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Couple Beat a Girl for Being in the Wrong 'Hood

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posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: mahatche
I love these threads with no context, it leaves everyone free to project their own experience.

Usually when I hear "wrong hood" I assume it's for gangs or drugs, and yes plain looking white women are involved in both.

And that's as may be, but it I still don't see how the behavior in the video was justified or appropriate behavior.

Never said it was.

I was commenting on the projections not the video. I grew up around gangs and drugs, to me this video feels like one of those confrontations. It could even be a general statement from a guy who sees his "hood" as everything. Wong hood could just mean "you f'd up" it's not necessarily "Whites don't belong here".

Before they start hitting her they accuse the woman of talking crazy. I'm sure many here imagine a white woman of pure character picking flowers, and the blacks hop out of the bushes to attack her unprovoked, but I don't think she'd be accused of talking crazy if there wasn't more story before the video.

Could be racism, but this looks like "hood #". Hood # is still unacceptable, but I'd prefer if people didn't gorge on the racial tensions so eagerly.
edit on 30-8-2015 by mahatche because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: mahatche
I love these threads with no context, it leaves everyone free to project their own experience.

Usually when I hear "wrong hood" I assume it's for gangs or drugs, and yes plain looking white women are involved in both.

Not every incident like this happens because you're in the "wrong hood". Here in Chicago...there is Section 8 housing...I grew up in rural Texas, so I know nothing about "neighborhoods" or "section 8"...My husband informed me that there MUST be so many of these section 8 housing units in every neighborhood. I am just walking from my generally Middle Class condo towards the ONLY grocery store in the area...and I get called all those names and glared at...and on my bike, swerved at by "people of color" in their cars....

Until recently, I didn't even own a I had to take public transportation...and MOST of the violent black on white and blacks hating on whitey incidents have occurred are you somehow suggesting I brought this all on myself for being in "their" territory? I HAVE to get to work should I, out of fear of being brutally beaten, just take a cab? (That's about 60 bucks a day)...maybe I'm misunderstanding your comment here....

I never have personally done a drug deal....I had friends who did that back in the day and THEY never got threatened or called names, (to their face, anyway)....and my smoke was never bought on the I never was out "looking for drugs" when I was verbally assaulted for being white.....

and the one time I WAS in the wrong hood....I was riding my bike and we got lost...I am from the North side...and Indiana is SOUTH of me....gotta go South to get to the Dunes....

as well, what does being "plain" have to do with ANYTHING? In FACT, I get most of the $hite I get...from black WOMEN....(and I don't consider myself plain by any stretch)
edit on 8/30/2015 by Cornczech because: I'm retarded

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: Cornczech

Section 8 is everywhere. In my job I work with all kinds of people many of whom have Section 8 Housing, food stamps, SS, VA pension, and other forms of government assistance. It is one of the poorest places in the country in one of the poorest states, and yet there is land all around. The Progressives own this place and have mostly concquered it for Agenda 21 sustainable development.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: Cornczech

originally posted by: mahatche
I love these threads with no context, it leaves everyone free to project their own experience.

Usually when I hear "wrong hood" I assume it's for gangs or drugs, and yes plain looking white women are involved in both.

Not every incident like this happens because you're in the "wrong hood". Here in Chicago...there is Section 8 housing...I grew up in rural Texas, so I know nothing about "neighborhoods" or "section 8"...My husband informed me that there MUST be so many of these section 8 housing units in every neighborhood. I am just walking from my generally Middle Class condo towards the ONLY grocery store in the area...and I get called all those names and glared at...and on my bike, swerved at by "people of color" in their cars....

Until recently, I didn't even own a I had to take public transportation...and MOST of the violent black on white and blacks hating on whitey incidents have occurred are you somehow suggesting I brought this all on myself for being in "their" territory? I HAVE to get to work should I, out of fear of being brutally beaten, just take a cab? (That's about 60 bucks a day)...maybe I'm misunderstanding your comment here....

I never have personally done a drug deal....I had friends who did that back in the day and THEY never got threatened or called names, (to their face, anyway)....and my smoke was never bought on the I never was out "looking for drugs" when I was verbally assaulted for being white.....

and the one time I WAS in the wrong hood....I was riding my bike and we got lost...I am from the North side...and Indiana is SOUTH of me....gotta go South to get to the Dunes....

as well, what does being "plain" have to do with ANYTHING? In FACT, I get most of the $hite I get...from black WOMEN....(and I don't consider myself plain by any stretch)

I'm sorry, but where did I direct a statement toward you or your experience?

