaccine-induced polio, the AMA, NFIP and USPHS claim a reduction of 40-50%.
1955 Idaho brings its Salk vaccination program to a halt on July 1, 1955. Utah does the same on July 12, 1955.
1955 Boston Herald newspaper reports on April 18, 1955, features an article entitled "Drug Companies Expecting Big Profit on Salk Vaccine", which stated. "A spokesman for Parke-Davis, which made 50% of the Salk vaccine, said 'now that it has been declared safe, we can get back the millions we invested in the development of the Salk vaccine and make a profit out of it. Our company will make over $10 million on Salk vaccine in 1955.'"
1955 Washington Bureau of the Detroit Free Press reports, on June 3, 1955, that "The USPHS reported that more children who received Salk shots made by the Wyeth Labs suffered polio than could normally be expected;"
1955 AMA Conference in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Article by James C. Spaulding who covered the conference was published in the AMA Journal, June 19, 1955, "A policy of secrecy and deception has been followed by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis and the US Public Health Service in the polio vaccine programs. The nation's physicians were prevented from learning vital information about the trouble with Salk vaccine. The US Public Health Service had an advisory group made up almost entirely of scientists who were receiving money from the National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis, which was exerting pressure to go ahead with the program even after Salk vaccine was found to be dangerous.".
Spaulding further said, "the Infantile Paralysis Foundation kept secret the fact that live virus was detected in four out of six supposedly "finished and safe" lots of vaccine."
1955 Salk Polio Vaccine again used in the US.Cases of polio skyrocket again in the United States.

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 04:33 AM
a reply to: Nova937


1955 Reports that doctors on the staff of the National Institutes for Health are avoiding vaccination of their children with the Salk vaccine. After experimenting with 1,200 monkeys, they declared the Salk vaccine worthless as a preventative and a danger to take.
1955 Vermont reports a 266% increase in polio since vaccinations began in 1954.
1955 Rhode Island reports 454% increase in polio since vaccinations in 1954.
1955 Massachusetts reports 642% increase in polio since vaccinations began in 1954 with vaccination of 130,000 children. In response, the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis states that the increase in cases was due to the fact that "no children were vaccinated there." Massachusetts bans the sale of Salk vaccine."
1955 Dr. Graham W. Wilson, director of Britains Public Health Laboratory Service, who knew about the NIH Salk vaccine trials, says "I do not see how any vaccine prepared by Salk's method can be guaranteed safe."
1955 US Surgeon General Scheele admits in a closed session of the AMA that "Salk polio vaccine is hard to make and no batch can be proven safe before given to children". Despite this fact, the public is told that the vaccine is safe. The government announces that it has the intention to vaccinate 57 million people before August 1955.
1955 Surgeon General Scheele (who never practiced medicine a day in his life) goes on public radio saying "I have complete confidence in the Salk vaccine. I urge doctors to continue vaccinations."
1956 Seventeen states in the United States reject their government-supplied Salk polio vaccine.
1956 Idaho health director Peterson states that polio only struck vaccinated children in areas where there had been no cases of polio since the preceeding autumn. In 90% of the cases, the paralysis occurred in the arm in which the vaccine had been injected.
1956 American Public Health Service announces 168 cases of polio and 6 deaths among those vaccinated. Censorship is then imposed on the reporting of reactions to Salk vaccine.
1956 Oral polio vaccine developed further by Sabin.
1956 The US Public Health Service and the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (Rockefeller) put on a drive to "sell" Salk polio vaccine to the public.
1957 Governor Knight of California asks the legislature for $3 million in order to insure vaccination for all those under 40 years old with Salk polio vaccine. The newspapers report that corporate profits from the Salk vaccine will be in excess of $5 billion. (Feb 6, 1957). Governor Knight notes there are 4 million Californians under 40 and signs the bill.
1958 Verdict of $147,000 rendered against Cutter Laboratories in Calfornia for the crippling of two children with the Salk polio vaccine. Cutter Labs was the only vaccine manufacturer not part of the Rockefeller Trust.
1959 National Institute of Health (NIH) approves licensing of Quadrigen vaccine for children, containing Pertussis, Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio vaccines. The new combination vaccine was found to be highly reactive and was withdrawn from the market in 1968 after parents started filing lawsuits against Parke- Davis for vaccine damaged children.
1959 Dr. Albert Sabin develops oral live virus polio vaccination.
1961 Sabin polio vaccine immunization campaign.
1962 Soft drinks are consumed at 16 gallons per person per year.
1964 Reward of $30,000 offered to prove polio vaccine was not fraud. No takers.
1972 Soft drink consumption 30 gallons per year per person.
1976 According to a letter from the British Association for Parents of Vaccine Damaged Children, published in the British Medical Journal of February 1976, "two years ago we started to collect details from parents of serious reactions suffered by their children to immunizations of all kinds.

