Although the prophecy of the false prophet /antichrist and so many other names is found in the OT, Nowhere we can read any determined dating. Thus, in
Ezekiel we have first the resurrection of the Jewish nation, then Gog and Magog war, and then the coming of the city of God on the place of today's
Israel. If we think of our most recent history, between those events are GENERATIONS if not centuries. To expect Gog tomorrow and New Jerusalem after
tomorrow is not realistic.
The timeline of Revelation elaborates the picture many times over. I have long posts about that, and I invite you to review the last series of them in
the link in the signature below.
First of all, the early Christians beieved in soon to come God's kingdom on earth. Then Augustine in 5th century took the Millenium after the Second
Coming, cut and pasted inside the church history (that is not the example of God-leaded history anyway). In so shortened timeline, all the rest of
theologians for 10+ centuries tried to argue how the current age is age of suffering and how God's kingdom may come only afterwards, afterlife or
after Second Coming . With the image of the Antichrist standing securely between any attempt of any good monarch to bring social justice, and the door
of hell forever. Because he could aid the antichrist who would do exactly that - bring God's kingdom down to the masses!
Instead, the fearful image of rising beast was found in history under different names. One of them being the Caliphate at its time. Another one, the
Ottoman empire, and so on. One may include Napoleon, Hitler and Stalin if he wants to. The picture is one and the same. The Church (RCC) needs an
external enemy to excuse its own failure to build up the Kingdom of God, for which exact purpose Peter received the keys of Heaven by Jesus! BTW let
make a difference between Peter and Apostles on one hand, and later centuries church structures that do not originate in the Gospel or in the time of
the apostles.
Why no one talks of the next personages in human history that the Revelation is abound? I mean the 2 witnesses, the 144,000 youths and the manchild
(who being born in space outside earth, is taken up to God, and later is not known whether he will physically visit the earth or not). All of these
We may include Melchizedek according to the 30% release of Dead Sea Scrolls who say unequivocally he will be present on Earth at the end of some 10
cycle jubilee, but before the end of the world or Messiah ben David as the Jews call it.
I invite you to comment those issues, why the Churches are afraid to talk of Kingdom of God visibly on Earth as Jesus preached, and of the possibility
SOMEONE to come to CORRECT the fallen away Christianity. Why the Churches do not want to be corrected but instead invent an early to come Antichrist
who is to blame for everything. Thus they will call the heavenly sent person to correct them, to be the antichrist!
It seems the Devil already won.
The Revelation says otherwise, not until that time! Petrus Romanus is not the antichrist, there are others to come, and we have the right to know what
is to come next. Aliens good or bad, Nibiru, WW3, or Manchild and 144,000 youths, let it be known! There isn't any other pause to e waited for, after
1989, 2000 and 2012. With a pope aged 78 that is said to be the last one in the list...Let think TOGETHER about our common future tomorrow!
I wrote more in the thread below.
edit on 12-3-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)