I've encountered racists, I've even been told to go back to Mexico several times despite the fact that I'm not Mexican. I've meet some wretched white people, but it never made me generalize any demographic of white people as a whole. I oppose racism enough to not fall into the same traps that make the racists racist, like racial score keeping and wallowing around in victimizing self pity. Some people have a bad experience with a person of one group, and train themselves to fear the entire group.

And I said plain white girl because some people sterotype "thugs" as what they see in rap videos. In my experience the frumpy white girl who needs a fix is usually the one you gotta watch out for.
edit on 30-8-2015 by mahatche because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 12:09 PM
Then I misunderstood...thus why I mentioned that I might have misunderstood ya. No worries!
I have gotten a much THINNER skin since living in this city, (funny, one would think would get thicker skin), but perhaps that's just my age. I basically told the husband we are moving from the city...or I am moving from the city when our lease is up in June next year.....

Peace ya'll!

a reply to: mahatche

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: jude11

She was in the "wrong hood"

I mean why are you surprised? Go drive through you local gang infested "hood" and see what happens. If you're white stay out of black low income neighborhoods.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: jude11

When I was seven a kid on the street told me not to ride my bike on the street, because "its my daddies street."

So as any seven year old does you stick your tongue out at him, but in the end he wasn't lying. I rode past his house on a bike and then I hear, from his mother "this is our street, get off!"

So as a seven year old who's only introduction to rebellion was Bart Simpson, I rode my bike in circles on the street in front of their house, and she kept telling me "this is our street, get off!"

We were all white. There is not cure for racism, however there is no cure for @$$holes either.

edit on 30-8-2015 by Thecakeisalie because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: Thecakeisalie
a reply to: jude11

When I was seven a kid on the street told me not to ride my bike on the street, because "its my daddies street."

So as any seven year old does you stick your tongue out at him, but in the end he wasn't lying. I rode past his house on a bike and then I hear, from his mother "this is our street, get off!"

So as a seven year old who's only introduction to rebellion was Bart Simpson, I rode my bike in circles on the street in front of their house, and she kept telling me "this is our street, get off!"

We were all white. There is not cure for racism, however there is no cure for @$$holes either.

Ya mean ya cant fix stupid in other words. ME personally I would had rode back home and told my dad. who would had rolled up that street and told them off and dared them to even step onto "their " street. Of course most people in town were well aware of our familys reputation for getting even.

Now if you were a good person no matter your shade and treated people liek you yourself wanted to be treated we would help them out. But if you didnt ..lets just say here was the pecking order. Us and our friends and decent people. the people we didnt directly know but were ok. the government people and cops. then the dirt. then the worms in the dirt. and finally the Jerks who treated us like crap.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 12:41 PM
Best policy whenever in an american ghetto, keep a loaded sidearm with one in the chamber concealed. Chances are you wont even need to use it, but better to be the shooter than get shot.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 01:28 PM
To those here who seem to think it was the victims fault for her beat down, why do to think that?. It appears at the end of the video the attackers take a grocery bag, seemingly from the victims possession.

It seems some here want to deny that black on white violence solely because of someone being white doesn't occur. It does and to deny that it is happening is to stick your head in the sand. Does it happen every time just because of race? No. Does othat happendix every time in a black neigjborhood? No. But it happens enough for it to be a problem that needs to be discussed. You hear stories on this thread and you want to dismiss them. These stories are only the tip of the iceberg. It's sad in this day an age that we hate/fear each other only because of the color of skin. I don't think it will every be solved till all ghettos/poor areas are eliminated. Even then, these kind of attacks happen now outside of the "Hood".

edit on 30-8-2015 by pavil because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: JDmOKI

I have to agree with you and several other members that this was a racial and territorial attack. I have lived in St. Louis for most of my life and have seen this type of attack in white and black areas of town, both skin colors enduring hatred for being on the wrong side of the street. My daughter was attacked because she was white. I have been verbally assaulted because I was white. I know many folks that have had run ins with this kind of prejudice. I think that the lop-sided political correctness we are being asked to swallow has been engineered in order to create more divide. If we continue down that path we will be looking at much more violence coming from both sides of the color spectrum.

