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A British man who was vaccinated against polio has been producing the virus for nearly 30 years.

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posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 06:21 PM

He had an immune disorder that mean the weakened polio virus used to vaccinate him in childhood survived in his body. Over time it has mutated into a form of the virus that can cause paralysis and he had no idea the jab had not worked.

The thought of the effects vaccinations differing from person to person Has crossed my mind , I suppose this is an example rare example of of that .

The discovery was made by a team from the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control in Potters Bar, Hertfordshire. They now warn that similar cases could trigger new outbreaks and hamper efforts to eradicate the disease.

Yeah, That's no good ... Although I don't see this becoming an outbreak , seems like a rare case ,but who else out their might be effected under similar circumstances?

"While maintaining high immunization coverage will likely confer protection against paralytic disease caused by these viruses, significant changes in immunisation strategies might be required to effectively stop their occurrence and potential widespread transmission." The man had a full course of polio vaccinations, including three doses of weakened live virus at five, seven and 12 months old, followed by a booster when he was about seven. He was later diagnosed with a condition that suppresses the immune system, affecting its ability to kill viruses in the gut. His stool samples contained high levels of polio virus - the researchers estimated the man had been shedding live polio in his stools for as long as 28 years. The virus had also mutated dramatically and were no longer the weakened, or "attenuated", versions of the virus which are used in the vaccinations. The infection was neutralised by using blood plasma taken from people with healthy immune systems who had been immunised against polio.

Well at least they were able to neutralize him,However.....

According to the scientific team, several highly mutated polio strains, originating from vaccines, had recently been isolated from sewage samples in Slovakia, Finland, Estonia and Israel.


Scary stuff , The first thing that popped into my mind was drinking water , most city's here in the US recycle drinking water , I am grateful I am on well water .

I would love to add more on the topic but in all honesty I don't know much at all about Polio so I'll remain neutral and observe your Opinions


posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 10:17 PM
I wonder how many other cases like this there are around the world?

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 02:10 AM
And yet, because of the mass vaccination program, there hasn't been a case of Polio in the UK since 1984, 31 years ago

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: stumason

Polio might be the exception but I am wondering about TB and other diseases we are inoculated against en masse. Its surely a fact that no one application fits all situations or no one vaccine serves all immune systems. (not that I am not grateful when it comes to diseases like small pox etc I am). But this is food for thought which I expect will get buried pretty quickly by vested interests.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 03:08 AM

originally posted by: Shiloh7
a reply to: stumason

But this is food for thought which I expect will get buried pretty quickly by vested interests.

So, what is the "vested interest"? Vaccination has created "herd immunity", so issues such as the OP result in theoretical problems. This shows that in some (presumably rare) situations a vaccination won't work.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: stumason
And yet, because of the mass vaccination program, there hasn't been a case of Polio in the UK since 1984, 31 years ago

Indeed. From 1961 to 2006, only 30 immunodeficient poliovirus excretors were identified. They lived mostly in the developed world, as immunodeficient people do not survive long in the developing world. The developed countries already have nearly universal polio immunity, so these cases don't pose significant danger, and the switch from OPV to IPV means they will eventually disappear entirely.

Even in the developing world, outbreaks are rare. There have been fewer than 50 cases of polio identified throughout the entire world this year. Of those, only ten were vaccine-derived--nine in Madagascar, and one in Nigeria.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 06:49 AM
It's definitely scary, but I can believe it.

I recall that a very wise man once did say...

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: Kapusta

If you have been vaccinated there is no reason to fret, they are also studying those mutated polio viruses to see if they may affect humans and those found so far don't. The polio vaccine the man received was the oral type which has not been used in the UK since 2004, we now administer an injectable form of the vaccine (IPV, inactive polio).

Scientists know this is not an isolated case as there are others with immune problems who had the polio virus replicate in their intestines, but they do not pose a threat to those who are fully vaccinated against the virus hence the importance of herd immunity and global vaccination programs.

Here is the original peer reviewed article:

And if there was a 'Big Pharma conspiracy' as some believe, this would have never reached the public.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 12:58 PM
it all comes down to trust. Do you TRUST your authorities to be giving the masses unvarnished, unadulterated, unedited or uncensored truth? If you do then why even bother discussing this. If not then this new case wont really change your mind either because like me youve probanly known about the anecdotal reports as well as official admissions of potential viral shedding for years. This recent story only adds perhaps a very limited additional credibility to the assertions vaccine efficacy is spotty AT BEST.

Herd immunity is a doesnt work and it CANT work and if you dont know why ill throw you a bone: mass transit.

In statistics and fact gathering there is a well known problem called UNDER REPORTING. That means even in the very best case scenarios there are more than likely many statistically relevant un reported cases which could threaten the rosey picture often painted by the authorities that modern medicine is unimpeachable.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: Agartha

You cant seriously expect a reasonable skeptic to adopt your all or nothing rationale for explaining away a possible big pharma conspiracy, as if information challenging the status quo would never be allowed into the public sphere by nefarious entities. You dont give immoral, unethical, psychopathic power monger control freaks enough credit. They very frequently seed the news with stories which are damaging to them for a very good reason......and if you cant imagine what those reasons are perhaps you need to employ some imagination.