In 65% of the cases referred to us, reactions followed "triple" vaccinations. The children in this group total 182 to date. All are severely brain damaged, some are paralyzed, and 5 have died during the past 18 months. Approximately 60% of reactions (major convulsions, collapse, screaming) happened within 3 days and all within 12 days.

1976 Dr. Jonas Salk, creator of the polio vaccine, says that analysis indicates that the live virus vaccine in use since the 1960's is the principle, if not sole cause of all polio cases since 1961.
1977 (Mar) Jonas and Darrell Salk warn live virus vaccines produce same disease.

1992 From 1988 to 1992, over $249 million has already been awarded due to hundreds of deaths and injuries caused by mandated vaccines. Thousands of cases are still pending. The permanent injuries from vaccines include, but are not limited to, learning disabilities, seizure disorders, mental retardation, and paralysis. Many of the awards for pertussis vaccine deaths were initially (and wrongfully) misclassified as Sudden Death Syndrome (SIDS).

1992 Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 87% of all cases of polio in the United States between 1973 and 1983 were caused by the vaccine. The CDC also said that every case from 1980 to 1989 was caused by the vaccine.

1993 Seattle Times reports that all polio in the US is caused by vaccines.

Basically the Vaccine caused Polio in the first place and is STILL causing it as we can see in India. Looking over the years at Vaccination and Vaccination Programs paints a common picture. The Vaccination Programs Make MONEY not Healthy people. Sugar and Sodium Fluoride are also Catalysts for this deisease!

For all all Vaccines there is a simple test you can do to see if the Vaccine works. Get a six shot revolver, put 1 bullet intp the barrel. spin it, close it, point it at your head and depress the trigger.

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: Nova937

While polio has statistically disappeared from India, there has been a huge spike in cases of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP)– the very types of crippling problems it was hoped would disappear with polio but which have instead flourished from a new cause.

There were 47,500 cases of non-polio paralysis reported in 2011, the same year India was declared “polio-free,” according to Dr. Vashisht and Dr. Puliyel. Further, the available data shows that the incidents tracked back to areas were doses of the polio vaccine were frequently administered… Related studies in India have already demonstrated that polio vaccines are the leading cause of polio paralysis.

^^ in bold: non polio. Polio is Polio. NPAFP is NOT polio nor is caused by polio. If it was then we would see millions if not billions of cases around the world, and we don't.

We are all free to believe the work of different people, I choose those in the medical profession because I work with them and see the amazing job they do. An article by a guy who is just a writer and didn't spend years or decades studying medicine and doing real research, is not whom I would choose to advice me on health matters. Like I wouldn't trust a nurse to fix a plane or an engineer to extract a tooth.

Some statistics for you I posted on another thread a while ago:

Since 2000, more than 10 billion doses of Polio vaccine have been administered to nearly 3 billion children worldwide. As a result, more than 10 million cases of polio have been prevented, and the disease has been reduced by more than 99%. During that time there have been only 758 Vaccine-derived Polio cases.

Let me repeat: 10 billion vaccines - 758 vaccine induced polio = the Polio vaccine is VERY safe.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 05:09 AM

originally posted by: Nova937
a reply to: Nova937

Basically the Vaccine caused Polio in the first place and is STILL causing it as we can see in India. Looking over the years at Vaccination and Vaccination Programs paints a common picture. The Vaccination Programs Make MONEY not Healthy people. Sugar and Sodium Fluoride are also Catalysts for this deisease!

Hope you don't mind my snipping your very TimeCube-like post.

If vaccines caused polio then what caused polio prior to them existing?
Polio was first described and reported in the 18th century and had been noted even earlier than that (there's a painting from Egypt depicting someone with polio from ~1400 BC).

Sort of wrecks your time-line doesn't it?

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 06:49 AM

originally posted by: Pardon?

originally posted by: Nova937
a reply to: Nova937

Basically the Vaccine caused Polio in the first place and is STILL causing it as we can see in India. Looking over the years at Vaccination and Vaccination Programs paints a common picture. The Vaccination Programs Make MONEY not Healthy people. Sugar and Sodium Fluoride are also Catalysts for this deisease!

