posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 07:17 PM
If you have never read the New Testament, you need to read it before you assume religion is all just "made up." I was 12 years old when I decided to
read the whole Bible on my own. I remember feeling God's Spirit distinctly while reading Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. Try it. God's Spirit is
real--the Holy Spirit. His job is to testify to your spirit what is real, so you are not deceived. How could this world be if people didn't just blow
off Christ, but actually read and followed His simple teachings? Do you follow them? His teachings are correct, and basic teachings of goodness and
right action. Look at our messed up world due to so many not really following Him. If they would read His word in the New Testament, they would feel
His Spirit and know what to do. Instead they consume junk media and abuse their children. Great! Why is everyone so ready to believe "the aliens" are
"in charge," yet quickly deny God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit? To all you deniers--read it first and see. Try the experiment yourself. To the person
who wrote that evil has always won--you don't understand the concept of humility, nor the concept of true triumph. Yes, Christ was killed. Look how
many follow Him. He knew before He came here exactly what would happen. He said He must be lifted up in order to draw all men unto Him. Yes, there is
a lot of evil in the world, but does that mean you join it? Next time an evil spirit comes to you, try telling it "In the name of Jesus Christ I
command you to depart," and see what happens. They must leave, and they do. Sometimes in this world it appears that the evil "win," but is more
material crap "winning"? And I assure you, this is not the only stage of "life." We live forever. Just as Christ took His life again, He set that path
that we may do the same. He overcame the finality of death. First He suffered for your and everyones' stupidities, so that when they do awake, and
realize truth, they have the chance to repent, and be aided in progression by His suffering for their sins. Muslims and those who don't accept Him as
their Savior agree to suffer for their own sins, probably some suffering now, and some later, and I wish them good luck with that! Christ sweat blood
from every pore due to intense suffering for darkness past and forward. He cleared it and created a reservoir of light and spirit for everyone who
will partake. Try it. Ask Him. What do you have to lose? Just as God needed the flood to purge creation of corruption, He will return soon, take His
followers to a safe place, and then "let it roll." Even though His flock may be small, He has more power than Satan. This is His earth. He created it.
Satan is trying to take it, and take you. Dont let him. He's a freaking liar. He has only tried to mess up God's plan from the beginning of time. You
can believe Satan's lies and his rewards. Have fun seeing what they are--shadows and vapors. He owns nothing and has nothing to offer you in the end.
You must join the good side, because no matter how small His flock, God ultimately has more power than Satan. God gets to tell Satan where he can and
can't be. He's allowed to be here now, to create opposition, but he will soon be bound. You better get to know Christ now so you recognize Him when He
returns. I dare you to try it--pray to God in Christ's name and ask Him for things you need in your life. Thank Him too. Gratitude never hurt. Ask Him
for help, protection, and guidance. See what happens. Pray silently so Satan doesn't try to mess things up. He always tries to block people from
getting to know God. Try it, and read the New Testament. Ask God to enighten your mind and teach you the truth. Why not? You think you know more than
Him? He actually cares about each person. Romans: We are His children. He created us. He loves His kids. All the crap that happens is Satan-inspired.
Don't add to the misery! Choose the light. Don't be a media consumer drinking abuser. Love yourself, your family, your neighbors, and SERVE others as
Christ did. See what love and community that selfless service engenders--exact opposite of corporate greed. Try it! Serve your neighbor today! Even
the mean ones! They're only mean bc they've been abused and kicked down. Lift them up. Be Christ's heart and hands. Try it. How many actually follow
Christ in trying to serve others daily? It's simple, yes, but think how the world would be if everyone actually did this. Try it yourself. Serve
someone mean and watch what happens.