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Breaking: ‘Top Secret’ emails found on Clinton Server

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posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
a reply to: UFGarvin

Being sent information that later becomes classified by someone else is not the same as "sending classified material".

You can't control what someone else decides to send you. It would be like blaming me for an unsolicited racist email a friend sent me. I didn't ask that person to send it to me, I had no idea they would send it to me, but there it is.

That to me is really grasping at straws.

If you do not have the judgement to know "Top Secret" when you see it.

I would seriously question your judgement to be the President of the United States.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:19 AM
This whole email server in her basement or whatever was known about before her announcement to run for POTUS.

If this is as serious as everyone claims, she wouldn't have bothered throwing her name into the race -- as it would surely have been a waste of her time and money.

Let's use a bit of critical thinking and logic here.

I'm sure she thought no one would know about her email server, but it was discovered prior to her announcement to run. She decided to run for POTUS anyway. That tells me that she's pretty confident that she won't be indicted.

I'm still waiting for an indictment...

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: SoulSurfer

originally posted by: RickinVa
"31,380 e-mails that will never, ever be seen again"

only if the person she sent them too deleted them as well.

Why are people forgetting the NSA? I am pretty sure they have ALL her emails, unless of course, they are working for her and deleted them aswell.

Either way, the powers that be have records of everyone. They have to if they are to manipulate or continue to manipulate politics inside the U.S.

That won't happen for 2 reasons I can think of off the top of my head.

A) Precedence. The NSA is not going to allow it'self to be dragged into every court case, civil or criminal and fetching/retrieving archived communications...

B) Doing so would discredit their argument "We don't save content" ; Alert the average citizen of just how monitored they really are; expose NSA surveilence capability, etc.. etc.. etc..

The NSA isn't going to produce jack-squat. Unless you're involved in "parallel construction" to hide illegally gathered evidence.

edit on 12-8-2015 by CrawlingChaos because: grammars

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: whyamIhere

So you can magically stop emails from coming into your inbox? You have mental powers that can "sense" when an incoming email is going to contain top secret information?

You don't know what an email contains until it's delivered. Unless you have super powers, I assume you believe Hillary has these mental powers?

You do realize that the world is fluid and changing. Information one day may not seem very important, but become so overnight. What was formerly not classified suddenly becomes classified.

It's not grasping at straws, it's using logic, reason and common sense.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
a reply to: UFGarvin

Being sent information that later becomes classified by someone else is not the same as "sending classified material".

You can't control what someone else decides to send you. It would be like blaming me for an unsolicited racist email a friend sent me. I didn't ask that person to send it to me, I had no idea they would send it to me, but there it is.

Hillary has been in government long enough to have the common sense to allow oversight of her emails due to situations EXACTLY like this one.

She had to know that some of her correspondence might be classified or someday end up that way but she used a private server anyway. As smart and savvy as everyone knows she is, she never stopped to say "this seems like pretty sensitive info... I should make sure it's handled properly" ?????

The server issue shows gross negligence at the very least.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

The whole point is this never would have happened if she wasn't doing official business over her personal network. If she had followed regulations and policy, this would be a non-issue. However, she needs to be held accountable at some point.

I'm kind of tired of all the people that blindly defend a woman who has a long history of zero transparency and comes from a background of zero accountability. I don't get it. She doesn't care about anyone else but herself and her power.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: Justaposter

originally posted by: deadcalm
a reply to: IAMTAT

This could be VERY bad news for Hillary Clinton.

If only I could believe that. The Clintons are practically coated with teflon.

I don't know. I think it was very telling when the Kennedys backed Obama instead of her. I just don't think she will get the nom. I have a feeling this will not go well for her.

*for the record, I would have voted for her during that election*

President Obama was an outlier, no one was going to beat him in 2008. I don't see anyone that can compete with Hillary this election cycle absent some legitimate, huge scandal. I think the GOP sense the same and that is why they are working hard to hang some scandal around her they have been for years leading up to the election...vs. touting some great GOP alternative. Jeb might be the best shot, but he would have to dramatically step up his game and I don't see that potential.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
a reply to: whyamIhere

So you can magically stop emails from coming into your inbox? You have mental powers that can "sense" when an incoming email is going to contain top secret information?

You don't know what an email contains until it's delivered. Unless you have super powers, I assume you believe Hillary has these mental powers?

