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Create Something!

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posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: SamHill

A Creator!

Thanks for building awesome things!

And thanks for being smart/progressive enough to start moving off-grid with rainwater collection! Clean water should be a natural right--not something owned and controlled by heartless corporations.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: SamHill

A Creator!

Thanks for building awesome things!

And thanks for being smart/progressive enough to start moving off-grid with rainwater collection! Clean water should be a natural right--not something owned and controlled by heartless corporations.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: Trachel little project is soo fun and having a great time playing with it. I'm trying to be creative in such a way not to have all the ugly barrels stacked outside. There is a lot of room in the shop portion of the garage where I plan to have future solar system and solar hot water tank. Of course, you can go out and buy all this stuff, but get a huge kick out of designing and building things myself. Everything has to be absolutely perfect.

Ha ha ha...what if a pipe or barrel breaks and hundreds of gallons of stored water floods my shop? Storing this rain water indoors could be quite a risk. I'll figure something out. Maybe have a curbed area (big concrete bowl) under the barrels that drains outside just in case something goes wrong.

Creating things gives a real sense of accomplishment and very rewarding no matter how big or small.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 01:27 PM
Now that you mentioned creativity and clean water...

How about growing grass and trees on top of buildings to help clean the air in the city?

How about a car that runs on carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, like how trees do, instead of pollusion/smoke?

There are many creative ways humanity can make technology to help the environment.

Yes, we should "Create Something!", something that others can enjoy while at the same time benefitting nature/the environment.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: Trachel


I find it far more gratifying when I give people gifts that I made with my own hands, and they seem to appreciate their prezzie that much more as well.

Jewelry, candles, beaded leather goods, funky tye die t-shirts, pickles, jams, soups, baked goods.... things that all just started out as fun little experimental hobbies in my spare time have now become a nice little side business for me locally around town.

But when it comes to gift giving.... Nuthin' says lovin' like a big ol' jar of homemade chicken noodle soup when your neighbour is sick with the flu !

Store-bought stuff is just so.... 90's.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: CranialSponge

You are soo right...creating stuff also means cooking! We have some mushrooms and a couple sweet red peppers that need to be used before they spoil. Hmm...saute these together in butter with some onion might make a great side item with supper tonight. I'll call it Mushroom Pepper Melody.

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 08:09 PM

originally posted by: AnteBellum

Many take for granted this fact that almost everything they touch and walk on went through some type of creative/production process. From toothpicks to cell phones.

I have a silly little prayer: "Bless Every One Who Made This Possible" I try to abide by this, to appreciate, but as you allude to, we are conditioned to take everything for granted.

I sometimes ponder ideas as this, if the child Hitler was murdered, society would of condemned his killer, but knowing what he came to be in truth his murderer should of been hailed a hero.
There is no way of knowing, therefore there is no true way of desiminating what actions one takes as righteous or wicked.

This is a dilemma that we fortunately can't solve. I say fortunately because who would dictate the choice?

With that said I wonder if our generation will be criticized years from now for being lazy. Wasting all our time staring at a screen, typing long forgotten words that in truth serve more in the purpose of vanity then progress.

Don't worry dear. For many years and especially when I sailed I wrote very long letters. Some, most would take a month to compile. What else then my own thoughts and encounters were in these letters? Vanity, perhaps?
We really have no other reference point than ourselves.

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 08:36 PM
I agree we are born to create and it can take so many shapes.
I don't find time to make presents. But I have found that giving my time can be a gift.
I listen, I try to be actively be present to the being I encounter, whether it is an animal a plant or a human. I try with humans to truly listen and engage with out asserting my own agenda.
It goes unnoticed, but that is good then I don't feed off of praise.

For my self I create my garden, I tend my trees, and flowers that give refuge to birds, frogs and all sorts of lovely insects.
I talk to "my Mice" yes mice, we have an agreement, and the Ants, "I feed you, You stay out side, comprende"
I volunteer at a horse refuge, I gentle, groom and message. To me that is creating with these beings who are so wounded.
I create my home, cut and split my wood, clean my chimney and make a roaring fire that heats my house.
I write odd little short stories.

All we do is creation if we chose so.
Nice thread Trachel.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: WalkInSilence


And thanks for caring for life and doing your part to enjoy this crazy experience we're living together!

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 06:22 AM
I can tell you that I can work with a very advanced kind of "building block", not exactly the direct manipulation of matter nor the ability to directly manifest thought, but actually a technology that allows me to telepathically connect to a computer that is able to assemble the "blocks" according to what I am able to calculate as a result of a new idea.

For example, I have a new idea, perhaps a new kind of mechanism, I can keep that thought in my mind, as the technology can detect "new events" and keep them in my consciousness until and during the process of drafting a schematic.

Once the schematic is placed, all I have to do is function a "key sequence" so that the energy that was "created" as a result of an idea is translated as, what becomes, the design template that the constructors use to fabricate the item.

To function the "key sequence" requires a mathematical skill in itself and of course one would have to have some kind of design expertise in order for the key to translate the schematic into a template.

The process takes minutes.
edit on 2-9-2015 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: TheConstruKctionofLight
a reply to: pryingopen3rdeye

whats been built was in fact built by a machine, not a person, robots, their already taking over.