Hope you don't mind my snipping your very TimeCube-like post.

If vaccines caused polio then what caused polio prior to them existing?
Polio was first described and reported in the 18th century and had been noted even earlier than that (there's a painting from Egypt depicting someone with polio from ~1400 BC).

Sort of wrecks your time-line doesn't it?

Why would it wreck my timeline? Polio is caused by all sorts of things. Pesticides can cause it. Vaccines certainly do cause it as well. There's also a link between the Polio Vaccine and rare Childhood Cancers.

Did you know that in 2011 it was found that 78% of Children who received the Polio Vaccine caught Polio from it. Kinda wrecks your vaccines are wonderful theory doesn't it?!

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 07:14 AM

originally posted by: Nova937
Why would it wreck my timeline? Polio is caused by all sorts of things. Pesticides can cause it. Vaccines certainly do cause it as well. There's also a link between the Polio Vaccine and rare Childhood Cancers.

Did you know that in 2011 it was found that 78% of Children who received the Polio Vaccine caught Polio from it. Kinda wrecks your vaccines are wonderful theory doesn't it?!


posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: stumason

Here you go.

ISLAMABAD: The health authorities have discovered that more than 78 per cent of confirmed polio cases in Pakistan involved children who had been administered polio drops.

According to a report compiled by polio eradication section of the National Institute of Health, out of 136 polio cases reported this year, 107 children had been administered polio drops on several occasions under a prescribed schedule.

Incidence Of Polio Among Vaccinated Alarms Government

Polio Vaccine ineffective.

No BBC Links!

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: Nova937

From your own link, which you conveniently ignored:

Officials in the National Polio Control Programme said that the number of polio cases had increased during the last three years after going down for the previous seven years.

They suspected that the vaccine might have lost its efficacy after not having been stored at the required temperature, especially in far-flung areas where electricity supply is disrupted for long hours.

Prof Athar Niaz Rana, head of allergy and immunology department at the Shifa International Hospital, told Dawn: “Vaccine failure and failure to vaccinate are two important factors which have affected the national polio campaign.”

He insisted that “security situation in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa is also one of the factors which has led to the failure of vaccine in that region.”

So, it wasn't a failure of the vaccine, but a failure of the people administering the vaccine - namely, they failed to keep it refrigerated.

What you claim is like posting that milk makes people ill, while ignoring the fact that the milk was left in the sun for 5 days prior to drinking it....

Another epic fail by Nova - at least you're consistent.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: stumason

I may have missed one thing but I'm not consistently failing. Not like you in the other thread. At least I'm trying to get information from other sources rather than just relying on one.

In 1976, Dr. Jonas Salk, creator of the killed-virus vaccine used in the 1950s, testified that the live-virus vaccine (used almost exclusively in the U.S. from the early 1960s to 2000) was the ‘principal if not sole cause’ of all reported polio cases in the U.S. since 1961 [44]. (The virus remains in the throat for one to two weeks and in the feces for up to two months. Thus, vaccine recipients are at risk, and can potentially spread the disease, as long as fecal excretion of the virus continues [45].) In 1992, the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published an admission that the live-virus vaccine had become the dominant cause of polio in the United States [36]. In fact, according to CDC figures, every case of polio in the U.S. since 1979 was caused by the oral polio vaccine [36]. Authorities claim the vaccine was responsible for about eight cases of polio every year [46]. However, an independent study that analyzed the government’s own vaccine database during a recent period of less than five years uncovered 13,641 reports of adverse events following use of the oral polio vaccine. These reports included 6,364 emergency room visits and 540 deaths (Figure 3) [47,48]. Public outrage at these tragedies became the impetus for removing the oral polio vaccine from immunization schedules [36:568;37;38].”

Then we have the 47,000 cases in India. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that caused this said:

Polio is a terrible disease that kills many and paralyzes others. Fifty years ago it was widespread around the world. When you talk to people who remember polio in the United States, they’ll tell you about the fear and panic during an outbreak and describe grim hospital wards full of children in iron lungs that maintained their breathing. At its peak in the United States in 1952, polio paralyzed or killed more than 24,000 people.

But then:

But in 2011 alone, the Bill and Melinda Gates’ polio vaccine campaign in India caused 47,500 cases of paralysis and death.

