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Sooo...BLM? Well...what about #BlackTransLivesMatter ?

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posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: THEatsking

originally posted by: supermarket2012
The whole #BlackLivesMatter thing is SPECIFICALLY about black men being killed by cops, apparently. Why they choose to call it BlackLivesMatter boggles my mind, because they are really only focused on that SPECIFIC issue.

That is why I don't care about the BLM thing. Now, if it was really about stopping police corruption and/or brutality, I'd have joined forces when it started....along with a few hundred thousand other people as well.

When you play the race card, and specifically exclude EVERY other race for no reason, you really do a fantastic job of segregating yourself. Ironic

BlackLivesMatter has nothing to do with their lives being more important than others.

In fact, its the exact opposite. Black lives are not valued the same as white lives and whatnot, and if you believe otherwise I really don't know what to say.

It's a movement to get the country to realize there is severe inequality. Still.

If you raise your child to emulate a culture that is going to lead to violence crime jail and most likely an early grave you are making yourself unequal, nobody is forcing that on you period.

What your saying is that I should raise my kids less well so they won't be better off....


posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: johnwick
a reply to: nullafides

They are not women, they are dudes who altered they bodies chemically and surgically.

I don't give a toss, what bs reasons given by anyone.

There is no such thing as a transgender woman, there is simply a guy that is #ed up in the head.

ETA-im transrich, and transnonworking.

That means I don't have to go to work today, and I get paid 100 times for it.

Because I lied to myself and the world, and can't accept reality.

Now pay up!!

So your response to a demographic being murdered at a phenomenally higher rate than everybody else is that you do not respect that demographic?

Let's set aside your complete disregard for science and your fetish for shallow-witted ignorance for a second and focus on what it means for you to respond like this. Does this mean you condone violence against trans people? If somebody told me that quadriplegic people were getting murdered at an alarming rate and I responded with "Those people are faking it, it's all in their heads and it doesn't matter how pretty their wheel chairs are, they'll never be walkers". Wouldn't you assume I condone that violence?

For the record, if I heard that you were at a higher risk for violence, murder, and rape just for the fact that some people hate you for your existence, I would be concerned for you and your welfare. What I wouldn't do is turn off my brain, reach back into time to access my inner-12-year-old maturity level, and proceed to invalidate your concerns over your safety and, indeed, your physiological condition that painted a target on you in the first place.

edit on 28-8-2015 by Cuervo because: Grammar

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by: johnwick

originally posted by: angeldoll
a reply to:

I don't give a toss, what bs reasons given by anyone.

By this comment, you are limiting yourself from education, as well as intellectual and emotional growth. Closing yourself in to a shallow existence, fed only by your own beliefs. It's not a good way to grow intellectually, spiritually, or emotionally.

Don't we all want to become more intelligent creatures? You are shutting yourself off from that. From learning.

Something to think about.

If you think championing and supporting the obviously mentally ill, no thanks , that is not the kind of growth our world needs.

Bruce genner is not a person to emulate or celebrate, he is the type that needs serious meds and therapy.

No #. Are you seriously this dense about treatment for gender dysphoria to make a statement like that? You win the irony award today.

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: THEatsking

originally posted by: supermarket2012

BlackLivesMatter has nothing to do with their lives being more important than others.

In fact, its the exact opposite. Black lives are not valued the same as white lives and whatnot, and if you believe otherwise I really don't know what to say.

It's a movement to get the country to realize there is severe inequality. Still.

But none of what you said is true.

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: THEatsking

originally posted by: supermarket2012
The whole #BlackLivesMatter thing is SPECIFICALLY about black men being killed by cops, apparently. Why they choose to call it BlackLivesMatter boggles my mind, because they are really only focused on that SPECIFIC issue.

That is why I don't care about the BLM thing. Now, if it was really about stopping police corruption and/or brutality, I'd have joined forces when it started....along with a few hundred thousand other people as well.

When you play the race card, and specifically exclude EVERY other race for no reason, you really do a fantastic job of segregating yourself. Ironic

BlackLivesMatter has nothing to do with their lives being more important than others.