You do realize that the world is fluid and changing. Information one day may not seem very important, but become so overnight. What was formerly not classified suddenly becomes classified.

It's not grasping at straws, it's using logic, reason and common sense.

Wait a second. There was a calculated decision made to trash that server.

What the heck does what emails she received have to do with anything. It's a Strawman.

The woman was THE SECRETARY OF STATE. When has Top Secret information ever...

Been in somebody's garage server. Left to her to decide what she deems important?

Never, because it is against 1000 laws and you know it. Don't pretend it's OK.

It's a felony.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:33 AM
She claims she used the personal server as a matter of convenience to limit the number of phones she would need to carry.

Government issued Blackberries did not allow personal email accounts at the time.

By using a personal server it allowed her to have both personal and gov. emails routed to one device.

She did not use any special encryption on her personal email servers.

As per the “classified emails”…this requires thinking…Here is the exact report statement that spurred the headlines…

IC (Intelligence Community) classification officials reviewed two additional emails and judged that they contained classified State Department information when originated. These officials referred the emails to State Department classification officials on 7 August 2015 for final determination on current classification. We will provide these documents once they have been properly marked by the state department. terials%20on%20Personal%20thumb%20drive.%20Clinton%20server.pdf

Translating gov speak…”classified State Department information”…Not docs, but “information derived from intelligence docs” as the IG clarified after the headlines hit.

“officials referred the emails to State Department classification officials on 7 August 2015 for final determination on current classification”
The reviewers sent the emails to State for classification…cuz they have not been classified. Each department classifies their own material and State classifies theirs.

We also know that these were emails sent to Hillary by aides at State.

So what it appears is that State Department Aides sent Hillary emails that referenced or were premised on classified information (we don’t know when that information was classified) The IG says the “information” was classified at the time it was sent and originated.

State Department (not Hillary aides) says the information had made the rounds at State for years and it had been circulated on “unsecure” systems and was not "classified"..which is likely accurate, cuz State classifies State somewhere years ago this information when it originated was not classified and it bounced around as such.

"Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011 and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton," said State Department spokesman John Kirby. "They were not marked as classified."

So if Hillary is on the hook…so is the State Department at large and anyone that received that same “information”.

Honestly…strip politics from it and what you would do is trace the emails back to it’s origin back in 2009 and see who was the first to share the information..and where they got the information from…and if that source document was marked classified at the time and ask that specific State Department employee WTF.

That would be a logical, non-political path…

NOW…the premise that Hillary Clintons previously unknown server stuffed in a closet was less “secure” than the huge target of .gov seems to warrant some logical examination..

October 2014 Russians Hacked White House Via State Department, Claims Report
March 2015 State Dept. Shuts Down Email After Cyber Attack

Clintons email server was indisputably much less secure than States…but State was indisputably a much bigger, known target.

Do with it what you will…but hate her or love her or anything in-between…starting with accuracy over headlines will help you make your case and frankly it’s never a good thing to trust BS. So get the facts straight and go from there.

edit on 12-8-2015 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Despite all the hub-bub about this, and I am certainly not a Clinton fan, I'm pretty sure she's not the first nor the last to transmit classified emails from a private account.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: whyamIhere

Okay -- why hasn't she been indicted if it's a felony? It sure seems like there enough people gunning for her head on a pike?

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

Agreed...Under the premise that is being employed here, the logical end would be retroactively imprisoning 90-100% of gov workers who might have sent or received "information" that was or at a later date deemed classified.

Each Department classifies their own material and according to State this information circulated going back to 2009 and was never classified. The Intelligence Community analysts who are reviewing the emails for the Inspector General have determined the emails classified and have sent them to State for official classification.

I understand people dislike Hillary ...both for legitimate and illegitimate reasons...but that is never cause to discount logic and facts.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:41 AM

originally posted by: whyamIhere

When has Top Secret information ever...

Been in somebody's garage server. Left to her to decide what she deems important?

When was the information classified as Top Secret?...By whom and when?
edit on 12-8-2015 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
a reply to: whyamIhere

Okay -- why hasn't she been indicted if it's a felony? It sure seems like there enough people gunning for her head on a pike?

Because....She is Hillary Clinton. Who is going to prosecute her ? Her friend, her protege ?

How can we be so sloppy with classified information ?

I read the emails was intelligence from Space. If true, that is pretty sensitive.

