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Has S4 finally been found?

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posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 09:14 PM
In a day and age where satellites are snapping pictures of everything on the surface, you will not find big secrets on google or any of the public domain sites. You still have to go out there yourself. But they'll see everything within 50 miles, so it's not like you can get in. Government would be well aware their facilities are visible from satellite observation and--if they care about clandestine activities--will account for it.

Other than that Lazar's story doesn't hold water.
edit on 10-8-2015 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 10:20 PM

originally posted by: gariac
You can climb Bonanza Peak and look at the mountain with binoculars. There is nothing special there.

Thanks, now that is on my bucket list. Tikaboo is above it though...

Bonanza Peak, NV
36.35900°N, 115.746°W

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: FosterVS

Bonanza Peak is longer and more elevation change than Tikaboo, but the trail is sane.

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 10:35 PM

originally posted by: jonnywhite
In a day and age where satellites are snapping pictures of everything on the surface, you will not find big secrets on google or any of the public domain sites. You still have to go out there yourself. But they'll see everything within 50 miles, so it's not like you can get in. Government would be well aware their facilities are visible from satellite observation and--if they care about clandestine activities--will account for it.
Other than that Lazar's story doesn't hold water.

Or you can pay guys like these for some imaging. I am getting a quote for GeoEye-1 imagery from June 1, 2015 of Area 51 including the supposed S-4 site.

EDITED TO ADD: although I hold no misconceptions, I am sure everything has been rolled into sheds or hideaways.
edit on 10-8-2015 by FosterVS because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 10:50 PM
All such bases, hangers, storage facilities were relocated and destroyed several years ago. No new leaks have come out as of yet as to new locations, but I can guarentee they are 10 times removed from prying eyes, thus having learned from past failures.

Our government has now spent the better part of 50 years digging across the southwest and beyond. Reservation payoffs kept the only eyes we had now permanently closed, while the private sector is willingly blindfolded with dollars.

It took time for me to come to terms with such a pivotal loss but then I remembered the reasons that brought me to look in the first place. This is no longer about a search for evidence, now it's a race for preparation.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 02:08 AM
a reply to: AnteBellum

All such bases, hangers, storage facilities were relocated and destroyed several years ago.


posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: AnteBellum
All such bases, hangers, storage facilities were relocated and destroyed several years ago. No new leaks have come out as of yet as to new locations, but I can guarentee they are 10 times removed from prying eyes, thus having learned from past failures.

Our government has now spent the better part of 50 years digging across the southwest and beyond. Reservation payoffs kept the only eyes we had now permanently closed, while the private sector is willingly blindfolded with dollars.

It took time for me to come to terms with such a pivotal loss but then I remembered the reasons that brought me to look in the first place. This is no longer about a search for evidence, now it's a race for preparation.

Well sure, and the new hangars, etc. being built and other activity seen in satellite images as well as from Tikaboo peak, never mind the daily multiple Janet flights, is just for show. To distract us from the REAL base. Such a "pivotal loss" (what does that even mean?) /s
edit on 11-8-2015 by FosterVS because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 06:07 PM
I'm sure it's been said already, but I SERIOUSLY doubt you can find it (if it even exists) on Google Maps.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: gariac

That's simple to answer, I was commissioned to build one and stumbled upon others that do this regularly, just normal people like you and me, with one difference. They feel some secrets are better left secret.

As for direct evidence nothing I say, show or do will effect anyones predisposition in the long run - especially on this site. I've been here long enough to understand that. I'll just waste my time typing baraged by questions, subsequently villified, then eventually banned. I've seen it happen too many times now.

So right now your probably wondering why I posted at all. Well I still believe we all have a fight ahead of us and whether you read this or dismiss it, those that are looking may glance elsewhere but in the right direction next time.

As for the post below you who's name I can't see.
Nellis is still very much active as it's always been doing what they always do, working on top secret projects away from public scrutiny.

Do you really think every secret military base houses ETB tech?
That would be awesome if it were true, we'd get leaked info from hundreds of sources. But those days are gone now, any chance we had is lost.
That's the pivotal loss, the fact that many of us will never know the truth unless, excuse the pun, it falls out of the sky in front of you.
edit on 8/11/2015 by AnteBellum because: my spellung sucks

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: AnteBellum

Nothing remains a secret. ;-) Further, you can't hide a base. We've been over this time and time again, If it is above ground, it will be spotted. If it is underground, you have to get rid of the dirt, hide the generated heat, and yet somehow provide utilities, all in secret.

So again, do you have any proof of your claim? Further, since nobody is really private on the internet, it is unlikely somebody who knows of a so-called secret base would be posting about it

BTW, who said Nellis is a top secret base.

posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 10:44 PM

originally posted by: AnteBellum
a reply to: gariac

As for the post below you who's name I can't see.
Nellis is still very much active as it's always been doing what they always do, working on top secret projects away from public scrutiny.

You do know that Nellis AFB is like right in the middle of Las Vegas, right? (Well, northwest but still within city limits).

If you were "commissioned to build one" you should have all kinds of evidence. Or is it gonna be like Lazar, the dog ate your thesis...

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 01:11 AM
a reply to: FosterVS

Not to mention getting on base at Nellis isn't all that tough. You can have someone on active duty get you in. I've even shopped the BX, using cash of course.

