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Pocket sized, Mind Modification device, CIA loves it, uses it a lot

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posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

100% this stuff goes on. Cell towers probably helping to effect mood on a macro scale. Ever seen those days when everyone just wants to kill eachother? Everyone's driving hard and fast racing up to every stop and then pissed cause the light isn't green yet? For sure something is effecting mood and attitude en mass.

I've wondered about solar flares maybe? Turn up the heat on us all so to say? Prolly raise the aggression levels. Cell towers could totally do it too.

My only problems I had with any of the ops posts had to do with him jizzing his commy Putin love juice all over me...
edit on 31-7-2015 by mindseye1609 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 02:14 PM
Oh how to address this....

Perhaps I should just withdraw, however to withdraw is generally not in my character.

Not even sure how to stay on topic. This is obviously some twisted baiting thread huh?

So to be clear, you, a retired "American" dentist, as you have made abundantly clear numerous times, has fallen out of love with America. Ok, got it.

*side note* for the record this is an American owned site with predominantly American/UK/Aussie viewership. That said, most people just assume everyone is American. So by default people will assume you are American. Further, your typical American is smug and self absorbed about their culture that they assume everyone knows they're American. Lastly, if it's that important to advised everyone of your nationality you can add it to your Avatar. All that being said, your statement about your nationality belongs in Skunkworks and seeing how you shared it in your OP makes it on topic.

So because 911 was an "inside job", by default you go and meet some Ruskies. How did we get from this to that pray tell? You brought it up.....also on topic.

If I was NSA snooping around ATS and found some retired dentist pissed off about 911 and than goes off to make some Russian friends, I'd call that lunch.

Honestly though, I think this is just about getting a rise out of the ATS community. Troll away.

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

People lead with their weakness. If someone keeps insisting
that they are American, when it's presumed that they are
American automatically, then one might really wonder.

I had a friend named Uri who was Ukranian some years ago.
He had this unique speech pattern, where he omitted the
word 'the' strangely. If you see someone doing that,
even in writing, I'd bet that English isn't their original
language. (eye roll).


posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: mindseye1609
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

I've wondered about solar flares maybe? Turn up the heat on us all so to say? Prolly raise the aggression levels. Cell towers could totally do it too.

Or maybe there aren't enough hours in that day to make your money, raise your kids, enjoy yourself and sleep. Worry, worry and all that.

Wow, since when did I become the skeptic. Lol

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: Chadwickus

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

O I feel ya I've just caught myself way too many times feeling a bit cloudy and aggressive like some sort of pressure is on and everyone else seems to be cruising right along on those days too, probably just road rage hours after work and whatnot but I've always had my suspicions that there is something that effects our personalities en mass.

To be clear the winning cause in my opinion is solar flare related, but I really have no idea.
edit on 31-7-2015 by mindseye1609 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: mindseye1609
a reply to: Rosinitiate

O I feel ya I've just caught myself way too many times feeling a bit cloudy and aggressive like some sort of pressure is on and everyone else seems to be cruising right along on those days too, probably just road rage hours after work and whatnot but I've always had my suspicions that there is something that effects our personalities en mass.

To be clear the winning cause in my opinion is solar flare related, but I really have no idea.

Or moon. Strong enough to create waves in the ocean, strong enough to create waves in our mind. I feel my manly PMS often.

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 02:48 PM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: Rosinitiate

People lead with their weakness. If someone keeps insisting
that they are American, when it's presumed that they are
American automatically, then one might really wonder.

I had a friend named Uri who was Ukranian some years ago.
He had this unique speech pattern, where he omitted the
word 'the' strangely. If you see someone doing that,
even in writing, I'd bet that English isn't their original
language. (eye roll).


Yeah agreed. I'll just leave it there before I lose 500 cool points.

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 02:51 PM

originally posted by: Rosinitiate

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: Rosinitiate

People lead with their weakness. If someone keeps insisting
that they are American, when it's presumed that they are
American automatically, then one might really wonder.

I had a friend named Uri who was Ukranian some years ago.
He had this unique speech pattern, where he omitted the
word 'the' strangely. If you see someone doing that,
even in writing, I'd bet that English isn't their original
language. (eye roll).


