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Can you feel it in the air???

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+3 more 
posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 09:37 PM
Yes I am stealing lyrics from Phil Collins, but does anyone else feel something in the air tonight? A sense of urgency? Dread? Panic?

I keep watching the Asian markets and U.S. stock futures and can't help but think, "Oh my God, we are on the brink of another 2008 economic crisis yet few Americans are even aware of what is happening!"

I check all of the major news sites and see they are filled with mostly fluff stories and no real news.

I understand that TPTB are attempting to keep most sheeple in the dark in order to hold off panic selling in the markets, but it disturbs me that most Americans have no clue.

They say that ignorance is bliss. Unfortunately for us ATSers, knowledge isn't power because no one else gives a damn and labels us as "crazy conspiracy theorists."

Buckle in wise few, we are in for a bumpy ride.

posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: BattleStarGal

I feel it, the new world is coming out like the cicadas in my area. Loud in the afternoon and leaving dried up corpses hanging off of the trees we are to tie the nooses to. The markets are going to keep going down and down into September. No guarantee, but it has been warned about for months and months.

+1 more 
posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 09:59 PM
Depending on how old you are, this bumpy ride has been going on since the early sixties, I've watched it happen, and continue to watch it on a daily bases. This is nothing new, the pot is beginning to boil is all. 36 years ago I became aware, I've listened to the lies, the promises, the hope for the future. I've watched the greed consume our elected officials and our justice system. I watched it take control of our legal apparatuses.

This is not new, it has been brewing for far too long... it will end... it will change... all things do!!!

posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: BattleStarGal

What more constructive assurance can I give you on this? None. All I can say if that's what your reading, than what else can it mean?

Chinese shares drop in dramatic free-fall


edit on 23-8-2015 by InnerPeace2012 because: url

edit on 23-8-2015 by InnerPeace2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: BattleStarGal

Meh. I moved all my money to VERY conservative funds months ago. Yeah, I might have missed out the last few months, but at least I've had peace of mind.
Now I'm putting all my money into the correction.
If you dont have the stomach for the market ups and downs, then don't invest. Save your money or buy land. Simple as that.

posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: BattleStarGal

Good time to make some investments,

posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: Kratos40

I don't have money in the markets. I've been saving up for months now. My concern is how the drop in the markets will affect the economy. I was laid off twice and underemployed for a long time after the 2008 economic crisis. Many Americans lost their jobs and homes. I don't think America is ready for another recession. I'm worried for everyone, not just myself.

posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 10:15 PM
This sort of market correction is normal, and has happened time and time again.

Doesn't mean TPTB are behind it.

On Friday, there were MANY stories about the market crash, so it's not right to say that the news media is being quiet.

There are several high profile news stories being followed right now, and it's not unusual that a major market correction in Asia isn't being reported late on a Sunday night in the United States.

posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 10:17 PM
Short term market corrections are always happening, it's normal.

Long term, the market is way up, even from pre 2008 levels.

Bottom line, if you're gonna invest, do it long term, not short term, and you'll be fine.

Also, invest under DEmocrat Presidents, and remove the money from the market under Republican ones.

posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 10:19 PM

originally posted by: BattleStarGal
a reply to: Kratos40

I don't have money in the markets. I've been saving up for months now. My concern is how the drop in the markets will affect the economy. I was laid off twice and underemployed for a long time after the 2008 economic crisis. Many Americans lost their jobs and homes. I don't think America is ready for another recession. I'm worried for everyone, not just myself.

And we'll you should be, start assessing your real world assests, figure out what you have valuable enough to barter, your skills, take stock in where you are and what resources you have available. Make friends with neighbors. This is no longer about what's left in a 401k, it's about survival...
edit on 23-8-2015 by twohawks because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 11:06 PM

originally posted by: babybunnies
Short term market corrections are always happening, it's normal.

Long term, the market is way up, even from pre 2008 levels.

Bottom line, if you're gonna invest, do it long term, not short term, and you'll be fine.

Also, invest under DEmocrat Presidents, and remove the money from the market under Republican ones.

I definitley would never put money into the longterm right now, unless you picked the 1/100 company for each investment to do so. THe market is in process of crashing. All world markets are down and Asian markets are tanking right now. DOW will be down at least another 500 tomorrow and Nasdaq 200. Rich people don't like losing millions a day, so there will be reprocussions.

posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: twohawks

Or you could invest some money in the market and help thwart a crash. The market crashes when everyone sells their investments at once.

The sheer loom of the idea of a market crash can outright cause a market crash.

The market can make you money, or lose you money. It's all about buying and selling at the right times. Buy low, sell high.

When an investment reaches it's "peak," you sell. Now that peak is really up to you.. You assess the potential of your investment, determine your risk and wait until you feel the return is worthwhile then sell.

When more than one individual gets out of an investment, it can bring the cost of those investments down regardless of how well that investment is doing. As well, obvious things can affect it's value as well, scandal, lawsuits, bankruptcy, flooding the market with goods/resources.

You can invest in the market itself as well, now the more people are trading the higher the markets value. The less they trade the more it's worth, so many regard this Market value as a sign to sell, or of a crash. Which helps the market value rebound.

It's really bizarre to be honest, and I'm only just beginning to grasp the concepts behind it as I have started to invest my money, but allow someone who is a professional to do my actual investing as some of these things are strange and unusual but seem so simple on the surface. Lots of money to make or lose on the market.

posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: Hijinx
a reply to: twohawks

Or you could invest some money in the market and help thwart a crash. The market crashes when everyone sells their investments at once.

The sheer loom of the idea of a market crash can outright cause a market crash.

The market can make you money, or lose you money. It's all about buying and selling at the right times. Buy low, sell high.

