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Exclusive!! Samuel DuBose Shooting! Second Police officer's body cam angle.Caught Lying SMOKING GUN

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+20 more 
posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 03:59 PM
The police department keeps shooting themselves in the foot.
Think abut it, if they did not have Anything ON THIS
cop, the one who shot Dubose, do you actually
think they would give up one of their own??
Hell no.

Officer Kidd, whose body cam video shows him running over to the shooting scene, also said he saw Tensing being dragged by DuBose.

"He was dragging me," Tensing said to Kidd.

"Yeah I saw that," Kidd responded.

In the official incident report on the shooting, Officer Eric Wiebel writes that Kidd said he saw DuBose's car drag Tensing.

"Officer Kidd told me that he witnessed the Honda Accord drag Officer Tensing, and that he witnessed Officer Tensing fire a single shot," Wiebel wrote.

Video released from Tensing's own bodycam showed that he was not actually dragged by the car. Tensing was charged with murder Wednesday. He pleaded not guilty Thursday morning and is being held on $1 million bond.

The cops are lying ALL OVER the place. Tensing does not get dragged one iota!!!

These pigs disgust me when they cover up, and lie for each other.

This deserves its own thread AWAY from the old ones outdated and already made.
This is ALL NEW VIDEO and information to be dissected by the ATS collective..
Analyzing this video alone in of itself, is a new break in the mystery.
Have at it guys!!!
The cops were trying to stick up for their buddy,
their a bunch of lying, cheating, scumbags...

edit on 30-7-2015 by starfoxxx because: (no reason given)

+18 more 
posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 04:19 PM
The one common factor in all the incidents? People not STFU and resisting arrest. You have to have a low digit IQ if you think mouthing off, talking back, and being aggressive with a cop is going to end well for you.

These events are tragic but at the end of the day, none of it would have happened had the guy / gal just STFU. You have to know when to pick your battles.

I'm a black male so I understand what it is like to feel as if you are being targeted. However, my dad was a cop and he taught me earlier on to just STFU EVEN IF YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE RIGHT AND THE COP IS WRONG.

What you numbnuts don't seem to get is that police are already on edge. They have no idea who you are when they pull you over. They don't know if you are Sunday school teacher or if you got a body in the trunk. All they want is to do their job and get home to their families that night. When you start copping an attitude, you are escalating a situation with a person who is already on edge.

No one is arguing that police are always right. But I am getting sick of all this Monday morning quarterbacking. It only takes a split second for what could have been a simple traffic stop to a cop being killed by not paying attention. Go look up the videos with cops getting blasted after pulling someone over.

THere was a cop killed a few weeks ago. Pulled a car over and got blasted before he even got to the window of the car.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: starfoxxx

It will be interesting to see how Tensing's department will craft the storyline. The video will not corroborate statements by Tensing and Kidd, and public outcry will seal the deal. In an us vs. them mentality, the us part looses cohesion in the face of termination and possible prosecution. Look for Kidd to retract of alter his version of the events as this steamrolls.

Of the recent fatal interactions caught on video, this has the earmarks of a powder-keg ala Rodney King.

+24 more 
posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

i have always known to be polite and courteous w cops and 99 percent of the time they will be polite and courteous back..but cops should not fly off the handle w trigger fingers every time someone is not cooperative, they need to have a higher degree of professionalism and restraint.

+8 more 
posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: conspiracy nut

I've been pulled over numerous times. Even if I think it is BS, I basically just do the Yes, Sir & No, Sir routine. Not once have I ever had a problem.

There are millions of traffic stops that go on every year and only a handful end up with someone being killed. These incidents are in no way an epidemic.

I live near one of the worst third world sh*t holes in the country, the westside of Chicago where black folks kill blacks folk everyday for sport. Dozens shot every week. Most teenagers. Some 400 will die by the end of this year. This is ONE CITY. Yet, these BlackLiveMatter buffoons are no where to be found. Yet let a white cop shoot a black guy and you'd think the Klan was lynching in the town square.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

S & F

I think you summed up the psychology of a cops life. These people are on the front line, and have a mindset to survive. Many will do the boring easy cases but just the thought of one kicking off has got to put you on edge. If I was a cop in the current climate I would be very on edge and one wrong incident could escalate in to something big.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 04:56 PM
Time for Obama's special committee to intervene.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 05:03 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Time for Obama's special committee to intervene.

I can't believe the FLAGS are not half staff by now!!!

