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Wow, am I just sick and tired of this "revolution of equality"...

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posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 06:56 PM
So people came here to complain, then one posters calls the ladies ugly and there mad because of there short comings, just wow i am mad cause people complain, so ill complain about being mad, makes so much sense.

Yea for poor us white people, where so unlucky lol

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: grainofsand

originally posted by: Kali74
My guess is that it's a hoax.

...and if not, it could be a good way to inspire discussion in the right context.

(I'm a white heterosexual male)

Its a good way to catch a attempting to disturb the peace and incitement charge. WHat would happen if one took them up on the offer? Hopefully nothing because they"asked for it"
(im a genderdysphoric female trapped in a males body btw)

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

While what you say is true concerning free speech. The OP points out the massively growing resentment to this, so-called 'free speech. In fact, it is the political rhetoric of the left.

The millennials seem to be buying into it.

It needs to be exposed for what it is, not a free speech issue, rather a political diatribe that's being pushed in our education systems right from the top down. Not to mention our media...

Ignore it at your peril....if your an evil white male....

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 07:05 PM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: grainofsand

originally posted by: Kali74
My guess is that it's a hoax.

...and if not, it could be a good way to inspire discussion in the right context.

(I'm a white heterosexual male)

Its a good way to catch a attempting to disturb the peace and incitement charge. WHat would happen if one took them up on the offer? Hopefully nothing because they"asked for it"
(im a genderdysphoric female trapped in a males body btw)
Must be a cultural thing.
I reckon most folk seeing that stall in a UK city would see the message and engage in conversation. Perhaps it is too complex a concept for some in the world?
Most 'domestic violence' is carried out by heterosexual white males in this country after all.

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 07:06 PM

originally posted by: Kali74
My guess is that it's a hoax.


Either way this thread has been pretty entertaining. I mean hell, somebody even tried to blame Obama on behalf of others, who hadn't even pretended to blame Obama.

Quality entertainment

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: Shamrock6

Agreed, if only because it is amusing to see males in other nations feeling threatened by two females in a street stall trying to present a social message.

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: Shamrock6

But on the other hand women and liberals are bad so...

want a free slap?

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 07:21 PM

originally posted by: Kali74
a reply to: Shamrock6

But on the other hand women and liberals are bad so...

want a free slap?

Do you want free speech and expression?

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 07:22 PM

originally posted by: grainofsand

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: grainofsand

originally posted by: Kali74
My guess is that it's a hoax.

...and if not, it could be a good way to inspire discussion in the right context.

(I'm a white heterosexual male)

Its a good way to catch a attempting to disturb the peace and incitement charge. WHat would happen if one took them up on the offer? Hopefully nothing because they"asked for it"
(im a genderdysphoric female trapped in a males body btw)
Must be a cultural thing.
I reckon most folk seeing that stall in a UK city would see the message and engage in conversation. Perhaps it is too complex a concept for some in the world?
Most 'domestic violence' is carried out by heterosexual white males in this country after all.

YEah but violence isnt just bodily harm an din that regard both women an dmen ar epretty equal i think.

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: grainofsand

It was a joke.

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 07:28 PM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: grainofsand

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: grainofsand

originally posted by: Kali74
My guess is that it's a hoax.

...and if not, it could be a good way to inspire discussion in the right context.

(I'm a white heterosexual male)

Its a good way to catch a attempting to disturb the peace and incitement charge. WHat would happen if one took them up on the offer? Hopefully nothing because they"asked for it"
(im a genderdysphoric female trapped in a males body btw)
Must be a cultural thing.
I reckon most folk seeing that stall in a UK city would see the message and engage in conversation. Perhaps it is too complex a concept for some in the world?
Most 'domestic violence' is carried out by heterosexual white males in this country after all.

YEah but violence isnt just bodily harm an din that regard both women an dmen ar epretty equal i think.
I'm sorry, I don't recognise that as English.
If you could clarify I would be most grateful.

I see the spacebar issues now, yep, understood.
More women are killed and injured by white heterosexual men in the UK than the other way around though.
That is obvious, and I'm sure its the same in the US.
edit on 8.8.2015 by grainofsand because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: grainofsand

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: grainofsand

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: grainofsand

originally posted by: Kali74
My guess is that it's a hoax.

...and if not, it could be a good way to inspire discussion in the right context.

(I'm a white heterosexual male)

Its a good way to catch a attempting to disturb the peace and incitement charge. WHat would happen if one took them up on the offer? Hopefully nothing because they"asked for it"
(im a genderdysphoric female trapped in a males body btw)
Must be a cultural thing.
I reckon most folk seeing that stall in a UK city would see the message and engage in conversation. Perhaps it is too complex a concept for some in the world?
Most 'domestic violence' is carried out by heterosexual white males in this country after all.