Yeah agreed. I'll just leave it there before I lose 500 cool points.


But you have plenty of cool points with me either way.


posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

Ya for sure the moon just seems to ez lol. I know for a fact the full moon effects crowds I used to be a bouncer at a night club in flint Michigan... Always had 1 or 2 extra guys on full moon nights. It was a point that was brought up in the pre work meeting and everything. "It's a full moon tonight folks be ready!"

Ya know I for some reason forget about the day moons too, that little sucker zips around and all kinds of weird hours, it totally could screw with people during the day, hmmmm ok new order of possibilities.... Moon... Then sun.... Then cell towers lol

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

I would not ruled out taking into consideration that the government has drones as tiny as flies.

Then you could find information like this too,

Technology News Blog

5 real-life weapons straight out of a sci-fi movie

Mind-control gun
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin recently admitted that the country's government created a gun that can put people in a zombie-like state... at least for a short while. Or so we hope. Russia's mind-control gun attacks a target's central nervous system with electromagnetic radiation and is designed to be used for crowd control. While the government's keeping mum about the details, previous studies about the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the brain reveal that one of its possible effects is implanting thoughts and suggestions into a target's mind.

Good thing these scary zombie guns are confined to Russia and have not yet appeared in the United States, right? Well, in 2008, a U.S. company called Sierra Nevada Corporation announced that it was going to start producing the Medusa ray gun — a weapon that uses rapid microwave pulses that your brain perceives as extremely annoying sounds.

This makes the fact or fiction hard to separate.

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 04:34 PM
Gee if they could do THAT then what could they do with CELLPHONE signals?

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: cavtrooper7

That brings the issue of how addictive cell phones are.

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 04:49 PM

originally posted by: justQ

For the record, when I saw the thread title I thought you were talking about a cell phone

edit on 31-7-2015 by aorAki because: redacted

edit on 31-7-2015 by aorAki because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: marg6043

I don't have one they aggrrivate me.

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: cavtrooper7

I have one, but the only reason I have it is because my daughter thought that I needed to be brought to the 21 century and she pays for it.

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: marg6043

I don't NEED to be in contact 24/7 with the rest of the planet,I DON'T go anywhere so I only use a landline.

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 09:36 AM
I don't really have anything exciting to add to this thread aside from the fact that the part of the title, "CIA loves it, uses it a lot" made me laugh.

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: justQ
You better hold onto your seats for this one. You will once again be reminded why you come to ATS

I myself have been pro Russia for the last 5 years, it all started with realization that 9/11 was inside job. Little by little I turned against not only US government but began to be disgusted with average American apathy. Final nail in the coffin was creation of ISIS from "Free Syrian Army"

Because of that I started to hang out with Russian immigrants, I find them to be somewhat refreshing

This one guy I know (ex cop) told me of an old KGB trick back in the Soviet days to use RF signals to influence person's mindset locally and cause positive emotions, relaxation, "loosening of tongue" as well as greater cooperation. He told me this is not a mind control device and will certainly not work on someone hell bent on doing their thing.

But it can definitely sway someone who is flirting with cooperation or someone who doesn't have strong feelings either way.

I made a comment how that is pretty damn impressive in a bad way, AND THEN WHAT HE TOLD ME FLOORED ME

He said it was common knowledge back then that this method was stolen from the CIA during the cold war. And that CIA was using it on Russian assets like crazy with very good results.

I asked well what about the person emitting the signals, don't they get hit by these waves too, and he said yes of course but the person who is emitting it knows what the effects are and can mentally ignore it and stay in control. He said after the collapse Soviets stopped using it, but as far as he knows CIA never stopped using it.

So if you are ever talking to some government guy (god forbid you have a handler) and you feel good when you are with them, you just might be zapped to feel this way.

This technology is not only real but extraordinarily effective
I have had personal experience with similar technology and when I tried to broach the most damning of truths for which I have incontrovertible evidence I was dispatched with militant truth suppressors resorting to the vilest of personal attacks to the extent of travesty to eliminate my well-vetted perspective from consideration. They rely on myths that psychiatry has propagated to indemnify themselves of anything but some concerted ramblings against their monolithic position that underhanded tactics are good for utility's sake and therefore fair game.

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