This certainly trumps the 5 service men getting murdered.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 05:10 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated

No one is arguing that police are always right. But I am getting sick of all this Monday morning quarterbacking. It only takes a split second for what could have been a simple traffic stop to a cop being killed by not paying attention. Go look up the videos with cops getting blasted after pulling someone over.

THere was a cop killed a few weeks ago. Pulled a car over and got blasted before he even got to the window of the car.

That is not what this thread is about... I understand a cops job is dangerous.

They still have no right sticking a barrel of a gun to the temple of a unarmed black man, pulling the triggers, because
you decided not to stay stopped.

+20 more 
posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

The guy told the officer that we would ID himself!

It was the cop that decided that he wanted to escalate the situation.

The guy was cooperating.

Absolutely stand up for your rights.

So tired of this line of thought.
edit on thThu, 30 Jul 2015 17:34:12 -0500America/Chicago720151280 by Sremmos80 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: starfoxxx

originally posted by: Edumakated

No one is arguing that police are always right. But I am getting sick of all this Monday morning quarterbacking. It only takes a split second for what could have been a simple traffic stop to a cop being killed by not paying attention. Go look up the videos with cops getting blasted after pulling someone over.

THere was a cop killed a few weeks ago. Pulled a car over and got blasted before he even got to the window of the car.

That is not what this thread is about... I understand a cops job is dangerous.

They still have no right sticking a barrel of a gun to the temple of a unarmed black man, pulling the triggers, because
you decided not to stay stopped.

The have every right to do it if your actions could be interpreted to be threatening the cops life. I'll have to search for it, but there was a video I saw not too long ago where a driver decided to drive off with the cop still at the window and the cop was dragged for quite a distance. He was able to break free. Had he managed to shoot the guy in the process, I wouldn't have lost one bit of sleep over it.

People make choices. Sometimes those choices are wrong and end badly. Again, mouthing off and deciding to flee is not going to end well. It never does.

I've never argued that all cops are saints. However, I believe in personal responsibility and at the end of the day, the "victims" in all these instances clearly instigated the situation and ultimately caused their own demise. Now we can argue till the cows come home as to what is appropriate force by police but I think most rational thinkers understand that police are under tremendous pressure and so it does not surprise me when a split second decision has to be made that sometimes it is not the right one for the circumstance.

When you decide to mouth off and flee at that point, you've essentially taken your life into your own hands. It may just end with you getting caught and thrown in jail or it could end with you being shot. You just won't know and that is the risk you take when you play that game.

+11 more 
posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

No the problem is that these cops arent professional enough to handle civilians mouthing off. There is nothing illegal about it. Cops deal with people all day, it's gonna happen. No need to kill someone over it.

+9 more 
posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

It may just end with you getting caught and thrown in jail or it could end with you being shot.

And the constitutionalist are silent about it.

I guess they don't care that we have the right to a punishment that fits the crime.

Does death fit the crime of fleeing?

+13 more 
posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 05:34 PM
Is it not odd that the military is NOT allowed to point a loaded gun at someone unless they are going to shoot them?

The Police point guns at you just to scare you.!!!

ISIL and the Taliban get more respect than Civilian US citizens..

Think about that for a Moment!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: Edumakated

The guy told the officer that we would ID himself!

It was the cop that decided that he want to escalate the situation.

The guy was cooperating.

Absolutely stand up for your rights.

So tired of this line of thought.

Officer Doofus "Kidd" is so full of crap saying his partner in crime Officer Doofus was getting
drug and tugged underneath the victims car...

You can see from the first video the pig didn't get dragged one bit underneath Duboses
car, or was he at risk of that happening...

IN the second video now, it is obvious the officers are Lying...
edit on 30-7-2015 by starfoxxx because: (no reason given)

+3 more 
posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 05:42 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated
The one common factor in all the incidents? People not STFU and resisting arrest. You have to have a low digit IQ if you think mouthing off, talking back, and being aggressive with a cop is going to end well for you.

These events are tragic but at the end of the day, none of it would have happened had the guy / gal just STFU. You have to know when to pick your battles.

I'm a black male so I understand what it is like to feel as if you are being targeted. However, my dad was a cop and he taught me earlier on to just STFU EVEN IF YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE RIGHT AND THE COP IS WRONG.

What you numbnuts don't seem to get is that police are already on edge. They have no idea who you are when they pull you over. They don't know if you are Sunday school teacher or if you got a body in the trunk. All they want is to do their job and get home to their families that night. When you start copping an attitude, you are escalating a situation with a person who is already on edge.