The fact is humans in general have some very primal needs. One of those needs is the need for justice. Do you really think all the fines banks and pharma and other giant corporations are assessed in the public eye is information that must in every case be released to the public? Its done for very good satiates our collective need for believing our government is protecting us by going after irresponsible or criminal behavior and punishing them for it. Nevermind that in almost every case these fines are a pittance compared to in some cases how much they make even in a DAY. Most people dont know how much company XYZ makes in a year so a fine of a billion dollars seems like a really nice smack down even though its not. Not to mention we cant possibly know all the details of those fines, if they are later reduced or dismissed entirely. The fact is we know only what they choose to tell us or in some cases escapes control via a whistleblower.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 02:18 PM

originally posted by: ratsinacage

Herd immunity is a doesnt work and it CANT work and if you dont know why ill throw you a bone: mass transit.

The science behind herd immunity should be simple enough for everybody to understand it: when a high percentage of the populations is vaccinated then the odds of one unvaccinated person coming in contact with another unvaccinated person are very low, hence the disease cannot spread.

There is a lot of evidence backing up herd immunity and how it is safer to live in a community with high immunization rates than in one with low rate, here is just one article that proves that:

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: Agartha

Where is the science behind this herd immunity?

We conclude that outbreaks of measles can occur in secondary schools, even when more than 99 percent of the students have been vaccinated and more than 95 percent are immune.

Seems to me if a person is vaccinated, they should be protected.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: Witness2008
a reply to: Agartha

Where is the science behind this herd immunity?

We conclude that outbreaks of measles can occur in secondary schools, even when more than 99 percent of the students have been vaccinated and more than 95 percent are immune.

Seems to me if a person is vaccinated, they should be protected.

Your article is from 1987, a bit outdated. The one I posted above is from 2002. But I can give you more evidence that communities in which the children were vaccinated experienced, for example, less influenza among older age groups:

What about the dramatic decline of vaccine preventable diseases after the introduction of vaccines?

There are thousands of studies that show how effective herd immunity is.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: Agartha

There is no community. There is a lot of people constantly moving around locally, regionally, internationally. I honestly dont see how vaccine proponents cant see this as its pretty obvious. Let me break it down for you. Theres a hypothetical community with 100% vax rates and typical vax EFFICACY. Along comes an outsider from another country with no vaccine program into our country with no border control overview of vax status and this person makes an incursion into this hypothetical cloistered herd immunity protected community. The first thing that happens is all the people with genetic variables which reduce their immunity, or those who could not be immunized due to age or health condition, become exposed to the pathogens this outsider spreads around by coughing and sneezing on everyone. Where is your herd immunity then? By the way this is exactly what happened in Disneyland but almost no news outlets highlighted it instead focusing their illogical unscientific and unproven attacks on American communities with low vax rates.

Still think herd immunity works? Now multiply this same scenario about millions of times everyday and tell me again its the vaccines protecting people. I have family members with 4 children all un vaxxed and world travelers and they have yet to come down with any so called vaccine preventable diseases. Are they just the luckiest people in the world?

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 03:35 PM
what an interesting medical oddity this is....

I can imagine studying his medical history and profile would be an immunologists dream.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: Agartha

I asked about the science behind the 1985 Corpus Christi out break. How does that happen? How can an outbreak occur among a fully vaccinated herd?

It is bad form to address a question with another question.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: ratsinacage

My children, all five are un-vaccinated. My grandbabies, all five un-vaccinated. No allergies, no ear infections, no ailments what so ever. The childhood illnesses occurred, all very mild cases. We nursed them through it and now they all have life long immunity.

I think that the folks that question the wisdom of childhood vaccinations are much more aware of and practice healthy living.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: SgtHamsandwich

Jeff Goldblum, come on get a reality check, you are quoting a movie script not wisdom or real time knowledge but pure fantasy.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 06:37 PM
Can imagine US/Brit bioweapons research see it as huge potential to be exploited into an WMD!

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 03:05 AM

originally posted by: Witness2008
a reply to: Agartha

I asked about the science behind the 1985 Corpus Christi out break. How does that happen? How can an outbreak occur among a fully vaccinated herd?

It is bad form to address a question with another question.

Sorry, I didn't realize you wanted the science behind that specific outbreak.

There is a simple explanation behind the measles outbreak at Corpus Christi: single doses. True that around 95% of students were vaccinated, but around 74 students have only had one single dose, which is not enough for full immunity, hence now more than one dose is given. Of those 74 students 14 contracted the disease.

With the correct dosage vaccines do give full immunity / herd immunity, which is why the Corpus Christi scenario wouldn't happen if all children had received at least two doses.

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