I have to call this one as it is, a racially motivated hate crime.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: mahatche

All right, so let's just give it a pass because hood s*** is hood s***?

No, it's unacceptable. In the end, I don't care who did what or why. Giving anyone a curb stomping like this is uncalled for unless she comes running in to physically attack. And even then, once she's down ... she's down.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 02:18 PM
This insane attack, on a clearly non aggressive FEMALE, is unbelievable and disgusting. And no one has ever seen a white couple do this to a lone black woman standing in front of a gas station. This type of behavior, for whatever reason, has become the norm in American inner cities.

The fact that anyone chimes in and attempts to justify this crime by speculating on what the white woman "may" have done to deserve it, is freaking lunatic.

If it is racist to point out the racial component of this felonious assault.......well then, the truth is racist.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: Witness2008

I'm not sure of the circumstances behind the attack all i know is that its common sense going into bad neighborhoods. You'll find out really fast you don't belong in certain neighborhoods. Yes, that's our melting pot we live in.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

This is just one incident that happened to get filmed. This happens every single day.

our society is rotten to the core

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: mahatche

It's funny, but if the races were switched it would automatically be assumed to be racially motivated. However, when blacks are the perps and whites the victims then it is not PC to state it was racial.

Take the tv reporter and cameraman who were shot... reverse the races and there would be a huge stink. It has been established that at least part of the shooters motive was racially driven, and yet that seems to be swept under the rug with very little discussion of it.

I really hate all this pc #. Sick and tired of it.

My life will not be dictated by idiot's ideas of what is PC and what is not. I am sick and tired of the crap and I am not taking it anymore!!!!

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: mahatche

You've got a twisted view of reality.

When is it ok, for a man to ever beat a woman senseless, how about jump a woman when is that ok? Never is the answer! it's never ok, the "frumpy white girl" is who you have to look out for, what is wrong with you?

Do you think it's ok to beat women?

Let some man beat a woman in front of me and see what happens...

This, is wrong dead wrong I don't care how you cut it, dice it, or slice. Had those punks got two in the chest, I would of felt it was social justice. The people filming are just as wrong, there is nothing right and no way to justify this. All of them deserve social justice, wether that be jail or otherwise. If they think they are tough why don't they come to Texas and try that where I'm from. Wrong hood would be the last thing they'd hear.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: mahatche

I love these threads with no context, it leaves everyone free to project their own experience.

Usually when I hear "wrong hood" I assume it's for gangs or drugs, and yes plain looking white women are involved in both.

I think she said "you call me crazy???!!"

It's impossible to judge the motivations of the video without knowing what led to the attack.

I still don't know why the guy picks up the white bag when he leaves which is nowhere near any of those involved nor their point of approach and origin.

That woman and her attackers obviously exchanged words before the attack happened.

This video has Zero content and intentionally so to afford the racist themes put forward.

And stop the stupidity...Pointing to the facts that their is no evidence this was racially motivated is not apologizing for the attack or defending the attackers.

This absolutely looks gang related to me and territorial...and yah...white chicks are in gangs too.
edit on 30-8-2015 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-8-2015 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
a reply to: mahatche

You've got a twisted view of reality.

When is it ok, for a man to ever beat a woman senseless, how about jump a woman when is that ok? Never is the answer! it's never ok, the "frumpy white girl" is who you have to look out for, what is wrong with you?

Do you think it's ok to beat women?

Explaining that there is no evidence this was a racially motivated attack..

And that it could well have been a gang related attack...Wrong Hood..

Is not the same as defending the attackers or justifying the crime???

Are my choices binary and either (A) It's Ok to beat women or (B) They beat her because she was white???

WTF?? Stupid argument.

This wasn't a racist attack, it was territorial and the white chick had obviously felt secure enough to call the black chick "Crazy" before the video rolled. It looks much more gang related than race related.

No...observing those things does not defend the just legitimately points out the BS of making this a race baiting propaganda piece.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

I don't give a # what kinda attack you call this, to me this is a white woman being beaten senseless by two black people, don't be silly show me where I said otherwise. I don't care if you call it flying pigs farting rainbows, I know it's wrong period end of story, there is no argument.

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