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"WE BEAT IT 2 Death lol! HAHAHA!" (note found on family's dead pomeranian)

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posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: Danke

but these people obviously did this for fun

Many people hunt animals for fun. Some people may try to dispute that with anecdotal stories, but that very issue has been a debate for many years because of it's reality.

Dogs are called mans best friend for a reason.

People have the same relationships with horses, cattle....take your pick.

I see this as a horrible act as well but being the person I am, I also see the hypocrisy in it. I have a hypocritical stance because I find this appalling, yet have no problem eating a steak. Others just cannot let their ego go, admit their position is hypocritical and move on.

It's a lack of self-honesty and I don't like that.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: introvert

Too many times I've seen hunters kill for no purpose other than to kill and leave the animal to rot in the woods

Do you agree with this practice, oh mighty .22 hunter?

Seen softshell turtles and squirrels nailed to trees. Seen piles of carp laying along the shore line because they are a pest to the lake.

So in your mind...because you've seen others do somehow have equated that this is in any way "sporting"? Personally....if you were out hunting with me and you did that a swift kick to the nuts would follow in short order. Just because there are a few total a-holes out there does not mean that the vast majority of hunters would agree with it. I certainly hope your grandfather didn't teach you this.

Do hunter's travel to Africa to go on safari because they need the zebra meat? No, it's sport.

Personally...I find it repugnant...and I have no emotional attachment to any animal in Africa.

Life is relative and only precious when we are emotionally attached. Otherwise it's fair game.

Respect for living things has nothing to do with emotional attachment. They were not put here for our amusement to be slaughtered for no reason. To me at least....that is the sign of a deep sickness in the human character.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 07:27 PM

originally posted by: deadcalm

Respect for living things has nothing to do with emotional attachment. They were not put here for our amusement to be slaughtered for no reason. To me at least....that is the sign of a deep sickness in the human character.

Well said. I agree with you completely.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: deadcalm

Do you agree with this practice, oh mighty .22 hunter?

No I do not.

So in your mind...because you've seen others do somehow have equated that this is in any way "sporting"?

By definition, that is what it is.

Just because there are a few total a-holes out there does not mean that the vast majority of hunters would agree with it. I certainly hope your grandfather didn't teach you this.

There are plenty of people that hunt solely for sport and not for survival. That is what has created a huge debate among certain groups and animal rights loons.

My grandfather taught me to respect the land and to thank the animal for it's sacrifice, that it may live on in the circle of life. He was a great man.

Personally...I find it repugnant...and I have no emotional attachment to any animal in Africa.

Still happens. Many people hunt for sport and not food.

Respect for living things has nothing to do with emotional attachment. They were not put here for our amusement to be slaughtered for no reason. To me at least....that is the sign of a deep sickness in the human character.

Some would say the very consumption of any flesh shows a lack of human character. It's all relative to belief and conviction.

It's also ok to have a hypocritical position, as long as you recognize it as such.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: Danke
a reply to: introvert

I get where you were trying to go, but these people obviously did this for fun or to try and make someone else feel pain. There really isn't much of a comparison here.

Also, there are differences in intellect/emotional capability in some animals. Dogs are one of the only animals that look into a human's eyes for communication.

Dogs are called mans best friend for a reason.

Actually, as science has progressed we've learned that most animals are very intelligent. Dogs are special not because of communication but because it has been bred into them for thousands of years that we're their caretakers. Their brains are wired to see us as their caretakers. Many animals are intelligent though, look at birds. They'll bond with a specific person, and in the case of parrots they'll live with and rely on that person for 50+ years, longer than all but the very best marriages.

Dogs may be called mans best friend but just about any animal is actually capable of being your best friend.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: introvert

Like I said, I understand where you are coming from. As far as big game hunting is concerned, a lot of experts agree that it is often beneficial when done right for certain species in certain areas.

Not sure if I believe that, but that adds a different layer to the situation.

As far as relationships with other animals goes, I agree that they are ALL amazing. However, I don't think it's fair to say that they are on the same level as dogs are in terms of emotional connection with humans.

When I say that I don't mean the connection we as humans feel towards dogs, but the emotional connection dogs have with humans. Although I don't doubt it is the same on both sides.

