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"WE BEAT IT 2 Death lol! HAHAHA!" (note found on family's dead pomeranian)

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posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: Olivine

Yet another sign that humanity, or what passes for it today, is circling the drain. But should we really be surprised? People just don't care for others anymore. One only need to look at the carnage in the ME to see the stark reality of it. When you devalue a life...any can devalue anything.

It is my sincere hope that whomever the sick, twisted souls who did this are caught and punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Utterly heartbreaking. I think I'm just gonna go love on my cat and dog for a while.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: introvert

It's ok to kill anything for food, and for pleasure.

Umm, dude, NO.

It is absolutely NOT okay to kill anything for pleasure.


Zoosadism is pleasure derived from cruelty to animals. Zoosadism is part of the Macdonald triad, a set of three behaviors that are a precursor to sociopathic behavior.[1]

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: introvert

Got ya!
Thanks for the clarification.
Maybe it's just me but, that made more sense to me the second go round!

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: The Vagabond

You're right, I should not assume kids did this.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: introvert

It's ok to kill anything for food, and for pleasure.

I couldn't disagree more strongly on your second point. If you need to kill something for food....that's one thing, but killing for pleasure...that's psychotic. I suggest you seek psychological help immediately.

Almost every mass murderer got his/her start killing animals for pleasure...and when that was an insufficient thrill, graduated to killing humans.

It's not actually life that matters, it's the psychological connection we have with that life.

All life matters...even yours.

What is wrong with you? Seriously. You disgust me.

edit on 11America/Chicagopm112015-08-11T14:51:27-05:00pmTuesday08 by deadcalm because: edit to add

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: Olivine

Umm, dude, NO.

It is absolutely NOT okay to kill anything for pleasure.

I respect your belief, but many in the hunting sports community would disagree.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: deadcalm

I couldn't disagree more strongly on your second point. If you need to kill something for food....that's one thing, but killing for pleasure...that's psychotic. I suggest you seek psychological help immediately.

I should have posed that statement as a question, as the context of it is being missed.

All life matters...even yours.

What is wrong with you? Seriously. You disgust me

Why is it wrong to kill and eat a cat in the US, but it's ok in some Asian nations? I'm trying to point out the hypocrisy that it's ok to kill animals in our society, even if done out of pleasure (take a look at the hunters that stand over their kill with pleasure, even if it will not be taken home to eat), as long as the animal is not among a group that we deem worthy of companionship.
edit on 11-8-2015 by introvert because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: Olivine

This both makes me want to puke and beat some kids up at the same time.....What happened to people? This is just wrong

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: Olivine

Umm, dude, NO.

It is absolutely NOT okay to kill anything for pleasure.

I respect your belief, but many in the hunting sports community would disagree.

Hunting sports would allow you to kill a family dog? That says a lot about you bud

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: introvert

Do you respect personal property?

That animal belonged to someone else.

So apparently, you're okay with an individual taking something from someone else and destroying it?

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: Olivine
a reply to: The Vagabond

You're right, I should not assume kids did this.

Yes you should.....Unless its an adult on bath salts.....Those are about the only 2 options, my guess is kids...Who uses those words on a piece of paper like that? KIDS

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: Chrisfishenstein

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: Olivine

Umm, dude, NO.

It is absolutely NOT okay to kill anything for pleasure.

I respect your belief, but many in the hunting sports community would disagree.

Hunting sports would allow you to kill a family dog? That says a lot about you bud

It was in reference to killing for sport and pleasure. Do you believe that no one in the sports hunting community does it for pleasure?

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: introvert

Do you respect personal property?

That animal belonged to someone else.

So apparently, you're okay with an individual taking something from someone else and destroying it?

Yeah that statement pissed me off too Beezer.....Someone did that to my dog(s) I would hunt those mofos down for sure! Guaranteed

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: introvert

originally posted by: Chrisfishenstein

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: Olivine

Umm, dude, NO.

It is absolutely NOT okay to kill anything for pleasure.

I respect your belief, but many in the hunting sports community would disagree.

Hunting sports would allow you to kill a family dog? That says a lot about you bud

It was in reference to killing for sport and pleasure. Do you believe that no one in the sports hunting community does it for pleasure?

What? Kills an effing family dog? Are you out of your mind dude? ABSOLUTELY NOBODY does this....

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: Olivine

It frightens me that so many young people have developed no moral compass. I don't blame them, I blame their parents. Parents that are quick to see and point out the splinter in the eye of any child, but who continuously fail to see the log in the eye of their own children.

I was involved in a case where 4 children between the ages of 6 and 9, did over $35,000.00 dollars worth of damage to a home in their neighborhood. When investigated, they admitted to the offense, the parents went bat crap crazy, denying that their child was the one responsible and trying to throw all the other children under the bus.

In the mind of each parent, their child was faultless, and all the others were evil brats that decived their child. When the child admitted to the wrong doing, the parents felt their child was being persecuted in error because they were just being loyal to their friends.

Parents are creating these soulless monsters. They are blind to the faults of their children. They fill their minds with perversions. They teach them the only thing that matters is "things", and he that has the most things, is the one of greatest value.

Children are being used as substitutes for the failed lives and dreams of their parents. Too many parents use their children to try to vicariously live that life they feel they were denied.They see them as perfect just the way they need to see them.

edit on 11-8-2015 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: Grammar correction.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 03:12 PM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: introvert

Do you respect personal property?

That animal belonged to someone else.

So apparently, you're okay with an individual taking something from someone else and destroying it?

I'm not ok with that. I'm trying to take the conversation bit deeper than "damn kids killed a dog" and talk about society, the connections we have with animals and the hypocrisy within.

Sometimes I forget that that many of us are more prone to emotional knee-jerk than myself. I try to think about things a bit deeper than most.

My apologies.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: introvert

I have no problem with fishing, if you eat what you catch, and release the remainder. The same with hunting. You kill it and eat it...fine. Kill an animal in self-defense...necessary.

But people who kill animals for trophies, or pleasure, I'm not down with that.

With respectful disagreement,

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: introvert

Oh so that "logical" thinking will rationalize this crap for you? STOP....This is wrong, it was kids because adults wouldn't use the number 2 on a note, I would be gathering up the guns before leaving the house....

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: Chrisfishenstein

originally posted by: introvert

originally posted by: Chrisfishenstein

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: Olivine

Umm, dude, NO.

It is absolutely NOT okay to kill anything for pleasure.

I respect your belief, but many in the hunting sports community would disagree.

Hunting sports would allow you to kill a family dog? That says a lot about you bud

It was in reference to killing for sport and pleasure. Do you believe that no one in the sports hunting community does it for pleasure?

What? Kills an effing family dog? Are you out of your mind dude? ABSOLUTELY NOBODY does this....

Put the emotions aside and answer this question:

Why is it bad to kill a dog and ok to kill a cow or a chicken?

Put aside the circumstances in this case, because I would agree with you. Just think about that question and answer it without emotion.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: introvert

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: introvert

Do you respect personal property?

That animal belonged to someone else.

So apparently, you're okay with an individual taking something from someone else and destroying it?

I'm not ok with that. I'm trying to take the conversation bit deeper than "damn kids killed a dog" and talk about society, the connections we have with animals and the hypocrisy within.

Sometimes I forget that that many of us are more prone to emotional knee-jerk than myself. I try to think about things a bit deeper than most.

My apologies.

So you are not okay with someone stealing from you and destroying it.


I thought you were a socialist!

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