posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 05:01 PM
Hey everyone. This is the first time i've been able to spend much time on a computer over the last few days. I spent about 24 hours in jail and have
been legally barred from going back to my home address over a domestic dispute that happened a few days back.
Now, before anyone jumps to conclusions, I'd really like to detail what happened and why exactly this all came about.
I was spending some time at my parents house this week helping them clean up some stuff and prep things for a garage sale they expected to have this
weekend. The day was going well, everything was pretty nice, it was a gorgeous day and we were grilling out. Then my stepdad decides to start
drinking. Now, he has had a problem in the past with drinking and the way he acts when he gets alcohol in him. The police have been called before by
my mother on this man and every time the police have showed up they have discredited her and refused to help in anyway. They mentioned the fact that
she has been diagnosed with PTSD and the police have laughed in her face and refused to do anything to help aid any situations. They've assumed my
mother was crazy, regardless of any support from friends or family stating the validity of the statements she'd been making.
At approximately 7 p.m. on thursday evening my stepfather's demeanor changed and he began to act extremely belligerent and aggressive towards my
mother and I. He was picking fights with her and calling her names. I asked him to stop multiple times and each time that I asked him to stop, this
only fueled his rage and he got into my face yelling "hit me, do something then, hit me" over and over. After a few deep breaths I restrained myself
and walked away. At this point my mother went into the house to start getting my siblings together to move them from the house somewhere safe. My
stepfather followed her in and I sat down on my patio to smoke a cigarette and try and calm my nerves. After about 15 minutes, I saw him walking back
out from the inside to the back door, right next to where I was sitting.
This man walks out of the house, and as i'm sitting there completely quiet, he looks at me as he stumbles through the yard yelling "You're a
worthless piece of #, you've never done anything for this family" etc etc etc. Saying the most hurtful things he could thing of to me and finally
bringing up an addiction issue that I had numerous years ago that I have been clean from and not had any issues with at all. This was coming out of
the mouth of a man who has been redflagged at all hospitals in the area for being drug seeking, the same man who has been popping oxycodone for years
on and off.
I asked him to stop 3 more times, I stated how much of a jack ass he was being and literally pleaded with him to stop once more. That he was drinking
and acting like a fool. This apparently got to him, and he started walking towards me. I stood up and was preparing to defend myself. He got in my
face and pushed his forehead against mine spitting onto my face and yelling at me to hit him, over and over. Again, after I pleaded with him to stop
acting like this, I finally gathered my restraint once more and began to walk away, this is when he said something that didn't sit right with me. He
took 2 steps towards me as I was walking away and I saw this in the corner of my eye and turned to defend myself. Hitting him in the face 3 times and
then tackling him to the ground, he got his arm around my neck and started strangling me. Unable to breathe, I couldn't do anything. I was in a panic
and unable to gather a thought that would help get me out of this situation.
My mother walked out after about 30 seconds and saw what was going on, screaming at him to stop, she said she was going to call the police and get the
kids out of the house somewhere safe. She immediately gathered the kids and left. I went upstairs to my room and barricaded myself into my room by
wedging a dresser between my bedframe and the door. Now, at this point, I had no knowledge of what was going on with my mother, where she may have
been taking my siblings, if she had actually called the police or not, but I guess that at some point during this ordeal, the police arrived and got
to talk to my stepdad first. He lied through his teeth to them saying that I had a weapon and that I was dangerous/suicidal. The police completely
disregarded the original 911 call my mother had made and all information given to them as him being the aggressor. They came up to my room, tazers
drawn, ordering me out of my room. They handcuffed me, removed me from my house and brought me in for domestic battery.
I spent 24 hours in jail before being bonded out by my mother who was extremely disgusted by the fact that she called the police on her abusive
husband and the police showed up and arrested her son, who was trying to defend her through the entire ordeal. I was ordered by police that I can no
longer go back to my home address.
It's been a hell of a few days. I have some really nasty sprains in my wrist and right ankle that I've had surgery on in the past. Now i'm laying
here waiting for my court date as this man has been harassing my mother and I even more. Stating that he will lie to the police and the State Attorney
in an attempt to get the charges dropped if my mom would just come back to him and submit to his will.
I feel like i've been losing my sanity the last few days. I don't have access to any of my belongings. I've been displaced, as well as my 2 little
brothers who suffer from autism and a 4 year old girl, just as the school year was beginning all because of this man.
I don't know where to begin, or what resources might be available to me in this situation, but if anyone has any info on anything that may be able to
help me i'd really appreciate it. I've been through hell and back the last few days and really just need to figure out what needs to be done next.