In fact, its the exact opposite. Black lives are not valued the same as white lives and whatnot, and if you believe otherwise I really don't know what to say.

It's a movement to get the country to realize there is severe inequality. Still.

No, you buy into the emotional rhetoric of an overly loud minority group. Take a look

I'm not going to sit here and say that abuse of power is not happening, because it damn well is!and everyone knows it!We can't go a day without another video and another death.

When you,or anyone makes this into a race issue; you then polarize the point, and therefor divide the people.

The fact is police are killing and have been killing at an alarming rate more than any other 1st world country. With technology becoming more widespread and cameras everywhere, now we get to see just what the circumstances are, and they have been overwhelming met with disapproval by all of the American population.

Let's redirect this conversation and put the blame where it belongs,and that is with the police,and the governing body's policy and laws.


You know what # hashtags! let's have a real conversation, and not a guided bull# conversation,that's been nicely preprepared in order to cause disparity, thus never fixing the problem.

Take a look around does movement like BLM really change anything? Does it really achieve what they are wanting? No it doesn't. I have no problem with the internal principal that has given rise to the movement I have a problem with the racial aspect, because it stops the conversation dead in it's tracks!

Get real people, our lives suck because of deeper issues than race.

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: Cuervo

originally posted by: johnwick
a reply to: nullafides

They are not women, they are dudes who altered they bodies chemically and surgically.

I don't give a toss, what bs reasons given by anyone.

There is no such thing as a transgender woman, there is simply a guy that is #ed up in the head.

ETA-im transrich, and transnonworking.

That means I don't have to go to work today, and I get paid 100 times for it.

Because I lied to myself and the world, and can't accept reality.

Now pay up!!

So your response to a demographic being murdered at a phenomenally higher rate than everybody else is that you do not respect that demographic?

Let's set aside your complete disregard for science and your fetish for shallow-witted ignorance for a second and focus on what it means for you to respond like this. Does this mean you condone violence against trans people? If somebody told me that quadriplegic people were getting murdered at an alarming rate and I responded with "Those people are faking it, it's all in their heads and it doesn't matter how pretty their wheel chairs are, they'll never be walkers". Wouldn't you assume I condone that violence?

For the record, if I heard that you were at a higher risk for violence, murder, and rape just for the fact that some people hate you for your existence, I would be concerned for you and your welfare. What I wouldn't do is turn off my brain, reach back into time to access my inner-12-year-old maturity level, and proceed to invalidate your concerns over your safety and, indeed, your physiological condition that painted a target on you in the first place.

Blacks are doing the murdering in most cases, so no, I don't feel an ounce of pity.

I know lots of black people, most of them actively avoid other black people, and don't let their kids hang out with many of the other black kids.

They are just like me, and happen to have black skin.

They are disgusted by black culture, and want no part of it.

I like how you make assumptions that are idiotic, it entertaines me.

I don't support violence against anyone, but I'm not at fault that so many blacks are idiots, or that the majority of trans folks are obviously mentally ill.

I will not bare any blame for either, and I do not pity them, because it is their own fault.

The trans could seek mental illness help, the blacks could you know, raise theirkids like they aren't in a rap video.

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: johnwick
If you think championing and supporting the obviously mentally ill, no thanks , that is not the kind of growth our world needs.

Bruce genner is not a person to emulate or celebrate, he is the type that needs serious meds and therapy.

So now you're advocating not supporting the "mentally ill"? Is this how you feel about all mentally ill or just those sicko transgender folk that so obviously push your buttons? Let's round 'em all up and send 'em to a deserted island or special camp somewhere along with those gangsta child abandoning darkies you've so lovingly grouped and stereotyped.

My gawd, man, you're a piece of work and I'm embarrassed to have you as member of a community whose motto is deny ignorance.

OP, your 5 is now at 19. Five hundred people attended services yesterday at Central Methodist Church in Phoenix led by pastor Jack Spencer of Temple Grace Church of God for Kandis Capri, a 35 year old transgender woman of color that was murdered earlier in the month. Hundreds also attended a public vigil the previous day led by Rev. Jarrett Maupin. Police are "still investigating".