I have had so many different kinds of animals in my life, and the only times I ever felt truly crushed physically/emotionally/spiritually was when one of my dogs died.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: Aazadan

Did I say that other animals aren't intelligent?

I was talking specifically about eye to eye communication.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 10:10 PM

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: TNMockingbird

We don't need to eat animals to sustain life. Our teeth are not meant to facilitate the eating of meat and we only do so because the animals are plentiful and we have become accustomed to the diet.

I'm trying to point out our hypocrisy in that "life" only matters when it fits what we find acceptable. It's not actually life that matters, it's the psychological connection we have with that life.

It's ok to kill anything for food, and for pleasure. Unless it's an animal we like to have around, like a dog or cat.

Actually were OMNIVORES as in were able to eat both So youre wrong on not needing animals to eat. w e need some meat. Also some studies show plants are aware of being eaten or hurt so by extension eating plants is murder too right?

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 10:20 PM
Did the cops leave a business card, too?

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 03:06 AM
Sickening, I hope they are found to stop more of this. Seems like the killing may stem from revenge towards the owners or both.

Very concerning as well that if children or teens they need to be dealt with accordingly because extensive young animal abuse cases sometimes continue further into adults harming humans-such as serial killers.

I'm a Pom owner and to a killer it wouldn't take much to hurt their little body(similar to a hairless chihuahua under the fur).

OP, Are you local to Broward wonder if the Humane Society, and or ASPCA is going to get in on the investigation.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 06:14 AM
Thats messed up That animal belongs to somebody is it me or is this nations morality has gone down the drain.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 06:24 AM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: TNMockingbird

We don't need to eat animals to sustain life. Our teeth are not meant to facilitate the eating of meat and we only do so because the animals are plentiful and we have become accustomed to the diet.

I'm trying to point out our hypocrisy in that "life" only matters when it fits what we find acceptable. It's not actually life that matters, it's the psychological connection we have with that life.

It's ok to kill anything for food, and for pleasure. Unless it's an animal we like to have around, like a dog or cat.

Also some studies show plants are aware of being eaten or hurt so by extension eating plants is murder too right?

That's up to interpretation and only reinforces my assertion that life is relative.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 06:27 AM
The difference between killing for food a killing for sadism, is killing for food goes for the quickest most efficient kill and is done out of a need.

A kill for sadism tends to prolong the suffering of the creature killed and is done for the express purpose of inflicting pain upon another living thing.

Most parents would rather if their child is killed, have it be a quick and painless death or an accident. A death by say a car accident is preferable over say someone's daughter being tied up raped for days, then murdered.

In both cases the daughter is dead, but it's not just a life is a life. There's context. You can't just remove all context and pretend two thing are the same.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 06:39 AM
I can honestly tell you that if someone did that to my dog my mission on this earth would be to find them and kill them.

And I wouldn't have one ounce of guilt about it. None.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 07:45 AM

originally posted by: Seeker Mom
I can honestly tell you that if someone did that to my dog my mission on this earth would be to find them and kill them.

And I wouldn't have one ounce of guilt about it. None.

I understand your anger and frustration. I even understand the initial need for revenge, but I doubt if you came face to face with the children that committed a crime like this, that you would risk the rest of life going up in smoke, for the life of a pet.

I would expect you to pursue justice to the fullest extent of the law, maybe, but these children are in serious trouble and if they are not turned around, they have little hope for a normal, productive, and happy future. Not for them or for their community. They are ticking time bombs and they are sitting in communities, schools, parks, malls, in ever corner of our country waiting for just the right incident to light their fuse.

I would not be surprised to find out that the ones behind this was girls. Most people when they hear of violent crimes like this, think of boys, but boys like to use weapons, chemicals and fire. Girls can be just as violent, but they prefer to kick, and hit, or stab their victims. Our children are in a bad place. They are the fruits of selfishness, greed, jealousy, disenchantment, lost dreams, and false hope. Their parents in their minds meant well, but they filled their children with the things of the world instead of things of the heart and the Earth. We are seeing a generation of lost children, that have to face a world that is zipping past them faster than they can keep up, and with little help from those that are supposed to teach and protect them.