When an investment reaches it's "peak," you sell. Now that peak is really up to you.. You assess the potential of your investment, determine your risk and wait until you feel the return is worthwhile then sell.

When more than one individual gets out of an investment, it can bring the cost of those investments down regardless of how well that investment is doing. As well, obvious things can affect it's value as well, scandal, lawsuits, bankruptcy, flooding the market with goods/resources.

You can invest in the market itself as well, now the more people are trading the higher the markets value. The less they trade the more it's worth, so many regard this Market value as a sign to sell, or of a crash. Which helps the market value rebound.

It's really bizarre to be honest, and I'm only just beginning to grasp the concepts behind it as I have started to invest my money, but allow someone who is a professional to do my actual investing as some of these things are strange and unusual but seem so simple on the surface. Lots of money to make or lose on the market.

Brother, your betting on an illusion, an illusion that will strip away every thing you seem to presently hold dear. Money is not your friend. I tell you this as a friend. Your betting on the wrong race, not just the wrong horse. Being a student of humanity will enlighten you to the frailties of our species. You presently think this global economic structure will continue in some facade of its present form, when in reality ours is imploding, not about to, it is! Where will your stock futures get when they are as worthless as the paper there written on. The best you can hope for is to use them as kindling to keep yourself warm. Cause that's all they all be worth.
edit on 23-8-2015 by twohawks because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: twohawks

They will get me no further than any other portion of my financial earnings. I invest 10% of my income... That may seem like lots to some, but it really isn't. There is an opportunity to make more money on these investments with 10% automatically being reinvested once again.

I have to ask you this, why do you feel the need to enlighten me. Money means nothing more than providing food for my family. Money is merely a tool I use in the modern world to support my family.

I hunt, I fix my families cars, I fish, I have 4 gardens on my property, 2 dogs, 2 cats, do all my own work on my home. BBQ, and collect wood in the summer, can and make preserves from our garden, smoke our fish in the fall.

We do pretty good on our own, and do just as well financially.

So I appreciate your thoughts and concern, but in the modern world knowledge is power. You are trying to enlighten me to the realities of survival which i have no doubt would be difficult given the collapse of society.

How ever, our society is prosperous and there are no signs of complete and utter annihilation looming, so I have to tell you this. Learn something about the financial sector, make smart financial choices, manage your good debt, eliminate your bad debt. If that doesn't make sense to you, learn what it means.

Money is not everything and I'm very careful to teach my family this, how ever I am not such a fool to leave them ill prepared for the modern world.

It's about balance.

posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 11:56 PM

originally posted by: babybunnies
Also, invest under DEmocrat Presidents, and remove the money from the market under Republican ones.

...and you were being so level headed and painfully logical.

It really doesn't matter who the president is or isn't in the short term... what matters are things like passing the TPP. In the long run, the TPP may make the market grow, but if there are so many jobs lost and middle class America can't afford to invest, does that market growth even matter?

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 01:06 AM
So many of the comments on here remind me of what my Dad has said. "Oh the markets have gone up and down many times throughout my life it means nothing". He also would criticize his parents because they didn't invest any of their money and only put it in CD's because they were afraid of the Stock Market. They had reason to be afraid of the Stock Market though because they lived through the Great Depression, they saw it destroy lives. And I would wager that 99.9% percent of the market bulls on here have not lived through the Depression or WWII. Economies can collapse, America is not immune and we are definitely not the strongest economy anymore.

The fundamentals of the US and Chinese economy are out of wack and we need to let them adjust. The US is 2/3rds a consumer based, and the Chinese is export based. China is why we have cheap goods. China is why the dollar is strong. China is why we have credit. Take that leg upon which we stand out and the whole thing will come crumbling down.

Our economy is so fragile, it really hasn't recovered from the Crash of 08. Underemployment and labor participation are at record highs and wage growth has been stagnant. How do you expect a consumer based economy to grow when no one has the means to purchase goods?

Wake up people the party is over!

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 06:30 AM

originally posted by: BattleStarGal

I understand that TPTB are attempting to keep most sheeple in the dark in order to hold off panic selling in the markets, but it disturbs me that most Americans have no clue.

They say that ignorance is bliss. Unfortunately for us ATSers, knowledge isn't power because no one else gives a damn and labels us as "crazy conspiracy theorists."

Buckle in wise few, we are in for a bumpy ride.

This NOT a conspiracy. This is the inevitable collapse of an unsustainable economic system. Plenty books have been written, plenty economists can see it, plenty politicians can see it. The problem is the inevitable collapse will result in a fundamental change to the way our economy works. The defenders of free market capitalism are applying sticking plaster and tweaking at the edges (your so called TPTB activities) but it's all in vain. The solution is just too left for the vast majority of the rich and powerful to stomach.

We could change now and ensure the vast majority do not need suffer another collapse but there is absolutely no way in hell that will happen due to the denial by the ideologically driven right wing parties across all western countries. Stand by as minorities (social AND economic ) are blamed for the problems and draconian laws put in place.

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: yorkshirelad

I say good riddance to an archaic system. A completely make-believe, pretend system that has plagued all humans for far too long now. A system that benefits only a small percentage of humans on the planet while the rest are perpetually in slavery for their entire time on this planet, in this reality.

Let it crash and burn. Life is too short to spend it being a wage slave. We should all be able to have good creature comforts, and never have to worry about rent, bills, how we're going to eat etc.

The world badly needs a reset so that everybody can live life and enjoy it without being a slave.

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 07:09 AM

European stock report follows

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: [post=19732287]BattleStarG

Yes i feel it in the air.

If Phil Collins could make all this crap disappear i'd be the happiest Woman on Planet Earth. Can he accomplish this? I'm waiting ..

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