Kandis Capri (left) with cousin Rochelle McGruder

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 12:55 PM
i think there is one thing for sure, in the predictions forum, I can predict there will be a BLM thread at least twice a week until the next racial bias movement, I would be always right.

#people-perpetuating-issues' lives-matter

let it go.....

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: odzeandennz

People don't want to solve problems, they just want to pick up the torch where it left off. It's getting old and you know what I'm heading to the mountains that's my ultimate goal, I'm going to watch the fog roll in and it's fingers expose the peaks, as snow falls, enjoy quietness which is an angle choir to me, and a far cry from the city, and the fast paced, ever grinding world. Find a woman to enjoy that with,and be done with it, Seems to me sticking around to make a difference won't matter; to many people focus on this issues that are bull#. The contrived issues...
edit on 28-8-2015 by TechniXcality because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
a reply to: odzeandennz

People don't want to solve problems, they just want to pick up the torch where it left off. It's getting old and you know what I'm heading to the mountains that's my ultimate goal, I'm going to watch the fog roll in and it's fingers expose the peaks, as snow falls, enjoy quietness which is an angle choir to me, and a far cry from the city, and the fast paced, ever grinding world. Find a woman to enjoy that with,and be done with it, Seems to me sticking around to make a difference won't matter; to many people focus on this issues that are bull#. The contrived issues...

quoted for truth.

the problem is not the problem, its people's attitude toward the problem; that's the real issue.

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: johnwick

originally posted by: angeldoll
a reply to:

I don't give a toss, what bs reasons given by anyone.

By this comment, you are limiting yourself from education, as well as intellectual and emotional growth. Closing yourself in to a shallow existence, fed only by your own beliefs. It's not a good way to grow intellectually, spiritually, or emotionally.

Don't we all want to become more intelligent creatures? You are shutting yourself off from that. From learning.

Something to think about.

If you think championing and supporting the obviously mentally ill, no thanks , that is not the kind of growth our world needs.

Bruce genner is not a person to emulate or celebrate, he is the type that needs serious meds and therapy.

You realize you sound liek you have a irrational fear of anything diffrent than your status quo. One mans mental case is anothers Savant. remember back in th e1800s people who were just in need of treatment were called crazy correct? OR someone who had a problem not even mental related would be deemed insane.
You are acting very bigoted toward someones personal choices. Are you God himself? If you are not you have no right to judge them.

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: johnwick

I don't support violence against anyone, but I'm not at fault that so many blacks are idiots, or that the majority of trans folks are obviously mentally ill.

I will not bare any blame for either, and I do not pity them, because it is their own fault.

The trans could seek mental illness help,

Such ignorance.. so sad.

Many transgender people do seek mental health help, and do you know what the psychiatrists tell them? That the only cure is to change the outside to match what the brain says, whether that is to just dress like the other gender, or to have sexual reassignment surgery. There is no medication that will magically make the transgender person be what you call "normal". If you disagree with that, will you please provide us some links that explain what this medication is for transgender people?

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: Kali74

What does "Straw man" mean?

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: beezzer
I'll give BLM credibility when they start protesting over the death of a 9 year old girl in a drive-by in Fergusen.

Fringe goups just want attention.


Yeah, but that take away from the hipster kids crowd "Oh, but i#BlackLivesMatters includes EVERYBODY...."

Makes me wonder how long it would take for a bleeding heaart to actually bleed out....

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

You are preaching to the choir, my friend.

My beef is with the #BlackLivesMatter crowd, and how so very few see that this is not ALL LIVES MATTER.

So, 5am this morning I find a report about black trans women with their own #BlackTransLivesMatter. That told me, hey, it doesn't even cover ALL blacks...let alone all lives.


posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 11:26 PM

originally posted by: nullafides

Security Has to Get Involved When Black Transgender Lives Matter Activists Disrupt Clinton Event

“Senator Clinton! Five black trans women were found murdered in this country!” one woman shouted.