To be fair, it wasn't only Hillary. But, she is the only one running for President.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: Indigo5

originally posted by: whyamIhere

When has Top Secret information ever...

Been in somebody's garage server. Left to her to decide what she deems important?

When was the information classified as Top Secret?...By whom and when?

You know a lot more about this kind of stuff then I do.

But, when does good judgment and the protection of the American people matter ?

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: whyamIhere

originally posted by: Indigo5

originally posted by: whyamIhere

When has Top Secret information ever...

Been in somebody's garage server. Left to her to decide what she deems important?

When was the information classified as Top Secret?...By whom and when?

You know a lot more about this kind of stuff then I do.

But, when does good judgment and the protection of the American people matter ?

I think the facts warrant your downgrade from Prison Sentence to "Good Judgement"...But the "Good Judgement" in choosing an IT Server? If we are going to set the standard at tempest in a teapot...the GOP field is in BIG trouble.

We can argue that she should have had the foresight that at some point someone might send her material or information that might be later deemed classified and in that future possible scenario using an off-site personal server wouldn't seem wise. I agree.

..then again she could BS (which thankfully she has chosen not to) and claim the decision was a result of understanding the vulnerability of State Servers which have now been repeatedly hacked by Russia and others.

I don't think using a personal server was a wise move. I think it was arrogant and stupid. She prioritized her own convenience over policy. I also don't think it was criminal and strangely I strongly suspect that her choosing a non-gov server that was unknown to the public actually insulated her from the repeated hackings at State...but this was accident, not intent.

In the list of crazy that is going to come out and be done and said over the next 16 months by all the contenders? This has no staying power or teeth beyond the hard-core right wing.

If you are hoping that ...She made a bad IT choice about which server to use for her digital communications!!!! going to sink her, you are in for a shock.

I lean Dem, but from a non-political your firepower and credibility for something bigger...cuz all politics aside, this is not going anywhere, it's a waste of energy and credibility for the GOP...No one on the left or middle care about this...they don't start from the same emotional place as the right wing, so it has no traction beyond a brief headline. This story is just playing to a base that is going to vote anyone but Hillary anyways.

Just my 2 cents..

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 12:21 PM
Coulda shoulda woulda....

I see two words that are going to become a major issue...

Emails contained "Satellite imagery".

Cmon people we are not talking about Google Earth here...the eyes in the sky are some of the most protected information the government has. That imagery is never never ever on an unclassified network... it just does not happen.

Someone, somewhere had to willfully copy those images from a classified network and either sent them out over a unclassified network or gave them to someone who did. They are going to look very very hard to find out exactly how that information got into Hillary's unclassified email server. There has been a very serious breaches of security protocol all around..... other people were taking information either directly from a classified system, or summarizing information they got from a classified network and placing it onto a unclassified network. Either situation is illegal and had to have been done on purpose.

This will not die down and be swept under the rug... it can't.... inspector generals are on the case and they will be relentless until they get answers.

Coming from someone who had 25+ years with a TS/SCI background, I can promise you that you have not heard the end of this...there will be a full senate inquiry.

Server Gate™ is just in its baby steps, but this will eventually blow Bill and Monica right out of the water in scope and intensity. (Pun intended)

My two cents.

edit on R222015-08-12T12:22:48-05:00k228Vpm by RickinVa because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: RickinVa

I do find it interesting that of all the scandals coming out of this administration that this is the one that the DOJ launches an criminal investigation into.

Looks like political pay back to me.

Don't get me wrong she should be locked up if found guilty, along with all the other criminals in this administration. I just find it telling that politics takes center stage over doing the right thing.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

Except that we know she was hacked.

Many of the e-mails between Blumenthal and Clinton, some of which took the form of intelligence-style memos, were first disclosed in 2013 by a Romanian hacker known as Guccifer. Last year, the State Department sent about 850 pages of Benghazi-related e-mails to the committee. Many were published in May by The New York Times. The Times found that the e-mails often contained intelligence with an unclear source, that the reporting about the Benghazi attacks passed on by Blumenthal sometimes proved untrue, and that Clinton had shared sensitive information

Except that she assured she was confident that she did not send or receive any classified information.

edit on 12-8-2015 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: burntheships

Could you imagine if we could read all of the communications?

She was running a shadow government with Sid in her basement.

This looks like inside baseball. This wreaks of Political Payback.

Hillary is sinking like a stone...She needs to go back to cattle futures.

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