Bill Gates gives no figures or any details to back up his claim that people skeptical of vaccines are killing children, but he referred to parents didn’t give their children the pertussis vaccine and measles vaccines and children dying. However, Mr. Gates may not be aware that teens in Canada vaccinated for measles have come down with measles in greater numbers than the unvaccinated and vaccinated children who are developing pertussis (whooping cough).

Vaccines causing diseases?

No it can't be true!

You can take your chances if you wish. I'd rather not seeing the information that comes from people that know what is going on and not Mainstream Science and the Media Moguls that want to sell them.

Bill Gates Polio Vaccine Program Causes Vaccine Paralysis and Death

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: Nova937
a reply to: stumason

I may have missed one thing but I'm not consistently failing. Not like you in the other thread. At least I'm trying to get information from other sources rather than just relying on one.

No, in that other thread, amongst other things you tried to pass off an event that happened 13 years ago as one that happened recently and tried to pass of a Minster visiting Syria last year when he lost his seat in 2010..

As for the "relying on one" source quip - I posted a single link to the BBC in response to something you said. I can, if you so wish, go and find a dozen links for the same story from a dozen different outlets. I just happened to choose that one..

Anyway, I'm not about to take criticism over my sources from someone who uses Global Research and bangs on about the Jews and their dangerous, Zionist plots!

As for you Gates link - adverse reactions from vaccines are not something that is hidden and as with all medicines, there is a risk.

Now, considering they have administered the vaccine to 150 million kids and that there is an incidence internationally of 1 to 2/100,000 of NPAFP, 47,500 is actually around what you would expect. Also, of those 47,000 cases, most were temporary and only 8.5% of those affected actually died - source - most went on to recover.

But, as a result of the vaccination programme, India is Polio free since it's last reported case in 2011, down from a high of almost 150,000 cases per year a couple of decades ago.

Bleat all you like, but it's worked.

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 03:26 AM

originally posted by: Nova937

originally posted by: Pardon?

originally posted by: Nova937
a reply to: Nova937

Basically the Vaccine caused Polio in the first place and is STILL causing it as we can see in India. Looking over the years at Vaccination and Vaccination Programs paints a common picture. The Vaccination Programs Make MONEY not Healthy people. Sugar and Sodium Fluoride are also Catalysts for this deisease!

Hope you don't mind my snipping your very TimeCube-like post.

If vaccines caused polio then what caused polio prior to them existing?
Polio was first described and reported in the 18th century and had been noted even earlier than that (there's a painting from Egypt depicting someone with polio from ~1400 BC).

Sort of wrecks your time-line doesn't it?

Why would it wreck my timeline? Polio is caused by all sorts of things. Pesticides can cause it. Vaccines certainly do cause it as well. There's also a link between the Polio Vaccine and rare Childhood Cancers.

Did you know that in 2011 it was found that 78% of Children who received the Polio Vaccine caught Polio from it. Kinda wrecks your vaccines are wonderful theory doesn't it?!

It wrecks your time-line because it starts in 1931 and polio has been documented all the way through history.
Way before vaccines (and pesticides for that matter).

Your link "showing" that 78% of children caught polio from the vaccine doesn't show that at all.
You should read it.
In fact, here's the important part for you.
"Officials in the National Polio Control Programme said that the number of polio cases had increased during the last three years after going down for the previous seven years.

They suspected that the vaccine might have lost its efficacy after not having been stored at the required temperature, especially in far-flung areas where electricity supply is disrupted for long hours.

Prof Athar Niaz Rana, head of allergy and immunology department at the Shifa International Hospital, told Dawn: “Vaccine failure and failure to vaccinate are two important factors which have affected the national polio campaign.”

He insisted that “security situation in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa is also one of the factors which has led to the failure of vaccine in that region.”

Dr Rana pointed out that “the problem of vaccine storage in areas where refrigeration facilities are not available or power supply is discontinued very frequently also affects the efficacy of polio vaccine”.

A health ministry official told Dawn: “It is a WHO-tested vaccine and we have no doubt about its efficacy, although we have a few issues at the district level related to management.

If the OPV caused polio then there would have been a massive increase in polio in the UK up until 2004 when it was changed.
There wasn't.

So why are you leaving important information out and deliberately twisting the facts?
It's not that you "missed" it at all.
You're being an anti-vaxxer about it (that means lying and being as dishonest as possible to propagate your nonsensical belief system).

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