“Senator Clinton! It is a state of emergency!”

Clinton responded. “I will certainly be happy to meet with you later, but I’m going to keep talking,” she said from the stage.

So, #BlackLivesMatter is really #AllLivesMatter, and nobody should feel excluded? IF you DO feel as though you are being intentionally excluded, you're simply being racist?

Well, here you have it. A subsection of black america feels the need to have their own call to arms. Hmmm. Maybe they feel that #BlackLivesMatter doesn't quite cut it? Maybe it's not quite as much the all inclusive love in as folks would love to think it is?


- disclaimer.... I do think it is somewhat silly that the group is claiming a state of emergency over "5 black transgender women" being, please...don't even go there....


I read your post and this whole thread and I felt that I should respond.

I hope that's ok?

First some background in case you or others reading this didn't know....

I am a 20 year old college student currently studying to become an astrobiologist.

I am bi-racial (my mother is black, my father is white), which of course in America makes me black by the "One drop rule".

As someone studying biology I find the concept of melanin equalling "race" stupid and that rule an archaic hypodescent which is the automatic assignment of children of a mixed union between members of different socioeconomic groups or ethnic groups to the subordinate group in societies that traditionally or currently regard some races of people as dominant or superior and others as subordinate or inferior. This common practice btw is why President Obama is considered "the first black president" for instance.

So that makes me "black".

I am also transgender. Or as I prefer: a girl born different. I was raised as a (very unhappy) boy suffering from gender dysphoria until finally being allowed to be myself beginning at age 7. I began taking hormone blockers at 12, estrogen at 14 and by 17 completed sex-reassignment surgery.

Other than that I've had a fairly normal childhood, was a Girl Scout, was in the science club and have excelled at academics and I love music of all kinds but especially classical (I play piano and played violin in school orchestra).

Though I do not personally use the term transgender to describe myself (I feel the term is too broad in nature) it does cover my experience among others.

I just have preferred to be thought of as a girl, now a young woman, not trans-anything at this stage in my life. Only a few people know about my difference outside of my family and my boyfriend.

No one at my university or my current social circles knows and I prefer that. I did not go through what I went through early in life to be different but did so out of necessity to live a normal life.

Likewise, I've spent most of my time on ATS until fairly recently without anyone knowing I was born differently.. In fact ATS is one of the only places where anyone knows my and my family's personal history. I much prefer posting threads like this current one in the Space Exploration forum: Scientists Now Searching for "Alien Transit Systems" than debating social issues in this forum. I even was asked to participate in and appeared on an ATS radio show to discuss space and the search for habitable planets and life in the universe.

Only recently after a lot of nervous contemplation, have I outed myself on ATS because I felt a great deal of ignorance was surrounding the issue of transgender children and ATS is all about denying ignorance. My parents even showed up to shed some light on what it was like for them raising me as two devout Christian parents in this thread: At Age 3 — Transitioning From Jack To Jackie

The issue of transgender kids was taking a beating and I felt I was probably ATS's only member of that group as I was one of those kids.

I tell you all of this because I do not consider or see myself as a "social justice activist" or anything of that nature. I come from a conservative household with parents who themselves have been conservative.

But once again I feel the need to shed light on something misunderstood in this thread and that is the issue of violence directed at transgender people, specifically transgender people of color since I am to my knowledge the only "black" transgender person on ATS.

So with that I hope to bring the same sort of well-sourced knowledge I'm known for in my space threads along with my personal feelings and experience to this thread. I do not know if many of you know what it's like to be an ethnic minority or be born differently and have that difference be something you're made to feel bad about, feel unsafe if it were known or made to feel as though your thoughts, feelings and experiences or even life have no merit or value.

I do not know the precise demographics of the average ATS member but I do sometimes feel that that experience of being the "other" or something which is not the default "All American" stereotypical ideal, is often lacking on ATS and has been displayed throughout this and other similar threads.