If you want to deal with their rules, you can photograph Red Flag from on the base. The rules are mind numbing at times regarding what you can and can't photograph. For instance, the Saudis don't want their planes photographed. But of course you can take all the photos you want outside the fence.

Now getting a visitors pass at the TTR is much more difficult. Besides actual contractors and those attending on "family day", the only outsider I ran into that has been on the TTR is a guy a met doing a bird survey. He even took a spotting scope on the base. However, he also had a minder.

When the final four F117 were to land at the TTR, both myself, George Knapp and his videographer applied for media passes. And for a while, it looked like it would happen. Then eventually we got the rejection notice. No big deal since the retirement story turned out to be BS.

If you look at the TTR visitors pass documents, they specify no personal vehicles on base. Now I can tell you that is bunk. Besides meeting a contractor that drove his own truck on base, one of the vehicles associated with the crank up tower was a privately owned white jeep.

You can even drive your personal car to Groom Lake, well provided you actually work there.

edit on 12-8-2015 by gariac because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-8-2015 by gariac because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-8-2015 by gariac because: typos

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: gariac

You mean they would have to build infrastructure for some independant sovergn entity on US soil under the guise of some past discretion, then tie into them somehow without anyone noticing. Or they could take advantage of geothermal technology when the advantage is present. Aquifer locations, salt mines already contaminated with radiation to mask, underwater mines. There are many but those situations are primarily dependent of domestic structures, which this is in no way isolated to. Plus there are different criteria for subsurface installations and deep underground bases.

Really most of the basics on construction can be found looking at early examples of bomb shelters(command centers) created during the cold war. Isolation and independant redundant systems never really changed, the difference now is technology and persistence. These projects began over 50 years ago, many spending their entire careers in service. I was hired along with several others out of necessity to complete the 1 project in a very isolated region so it coincided with its 'surface' counterpart @2010.

As for evidence I wouldn't give it if I had it and I do have enough to reveal 1 locations whereabouts, but once you understand how this entire network is set up, it really wouldn't amount to much anyway. I'd say 27 flags on a familiar conspiracy site, because there is no meat in the sandwich. All the meat has been taken far out of reach, like I said before they have had over half a century at hiding, they have become exceedingly efficient at doing it!(matrix plug)

Anyway, good luck hunting!

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:34 AM
If Bob Lazar and others take a bus wouldn't there still be roadway tracks visible. Don't tracks last along time in the desert? I guess nowadays the roadways are underground. I watched a video a long time ago where this guy said they already had all the equipment there to build area 51 because of a previous project? Maybe it was all moved to area 52 or 53?

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: AnteBellum

Anyway, good luck hunting!

Hunting what? I don't believe anything you have posted since you provide zero proof.

No thanks, I prefer to examine bases that actually exist.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: TamtammyMacx

I watched a video a long time ago where this guy said they already had all the equipment there to build area 51 because of a previous project?

Often there is wrong information on the interwebs.

People who post such nonsense simply have no shame. You ask for proof, they provide none because they have none, but keep blathering on and on.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: gariac

Ok let me ask you this, as it seems I've already invested more time into this then I wanted to initially.

1.) What proof do you want that you would 'realy' believe?
2.) What makes one deserving of it?

As I stated earlier some secrets are better left secret, for some secrets have a high cost attached to them. I would love to come clean someday with all I've seen and learned but it would have to be done in a manner consistent to it's value. Sorry to say this is not the venue. You see whistleblowers have also learned something from mistakes made in the past.

I came to ATS in 2010 to try and come to terms with what I knew and I have now after many hard years. I wouldn't devulge secrets to just anyone that may have the same impact as handing a child a gun. But that doesn't stop me from letting others know that there are secrets to be found.

So flame away, dismiss what you want, do what you want. I never want to be associated as a person that stands in the way of others starring at chickens hoping they turn into cows.

By the way, the easiest way to get access to one of these places is to go to college, study real hard, specialize in you field of choice and become an asset. Being a visual liability would not be my second option!

Anyway, good luck examining bases that actually exist, S4 included!

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: AnteBellum

2.) What makes one deserving of it?

I deserve not to be BS'd. The readers of ATS deserve not to be BS'd.

It is simply laughable to think that you believe readers need to be "deserving" of what you post.

Look at it this way. If you have a secret and don't feel like providing any proof, why not just keep it a secret. Don't post at all since what you post is fiction unless you can back it up.

posted on Aug, 13 2015 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: gariac

Your dismissing the obvious yet again by putting your angry defensive views as my stance on this matter.

First I never said readers need to be deserving of what I post and in the same breath I never posted anything I felt would cause a issue.
Second and more importantly I am fishing. Go look at my profile, do I look like a newb to you. Don't you find it peculiar that after being gone a year I would post to such a random topic. That is because maybe it's not random at all.

In my years here I have done this often and due to it I have found others that share similar stories. Some have had missing pieces of info I wanted and vice versa. We communicate through pm's and then email. Most in positions like myself don't want to be known, we just want answers.

I don't have all the answers unfortunately yet, but over the years a very damning picture is starting to emerge. The US made themselves a deal with the devil but it seems even then, they had no real choice in the beginning.

So again, do what ever it is you want to do, my work here is now done.

posted on Aug, 13 2015 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: AnteBellum

Hello...did your post provide any proof of your secret base? Nope! Just more blathering....

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