YEah but violence isnt just bodily harm an din that regard both women an dmen ar epretty equal i think.
I'm sorry, I don't recognise that as English.
If you could clarify I would be most grateful.

I see the spacebar issues now, yep, understood.

YEs My spacebar is retarded at times. lol.

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 07:33 PM

originally posted by: nullafides 7/california-green-party-promotes-free-slaps-for-straight-white-men/

I am a 46 year old caucasian male. I am a father, a husband, and an upstanding member of society.

I have never once raped a woman. I have never considered it. I was raised that I do not have the right to hurt anyone.

Much as I was raised to view people by their actions, not their appearance or belief. Yet, I am constantly bombarded with messages stating that I surely must be racist. I must be a rapist. Messages telling me that I *am* the problem.

Guess what. It's all bullsh$%. I am really getting sick and tired of this.

Link to original article on Info Wars.

You should not pay attention to weird blogs like that. They are way too extreme and outside of any norm I can think of.

In regard to 'revolution of equality', inequality still exists, so it really doesn't matter if you are sick of it, it will continue until it is finished.

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 07:42 PM
I am a transsexual Jewish bi-curious manic-depressive and this thread offends me.

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 07:44 PM

originally posted by: grainofsand

More women are killed and injured by white heterosexual men in the UK than the other way around though.
That is obvious, and I'm sure its the same in the US.

You got the stats on the UK?

In the US it is about 3% of the whites and Asian populations and 7% of the black population to commit violent crimes. I would bet that it is about the same in the UK too.

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 07:45 PM

originally posted by: Talorc
I am a transsexual Jewish bi-curious manic-depressive and this thread offends me.

Well then you should perhaps consider taking your meds, and go to the Synagogue and get offended by the local Rabbi's non acceptance of your bi curious transgenderism instead then

edit on 8-8-2015 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 08:33 PM
Eh, as a black male, I get it. It's twisted, the way folks think.

See, the Alpha dog is always, always a target. The white guy has inflicted a lot of pain and misery, no question. But make no mistake, they are STILL the Alpha dog in a lot of very very real ways. It's a bit ironic that white males themselves had to actually create the very systems that might eventually unseat them. I can vote today, in utter reality, because one group of white guys decided another group of white guys should let me vote. Alpha dogs have a bit of self loathing it seems. God help us all if they ever lose that.

So slap long as they allow you to. Just understand the big picture.

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 12:26 AM

originally posted by: Eye4NeyE
How are non whites suppose to respond to all these "boo boo I'm white and a victim" threads? Everyday a new one pops up either bashing BLM or feeling sorry for themselves.....

Depends on the thread, but I run by the 'what an asshole' process.

When a cop shoots an unarmed person of color for driving whilst black ... I say what an asshole.
When a person uses some academic theory they barely understand to announce that only white people are racist ... I say what an asshole.
When some person who hasn't read a science journal in their life says 'lol trans people' ... I say what an asshole.

The degree ass-holery doesn't need to be of the same diameter or circumference, nor do I need them compared to decide their import. Usually a simple spot check is enough, and further action is dictated by the event.

You may borrow my process during the week, but I need it on Saturdays.

P.S ... Alex Jones ... what an asshole.

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 05:46 AM
The stall is hardly explicit in its meaning - it says free slaps for cis white men which surely means that as a white cisgendered man i can get a free slap no?

After all if the sign had said free 'donut' or whatever for white cis's then we would all expect a free donut wouldn't we?

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 07:15 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: grainofsand

More women are killed and injured by white heterosexual men in the UK than the other way around though.
That is obvious, and I'm sure its the same in the US.

You got the stats on the UK?

In the US it is about 3% of the whites and Asian populations and 7% of the black population to commit violent crimes. I would bet that it is about the same in the UK too.

I'm not sure what your 'stats' represent, but here are the figures for the England and Wales from the Crown Prosecution service. Most recent I could quickly find is from 2006 but I can't imagine the situation has changed much in 9 years. Scotland & N.Ireland run their own legal systems and I can't be arsed searching for them to get a UK wide picture:

% of total defendants prosecuted for domestic violence:
85.9% White
6.5% Black
5.3% Asian
1.7% Mixed

Now, here are the same ethnic groups shown as a percentage of the population of England and Wales:
90.9% White
2.3% Black
4.6% Asian
1.3% Mixed

So, looking at that you could suggest that proportionately the black community has a higher rate of domestic violence than the Asian/white/mixed communities (per capita), but my original statement still stands. The vast majority of domestic violence in England & Wales is committed by white males, obviously because it is the largest population.

For that reason I completely understand a campaign focusing on white heterosexual males when they commit 85.9% of all domestic violence in England & Wales.
Disagree with any of that?

Oh, and here is my source Crown Prosecution Service, I would be grateful to see yours as I don't tend to blindly believe unknown folk on the internet.

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