Trachel looks at the world through rose tinted glasses; you had to go and bring reality into a poetic thread, shame on you.

sorry, but rose tinted glasses is not the way of things around here, or atleast it isnt supposed to be.

edit on 9/19/15 by pryingopen3rdeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 09:55 AM
Nice OP. And thank you. I've really come to appreciate your contributions to the Philosophy section of this forum.

More on topic, everyday one makes a subconscious decision - to either create or destroy in this reality. We're all, everyone of us, is either adding to or taking away from this world.

I'm not always perfect but I do ask the Divine Creator, the Great Architect, to guide me in creating a reality of peace, good will and inspiration.

posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 10:26 AM
Best post I've read on ATS in a long time, maybe ever.

I feel inspired, and goosebumps.

I most definitely have things to create. Thanks for reminding me how meaningful this is.

posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 10:47 AM

originally posted by: GoShredAK

Best post I've read on ATS in a long time, maybe ever.

I feel inspired, and goosebumps.

I most definitely have things to create. Thanks for reminding me how meaningful this is.

I feel the same. Thank you, OP.
Now I'll go back to my drawings and maybe create something that will bring joy in someone's heart.

posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 03:58 PM
Creativity is a necessity for me. It really is. It is the ony way I can stay sane. Not only that, between my husband and I, we consider it essential to have creative projects that we work on together as well, to keep our relationship alive.

posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 09:30 PM
I consider skateboarding a physical manifestation of art, the action can be a unique creation for a unique point in history, the memory of which perhaps forever etched in time.

Some of my work from a decade passed.

Same with surfing, no wave is exactly the same, and the lucky (sometimes unlucky) ones that get to ride them have created something so magical that only themselves and fellow surfers can fully understand. A bond with mother nature, both gentle and deadly that is hard to describe.

Snowboarding, it's right up there with surfing, what a spiritual escape it can be! And an opportunity to create so much! Not only memories, but literal lines down the face of a mountain, or new creative ways to ride mountain features or man made obstacles.

Mixed martial arts, eat right and take care of yourself and create you and those who look up to you into warriors. When given the opportunities we should go with the choice that makes a greater story.
edit on 19-9-2015 by GoShredAK because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 04:48 AM

Create Something!


'Create' has various meanings.
To "manufacture" something has been erroneously called 'creating'.
Manufacturing something from existing parts is hardly 'creating' something (making 'something' from 'nothing')!
Actually, 'creation' is scientifically/philosophically impossible.
It is all vain imagination to assume 'creation'.
We 'assemble' and call it 'creation'.
A loose and poor use of the term, leading to the ignorance of thinking that anything, ever, can be 'created' from 'nothing'!
And more vain yet, that WE can do this 'miracle'.

Al that new age feel good positive hoop-la is no more than imagination, vanity, ego!
We are not 'creators', we are 'perceivers' of that which already exists!
What Is is 'perceived', not 'created'.

"You don't need to take drugs to hallucinate; improper language can fill your world with phantoms and spooks of many kinds."
-Robert A. Wilson

Personally, people have called me incredibly 'creative' in art and intellect, but from here, it is merely a juxtaposition of that which already exists, what I 'perceive'.
And I perceive the 'juxtaposition' that I perform, I do not 'create it', I am not the 'author', merely the functionary.
That the ignorant (thought 'tasteful') audience is 'impressed', does not change the facts of the problems of the poor and vague use of obsolete words.
'Creative' = 'unusual'?
Another poor and vague/arbitrary definition...
It's like we are already so invested in the term, that we invent anything to keep our egoic illusions alive!
I mean, if there can be no actual 'creation', people are going to have to deal with their 'creator God' being an ignorant illusion, also!
Then we bypass 'logic' and 'reason', jumping to the emotionality and imaginary world of 'beliefs' (an infection of the imagination/ego)!
edit on 20-9-2015 by namelesss because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: namelesss

So every trick I've ever landed is simply me percieving and acting on abilities that are already there? Also the gravity and physics involved, already there?

I disagree, this reality, this earth is one big quantum canvas, a hub for amazing human creations.

I'm not talking about manufacturing a toothpick, I'm referring to things like jumping the Great chinese wall on a larger toothpick, with wheels, a skateboard.

ETA: I believe in the almighty God and Jesus Christ, I talk to him all the time before attempting a risky maneuver, What I love is we have about a 99% success rate in what we create, or what he helps me perceive what is possible.

Either way, maybe the post above was too intellectual for me. I see a distinct difference between what has been manufactured or already in place via nature, vs the creative nature of our human condition.

Why would an athlete put themselves in harms way so often? To create wonderful moments in time! Just living, meditating, only to come to the realization that it is impossible for us to create anything, seems meaningless.
edit on 20-9-2015 by GoShredAK because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: GoShredAK
Just living, meditating, only to come to the realization that it is impossible for us to create anything, seems meaningless.

I think that was the point.

People need to convince themselves that what they do is meaningful.

I think nameless might be right. Ranting against people who live their lives differently seems like nothing more thant an ego boost.

posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: namelesss

And yet you just created a new and unique post perfectly fit with your personality

When someone looks too much into the dry definition of words can easily miss the live meaning behind them.
Sometimes you just have to get the idea.

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