The original poster's almost gleeful ignorance in minimizing this issue here to come to a very wrong conclusion on the origin and purpose of a hashtag is just a perfect example.

edit on 29-8-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 11:26 PM
The #BlackTransLivesMatter hashtag is a result of the #BlackLivesMatter and #TransLivesMatter and #GirlsLikeUs worlds converging.

Girls like me, after all, are underrepresented voices typically. Most of us just want to get on with our lives. We're not typically celebrities or seeking to draw attention to our difference.

As my mom said in the thread with my parents: It's hard enough to be a woman and black now add being born transgender to that.

So we are underrepresented in general when people are talking about issues of social justice yet we are more likely to be murdered than a black man or a white transgender woman. More likely to be bullied at school, abused by our own families and community, denied employment, etc.

And when we are murdered we are often misidentified and misgendered by an ignorant media which should know better.

And if we defend ourselves? We can be wrongfully incarcerated as CeCe McDonald was. And most of the country would not even know her story if not for some help from high profile people including a transgender woman who stars in a popular TV show.

The reasons for this are simple for everyone from those who direct violence towards us to the media often misgendering us after our deaths and it all comes down to the fact that while the American Dream is that #AllLivesMatter, in reality if anyone is really honest and looks beyond their own personal views, some lives have traditionally mattered more than others.

Because of this, the perpetrators of violence and a media almost as bad have gotten away with taking away our lives or making a mockery of them after our deaths.

As the Southern Poverty Law Center said in this 2003 report we've been considered "Disposable People".

The perception of transgender people in general in America until recently, has been through the often warped lens of Hollywood produced TV and movies which have provided a warped view of who we are:


Those who have directed violence towards us traditionally have gotten lighter sentences if sentenced at all. Often the deaths in the murder cases are not properly investigated by police. Police are known in some communities for negatively profiling transgender people and black transgender people in particular.

This can often get in the way of them doing their job professionally so that the families of those impacted by violence directed at their loved ones receive the same justice with regards to the prosecution of their assailant as any one else would had the victim not been a transgender person of color.

And when the media calls the woman murdered a man the family and loved ones of the victim are then victimized again. So while all lives should matter and be treated equally in practice we're not there yet.

If you don't agree with that then answer this question: why is someone who looks like this…..

…..considered by a majority of the country to be "All American" while someone who looks like me (photo in avatar) or Pocohontas is not?

I truly believe all lives matter, you probably do too but all lives ARE NOT treated equally nor are all people treated equally or fairly.

That's what is being said when someone says #BlackLivesMatter or #TransLivesMatter or #BlackTransLivesMatter .


It simply means our lives are of equal value to yours.

The original poster said the number killed was 5 but in reality it's closer to 20. That number stood at 19 last I heard and that was up 2 from when Janet Mock (who transitioned early in her life like me) hosted this show and discussed the issue:

Here are some numbers which have been thrown around recently 1-in-12 transgender women have been murdered on average each year. That is a higher ratio than the ratio of 1-in-18 soldiers dying in the Civil War.

If we narrow that to transgender women of color then it's 1-in-8. And that has been fairly consistent even before the increased visibility of transgender issues in the media.

While the visibility of transgender celebrities like Caitlyn Jenner, Chase Bono and others have brought a lot of attention to transgender issues this has not been without a negative side. Anti-trans hate crimes unfortunately are also on the rise.

Those at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder unfortunately are the first to feel the backlash and this year has been a deadly one. One where I've gotten kinda queasy even discussing these issues in my real life with acquaintances or colleagues. I'm in a weird situation. While everyone seems to be coming out as being transgender I do not feel safe in doing that other than in a very limited way in my own life.

Transgender awareness being on the rise for me personally means having to delicately chime in on discussions where people unknowingly began talking about transgender people negatively (with them not knowing that I myself am trans).

Even though I live in perhaps what many transgender people view as the "transgender mecca" of the country, I have encountered some very ignorant people who if they knew I was trans would have probably not been as forthcoming with their ignorance about anti-trans hate crimes directed at transgender women of color.