This is a story about the brutal killing of a beloved pet, and it is indeed horrible, but there have been cases were these lost children have targeted other children. These children if not helped or stopped will escalate, it is the natural order of progression. This is the "Clockwork Orange" future we can look forward to.

edit on 12-8-2015 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: Correction.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 08:04 AM
Anyone seen John locke?.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: introvert

I'm trying to point out the hypocrisy in our positions and how our outrage is selectively applied.

Ok So who that enjoys hunting beats the animals to death in a similar fashion that it breaks bones and twists stomachs?

It would be hypocrisy if hunting wild animals is done this way or killing cows and chickens for food even though the way its done is quite inhumane in my opinion but beating/kicking an animal, breaking its bones and internal organs is not comparable and something to call hypocrisy.

How can we be outraged at the taking of one animals life, and then load-up for the weekend to take another animal's life.

Are you following yet? It shouldn't be this hard.

Have read the article or the OP?

Did you read about the injuries sustained by the dog as discovered by the vet?

What hunting club hunts this way?

I really don't think you are following or understand the difference in beating something for pleasure and killing something for pleasure like a hunter might be.

I completely am against hunting for sport, it sickens me, Plus it only exists because its believed and said to be killing humanely, as in the quickest possible kill and not the torture of animals.

Hunting would be a crime if the hunt was about capturing and beating animals.

So fare it appears that I'm not the only moral relativist.

The death of an animal is ok if were are not emotionally attached to it, correct?

Just read the OP,

I think if any animal was killed in such a fashion, everybody would still be quite enraged, yes because it was domesticated pet it will be broadcast more so, however if any killing of an animal in such a fashion reached enough people you would see the same reactions.

It has nothing to do with emotional attachment but how the animal is killed or in this case tortured and beaten to death.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 09:40 AM

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: deadcalm

Completely anecdotal and irrelevant. Thanks, but there are many people out there that hunt for fun without the need for the meat to feed families.

That's why it's called 'sport' and not survival.

In those sports, hunting, how are the animals killed?

are the captured and beaten and kicked to death?

I'm not ok with it and have said that many times. Just pointing out the hypocrisy.

You're not pointing out with the hunting for sport examples you give.

Find an example of a sport that beats and kicks animals that have been captured and people or parts of society that enjoy this sport and you might have leg to stand on.

Like I said hunting anything for sport is just insane in my eyes, but what we are discussing, what this thread brought to the table is a dog that was killed in terms of being hunted for sport, it beaten/kicked to death, to do so would require for the animal to be lured and captured.

The negative images playing in my mind sicken me, I suspect the dog went up to the people because they played nice to get the dog in grabbing distance and then did the deed.

I mean a dog wont go up to someone unless they feel safe, most will bark and run away if they have fear of the people they interact with.

These sickos that did this must have lured in the dog and cornered it or tied it down to beat it to death.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 09:45 AM
Pretty much part of the signature of a psychopath. Good probability the person will do worse things in the future. Time for the Clockwork Orange treatment.

I'll put money on that he is considered 'a good boy'.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: introvert

I see this as a horrible act as well but being the person I am, I also see the hypocrisy in it. I have a hypocritical stance because I find this appalling, yet have no problem eating a steak. Others just cannot let their ego go, admit their position is hypocritical and move on.

It's a lack of self-honesty and I don't like that.

I am a hypocrite an proud because it makes me know right from wrong even through to be a hypocrite I must do the wrong so when I point it out in others I use myself as an example and how it effects me to help them stop doing what I believe is wrong or continue with ways if they so choose but it always changes their perception of what they do.

However, you keep failing with your examples.

I agree cows are killed quite inhumanly and are tormented before they are killed, the same as chickens that aren't free range and held in cages their entire lives, yes these animals are tortured and then killed for food.

None of these animals are killed in the slow fashion like this dog, None are beaten and kicked to death.

The method of how this Dog was killed is what is so enraging, at least it is for me.

Yes I am A hypocrite because I do hate who cows are killed here in Australia yet I still eat beef.

However the method of how this dog was killed isn't comparable to any sport or killing for food industry.

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