No one is arguing that police are always right. But I am getting sick of all this Monday morning quarterbacking. It only takes a split second for what could have been a simple traffic stop to a cop being killed by not paying attention. Go look up the videos with cops getting blasted after pulling someone over.

THere was a cop killed a few weeks ago. Pulled a car over and got blasted before he even got to the window of the car.

Doesnt take a numbnut to realize you have incredible bias as your dad is a cop. I think most can agree a polite citizen during a traffic stop goes a looong way.


Ive never seen a cop get killed by words from someones mouth...whether they're polite, defensive, I-know-my-rights, impolite or loud words. You're free to defend cops in general, but this incident is cut and dry. There was no violent reaction by Dubose. There was no verbal attack made by Dubose. There was no felony committed by Dubose. There was no weapon on Dubose. There was no physical threat Dubose made toward Tensing.

THIS murder never should've happened. If you want to blame Dubose for being shot in the head by a cop, fine, but you'd fit right in with us numbnuts.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: Edumakated
I think you have to have a low digit IQ to take a job dealing with a public, knowing you'll see the public at its worst and expect this same public to be polite and respectful.

My parents taught me manners I don't deem everyone worthy of them. I'm also not being paid to interact withthe public. If you can't interact with the public appropriately get a different job.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: starfoxxx
Actually I think that in a round about way, this thread is about people shooting the police. When people are scared the police are going to hurt them and not help them or be a simple interaction, there may be some that take offense instead of defense.

+10 more 
posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 06:17 PM
Sometimes when I read the, unreal.
Did the OP just skip right past some of you?
Did you hear the wanna be cop lying to the officers about Tensing being dragged?
Did you see Tensing chase down the car as if the man really drove off? He knows he just shot the man in the head ffs can we stay on point here.
The guy in car DID NOTHING to deserve being shot in the head and murdered, he didn't even have time to respond or resist for that matter. Bottom f****** line!

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 06:17 PM

originally posted by: six67seven

originally posted by: Edumakated
The one common factor in all the incidents? People not STFU and resisting arrest. You have to have a low digit IQ if you think mouthing off, talking back, and being aggressive with a cop is going to end well for you.

These events are tragic but at the end of the day, none of it would have happened had the guy / gal just STFU. You have to know when to pick your battles.

I'm a black male so I understand what it is like to feel as if you are being targeted. However, my dad was a cop and he taught me earlier on to just STFU EVEN IF YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE RIGHT AND THE COP IS WRONG.

What you numbnuts don't seem to get is that police are already on edge. They have no idea who you are when they pull you over. They don't know if you are Sunday school teacher or if you got a body in the trunk. All they want is to do their job and get home to their families that night. When you start copping an attitude, you are escalating a situation with a person who is already on edge.

No one is arguing that police are always right. But I am getting sick of all this Monday morning quarterbacking. It only takes a split second for what could have been a simple traffic stop to a cop being killed by not paying attention. Go look up the videos with cops getting blasted after pulling someone over.

THere was a cop killed a few weeks ago. Pulled a car over and got blasted before he even got to the window of the car.

Doesnt take a numbnut to realize you have incredible bias as your dad is a cop. I think most can agree a polite citizen during a traffic stop goes a looong way.


Ive never seen a cop get killed by words from someones mouth...whether they're polite, defensive, I-know-my-rights, impolite or loud words. You're free to defend cops in general, but this incident is cut and dry. There was no violent reaction by Dubose. There was no verbal attack made by Dubose. There was no felony committed by Dubose. There was no weapon on Dubose. There was no physical threat Dubose made toward Tensing.

THIS murder never should've happened. If you want to blame Dubose for being shot in the head by a cop, fine, but you'd fit right in with us numbnuts.

He wasn't killed for mouthing off, he was killed while attempting to drive off in a car Big F'n difference. Please put up a video where a cop blatantly blows someone away who was just "mouthing off". Now in the process of mouthing off and the cop decides to arrest them and they physically resist, they aren't being shot for "mouthing off". They are being shot because in the course of the resistance, the cop may have believed their life was in danger. Logic can go a long way in helping you see the big picture.

Things happen in a split second. People's perception of what happened can be clouded because things happen so fast. The cop may well have though he was being dragged when he wasn't. The cop has to decide in a split second is my life about to end or can I back off? None of you want to be in that situation.

Until all facts come out, I will reserve judgment.

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