One guy even said we deserved to be killed since we kill ourselves anyway…..(smh)

The FBI has been keeping track of anti-trans hate crimes directed at transgender people and defines such crimes according to the following criteria.

When crimes are committed against people based on sexual orientation or gender identity, epithets often reveal the motive for the attack. Typical gender identity-related epithets and terms include: “he-she,” “she-male,” “tranny,” “it,” and “transvestite.” Also, the terms “cross dresser” and “drag queen” may be used in a hateful way, even though some individuals may self-identify with these terms. It is common for perpetrators of anti-transgender hate crimes to attack the victim after learning the victim is transgender. – FBI’s Hate Crime Data Collection Guidelines and Training Manual, page 17

edit on 29-8-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 11:27 PM
Please also consider the following press release by the American Psychiatric Association:

Gender variant and transgender individuals must cope with multiple unique challenges, including significant discrimination, prejudice, and the potential for victimization from violent hate crimes. They often experience discrimination when accessing health care and are denied numerous basic civil rights and protections… transgender and gender variant people are frequently denied medical, surgical, and psychiatric care related to gender transition. Access to medical care (both medical and surgical) positively impacts the mental health of transgender and gender variant individuals.

Being transgender or gender variant implies no impairment in judgment, stability, reliability, or general social or vocational capabilities; however, these individuals often experience discrimination due to a lack of civil rights protections for their gender identity or expression. Transgender and gender variant persons are frequently harassed and discriminated against when seeking housing or applying for jobs or schools, are often victims of violent hate crimes, and face challenges in marriage, adoption, and parenting rights.

Discrimination and lack of equal civil rights is damaging to the mental health of transgender and gender variant individuals. For example, gender-based discrimination and victimization were found to be independently associated with attempted suicide in a population of transgender individuals, 32% of whom had histories of trying to kill themselves, and in the largest survey to date of gender variant and transgender people 41% reported attempting suicide.*

The APA joins other organizations, including the American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association, in endorsing strong policy statements deploring the discrimination experienced by gender variant and transgender individuals and calling for laws to protect their civil rights.
– The American Psychiatric Association, 8/16/12, Release No. 12-36

Lest you think this is "another minority type whining about being a victim of racism" I'd like to add that sometimes the violence directed at us comes from our own family or community so #BlackTransLives matter is as much directed at other black people as well everyone in general.

A personal note is that more people on my mother's side of the family had a problem with my transition or her allowing me to transition than had a problem with me or my father for helping me to be who I am by the family on the side of my dad (who is white).

My mother's "blackness" as well as her faith were both openly questioned sometimes in a a very hostile manner. The same could not be said for cousins, uncles and aunts on my dad's side. So #BlackTransLivesMatter is aimed of people like them within the black community as well.

Anyway as this post has grown quite long I will wrap it up.

I hope everyone who reads this thread and scoffed now come away a little less ignorant about this issue and those hashtags than they were at first glance. No one is asking for special treatment. We're just asking for the same treatment. No one is saying their lives matter more than yours, just that it has equal value. Something which it typically has not been viewed as having.

One of the reasons I am not out as being trans is because as my mom said I have enough challenges being a minority looking to move into a field where minorities have been traditionally underrepresented and being a woman in a technical/scientific/academic field where women have been traditionally underrepresented.

It's still legal in many places to discriminate against transgender people in employment and housing and some parts of the country are very ignorant when it comes to transgender people. I once had this dream/nightmare that I graduated and was hired by NASA only to end up having to work in Huntsville, Alabama and being afraid for my life.

So all we are asking for is understanding. Understanding of our lives mattering just as much as yours. Our families mattering just as much as yours. Not more than your nor less than yours. However due to many things both within our communities and outside of them our challenges in life are often greater than yours for no other reason than being born transgender and in this particular case, transgender AND black. What you may take you granted we have to strive for and towards.

All we want is that understanding. I hope I have yours.

And with that I'll leave you with a relevant song:

edit on 29-8-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 03:41 AM
Outstanding post, Jade. As usual, your well spoken clarity, unique perspective and understanding of these issues has once again helped to raise my own awareness and grasp of these matters. Your voice is always appreciated and respected with the highest regard.

I've shied away from going off on this but for those that don't know, my life has also followed a path similar to JadeStar's but I'm sixty years old and grew up in less enlightened times when society, science and medicine weren't as advanced and forward thinking on trans issues as they are now and have been for the past twenty or more years.

"Transitioning" before or during high school was not an option for me which was difficult as a feminine and girlish boy. By the time I graduated, I was androgynous, my gender was ambiguous and I looked a lot like the blonde girl JadeStar posted above. In a matter of months, I had begun to live and socialize as a girl and before I even turned 19, I informed my totally unsurprised parents that was how I was going to be living the rest of my life and have. I was 22 when I completed sex reassignment surgery and have had a happy, healthy and productive life, have loved and have been loved and was married for 11 years.

Also like JadeStar, I don't consider myself trans-anything, am not a social activist or part of the transgender or LBGTQ+ communities and no one in my social circle or those I work with know of my past history or consider me anything other than a regular gal. I've been a member of this board for 8 years and only spoke of this the first time just a few months ago, mostly with a little encouragement from Jade to get me over my own fears as I also do not feel safe with these issues being known in my real life. Again, following JadeStar's example, I've shared my life here to help deal with some of the rampant ignorance, bigotry and downright hate expressed by some.

In many ways, I was very fortunate to have somewhat understanding white middle-class parents so the racial aspects of this haven't been an issue for me but as someone that started high school in 1969, my behavior, personality and increasingly, my outward appearance painted a huge target on my back for constant harassment and bullying and I was assaulted and physically beaten on multiple occasions for being girlish, different and queer so I know from firsthand experience the hate and violence that can be directed at those that fall under the transgender umbrella simply for existing. I was able to blend discretely into "normal" society as an average young woman but many transfolk aren't as fortunate and remain targets of hate and violence and why awareness of the spectrum of transgender expression and people is so vital.

There have been a handful of trans-centric threads here lately where people like JadeStar, myself and others have been called just about everything imaginable and even in this thread, trivialized, mocked and told that we were mentally ill in what is supposed to be an environment of enlightened critical thinkers with the aspiration to deny ignorance. How 'bout we do that?

It is unfortunate that trans women of color are over represented in the statistics. Only three out of the 19 or 20 murdered to date this year were Caucasian but the statistics don't say how many were beaten, abused, denied housing, employment or marginalized, disenfranchised or otherwise discriminated against in total. That number would likely be well into the multiple thousands and continues to rise.

Huge numbers of trans youth have been discarded by their families comprising a very high percentage of the homeless living on the fringes of society and supporting themselves with sex work or prostitution further exposing them to the potential of violence and murder. Alarmingly high numbers commit or attempt to commit suicide. It is a sad situation. Children, teen and adolescent transgender people are different than those that transition later in life and without the support and acceptance of their family, it's another sad statistic but one out of three trans youth and predominantly those from lower social economic status which typically include minorities, will end up on the street doing whatever is needed to survive.

So yeah, some of you need this shoved in your face and shoved down your throat with hopes that a few of you will one day be able to pull your head out of your arse and treat trans people as human beings with the same dignity and respect as you would expect to be treated with yourselves.

edit on Sat Aug 29th 2015 by EKron because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: EKron

Ok I think you and jade star should start a thread, this stuff was very very touching.

I am very conservative in most issues, and I have a gay sister, my bible thumping father did not talk to her for two years because of it, and when she came out I lambasted my father for how he treated her.

These story's are TRUE testimony's jade star you are a beautiful woman! Ekon, you are very very sweet and though I can't see you,I know you are a good person.

Jade star, I have dated a woman who works at nasa she is bi racial, she is a pyrotechnic engineer, perhaps you would like to talk her, pm me if you'd like. Beautiful just beautiful posts...

Johnwick I understand you, but please just look at the testimony; where is the argument? There is none, none what so ever...

Mods applause these two postr,with every applause you have!

Thank you
edit on 29-8-2015 by TechniXcality because: (no reason given)

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